Ice cream

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I reached her house and was a little bit late due to traffic.

I came out of the car and saw a name plate with CHAUHAN'S written.

Anaisha Chauhan came to my mind. What are you thinking Divyansh? Here also that girl no not possible.

I went inside when a watchman asked about my details. He welcomed me told me to go straight inside. Then was a notification on my phone and I took it out of the pocket and kept on walking.

Suddenly, a girl collided with me and hot coffee touched my white shirt and made my skin burn but when i saw her face, all pain was gone. IT IS ANAISHA. OH MY FUCKING GOD! WHAT A DESTINY I HAVE!

She apologies to me but I was lost in her beauty. My thoughts were broken with Maa's voice. Everyone started laughing on our situation and we both looked a little bit embarrassed and too burst into laughter. 

Anu beta, go give him your brother's shirt to wear. Said uncle that might be her father I thought.

Come she said.

I followed her up the stairs into a room.

You sit here. I will bring the shirt she said and she left the room.

I looked around the room and found a few pictures of her with her mom and brother and some achievements. I went towards the wall and boy caught my eye. He was not present here today. I wonder where I have seen him?

Then she entered with a light blue shirt in her hand.

Who is he? I asked.

He is my younger brother, Parth.

Oh where is he?

He has gone out somewhere. I don't know. I too came back just now.

Okay. So this is your room?

Yes you guessed it right.

It is so beautiful just like you.

Thanks she said while blushing a bit. Take this and change. she said 

Where is the bathroom?

There she said while pointing towards the door on the other side of the room.

I went towards the room and suddenly she stopped me.

WAIT! She said a bit too loudly.


As soon as he went towards the washroom, I recalled how dirty it is. It was too late to clean it up so I stopped him.


 What happened?

Actually you go and change in the next room. Even I have to change here so. Can you Please?

Yeah sure.

And he went out.

Oh thank god. I let out a deep breath.

I took my favourite light blue anarkali kurta set and changed into it. There was a little bit burn mark on my skin between the two collar bones.

I applied the ointment and came out. I wonder if he is still inside or went down? I decided to go and check on him.

I entered bhai's room and saw him shirtless. I quickly shut my eyes and turned around.

What are you doing Mr. Mehrotra? Why you haven't changed yet?

Anaisha there are burns on my chest and I guess I need some ice or some ointment.

I will get you please wait.

I quickly got the ointment from my room and gave it to him with closed eyes as I was too shy to look at his naked chest.

Laga bhi do (you apply also) He said

What? Mai? (I?) 

Is there anyone else in the room? 


Then Please open your eyes and apply it on my burns.

I opened my eyes and look at his chest that was burnt badly.

I am really very sorry. It looks so bad.

Toh thik kardo (then correct it)

I took some ointment in my fingers and gently applied it.


As she applied the ointment, I just kept looking her. I noticed she so small in front of me after all I am 6 feet tall. She was so gentle with my wound that I didn't even feel the pain. She looked like a cloud in that blue suit. I was lost in the beauty of her simplicity.

Done, Now wear this. She handed me the shirt.

I wore it quickly and we both went down.

Everyone was in the living room only might be waiting for us.

Look here they come. Said Maa

Everyone smiled seeing us.

Aunty Where is Piya? she asked.

How do you know her? said chachi.

Actually she is my student. I teach in Agra University.

What a coincidence. She is at home. She was not feeling well. said Chachi.

Now leave all this, Shall we all sit? said her dad

Everyone took their seats and kept looking at each other with awkward smiles. She was just sitting across me with her eyes down and hands playing with her dupatta. She looks nervous.

I guess we all have talked a lot now we should give them some time to talk Said Maa

yes why not said her dad.

Beta you go and talk to each other said Dad.

Can we go out to on a drive? I asked everyone.

Yes sure beta. Said her dad.

We both got up and headed towards the exit of the house.

I opened the passenger door for her and she sat. Then I started the engine and drove.

So where are we going? She asked.

Ice cream?

Yes please. I love ice cream.

I know what. You love ice cream and sunflowers.

And? What else i love?

For now I know these things only but I am sure that I want to know each and every detail about you.

She blushed on my comment.

What do you love?

Me? I love to work 

Not this. What things you love? What are your favourite things?

I don't know

How do you not know about your favourite things.

I just work all day come home sleep go to gym in the morning and Repeat.

What a boring life.

Then make it interesting by being my wife. I blurted out in a swift moment.

She turned a tomato by now.

I guess I will take that as a Yes.

You are very bad? She hit on my shoulder with her tiny hands.

What did I do? Made you blush? Be my wife I will make you blush daily.

What do you want to hear?

A yes. I said

So it is a yes.

Really? I stopped my car immediately and looked at her.

Yes. I guess we will make a good couple and maybe that is in our stars. We met thrice in just Four days. It is a sign from god.

We think the same.

Drive now. I want ice cream.

I took us to a ice cream cafe.

What flavour you like? she asked me.

I don't eat ice cream.

Now what you eat Protein ke dabbe? (protein powder)

No, I just never had it.

You never had ice cream? Are you from Earth or any other planet? Wait I will get ice cream for both of us.

I went behind her and she ordered for two butterscotch ice creams. She handed me one and we both took a seat. She was busy eating her ice cream and I was lost in her. I didn't even realized that my ice cream was melting.

Mr. Mehrotra your ice cream it is melting Have it.

I quickly wiped my hand with the tissue and tasted the ice cream.

How is it? she asked

Quite nice.

Just Nice? It is the best thing on the earth.


Are you done with your flirting? We should go home now.

Aap humse firse kab milengi? (when will you meet me again?)

So my lovely readers,

How do you like it?

Show some love <33


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