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"I won't tolerate this fucking nonsense. YOU ARE FIRED!"

He left the room i guess. What a nonsense man he is. I have told my employees to be as punctual as a soldier. As soon as I sat back on my chair, the door of my office opened.

What is this man? Again another employee? said Dad

Dad please, you now right how much punctual i am and want everyone to be punctual.

But son he was a good man.

I don't care we will find thousands like him.

I guess you are the boss now and i am no one to say anything in the company's matters.

Dad please it's nothing like that. You are the boss and you will be always.

Then we must not fire him.

Fine Dad this is the first and the only chance he has to prove himself.

There was knock on my door and my manager came inside, she told me about the meetings scheduled for the day and left the planar on the table. Dad left by then and I checked my schedule.


I got ready in a white kurta set and came down the stairs.

You shut up Veena. I won't tolerate this.

Please try to understand alcohol is bad for you.

Don't teach me what's good, what's bad. I am old enough to take care of my self.

Again the same fiasco, same drama in morning. I am just tired of them fighting all the time. As soon as Maa saw me she went quiet and came to the hall.

Maa, I am leaving Bye.

Have something before you go.

No maa not in the mood right now.

I left the house in a hurry and settled in my car and drove to the university. I tried to keep the drama out of my head and entered the class.

After the class, my colleagues asked me join a party in the evening. I was little skeptical but I agreed on their insistence.

After my shift with the students, it was time to leave. I did a little bit of touch up before leaving the premises. Me along with my friend at the uni Shikha left for the party that was at the other end of the city.

We reached there by 7 and was welcomed by the hosts our senior professor Mr. Aggarwal. It was his daughter's 18th birthday. I wished her and gave her the present that i got on the way. Soon the party started and everyone was having drinks and dancing. I hate alcohol well you know why.

I sat in the corner and saw everybody lost in their world. Soon tears started forming in my eyes as I recalled my 18th birthday when everything seemed so perfect, my family was perfect. Dad was not an alcohol addict. I was care free and those scars free.

Not able to control anymore I burst into tears. Thankfully it was dark and no one could clearly see me. I composed myself when i saw my cell ringing. It was Maa.

Hello Maa.

Where are you beta? It's already 8.30

Maa, I am at a party. I will be there around 10.

I hung up the call and left the party. Cold October breeze touched my skin and goosebumps appeared in no time. I covered myself with the dupatta and begin moving towards my car.

I drank some water after settling in the driver's seat and turned the engine on but my car failed to start. I tried a few more time but failed again.

What the fuck? Everything has to happen now only.

I got off the car and locked it, made my way towards the exit of the hall. I started moving helpless on the dark road.


I ended the last successful meeting of the day and settled in my car making the way to my Home. On the dark road, I saw figure walking from a few meters away. Till I reached it, it collapsed on the road.

I stopped my car and saw a girl, I was too tired to stop but couldn't control from getting off the car. It was something that was attracting me towards her.

I got off along with a water bottle and tried to wake her up by patting her face but all went in vain. She was unconscious. I put a few drops of water on her white face glowing in brightness of the moon.

She opened her eyes. My eyes met with her beautiful hazel brown eyes. She jerked my hand off when I tired helping her to get up.

" aw..ay fr..from me..." she said in a trembling voice and moved a back little.

I just stopped by when I saw you unconscious. I have no bad intensions.

I know you boys, all are same. 

If you don't need my help. I am leaving. I will not listen this bullshit about me.

I went in and sat on the driver's seat. I started the engine and she came in front of the car. I put the windows down.

What's your problem girl? Please help me. She said breathlessly.

I came down as my humanity kicked in. Made her sit in the passenger seat and passed the bottle to her.

She gulped down the whole bottle in one go and i just kept looking at her.

My bag. She said pointing to the road.

I came out of the car and picked her brown handbag and gave that to her.

How you ended up here? 

My car broke down so i was walking to my home.

WOW! Couldn't you call for someone's help.

I am independent to reach my home on my own.

Oh really! Ms. atamnirbhar (independent) we saw how you ended up.

Will you please shut up and start the car.

Are you ordering DIVYANSH MEHROTRA miss.. miss?



What a beautiful name i thought.

Hello Mister, Can we please leave now?

I started the car and asked her to tell me location of her house. She told me and we begin the journey to her house that was 45 minutes from here.

Her intoxicating scent was making my heart race. Her silver bangles making sweet noise. Everything about this girl was making me mad.

I kept my focus the wheel and kept on driving. Until she said..

So my lovely readers, that's the first chapter of the storyy.




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