Chapter 67

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Colby and Ashley sat in their new home in Jackson, watching Jenny play in the yard. They only had been staying there a few days, and Colby noticed that Ashley was starting to relax and look happier again.
He watched Jenny play for a short time before sighing loudly.
"What's wrong?" Ashley asked, tilting her head.
"Just thinking.. long it was gonna take...for things to get better." He admitted. Ashley gave him a small smile.
" you still love me even after what Neegan did to me?" Ashley asked softly. Colby stared at her for a little bit, thinking before nodding.
"Of course I do. More than anything. Even though we've been through hell, I still care about you. I always will." Colby assured her quietly.
"Are you excited about having another baby now that we have a home?" Ash asked, sounding hopeful.
"Yeah...I am. feels know that we have another baby on the way. Like I can't wait for that baby to come. I want to see Jenny grow up to be just like you! We'll have a great family."
Two houses down, Shane was getting used to sharing a house with a woman. Ryan and Tyler shared a bedroom, excited to be in a home. Bethany had offered to stay in a spare room, but Shane insisted she take the master bedroom. Shane figured it would be easier to give her some privacy since they weren't a couple and she wasn't used to being alone.
It took a while for everyone to settle in, but eventually, the people got used to living together. Now, most people were just happy that they were safe.
One thing hadn't changed though, and that they had become a family that beat the odds.

Neegan's children had been reunited with their respective mothers, and there was hope that they'd adjust to a normal life. Though they may not always be together, they knew they were siblings. For now, it seemed like everything was finally okay. At least for the moment.
Ryan lay awake listening to a story that Bethany was telling; he couldn't remember exactly what the story was about, but he wanted something he had missed out on.
"Beth? Are you gonna marry my dad?" He asked quietly.
"Only if he asks me, sweetie," Bethany responded quietly. "But your father isn't a big talker, so he might not ask me right away."
"That doesn't matter...I like talking to you. You're fun to talk to."
"Thanks. Now, get some sleep. Your dad wants to start the day early."
"Mm-hmm," Ryan replied yawning, rolling over and closing his eyes. He fell asleep to the gentle sounds of Beth's voice lulling him to sleep as she continued her story, just as he remembered it from the night before.
Colby went into the bedroom, finding Ashley curled up on the bed. Seeing her sleeping peacefully calmed Colby, and he slowly eased himself onto the bed, wrapping an arm around her waist. He leaned close to her, kissing her head softly. He felt her stiffen and remembered all of the disgusting things Neegan had done to her.
Colby sighed deeply, running a hand through her hair.
"'s going to be tough, but we'll get through this...together. I swear it." Colby mumbled.
As he fell asleep, he hoped she believed him. He placed his hand on her swollen stomach, feeling a kick against his palm gently as he slept.
Shane came home from working all day helping take care of the settlement's livestock. He had an old feed bag held carefully in his arms.
"Ryan! Tyler! I have a surprise for you!" Shane announced as he entered their house.
"Whatcha got? What is it?"
"Well, see for yourself," Shane answered. He walked up to them.
Ryan looked in the bag, pulling out a puppy. A little brown ball of fluff with big brown eyes and floppy ears. Tyler let out a gasp and reached forward.
"Oh's so cute..!"
"Isn't it?" Shane asked. "I know you miss Stanley, so I thought you'd like a new dog."
"Really?! A dog?! That's awesome!" Tyler exclaimed.
"We'll have him sleep in your bedroom. We'll have to train him and we'll set up a pen in the backyard. You boys sure you can be responsible enough to take care of him?" Shane asked.
Ryan and Tyler agreed without a second thought. The puppy wagged its tail and barked happily at them.
"Well, he's going to need a name," Shane said as he scratched the puppy's belly.
Tyler gasped, grinning. "How about Lucky?"
"Lucky? Sounds good to me." Ryan commented. The boys took the puppy into the yard to run around.
Shane shook his head fondly before smiling to himself. He heard movement behind him, turning to find Bethany standing in the doorway. He quickly grabbed her shoulders, spinning her around to face him.
"Hey Beth, what's wrong?"
She sighed deeply. "Nothing is wrong. I'm just...wondering..about something. What do you think about us staying together....long-term? I mean...I like being part of the family."
"What? Of course, you do." Shane smirked. "And I like you too. If that's what you want, then we'll do it. As long as you're comfortable with it." He said softly.
"Thank you..."
He pulled her in, planting a soft kiss on her lips.

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