Chapter 53

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Author's Note: These chapters featuring Ashley in Neegan's harem feature scenes of sexual abuse/assault. I tried to make it not super-explicit or like a copy of Their Scars.
Ryan crept around the corner, keeping a close eye on the guard stationed outside. 'This is it, buddy! Here goes nothing!' Ryan silently mused.
Ryan crept over to one of the lockers near the entrance. He checked it carefully, looking for weak spots.

"Hey, kid! Stop fiddling around and get with the other kids! You're supposed to be working!" the guard behind him ordered. Ryan turned around and started making his way to the other kids. A few of them remembered him from when he and Colby snuck in the other night and huddled around him.
"You gotta listen to what they say!" one boy whispered. The children prisoners were escorted to a different building, but Ryan had to find Kelly and Ashley first.
As he approached the building, he heard the kids talking.
"What kind of work do we do?" Ryan asked a small boy.
"We clean rooms and scrub floors in the other buildings. The adults cook the food and take care of the animals and vegetables. It works like a regular settlement....only we can never leave and the higher status you are the more food you get."
"Wow...that's tough. So, what's your name?" Ryan asked politely.
"My name is Tyler. And yours?"
"Ryan," Ryan replied proudly as he patted his chest.
"Okay, Ryan. Stick with us and we'll show you how to work." Tyler promised. Ryan smiled and followed Tyler into the building.
Kelly was in the kitchens, chopping vegetables with Jenny sitting on the floor next to her. She had been counting the days since being captured. Each day seemed to pass slower than the one before. She hadn't seen Ashley since the older girl had been sent to Neegan's quarters.
'Is Ashley ok? Is she hurt?' She wondered worriedly as she continued to chop vegetables.
Jenny was starting to look thin and it scared her. She didn't want to think about all the things that could go wrong if she got too skinny. What about Ash? Had she managed to escape already? Or was she still stuck with Neegan? Did she even know what happened to Ryan, Colby, or the others? She didn't know....she knew it was too dangerous to try and escape with a baby in tow. Kelly wanted so badly to free herself and find Ashley, but she wasn't strong enough to escape alone and she had no idea where to start.
She looked up, startled as the door banged open loudly.
"Lookie here!" One of the guards yelled. "Three kids just sneaked inside!" He marched the young prisoners into view.
Kelly was frozen in shock...Ryan was here! She tried to turn away so no one would see her reaction. Her mind was telling her to run.
"Was anyone feeding them?! You know the rules about smuggling food! There will be severe repercussions for that crime!" Another man shouted angrily.
"We didn't even know they were in here!" A woman in the work group protested.
The guards stormed around the room searching for anything unusual while the children stood motionless, staring at the ground, unable to move or speak.
"You three! No food for the rest of the day! Be happy it's just you and not the rest of the group! Clean the rest of the cells now!"
All eyes fell onto Ryan and the other kids.
The guards left, and Ryan shuffled past Kelly, whispering so only she could hear.
"Zach, Shane, and Colby are okay! They're all fine!" He smiled reassuringly.
Relief washed over her; she'd been worried sick about them ever since the guards had taken them.
She couldn't answer him for fear of attracting attention, so she nodded her head and turned away.
Ashley stood in Neegan's bedroom, sweat dripping down her face. Her hands were shaking, and she wanted nothing more than to run. All she wanted to do was hide somewhere safe, curl up in a ball, and cry her eyes out. But there was nowhere she wanted to go, she had nowhere to go and she couldn't risk losing control.
There was a knock at the door and she jumped slightly as it opened. She held her breath as the voice came.
"Well well, little miss. Glad I picked you out. You're too pretty to be working with that filthy crew."
"Go away, Neegan," she said softly.
"Oh, you know my should know that's not allowed," Neegan told her. "Come on, give old Neegan a hug...." He stepped inside the room and wrapped his arms around her.
'Just kill me!'
"Now, let Daddy get a good look at you. Your skin is so smooth..." He trailed off as he stared down at her body. "What's wrong, huh...isn't daddy the best person in the world? Daddy loves you so much, sweetheart....why wouldn't you trust your daddy?" He began running his hand along her arms.
Ashley pulled away violently.
"Now, princess, you better behave. Take off your clothes." He commanded.
"No!" Ashley screamed, backing into the corner. She pressed herself against the wall and slid to the floor as she felt tears running down her cheeks.
Neegan grabbed her arm forcefully and yanked her to her feet, throwing her onto the bed.
Colby had his eyes glued to the building they had deduced was Neegan's quarters. The thought of Ashley in there made him feel cold. He wished he could be by her side and hold her in his arms...He wished he could protect her from everything evil....she was his wife! And was Jenny, his baby girl, safe? Was Kelly and Ryan ok?
The thought of their safety caused him to tighten his grip on his gun and wished he could break in right then. The thought of someone taking his girls again made him mad. He needed to find them! He needed to save them! The idea of something happening to either one of them sent chills running up his spine and he could feel his blood pressure rising. It was becoming hard to breathe. Everything seemed to blur and slow down in his vision.

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