JL: In Blackest Night Part 1

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Green Lantern is brought up on charges of genocide and is forced to attend an intergalactic trial courtesy of the Manhunters. The heroes follow and try to help figure out what really happened...

In the far reaches of space in the Ajuris System, shouting was heard among the people on the planet of Ajuris 5. A tribunal was held as everyone gathered together to discuss on a very important matter.

Alien: "Order! Order! We will have order!" He shouted.

No one payed any attention as they kept on shouting at each other. Then, a loud shouted loudly.

Judge #1: "Silence!"

Everyone was then silence, as they all stood up. On a giant screen, a head appeared to reveal one of the three judges.

Judge #1: "This high tribunal is now covened. Never before have so many put aside their differences and come together in pursuit of a single goal.

Judge #2: "But never before has there been a crime so heinous, so vast that it had the power to unite us in grief and revulsion."

Judge #3: "We are gathered here today to seek justice."

On the ground, a prosecutor activates the stand he is on and flies above to meet face to face with the judges.

Judge #3: "Where is the accused?" He asked.

Prosecutor: "Unfortunately, he's still at large."

Judge #1: "Manhunters, step forward."

As he gave that command, a group of robots known as the Manhunters march forward in front of the judges and stopped to receive their orders.

Judge #3: "This is no ordinary criminal. Finding him and bringing him back will almost certainly involve great peril. Are you prepared for that?" He asked them.

Manhunter (Leader): "No man escapes the Manhunters." He responded.

All Manhunters: "No man escapes the Manhunters." They all repeated after him

Manhunter (Leader): "Show us an image of the accused."

Prosecutor: "He's a native of the planet Earth. The Green Lantern known as John Stewart." He said as he presented an image of John to the Manhunters.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gotham City

The sound of an alarm goes off, as a couple of burglars ran out the back door. There were four robbers, carrying bags of jewelry, running and headed towards their getaway vehicle.

Leader: "Come on, boys. Let's get out of here!"

As three made to the vehicle, one of them was missing. A grunting noise was heard and bag dropped to the ground. They all turned around as they heard the noise. The leader gestured them to look around and find their companion.

The other two nodded, as they took out their weapons and scope out the area. They both split up to cover more ground. One guy looks around as he then heard the sound of a punch. He looked to his right to see his partner fall to the ground and quickly dragged away.

Robber: [He gasps] "What was that?" He whispered, scared.

He slowly walks back, till he bumps into something behind him. He turns around to only see a dark shadow and glowing red eyes, narrowing towards him.

A loud scream was heard, as it echoed around the building. The leader quickly got inside the car, holding a rifle in his hands. He looks around everywhere, to see where this person is but they're nowhere in sight.

Leader: "What the hell are you?!" He shouted.

Then, a hand punched through the roof the car. The hand grabbed the leader by the shirt, as the person lifted him up and was face to face with him.

Hot Shot: "I'm Hot Shot." He said in a very intimidating voice.

The person that caught the robbers was none other than Hot Shot, the Gotham Fox. The last thing the leader saw was his mask as he was then knocked out.

All the robbers were tied up, with the bags of jewelry piled next to each other, as Gotham P.D. arrived with Commissioner Jim Gordon, Detective Renee Montoya, and Detective Harvey Bullock.

Renee: "Yep, it has to be Hot Shot's work, for sure."

Bullock: [Groans] "What the heck is going on with this city? We already have enough problems with the Bat, and now this Fox clown?!"

Gordon: "Easy Detective, he just stopped an armed robbery. Wish he was here so we can thank him."

The commissioner then looks to a nearby building to find Hot Shot there. He simply gave a two finger salute and runs off.


Hot Shot arrived in the Watchtower and was on his way to the Observation Deck. He was muttering to himself on how that line delivery sounded incredibly dumb. As he enters the Deck, he hears a couple of voices up in the Crow's Nest. He flies up to find Hawkgirl and Flash.

Flash: Back on Thanagar, you were a cop, huh?"

Hawkgirl: "Detective."

Flash: "What's it like there?" He asked.

Hawkgirl: "The same as anywhere, I suppose. There are criminals, and we catch them."

Flash: "And what about when you're not catching criminals? When you're not at work?"

Hawkgirl: "What about it?" She asked, confused.

Flash: "Well, is there a...Hawkboy?"

Hot Shot: "What'd I miss?" He announced himself in the area.

