Chapter 61

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Neegan listened to his spy's report silently, giving the illusion that he was calm and composed.
"So, are you saying that there's a possibility of an elaborate escape?"
"It sounds probable; we have weapons missing, and prisoners acting secretive. Should we start interrogation?"
"No...I have a better idea; catch someone in the act! Then we have them punished in front of everyone; should discourage any ideas of wanting to escape. How long has it been since we had a public execution?" Neegan asked rhetorically.
"I think it's been a while...."
"Good. Keep your eyes peeled for anyone stealing weapons! Try to find the stash, too!"
"Understood. Have a pleasant evening Mr. Neegan."
Neegan chuckled softly. "You, too, pal. You'll be rewarded for this!"
Mentally Neegan was thinking about how an escape plan would even work; he ran this place like a war zone! Everyone did their job and he enforced strict punishments for those who disobeyed him.
The new batch of prisoners that Ashley was a part of had to be up to this!   A smile crept across Neegan's face as he pictured the scene. He would give them something to remember, something to talk about. A good flogging was always entertaining. Neegan couldn't wait to see it unfold.
Ryan was searching around outside the building. He and Tyler had gotten good at sneaking around, using the shadows and bushes surrounding the building. However, they also had to pay attention to anything that was happening outside the fence because he had a hunch that Colby or Shane might show up unexpectedly.
Ryan crouched down behind some bushes as he caught sight of movement. Shane!
"Dad!" Ryan whispered. "Over here!"
Shane stopped in his tracks. He hadn't heard Ryan calling to him before. He cautiously made his way over to where Ryan was hiding.
"Hey son, what are you doing here? Where's the weapons stash?" he questioned.
"We've got a bad feeling about this place Dad. You know the drill...stay hidden, listen, and watch. We stashed the weapons in the vent in the nursery area....where the moms in the women's cells keep the babies."
If something went wrong and they were outnumbered, it would fail miserably.  Even though he'd already planned their escape route, they had to make sure to come up with contingencies. He had no choice but to trust Ryan on this.
Ashley sat looking out at the prison complex below. Neegan was inside, talking with some of his goons. What are they planning? Ashley wanted to know. Guards were watching the prisoners, keeping an eye on their activities. What was Neegan thinking? The kids wouldn't have been able to overpower a few dozen guards without help. They must have caught wind of something! And she was locked away unable to warn anyone! If only there hadn't been an increase in guards being posted. She could probably get past them and warn the others... She sighed. She just hoped it wouldn't come to that.
Ryan didn't see the guards until it was too late.

He was suddenly surrounded; one of them pushed him into the wall and pressed a gun against his temple.
"Stop struggling, little shit! What are you doing outside this late? Your Momma's gonna be pissed if she finds you wandering alone at night!"
"What did I do!" Ryan demanded furiously.
"Don't lie little boy.... You're getting the same treatment as the others. Come inside now."
Ryan followed the guard obediently back toward the main house. Tyler was sitting handcuffed to the table.
"So you two were both caught sneaking around after you should have been locked up! What are you up to?
"  Neegan demanded harshly. "Where is the stash?"
"I swear we weren't trying to steal anything!" Ryan replied quickly, trying to come up with a lie they'd believe.
"Then, what were you guys up to?" Neegan snapped angrily. "Come've been seen. I have a few questions for you two before I execute you."
Tyler gulped nervously.
"Fuck off!" Ryan cried. "I won't tell you anything!!"
"That's what I let's go!" Neegan ordered.
The guards started to drag them away.
"Hey! No you fucking bastard!! I'll never tell you anything!" Ryan screamed at Neegan defiantly.
"Don't worry, kid...I won't hurt you...I'll do it to your little friend instead!"
Before Ryan could react the guard struck Tyler across the face causing him to fall limp. Ryan's eyes widened in horror as the other guard punched him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. Ryan fell to his knees gasping for breath.
"Let's go."
Neegan got a blowtorch out and lit it, heated a metal stick, and walked toward Tyler. Without hesitation, he pressed it to the boy's arm and dragged it slowly downward. Tyler's screams echoed through the entire building as the brand burned down his skin, leaving a deep red mark as his skin blistering in pain.
Ryan felt nauseated and dizzy, as he watched. Tyler's body jerked uncontrollably in agony. The guards grabbed him by the arms and threw him roughly onto the ground.
"Gonna talk now?" Neegan asked menacingly.
"Nuh uh...fuck you...fuck this place, fuck you and your can kill me...but not this family....don't you touch us, you motherfucker! Don't ever take our family!" Tyler snarled.
"Yeah well, we're done taking orders."
Ryan watched as Neegan reached down and grabbed a hold of Tyler's hair, yanking the younger male upward. Tyler screamed again in agony, the sound echoing in the large room. As Tyler's scream faded, Ryan felt a mixture of rage and helplessness consume him; Tyler was so close to dying because of his stupidity and disobedience.
Neegan held Ryan up by his hair as he looked down at him coldly; his gaze filled with anger as he glared into his blue eyes. "Are you ready to talk to me now?!" he spat angrily.
"Yes, I will..." Ryan said, his voice thin. "But first you need to let go of my hair."
Neegan hesitated slightly but then released his grip. Ryan stumbled backward and rubbed his head gingerly; it still ached from the impact he had on the cement ground. His vision started to blur due to the blood loss.
"Why? So that you can break free?!" Neegan yelled.
"Please don't hurt him anymore; just leave him alone!" Ryan begged in an injured tone. "We're tired of all of this! Just stop it right now and we'll tell you everything."
Neegan sneered.
"I thought I could get out...but, I guess you're smarter than I thought, you piece of crap..." Ryan snapped at Neegan
Tyler stared in disbelief at Ryan; his head was throbbing badly.
"Well, what are you waiting for!? Get on the floor!"
Tyler complied reluctantly.
"Now tell me where the weapons are!!"
"All of them? That's it?" Ryan sneered. He was rewarded with a kick to the ribs.  "No...not all! Only five! But that's all that I know..."
Neegan kicked Tyler on the head as hard as he could. "Tell me!"
"I promise... I told you everything! Just stop kicking the crap out of us!"
Neegan paused. He didn't know Ryan had told him the wrong location, or of the multiple caches. He had expected more.
"I'll ask you one more time, asshole...tell me where the fucking weapons are!"
"There's another cache, in the back garden! But the guards will catch us if we try to grab them! Please! Stop! Let him go!" Ryan pleaded.
A guard stepped forward and dragged Tyler to his feet.
"Put them in the cells. We'll punish them appropriately tomorrow." Neegan said coldly. Ryan and Tyler looked at each other,  pleading silently as they tried to figure out a way out of this mess. It seemed hopeless.

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