Chapter 37

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Shane passed by the cell, handing Ashley something familiar; the knife that Bear had given her. She attached it to her belt, making sure it was hidden by her clothes.

Jenny toddled on the dirt floor of the cell, unaware of the danger. Ashley wondered how she'd keep the sweet baby if they were separated. Jenny would be in danger no matter where she was.
'I'll never let anything happen to her. She's the most important thing in the world to me.' She thought, smiling at Jenny.
When Jenny noticed her mother smiling at her, she giggled. Ashley scooped her into a hug, holding her tight. "You're gonna be okay, baby girl," she promised.
Jenny babbled something incoherent, wrapping her small arms around her neck. Ashley chuckled as the young toddler nuzzled closer to her neck. She stroked the soft hair on Jenny's head gently. They had survived so much already together. She cuddled with Jenny in the pile of ragged blankets and waited, knowing Colby would be out there trying to save them.
The sun started setting, and Zach and Colby grabbed the weapons to exchange for Ashley and Jenny. Their own weapons they kept close.
"You know the plan right? Blake will be with Jack's men when we meet. Shane will stay with Ashley and Jenny to make sure they're they're safe." Zach reminded Colby.
"Yes. I understand." Colby answered tersely.
Zach nodded in acknowledgment, looking up toward the sky nervously. He wasn't entirely sure how their plan was going to go down, nor exactly who he was dealing with.
"Let's stick together when we all meet up back here; we're going to have to run fast, so everyone needs to be in one place at the same time," Zach advised them. They silently agreed and moved quietly outside of the cabin.
Ashley smiled softly as she looked down at Jenny. Jenny's dark blond curls hung loosely around her shoulders. The baby looked very tired, and Ashley wondered if she'd stay quiet during their escape.
"I wish your mother was still with us," Ashley murmured. "I hope you never have to experience that kind of pain again."
Jenny whimpered softly, hugging her arm tightly.
"Don't worry, baby girl. You've got me and Colby as your mom and dad; you're going to grow up so strong and brave, just like your mommy always wanted. You're my special girl." Ashley cooed, rocking the baby soothingly as she continued gazing at her.

She looked back up suddenly, seeing Shane approach. Her pulse quickened.
Shane came to a halt next to her, staring intently at her.
"Is everything alright?" he asked quietly. She looked at him, noticing the dark circles under his eyes, the worry etched deeply into his features.

"Jack is heading out; Blake's with his group. Stay close to me." Shane instructed. He reached into his coat pocket, producing a handgun.
"Thought you could use this." Shane offered, passing it to her.
Ashley took the gun, examining it for a minute before holstering it on her waist.
"We need to get moving soon," Shane added. "Are you ready?"
"I'm...yeah. Let's go." She replied shakily. She scooped Jenny up, holding her close.
"It's gonna be okay Jenny...everything's gonna be okay," Ashley told her, kissing her chubby cheek.

Zach and Colby trudged through the woods, the dark area seeming even more threatening and dangerous than usual.

"Leave it to Jack to have us meet close to where zombies cluster; he won't have to take care of the bodies
at all," Zach grumbled bitterly, scanning the surrounding area.
Colby stopped, grabbing Zach's hand urgently. Zach looked at him questioningly, and Colby pointed ahead to a spot.
Zach peered forward, seeing a figure. It was Jack. He held the shotgun casually. A few men flanked him, Blake among them. Colby knew enough about factions like this; the worst made up of thieves, sadists, and killers. A lawless world was their playground. They thrived off the fear, the pain, the blood.
Colby and Zach watched silently, not wanting to jeopardize the plan.
"Well, well Zach. You came crawling back. And you brought your little brother, too."

"Stick to the agreement, Jack. We give you the stuff I stole, you give us Ashley and the baby."

Jack snorted, looking down at Zach.

"Think it's that simple? I'm sorry boy, but this isn't how it works. I'm doing this because I enjoy doing it and because I like the rush I get from it. But you see, your brother doesn't care for any of that. So I guess you'll have to die."
Jack smirked slightly, walking towards them. Blake raised his gun.

"Jack! Let them go!" Blake yelled. Shane came out of the woods just in time. He fired a shot at Jack, hitting him in the shoulder.
Jack stumbled backward, cursing at the bullet wound. Another appeared on his side. He turned back to Shane, raising the gun.
Before anyone else could react, Zach charged forward, tackling Jack to the ground. Jack pulled the trigger once, just missing Zach's head. With the men subdued, Shane signaled for r the others to follow him.

"Ashley and the baby are safe! They're in a clearing not far from here! Come on! We gotta get to the cabin!" Shane called, leading the way through the trees.

Ashley had Jenny clutched to her with one arm and holding a gun with the other. She called out when she saw Colby. Colby emerged from the shadows, his heart pounding in his chest. He saw Ashley, holding Jenny tightly, her eyes filled with relief and fear all at once. He couldn't help but notice how brave she looked, standing there with a gun in her hand, ready to protect their little family.

Colby rushed to her side, his hand instinctively reaching out to touch her arm. She turned towards him, a mix of emotions crossing her face - joy, worry, and a hint of vulnerability.

"Colby," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of their pounding hearts. "We did it. We're safe."

He couldn't help but smile, his fingers intertwining with hers. "Yeah, we did. We're all safe now."

But even in that moment of victory, Colby couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Jack and his men were subdued for now, but he knew that danger still lurked in the shadows. They couldn't let their guard down just yet.

Shane, his face etched with determination, approached them. "We need to move quickly, if the other faction members aren't looking for us, the zombies most likely are.

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