Both Flash and Hawkgirl turned to see him Hot Shot flying down and walking towards him. At the same time, J'onn entered. Hawkgirl flew up and stood next to the Fox warrior.

Hawkgirl: "Nothing much. I'll be doing maintenance, now. Would you like to join me? We can talk."

Hot Shot: "Sure, lead the way." He responded.

Both of them walked out of the area, leaving Flash and Martian by themselves.

Flash: "I wonder what's up with those two." He commented.

Before J'onn could respond, the alarm started to go off. Both of them rushed to the observation to look outside and find three Manhunters flying down to Earth.

Flash: "An invasion!"

Martian: "I'll notify the others."

Over in the hangar, Hot Shot, Hawkgirl, Flash, and Martian were on board the Javelin. Hawkgirl and Martian were on the controls with Hot Shot and Flash on the back.

Hot Shot: "Have the others responded?" He asked J'onn.

Martian: "Wonder Woman is on another case. Superman's dealing with an earthquake and Batman would only say that he's busy." He answered.

Hot Shot: [Sighs] "Of course."

Hawkgirl: "Typical."

Flash: "What about G.L.?"

Martian: "I couldn't reach him."

The Javelin flew off from the hangar of the Watchtower, and headed downwards to Earth.

New York City

The Manhunters landed on the streets as they walked around in search for John. Many people were confused to what is going, as a few began to panic and run for cover.

"Stop!" A voice yelled out.

The three robots stopped as they looked up to see the four Justice League members fly down from their ship. As they landed on the streets, Hot Shot stepped forward.

Hot Shot: "What is your business here on Earth?" He demanded.

Manhunter (Leader): "John Stewart, the Green Lantern." He responded.

Flash: "What for?"

Manhunter (Leader): "That's not your concern." He said as he moved forward.

As Hawkgirl was about to step up, Hot Shot moved in front of her and gestured her to stand down. So, she did. He looked up towards the Manhunter.

Hot Shot: "It is actually our concern, since John Stewart is a friend and ally of ours. Now, what is it you want with him?" He demanded.

The Manhunter didn't responded as he then tried to swat him out of the way, only to then dodge. He took out his Rift-Edge and tries to swing, but the robot catches his arm and throws him aside.

Hawkgirl quickly flies up in the air and catches him bridal style.

Hot Shot: "Heh, thanks."

Hawkgirl: "Don't mention it." She said, smirking at him.

Martian Manhunter charged towards them, as he was then shocked in the stomach by one of their staffs and flew over their shoulders. He groaned in pain as he slowly stood up to see one of them extended their stick into a staff. As he tried to charge at them again, he was then sent flying back across the town and crashing into a building.

The Manhunters then looked to see Flash, as he was ready to fight. Coming from behind, Hot Shot grabbed one by the head and threw across the street. His began to glow with electricity as he goes on to attack the other Manhunter. The robot blocked every attack, until he grabbed the hero by the neck and electrified him in the stomach. Hot Shot screamed in pain, as he was then thrown into a car.

Hawkgirl yelled as she charged and hits the leader in the back of the head, sending it flying. It got back up to then block Hawkgirl's incoming attacks. As she was about to strike, the Manhunter shocks her with the staff which blasted her through the window of a restaurant and crashing into a wall. Civilians went over to check on Hawkgirl, to see her slowly getting up and growled.

Hot Shot hissed in pain, as he was slowly getting back up on his feet. Flash then dashed towards the enemies, only for one of them to lower their staff and was then slammed into it. It sent the speedster crashing towards a car. As the Manhunters kept marching, Hot Shot and Hawkgirl made their way towards Flash.

Flash: [Groaned] "Why do I feel like a hockey puck?" He asked, as he was rubbing his forehead.

As Hot Shot helps Flash get back up, Hawkgirl flew after them. The people watched as they see the Manhunters just march their way in the street. As she was about to strike again, the leader raises his staff to shock her midair and then slammed onto the hood of a car. The leader raises it's staff to finish her, but Hot Shot quickly appeared and punched him in the face.

He takes out his scythe and charges towards it, but the leader quickly grabs him by the face and slams him into the ground multiple times. As it was done, Hot Shot groaned as he was trying to get up. Before the leader could deliver a final blow, a voice called out.

"Back off!"

