JL: Secret Origins Part 1

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Batman and Hot Shot team up with Superman to deal with an alien invasion, and investigate a telepathic message that would lead them to meet a future ally.

The Mariner Valley

On the planet of Mars, two astronauts were currently standing by their ship and are currently looking over their devices for any readings.

Carter: "Would you look at that? A little slice of heaven." He said, looking over the planet.

Ed: "If your idea of heaven is a barren, lifeless rock."

Carter: "You have the soul of a poet." He joked.

Ed: "Carter, we didn't come for the view. Our mission here is purely scientific. Are you getting any readings?"

Carter: "No detectable levels of H20." He responded as he looked down at the device. "Hold on."

Ed: "What?" He questioned as he looked over to what Carter was looking at.

There was something shiny at the pile of rocks. Astronaut Carter goes over to investigate. He takes out a pickaxe and begins to hit it.

Carter: "Could be an ice crystal."

Astronaut Ed takes out his device from the ground and goes over to where Carter was at. After a few hits, Carter picks up this "crystal" and examines it.

Carter: "No. it almost looks organic." He said as then a rumbling noise was heard.

Ed: "Carter, look out!" He exclaimed, pointing at the ground.

Carter looked down to see the ground starting to break apart. The two astronauts tried to run away, but Carter fell to the hole, screaming all the way down. Ed managed to escape, however.

Ed: "Carter! Carter, do you read me? Are you alright?" He called out. "Repeat! Carter, do you read me?"

All the way down on the ground, the astronaut slowly gets back up and informed his partner that he's alright.

Carter: [Groans] "I'm okay, Ed. Ed? Come in, Ed." He tried to communicate but the radio seemed to be busted. "Dead."

He stands up and turns on the flashlight. He looks around to see if there is any other way out of here, but he suddenly gasps as he looks to find markings on the wall. He puts his hand on the wall and then turns to right, to find a door. He tries to open thinking it could be the way out, but it wouldn't budge.

He looked around again to find his pickaxe on the ground. He goes to grab and has it locked onto the hatch and was able to break it off. Then, lights began to glow on the door, as Carter slowly backs away. A giant bright light shined as he covers his eyes. As he tried to look, something quickly approached him and screamed for his life.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Two Years Later

Wayne Tech: Metropolis Sub-Station. This station has a giant satellite owned by Bruce Wayne. Over at the station, two shadowy figures ran on top of the building. One of them opened a vent and both jumped down to a railing, where they could see scientists down below.

Man: "Remember, barbecue at my place Saturday night. You're all invited. Venus is rising early. And you know what that means."

Scientist #1: "I'm there."

Scientist #2: "Sounds great.

Scientist #3: "See you then."

Man: "Heh. You guys are animals. Goodnight." He clicks his tongue and points at them, and waves at them.

As soon as he left the room, the remaining scientists looked at each other as one of them stood up and spoke in an alien language. Another scientist lifted a piece of equipment, allowing the third to break a piece of a wall, revealing a device behind it. They all then moved to elevator. The two figures that were watching was none other than Batman and his partner, Hot Shot.

The scientists were seen outside and were on top of the satellite, preparing to put the device on it. The device then turned into goo of sorts and went inside.

Batman: "I doubt that modification is legal." He called out.

The two scientist were then tied up and kicked down by Batman. Hot Shot then reappeared right next to Batman.

Hot Shot: "You know, you three should've stuck to your desk jobs."

As the third scientists tried to punch the hero, Hot Shot quickly blocked and the dodged the attacks, but the alien in disguise was able to gain the upper hand and punched him in the face and the stomach. Batman quickly interfered but the alien grabbed him and threw him away, but he stuck the landing. Hot Shot was then thrown as well, and didn't stuck the landing.

The two people that were tied, managed to free themselves and prepared themselves. Batman quickly threw a batarang right at one of them, hitting her in the head, but proved to be ineffective. One of them charged towards Batman and pushed him off, but he managed to grapple back up. Hot Shot's hands began to illuminate of electricity, preparing to fight, until a voice was heard.

???: "Need a hand?"

Both of them turned around to find none other than Superman, the man of steel, right behind them, floating in the air.

Hot Shot: "Supes! Good to see you again."

Batman: "Thanks, but we can handle this."

Superman: "They don't look so tough."

Hot Shot: "Don't be fooled, they are quite tough and strong."

One of them yelled out and all three ran away, almost about to retreat but the three heroes began to gave chase. Suddenly, Superman screamed in pain and held onto his head, as flashes of images go through his mind. Superman then fell down, having the other heroes to stop in their tracks. One of the scientists activated a remote, which had the satellite ready to explode. The aliens jumped off, as then the satellite exploded.

Hot Shot quickly grabbed both Batman and Superman and flew away from the explosion and safely dropped to the ground. Blake checked on Superman to see if he was injured, while Batman looked upon the destroyed satellite dish. All was left behind were fire and rubble. Then, three figures emerged from the ground, revealing to be the aliens, all mangled up but put themselves back together. As they all left, one looked at Batman and pointed at him, while clicking his tongue.

