Chapter 32

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The campsite Colby and his family had stayed in before the outbreak was beautiful, full of wildflowers and grass. Colby and Ashley had found a spot underneath a large tree near one of the lakeshore.
"Come sit under here with me," Colby suggested, patting the space beside him. She sat down, pulling Jenny close and wrapping her in blankets to cover her.
"My dad, brother and I would fish on the bank of the stream. There used to be a cabin where we'd stay. Zach made a lean-to for Kelly to play. There we'd eat at the picnic tables. We'd spend hours exploring the forest until we grew tired and headed back to the campground." Colby told Ashley.
"You and your brother must have been close." She said, noticing that he had tears in his eyes.
Colby smiled at his bittersweet memories. They were from another lifetime ago now; before the world fell apart. Before his world exploded in flames. "Yeah, I mean I loved him. But he was so protective. My dad had wanted him to be a soldier like him; if anyone could survive, it would be Zach." Colby got up and walked along the riverbank, picking up stones. He stacked them up, making a small cairn. It was going to be his family's gravestone.
"It will look nice, won't it?" Colby said as he sat down in front of the marker.
"Yes, it will," she replied, getting up from her sitting position and kneeling beside him, leaning against him and resting her head on his shoulder.
"You would have liked them," Colby said. "Dad was amazing. He taught me everything I know, and even though he was gone, it was like he was still here."
A tear dripped down the side of Colby's face. It landed on the marker. Jenny toddled to the cairn, picked up a stone, and kissed it.
"She knows this is a special place at least," Ashley said, picking the baby up.
"Yeah," he said as he wiped his cheek with the back of his hand, sniffing and looking at the marker. A couple of seconds passed, and then Colby suddenly burst out crying, his body wracking with pain. Ashley jumped,  a little surprised. She quickly stood up and wrapped her arm around his waist.
"Let it out,'s okay. Let it all out."
Colby sobbed, burying his face in her breast, clutching onto her tightly. Jenny looked worried, tugging on Ashley's coat. Ashley smiled and kissed her forehead before kissing Colby again. "Shh, honey, shh. Your daddy's okay."

When his anguish subsided, Colby wiped his eyes. He turned towards Ashley, his face twisted in guilt and sadness. Jenny put her arms out, and Colby's face softened as he wrapped her in his arms.
"Let's get moving. We can make camp before dark," Colby said hoarsely, holding his daughter close.
Ashley nodded and took Colby's hand. She pulled him away from the cairn, walking slowly with Jenny between them.
"Thank you, Ash, thank you," he muttered repeatedly, not able to stop himself.
"Of course. Now let's keep moving before it gets dark," she said gently.
"Okay," Colby said. As if realizing what he said, his face paled a little.
As the sun set, the three walked together, talking about random things that seemed like nothing and everything. The fire started flickering and crackling, the moon rising as they approached the campgrounds.
"Well, at least we won't be staying here alone," Ashley observed, looking at the other tents. The air was warm and pleasant. Jenny was starting to yawn and rub her eyes.
"Do you want to put her down for some sleep before we make camp?" Ashley asked.
Colby nodded. He took the baby from Ashley's arms. He walked over to a spot near the fire and laid her down on her blanket.

The other campers sat around campfires, chatting excitedly. The night sounds of frogs croaking and crickets singing filled the night air. Colby made a lean-to, and the couple lay down beside Jenny. Colby went to the fire, asking around about how safe the trails were.
"Watch yourself! There's factions holed up deep in the woods; no better than raiders!" One man said. "They'll hold you at gunpoint and steal the supplies off your backs!" He glared, looking at Colby.
"No worries," Colby said calmly. "I'm pretty sure my girlfriend here will keep us both safe."
The men laughed.
Ashley grinned at him, wrapping an arm across his chest and kissing his temple.
"There's been stories about women being raped! " another one called out.
"And children disappearing too! It has to be the same gangs we fought earlier. No doubt they are behind this!" a third person spoke up. "Keep your eyes open!"
"Maybe we should try to take a different route," Ashley said, looking at Colby uneasily.
"You can try; it's a no man's land out there. A man sitting by the fire stated.

Colby and Ashley looked at each other, knowing that their journey was only going to get more dangerous from there.

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