The Manhunter looked up to see Superman flying towards it. He sends the robot to the wall, and as he raises his fish, he was shocked from behind by another Manhunter. He turned around to see the robot blasting electricity to him, but Superman slowly moved towards it as electricity had little effect to him. But it still hurts.

As he got close enough to the robot, he grabbed it's staff and breaks it. He takes the staff away and breaks it in half with his knee. The Manhunter tries to grab the man of steel, but he picks it and throws it to the leader.

Hot Shot: "Supes! Glad you could make it. We thought you were dealing with an earthquake."

Superman: "It was just a 4.0. You mind telling me what's going on here?"

Hot Shot: "They said they're here looking for Lantern but I don't-."

He was cut off as he and Superman were electrocuted by a third Manhunter, who was standing on a car. As it was about to hit them again, Martian flew down and slammed his feet onto the robot, causing the vehicle to explode. Flash quickly helped Superman and Hot Shot up, as Martian was heading towards them. Then, the Manhunter rose up holding the car above his head.

Flash: J'onn!" He called out.

The Martian turned around to see the robot throw the car towards. Flash quickly ran over and moved him out of the way. Superman flies over to stop the vehicle, but it then exploded. The explosion unfortunately hits a nearby gas station, which it also exploded and made the ground shake.

The heroes regrouped as they were across from the armed Manhunters.

Hot Shot: "We have to end this here and now, before someone gets hurt." He tells the others.

They nodded as they were prepared. Before either side could clash against each other, a green wall was formed between them.

Green Lantern: "Stop!"

Everyone looked up to see Green Lantern floating above them and landed next to the Justice League.

Flash: "Better late than never."

John looked over to the Manhunters, as he then walked towards him. The heroes were perplexed as they see him go over to them.

Manhunter (Leader): "You are the Green Lantern known as John Stewart?" He asked for confirmation.

Green Lantern: "I am." He responded.

Manhunter (Leader): "Your ring." He demanded as he held out his hand.

John looked at his Green Lantern ring for a second, before he takes it off and hands over to it.

Superman: "John?"

Flash: "What are you doing?"

Green Lantern: "Stay out of this." He tells them.

Manhunter (Leader): "You will come with us."

The other two Manhunters puts John in handcuffs, as then a yellow beam surrounded them. They were teleported up into space, leaving the heroes shocked to what happened.

Ajuris 5

The ship of the Manhunters arrived on the planet, as it slowly descended onto the platform. Many of the planet's civilization gathered around the platform and yelled. The ramp of the ship opened to have Green Lantern escorted by the Manhunters.

Manhunter (Leader): "Welcome to Ajuris 5, John Stewart. Don't expect your stay to be a pleasant one."

They walked onto a floating platform and headed towards its destination. One of the crowds threw a fruit at him, but he kept a straight face and wiped it off his face. As they made across, members of the Lantern corps were there waiting.

Galius: "He was the best of us. That's for sure. But now..." He said, disappointed to what's happened.

John stepped out of the platform to meet with his fellow Lanterns.

John: "Galius, Arkkis, Kilowog, good to see you." He said.

Arkkis: "I wish I could say the same, Stewart."

Galius: "You're a disgrace to the corps." He said as he flew up to him.

John: "Get me out of here." He tells the Manhunters, hurt by what was said to him.

They moved past the Lanterns, as one of them bumped into Arkkis.

Arkkis: "Hey! Stupid robot." He muttered the last part.

The Manhunter stopped as it was able to hear what the Lantern called him. As it turned around and was going to teach him a lesson, the leader of the Manhunters puts his hand on his brother's shoulder.

Manhunter (Leader): "No. Not yet." He said as they both walked away.

They lead John into an area, where other aliens are being held. It gestured John to walk over to a spot, to which the robot used it's staff to activate a white barrier around him.

John: "What's next?" He asks.

Manhunter: "You trial begins soon. If I'd been programmed with emotions, I'd almost feel sorry for you." He responded, as he walked away.

As the Manhunter left, John looked up towards an asteroid belt up above. He was saddened and hurt of what led him to this, and lowered his head in shame.

Back at the Watchtower, Martian was standing by the window, trying to locate John. He stops as he turned to the group.

Martian: "I sense turmoil, a heavy heart." He said.

Flash: "I could have told you that." He commented, as he was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

Hot Shot then hits him in the shoulder, having Flash hissed in pain.