Hot Shot helped Superman back up as he groaned from the pain he had endured a bit. Batman turned around and walked over to them.

Superman: "What happened?"

Batman: "You tell us."

Hot Shot: "Yeah, what exactly happened back there?" He asked.

Superman: "I-I don't know. I saw images...so intense. And then...well, that's all I remember."

Batman: "Obviously, they didn't want to leave evidence behind." He said as the trio looked back at the station.

Superman: "What's this all about?"

Batman: "Over the past few months, Hot Shot and I detected several security breaches in our global deep-space monitoring network." He explained.

Superman: "And no one's claimed responsibility?"

Hot Shot: "No, there's more to this than meets the eye."

Superman: "I'd like to stay and look into it, but I'm expected back in Metropolis."

Batman: "Another key to the city?"

Superman: "Here, it's a signal watch. Call if you need anymore help." He said.

He then hands Batman the watch and takes off, flying into the sky.

Batman: "Right." He said, looking at the watch.

Hot Shot: "Bruce, what exactly were those things back there?" He asked.

Batman: "Not entirely sure, but the next time we see them, we must be ready. Let's head back to Gotham, and see if we can find any trace of them." He said as he puts the watch on his belt and both walked away.

Protestor: "They've stockpiled enough nuclear missiles to destroy our entire planet, and yet they continue to build more. We demand they stop this madness!"

Crowd: "Stop the madness!" They all chanted together.

A crowd of protestors were all gathered by the World Assembly building, demanding to put an end on nuclear weapons and to preserve their world. Inside, many representatives were gathered to discuss the issue.

Representative: "Weapons of mass destruction! My people believe a lasting peace can only be achieved by eliminating them."

General Wells: "Nonsense! Those weapons are our only defense against aggression." He spoke up.

Representative: "Is this your official position?"

Senator Carter: "No. General Wells does not speak for out government."

J. Allen Carter, one of the astronauts from Mars and now a U.S. Senator, spoke up and walked upon the stage.

General Wells: "But, Senator Carter, only a fool would —." He was about to say until he was cut off.

Senator Carter: "General, when I was an astronaut on Mars, I survived an experience which profoundly changed my life. Looking at Earth from that distance I saw, for the first time, how small and fragile our planet is. It's fate is in our hands. Ladies and gentlemen, that is a responsibility we must no take lightly. Therefore today, I propose a bold new solution for peace. One that would use a force more powerful than any before. A force dedicated to the good of all mankind. A force known to all as Superman!"

As soon as he announced it, two agents opened the door to then have Superman walk in to the room, revealing himself. Many people murmured in shock and surprise to the proposal. Superman walked down the stairs and went over to the platform, where he shook hands with the senator.

General Wells: "With all due respect, senator, we can't entrust the security of the entire world to one man." He spoke up.

Superman: "I understand your feelings, General, and when Senator Carter first approached me, I was reluctant to get involved. But after meeting with him and his advisors, I became convinced that I could make a difference. I have fought hard over the years to earn your trust and I solemnly swear to all of you that I will continue to uphold the ideals of truth and justice. Not just for America, but for all the world."

A huge round of applause went around, as many people stood up and clapped, except for General Wells who still sat down, not convinced. Senator Carter shook hands with Superman and smiled.


Wayne Manor

In the batcave, we find our two heroes, out of costume investigating the aliens' next possible move. Mainly Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, was the one looking into it, while Blake Riley, aka Hot Shot, was watching the news with Tim Drake, aka Robin, about Superman at the World Assembly and disarming the nuclear missiles.

Blake: "So, any luck over there, Bruce?"

Bruce: "I think I got something. I found traces of those scientists that leads over to a closed S.T.A.R. Labs warehouse in Metropolis. That's where we'll probably have answers there." He explained.

Blake: "Alright, what are we waiting for? Let's-." He paused as he was frozen in place.

Blake fell down onto his knees and held on to his head, as he then screamed in pain and agony. All he was seeing were a series of images and something, or someone, calling out to him. Bruce and Tim quickly ran over to him and kneeled close to him.

Tim: "Blake! Blake, what's wrong?!"

Blake then stopped, as the pain finally went away. He starts taking deep breathes from that experience. Bruce noticed that this is the same thing that happened to Superman, but what was causing it?

Bruce: "Blake, did you see something?"

Blake: "Yeah, only a couple of images and a voice. Something, or someone, trying to call to me."

Bruce: "Hm. I think it's best for you to remain here, for now. At least, until you can recuperate."

Blake: "You can't deal with those things by yourself, I'm coming with you."

Bruce: "No! Stay here." He ordered as he narrowed his eyes toward him.

Blake sighs and nodded, as Bruce then walks away to head on over to Metropolis again. But, Blake wasn't going to listen anyways...

Tim: "You're gonna go, aren't you?"

Blake: "You know me too well, kid." He said, smirking.


S.T.A.R. Labs

Batman dropped down, as he was inside the abandoned warehouse, where there was no much there. He looks around to then find a strange alien device on a desk. A door was heard being opened, as Batman quickly hid and took a peek to where it was coming from.

