Chapter 49

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Shane woke up to Kelly shaking him. His hands were tied behind his back, and he could feel dried blood on his face.
"Shane! They found us! We couldn't fight back! There were too many!" Her panicked face filled his vision.
Shane tried to sit up but couldn't get enough leverage to do so.
"What are they going to do to us?" Kelly whimpered.
"I don't know..." Shane muttered, looking around. Zach was bound as well, the pain from his earlier injuries causing him to be unable to move much. Ashley was holding Jenny tightly, as though she could protect the tiny infant from anything.
A man stepped forward, his hand resting lightly on the gun strapped to his hip.
"Get up!" he ordered in a stern voice.
Zach struggled against the ropes binding his wrists and feet, trying to stand, but he couldn't do so.
Shane felt like throwing up. He wasn't able to protect them! He had failed as a leader! He'd failed to keep his family safe!
The remains of the group watched the raiders coming into their room. Their faces were twisted into vicious grins.
One of them reached for Kelly and started untying her.
"Hey! You got me! Give me back my sister!" Zach growled, trying to kick the man away.
A boot slammed into his ribs, knocking the breath from his lungs.
"Shut up! We're in charge now! Get the others back to the compound!" The raid leader shouted, pointing to the two girls who stayed silent.

Ashley held onto Jenny as she and Kelly were dragged out with the surviving travelers. Zach and Shane looked on helplessly as their family was taken away. They were separated, and they would never see each other again. They could no longer hug. They could no longer touch.
Zach broke down, rage burning in his eyes.
"Colby and Ryan are still out there! That fucker is going to kill us! And we won't lose any more people today! We will win! We will end this war!"
Ryan and Colby rushed back to the hideout, seeing the group being marched back to the Governor's compound.
"They have Ashley and the baby! And Kelly! They're gonna kill them!" Ryan cried hysterically.
Colby grabbed Ryan's arm and pulled him to a halt before they burst out of the building.
"They can't do that to our family! Don't worry Ryan, they don't have Shane and Zach! That means they must still be at the hideout!" Colby reassured, giving Ryan's arm a little reassuring squeeze. Ryan looked on in despair and frustration. How could they possibly save their family, but they wouldn't make it out of the city without getting captured?
They could only hope that there was still time. Their hope faded when they saw the guards.
A few guards entered the hideout, the leader at the front.
"Your group is now the property of Governor Neegan...that's me.."
Shane glared up defiantly at the guard who stood before them. He didn't know what he could do anymore. All they could do was wait. The only thing they could do was wait for fate to play out its cruel game.
"The group did nothing wrong! I'm the leader! Take me!" He screamed defiantly, trying to break free of The guards ignored his shouts, grabbing him roughly as one of them lifted him by his shirt collar. The rest followed after the leader, dragging Shane outside to where the others waited. Zach was dragged out beside him, and both of them were forced to their knees.
Neegan grinned evilly.
"Now comes the fun part..." he snarled, walking over to Zach.
"Might as well put you out of your misery." the man chuckled. Even though Zach was injured, he wasn't going out quietly.
"Fuck off!" he spat.
Neegan laughed, kicking Zach in the stomach painfully.
"Oops...I meant you! But I'll take the insult anyway..."
He kicked Zach again, making him cry out in pain and anger.
"Let him go! He's younger! If you're going to kill anyone, kill me instead!" Shane called, but his words fell on deaf ears.
Zach groaned in agony when another hit landed in his gut and then his side once more. It hurt, it hurt so badly, yet he continued to yell, screaming in defiance and fury. He knew that if he made himself too weak, his life was at risk, but he couldn't give up. Then Neegan turned to Shane.
Ryan and Colby saw the torture. And they had to intervene.
They needed to do something.
Neegan turned away from Shane and Zach, looking at his guards.
"I'm heading back to the compound....get rid of these two if you want...they wouldn't last long anyways."
Then he disappeared into the darkness, his footsteps fading into the distance.
The guard looming over Shane threw a punch.

Ryan ran out of the dark.
"Shane!" he screamed.
"Where'd this little shit come from?" the guard sneered contemptuously.
"Don't! You're gonna get killed!" Zach urged frantically.
Ryan was grabbed quickly, held squirming in his captor's grip.
The butt of a rifle slammed into Shane's back, making his entire body quake violently in fear as the pain coursed through his battered body. Tears streamed down his face as he collapsed to the ground.
"No!" Ryan screamed.
"You stay right there and don't fucking try anything! You hear me?!" the guard demanded, glaring at Ryan.
"Ryan....Ryan...I'm proud of you, son.... don't be scared!" Shane smiled sadly.
Ryan sobbed loudly, tears streaming down his face. The man he saw as his father was dying, and he couldn't do anything to help. With a painful blow, Shane heard Ryan say the word he hoped to hear him say.
The boy wailed.
"That's right, son! I love you!"
His smile widened as blood spilled out of his mouth and nose. Blood began, covering most of his face and soaking the front of his jacket, which was ripped and dirty.
The guard loomed over Shane, but Shane did all he could to look at Ryan one more time. This was the end. A final tear rolled down Shane's face.
"'s gonna be's gonna be okay.." he whispered hoarsely, closing his eyes and waiting for death to claim him.
A gunshot rang out.

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