Martian: "He's looking at stars."

Superman: "Which stars?"

Superman then flies over in the middle of the Projection Room, to the control panel and presses a few buttons to activate a holographic map. The others arrived to get a closer look.

Martian: "There. That's where he is."

He pointed to a location where it was revealed to be Ajuris 5.

Hot Shot: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get him!"

The Javelin arrived to the planet of Ajuris 5 as they began to fly down on to the planet.

Hawkgirl: "Why would he give them his ring? It still doesn't make any sense."

Hot Shot: "What doesn't make sense is why John doesn't want us to be involved with this."

Superman: "John's a strange one. That's for sure."

Hawkgirl: "I'm beginning to think all you humans are." She said.

Both Superman and Hot Shot looked at her, as she said that. While both of them spent most of their lives on Earth, they technically are from different worlds.

Hawkgirl: "Sorry."

Superman: "It's alright. I take it as a compliment." He said as both he and Hot Shot smiled. "Initiate landing procedure."

Before he could press the button, the ship suddenly shook. They all look forward to see three ships firing towards them.

Hot Shot: "Oh great, a welcoming party."

Flash: "They're not responding to our signal." He called out.

Hawkgirl: "It's clear what they want. I say we give it to them."

Superman: "No. We're not here to start a war." He says as he stops her from shooting and later standing up. "Flash, take the controls." He said as he, Hot Shot, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkgirl stood up.

Flash quickly goes over to the pilot's seat while the others opened the ramp and flew out. Superman flies towards one and uses his heat vision to destroy the weapons. He then goes over the back to then stomp on it, making it fly out of control.

Martian Manhunter simply stood his and turned his appearance intangible as the ship flew towards him. The pilots were confused to where he went, until J'onn breaks out from the back, having it go out of control. Martian looks to his right to find Hot Shot and Hawkgirl.

The two were dodging every single blast fire. Hot Shot quickly turned and blasted his lightning to destroy the lasers as Hawkgirl goes over to the ship. She used her mace to hit at the back. It caused the engine to then explode and fly down to the ground.

Hot Shot: "Oh, scrap!" He yelled as he flew to the ship.

Superman: "Hawkgirl!"

Hawkgirl: "What?" She questioned as she looked down at the ship. "Oh, that. Wait, Hot Shot!" She then began to fly after it with Superman following.

Hot Shot flew towards the bottom of the ship, and lifts up in the air. He gently places it down on the ground, as both Superman and Hawkgirl arrive. The Kryptonian uses his freeze breath to put of the fire.

Hot Shot: "Phew!" He said as the three flew into the air.

With Flash, he was struggling to keep the ship from crashing into the city, as it kept scraping against the buildings.

Flash: "Flash, take the controls. But does anyone ask if I know how?" He says to himself as he was pushing various buttons.

The landing gear appeared as the Javelin was approaching a landing platform. The ship hit the ground as it slid across the platform. Flash tries to keep it steady, but gasps to see he was almost to the edge. Luckily, the ship stopped as he opened the ramp and exited.

Flash: "Well, they say any landing you walk away from is a..."

He stopped to see a group of aliens, aiming their weapons towards him. They opened fire as Flash ran back to pilot seat.

Flash: "Come on! Starter! Starter! Which one's the starter?" He exclaimed as he was pushing buttons.

They all surround the ship, till the heroes arrived in time. Hot Shot landed next to one, takes away his weapon, and punches him, sending him off to then clash into a few others. Superman was then tackled by a few, but he ends throwing them off of him. Hawkgirl flies in and takes out their weapons. Martian grabbed one and throws him to another. He then phased into the ground and uses his powers on the last one. Flash opens the ramp and comes down.

Flash: "I had everything under control, honest."

Hot Shot: "Oh yeah, we can clearly see that." He responded.

Martian drops the alien and turns to the others, as they approached him.

Martian: "Green Lantern is close by. That way." He said as he looked towards a building.

John Stewart was inside of the courtroom, standing on a platform, as he looked up to see the judges and prosecutor.

Prosecutor: "There is no excuse for this horror. And there can be no escape from punishment. An example must be made."

Before anything else can help, a sound was heard on top of the dome as everyone looked to see what was happening. A hole was being made, which the Superman and the others entered the courtroom.

John: "Oh no." He shook his head.

Alien: "Order! We will have order!"

Flash: "What is this, some kind of trial?"

