Chapter 27

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Ashley woke up to sunlight shining through the window and Jenny squealing in the playpen.
"You want to check on her or me?" Colby mumbled sleepily.
"I've got her. Go have some breakfast." Ashley answered.
Colby stretched before leaving for the kitchen.
"Morning Jenny! How are you sleeping?" he said, kneeling down in front of the crib.
The toddler babbled happily, clutching the doll she had found yesterday.

"Let's get some breakfast, baby." Ashley cooed, lifting Jenny out of the playpen.

Maggie had made biscuits with sausage gravy and oatmeal. A jar of golden honey sat on the table, and Ashley drizzled it on a biscuit,  placing it carefully into Jenny's open mouth. The little girl immediately started to gurgle, smiling brightly.
"Good morning, Ash." Maggie greeted. "Good morning, Colby. Get some breakfast in you. You two had a nice rest, did you?"
"Yep," Ashley replied, eating a forkful of biscuits and gravy. It tasted delicious. Colby spoon-fed Jenny some oatmeal, and she ate it quickly, reaching for another biscuit.

"Maggie, is it ok if I clean our laundry and blankets? Jenny needs clean diapers too."

"Of course! You can boil the diapers on the fireplace and dry them on the window. Use what you need."
"Thank you."
They washed their dishes together and Colby sat with Bear with the map.
"We're headed to Crystal Falls National Park. Do you know how many people are there? It's a big area."

"My sons and a group go up there occasionally to hunt. There's plenty of cabins in the old campgrounds and even a few along trails for lost hikers. Any deeper into the woods is unclear; I'm sure a few people holed up in there." Bear explained.

"Great. That's great." Colby replied, glancing up and seeing Ashley watching them intently. "Is something wrong?"
"We'll be going through the wilderness! What if we get lost and run out of food, or run into zombies or raiders?"
"We'll stick to the trails. Maybe we'll find a group of people to travel with.  Don't worry," Colby promised, brushing his thumb against the side of Ashley's cheek, giving her a reassuring smile, "we've been to a forest before."
"Right." Ashley nodded hesitantly, taking a sip of apple juice before standing up. Colby sighed, pulling a tattered photo out of his shirt. It was of his family just before the outbreak. It was one of the few things he could take off his father's body. He pointed to his brother.

"Have you seen anyone looking like this....he'd be older though. This is my mom and my younger sister. Have you seen anyone looking like them?" he asked.
"No...." she shook her head, "there were so few survivors after the initial infection that there must not have been any survivors left to begin with..."
Ashley looked at the photo, tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh, Colby...I'm sorry..."
Colby shook his head; he wasn't giving up. Ashley could see the determination in his eyes.

Jenny crawled down, crawling towards Ashley with her doll. Ashley picked her up, bouncing her slightly.
Jenny giggled, staring at the toy in Ashley's hands.
"You think she likes that?" Colby asked eagerly.
"Made that for my granddaughter!" Maggie answered,  walking up to join them at the table.
"She's adorable!" Ashley laughed, handing her the doll. Jenny reached her arms toward the other woman, smiling widely, her tiny mouth stretching across her entire face.
Maggie smiled as she looked at Jenny. "Can I hold her?"
"Of course!" Ashley answered, letting her hold the baby. They sat in front of the fireplace, Ashley reading a book about forest animals.

After a while, Colby looked out the window. He put the picture of his family away and unloaded his and Ashley's packs, taking stock of the supplies they'd need for the road ahead.
Jenny was starting to tire out, so Ashley rocked her gently until she fell asleep.
"You kids are doing a great job taking care of her under the circumstances," Maggie commented. "No matter what, survive for each other."

Ashley smiled weakly, nodding slowly. It scared her at the possibility of losing Colby.
What if he gets hurt? What if the virus spreads again? What if we don't make it? Oh god. I can't lose him now. Not when...
"We will make it, Ashley," Colby said quietly. "I promise you, we'll be ok. We've made it this far already."

She nodded silently. She couldn't lose him now. Not when he was right here beside her. She could feel his fingers intertwined with hers. She smiled softly, squeezing his hand tightly. She couldn't imagine being without him; life without him would destroy her. He was everything to her.

The day was getting on. Maggie cooked and volunteered to mend their torn clothes. They sat quietly talking, sipping tea, and enjoying the silence.
Eventually, the rain stopped.

It was late when they all went to bed.
Ashley lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. Her mind raced, replaying their conversation from earlier in the day.
"Hey, Colby?" she whispered.
"Yeah?" he murmured sleepily.
"I know this is scary, but we'll get through this. "
"I don't doubt you."
"I love you. So much. Please be careful."
He wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing gentle kisses to her neck and forehead. "I will," he muttered. "Get some sleep, Ash."

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