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Chewing on the end of my pencil, I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone else had finished the surprise vocab test that our psychology teacher blessed us with this afternoon.

To be honest, it wasn't really a surprise, he did say we would be having a test today like 3 weeks ago?

To my dismay, I found that I was indeed the only one who had finished the test.

Scanning my eyes over the room, my eyes met with Zachary's. He pointed towards his paper with his pen with a confused face. With his forehead causing a crease as he mouthed the words 'help me', I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped my lips.

I told him to revise for the test, but did he listen?


He thought that getting high as a kite with Jaden was way more important. They were both going through that phase where they both thought they were the reincarnation of Kurt fucking Cobain.


Mouthing the words 'screw you' back at him, the left side of his mouth turned up into a slight smile.

I rolled my eyes as he wiggled his eyes suggestively.

Turning back towards the front, I was surprised to see that Mr Potter- yes, our psychology teacher is called Mr potter, very funny- wasn't back yet.

He had been gone for the past 15 minutes, searching for Luca Carter. Luca was the kind of guy that skipped classes, started fights for no apparent reason, screw any girl with a tight top and the IQ equivalent to a mushroom.

One thing I can't say is that he's stupid, because that would be a total lie. He's in most of my classes and as I know of, is passing them with flying colours.

Leaning my head down on my desk, i blocked out the small nattering of the people around me. I started to wonder why they didn't just speak up, but remembered Miss Hawk was watching us from her classroom, and to say her last name isn't ironic would be a joke.

"Fuck you!" Perking my head up, I looked around the classroom and saw how I wasn't the only one who had heard the shout from outside.

Everyone began to trip over themselves to rush to the large window that showed the view of the school parking lot.

Pushing myself up from my seat, I parched myself on the window ceil and watched with curious eyes.

"Luca, please calm down and come back inside" Mr Potter seemed to be keeping his calm, but his face said otherwise.

Luca stopped walking and turned around with a bored look on his face. His hands that were once shoved into his grey jacket pockets were out by his side.

"Any calmer and i'd put myself into a fucking coma, Harold" upon seeing harol- I mean Mr potters nostrils flaring, the corners of his mouth turned up in a sadistic way.

"Mr Carter, you need to do this test. I will be forced to tell the principle if you don't." Mr potter held the scrunched up piece of paper - which I'm guessing was done by yours and truly, Luca - and waved it in the air in frustration.

Luca's eyes seemed to scan the grounds of the school and landed on our classroom, it made me feel uneasy the way he looked up at us. He looked like some sort of serial killer before he made his kill, I'm kinda just assuming how one would look as I've never actually met one.

Looking back towards Mr Potter, his lips slightly pouted in disappointment as if he had just remembered where he was.

"I don't need to do fuck all, you can shove the fucking paper up your ass until you're able to taste your own shit for all I care!" Turning back around, he began to stalk off towards his black impala. "And tell the principal to do the same while you're at it, Harold!" He yelled from over his shoulder before clambering into his car.

We all watched as he drove off in a rush, I felt like I had just experienced what having a conversation with Luca Carter was like.


I found myself still staring at the corner of the street Luca had sped around. Why would you make such a big deal over nothing? It was just a test for christ's sake, not the end of the world. Was it the attention, is that it? Because I don't see why else someone would overreact like that.

"Miss Haywood!" Being pulled away from my thoughts, my neck craned to the left to see Mr Potter glaring at me with his hands on his hips. "What do you think you are doing out of your seat?!" His voice seemed to raise the longer I stared up at him in shock.

Pushing myself off of the ceil, I felt the heat start to rush to my face as I saw how everyone had already sat down back at their desks and were acting as if they were concentrating on the test.

Left a homie hanging, really? So I was sitting on the window ceil, staring off into the distance like my cousin Devon after his dad told him he was going to the store to get some milk.

5 years later, and yet still no milk. Poor Devon.

"I was just uh, looking at the bushes" mentally slapping myself, the class began to snigger under their breath. My eyes went straight to Zachary, his teeth gripped onto his lip to stop himself from laughing, it still didn't stop the smirk on his lips.