Superman: "Apparently." He answered.

Hot Shot: "But why is Lantern put on trail for? What's he accused of?"

Judge #1: "Remove the intruders immediately!" He ordered.

Two security guards, flew on top of platforms and headed towards the heroes to apprehend them. As soon as they got close, Hot Shot stepped forth and did a spin kick, hitting both of them off. The Manhunters were there and prepare themselves.

Hot Shot: "No, wait! Stop! We apologize for disrupting these proceedings, but John Stewart is our friend." He tells the judges.

Judge #2: "This is a public trial."

Judge #3: "Very well. You may take seats in the gallery."

Judge #1: "But this tribunal will not tolerate any further outbursts."

Superman: "Thank you, Your Honor."

The heroes stand on top of a platform, to which it floated up in the air and takes them to the gallery. John simply looks at them, worried how things would play out with them involved.

The heroes each take their seats and watch as the trial continues.

Judge #1: "Are you ready to call your first witness?"

Prosecutor: "I am, My Lord. I call Kanjar-Ro." He announced.

Kanjar-Ro appeared in the courtroom as many people murmur of his appearance.

Alien: "Kanjar-Ro, do you agree to let us probe and display any and all memories you have?"

Kanjar-Ro: "I got nothing to hide." He responded.

He stands on top of the platform and lifted up towards the prosecutor.

Prosecutor: "State your name and profession."

Kanjar-Ro: "Kanjar-Ro. I'm...a pirate." He confessed.

Prosecutor: "A criminal? Yet, you come here to bear witness to another crime. Why?"

Kanjar-Ro: "I may steal things, but it's nothing compared to what he did." He said as he pointed to John.

The Prosector moves close, as he pushes a button on the panel. A white beam shined upon the pirate as the prosecutor continues on.

Prosecutor: "Tell us about your encounter with John Stewart."

Kanjar-Ro: "It all started with these blasters I...found. I was on my way to sell them to some rebels on Ajuris 4. That's when he showed up."

Memories are display as Kanjar-Ro was seen steering his ship and looking back to see John Stewart flying above him. He begins to speed up.

Kanjar-Ro: "I figured he was gonna try to stop me, so I shot first."

The back of the ship began to open fire, as John dodged and flew next to the ship. He uses his ring to cut the bottom of the ship, taking out the engine. The ship then crashed down on to the moon.

Kanjar-Ro: "His ring tore out my engine. Huh! But he still wasn't done with me. He wanted to know if I was working with anyone. I told him to turn around, see for himself.

Kanjar-Ro looked up to see Lantern cover the ship with his ring. He turned around to see a couple of ships, right above him and began to open fire.

Kanjar-Ro: "He tried to shoot my friends, but his beam bounced off their deflector shield and shot toward Ajuris 4."

John uses his ring to fire a beam towards one of the ships, but it deflected and it headed towards the planet. John looks in shock to see where the beam was headed.

Kanjar-Ro: "There, it hit a volcanic fault line...starting a devastating chain reaction."

The beam hits a lava lake, which then causes a reaction. The planet began to go unstable and was supposedly destroyed. The memories were done, as it cuts back to John, with a blank expression.

Kanjar-Ro: "Three billion...that's how many were on that planet." He finished.

Many of the people were shocked and chattered amongst themselves. Kilowog looked down, saddened to what happened. Flash Superman, and Martian were shocked about this, but Hot Shot and Hawkgirl don't seem to buy into this.

Prosecutor: "I have no more questions." He said as he turned off the beam.

Judge #1: This account is most disturbing. We will recess...20 petacycles." He announced.

Everyone stood up from their seats, as the heroes went over to John. The platform that John was standing on, took him down to the ground as Flash appeared.

Flash: "Now, I get it. You wanted to clear your name. That's why you didn't put up a fight back on Earth."

John: "I told you to stay out of this."

Hot Shot: "I'm not buying to what that pirate has said. It seems rather impossible that it was the cause of what happened." He said.

Hawkgirl: "Yeah, that scum's an obvious liar. Give me five minutes alone with him. I'll get the truth.

John: "Hot Shot, Hawkgirl, Flash, all of you...listen to me. Nobody's lying. Do you see that?" He looked towards the astroid belt. "I did it. I'm guilty."

To be continued...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hope you guys enjoyed reading the chapter. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! See y'all next time!

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