After School

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Chapter 4: Decorations

After school is a great time in October because Bianca, Ashley, Daniel, Ashton, Lillian, Jamie and Stevie all help out with the school dance. Sophia went home early, but she usually tries to help. Ashley and Bianca went to their group and Lilian went with her group. Needless to say that they're on opposite sides of the gym. Working on the school dance is actually a lot of fun, for the most part everyone gets along. But truth be told, some people weren't even there to help out. For example, Stevie was dragged by Lillian and Daniel just likes to be near Ashley. Daniel hates school dance, he always will. Maybe it's because that's when he knew Ashley was going to break up with him. At the end of the school year dance in 6th grade, Ashley barely even looked at him. She was too busy dancing and hanging out with Bianca. He has said that everything bad happens to him at dances. He doesn't even want to go to the Halloween one, but Ashley's gonna be there. 

Everyone had just gotten started with the decorations, when the two new kids walked in. Ashton was the first one to notice. He didn't say anything, just watched them. He was curious. Brandon walked up to the teacher coordinating the dance and she told them to do whatever they think will help out. Brandon noticed the Bianca and decided to walk over. Jack caught up to Brandon. 

"Did you get in trouble?" He asked.

Brandon looked at him confused, "No, it's the first day."

"Oh," he added, "I did."


"Just doing my thing. I talked the principle into letting em do this instead of calling my mom and your dad." 

"They're married, you can just say our parents."

He shook his head, "You're nothing of a brother to me." 

The two walked up to Bianca's and Ashley's group. Ashley looked up and rolled her eyes. Bianca smiled.

"Guy this is my new friend, Brandon! We met in History class." Bianca said happily.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ashley. This is Ashton and Daniel." Ashley smiled.

"Pleasure is all mine." Brandon replied.

Such a gentleman. Jack cleared his throat. Ashley, Daniel and Ashton just gave him a death glare. 

"I'm their new friend, Jack."

"I'm gonna kill myself if you consider us friends." Ashley added.

"Look, the old hag over there told me to work with you guys." 

Brandon and Jack both knew that was a lie. But Brandon is too scared to say anything.

"Are you guys brothers?" Ashton asked.

Brandon shook his head.

"Nah." Jack added.

Ashton shrugged, he honestly didn't care. They all went back to work. You could cut the tension between Jack and Ashley with a knife. It was easy to see that Ahsley hated this kid and Jack was purposely sneaking himself deeper into the tension. Jack is a dick if that wasn't obvious. 

As they were working, Jamie walked up to the group.

"Do you guys have orange glitter? Lil needs some." She questioned.

Ashton shook his head, "Nope." It was in his hand.

"Oh my god, you people are the worse." She rolled her eyes.

He got up and walked over to Lillian, "You need this?" 

Lillian nodded, about to say something but before she could, he dumped the orange glitter all over her. It was a plus that her mouth was open. Lillian got pissed, she wanted to yell and claw at him, but she also didn't want to get suspended. She needed to go to that dance. Plus, Ashton was already walking away. It's no secret that he hates Lillian and the other popular kids. There could be so many reasons why, but he doesn't say. Lillian really fucked him up. But hey, she's literally Satan in a cheer leading uniform. He sat back down with his friends. Everyone giving him a high five. 

"I feel like we would get along." Jack looked at him.

He looked at Jack with a cold look in his eyes, "No."

"Because I tried to hit on your friend, my apologies." He added.

"No worries, no big deal." Ashton replied.

Not really sure what's happening. It seems like they hate each other, but it also feels like they like each other. Ashton is weird, it's really hard to explain his mood and actions. He just does what feels right. Which is actually pretty cool. 

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