"You were looking at the bushes?" Mr potter spoke slowly as if he was trying to figure out if I was purposely trying to sound stupid.

Scratching the back of my neck, I searched around the room for any help from my fellow classmates, or should I say SELL OUTS.

With my eyes landing on Zachary, he tried helping me by playing charades. Shaking his head, he started to point to the window and then to me.

"No! I mean I was sitting by the window because-" flickering my eyes back over to Zachary, he slapped both hands to the side of his face and then held a hand over his mouth with a fear stricken expression. "Because I was, I was um afraid?"

Zachary gave me a thumbs up before pointing to Mr Potter and then pretending to punch himself in the face.

My potter looked at me curiously as I tried to puzzle together Zachary's shit instructions.

"Afraid that you'd punch yourself in the face?" Attention was drawn to Zachary as he slapped his hands over his face. "I mean afraid that Luca was going to punch you in the face" struggling a wide smile, I saw how Mr Potters curious eyes scanned my face for a few seconds before the bell had rang.

"Class dismissed...." He said still looking at me. "Apart from you Blair, we need to have a chat" ah shite, I've really dropped myself in it this time.

The sweat on my brow began to build as the classroom began to get smaller and smaller. I felt Zachary's eyes on me as he filed out with Crimson tightly clinging onto his arm.

Once everyone had gone, I didn't know whether I should sit or stand there gawking at my teacher like an idiot.

"You can relax Blair, you're not in trouble." Breathing out a sigh of relief, we both began to chuckle until I felt like it was getting to that creepy stage.

"I wanted to speak to you about your college application." Knitting my eyebrows together, I walked closer to my desk as Mr potter walked over to his filing cabinet.

Picking up my bag, I slung it over my back and sat on the corner of my desk.

Since when was Mr Potter ever interested in our college applications, mine in particular?

"Um sure okay, but why?" I asked skeptically. I tried to peak over his shoulder to try to see what exactly he was looking for.

"I see that you are yet to put a dent in your grades Miss Haywood. A's in every single subject, impressive" scratching the tip of my nose, I pursed my lips as he turned around while his nose dug into what I'm assuming was my file.

Pushing his glasses further up his face, he sat down at his desk and carried on reading like he was a middle aged women reading 50 shades of grey at home alone.

It was like I didn't exist.

Clearing my throat, I tried not to look aggravated and forced a polite smile in my face. I'm pretty sure I just looked like I needed more roughage in my system if you know what I mean.

"Oh yes, sorry. Let me just get straight to the point shall I?" Dropping my file, he laced his fingers together into a fist and placed it in front of him. My eyes lingered over his hands before looking back up at his overally nice expression.

Why did I have a bad feeling about this.

"How would you like to make your application look superb and join our very own TTS group?" Cocking an eyebrow, I felt my phone vibrate in my backpocket and had to restrain myself from letting go an annoyed growl.

Why couldn't he just hurry this along? I had placed to be, food to eat, sleep to sleep.

"And that stands for..tasting tasty stuff?...." I said with hope clear in my voice. My phone began to vibrate more and more meaning that Zachary was either growing very impatient or he was in a life or death situation.

His life or death situations normally involve him smoking all of his weed or one of his favourite bands splitting up.

"No? It stands for tutoring troubled students, you're given a student who's struggling in a certain subject to tutor 4 days out of the week." Pushing himself up, he strolled over to the classroom door and held it open. "If you could let me know by Monday that would be great" he beamed.

Troubled students? You mean people like Luca?! What if they would try to stab me or set me on fire or even strip me naked and tie me to the school flagpole. How brilliant would that look on my freaking college application.

Just the thought of it makes me nauseous.

There's no where in hell im doing it, good application or not.

Nodding in acknowledgement, I grabbed my things and started to make my way out blocking out his repetitive words.

"Remember, it'll look brilliant on your college application!"

Yeah, so will me actually being alive.


Tell me what you think below!!


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