It was those same scientists from before. One of them shuts off the light, closes the door, and both leave. Batman quickly goes over to investigate as he turns on a flashlight. He looks around the room, to find three alien-like cocoons, holding the three real scientists inside. Batman cuts one of them, to catch the man trapped in it.

A growling noise was heard as Batman looked to see a guard dog appeared and quickly attacked him. Batman kicks the dog off of him and evaded its attack. The dog then began to walk up to the wall, to reveal itself to be an alien creature. The alien hits him off the ceiling and back onto the ground and later throws him across the room. As the dog was slowly going to the unconscious caped crusader, it was then picked up by the neck and electrocuted by Hot Shot. The creature was knocked out, and dropped to the floor.

Hot Shot: "Batman? Batman!" He called out as he went over to where Batman was thrown.

Unknown to him, Batman used Superman's signal watch to call him in case of emergency, to which Superman arrived. He looks around to then see Hot Shot lifting the bookcase off and carrying Batman.

Superman: "What happened?" He asked Hot Shot.

Before Hot Shot could explained, a bright light shined in the dark room of the warehouse. They look to see a giant meteor crashing down to Metropolis and hitting towards the park. Superman, carrying Batman, and Hot Shot fly above the meteor the see that it was still on fire. Superman drops Batman off to a nearby ambulance for medical attention.

Superman: "Medic! He needs help!" He called out as he dropped Batman.

Medic: "What happened?" She asked.

Hot Shot: "Possible alien invaders."

Superman: "Hot Shot, with me."

Both of them flew to the air to take a look at the meteor. The medic checked upon Batman to see if he has a pulse, and tried to remove the mask but Batman grabbed her hand, having her gasp.

Batman: "Don't even think about it." He warned her.

All emergency responders gathered around the meteor, and firefighters were putting out the giant blaze out. The fire was then put out, leaving everyone in awe to what they were seeing.

Officer #1: "Look at the size of that thing!"

Officer #2: "Stay back, it's still hot."

Then, a steam of air blew out from the meteor and the ground began to shake, as a giant leg of sorts, struck down about to hit the two officers, but Superman quickly gets them out of the way. Both Superman and Hot Shot remain in the air, to see a giant machine emerge from the meteor.

Snapper: "Incredible! Is it some kind of machine?" He questioned.

The machine began to fire a laser, destroying a police vehicle. Hot Shot quickly rushed towards it, but the laser hits him, pushing him back towards the ground. Superman rushed towards him and tries to help me get up. Meanwhile, the machine began to destroy everything around it while no bullets were able to damage it.

Back with the medic, she turns around looking at the awful destruction, while Batman sneakily grapples away.

Medic: "We better get out if here before..." She looks back to find Batman not there.

Batman was now inside of the batwing and flies towards the machine, and shoots missiles, only to not have any effect. The Imperium walker fires right back, as Batman quickly evades it. Hot Shot slowly recovered, as he slowly got back up, his entire body covered with electricity, and flew towards the walker with Superman following behind him.

Hot Shot fires lightning blasts at the machine, while Superman punches it many times, causing it to tumble. As he tried to open it, he was then blasted away towards a building. Batman arrived to assist Hot Shot in taking care of the machine.

Snapper Carr was trying to remove the rubble to help Superman and with luck, he lifted the building off of him.

Superman: "Whatever that thing is, I've got to stop it."

Snapper: "Look!" He pointed to where many more walkers appeared.

Superman: "It's not safe here, get out!"

Then, both Superman and Hot Shot began to scream in pain as it happened again. As the pain stopped, they both glanced at each other and flew away.

Snapper: "Superman?"

Batman: "Where are they going?" He questioned.

Then, fighter jets arrived and shot missiles towards them, only to be ineffective. Tanks have also arrived with General Wells in one of them.

General Wells: "Tactical Seven. Full frontal assault!" He ordered.

Tanks opened fire upon. As Batman looks upon the destruction, he decides to go after Superman and Hot Shot to find out where exactly are they going.

Snapper: "After hours of intense battle, the heart of the city lies in ruins. As the devastation continues, the question on everyone's lips is, where is Superman?"

As he was talking, the camera switches to a group of civilians hiding in fear from the devastation that these walkers are causing. And it cuts to more of the machines destroying cities from all over the world.

Snapper: "Meanwhile, we're getting reports that similar objects have landed all around the world. In Paris...Cairo...Malaysia. And more are arriving by the hour."


Home of the Amazons

On a lovely beach, two women, on horses, were looking out the ocean. The two women were Queen Hippolyta and her daughter, Diana, the princess.

Diana: "Easy, girl. Easy." She calms the horse before speaking to her mother, next to her. "These omens don't bode well, mother. Mankind may be facing its darkest hour."

Hippolyta: "Then, mankind will have to face it alone."

Diana: "How can you say that?"

Hippolyta: "Whatever happens beyond these shores is not our concern. Here the gods will protect us." She said as she turned around and rode towards Themyscira.

Diana: "I hope you're right."

Batman had followed them to what appeared to be U.S. Army base where it seemed to be destroyed. He landed down to find a giant hole smashed in a building. He enters the building to look around, until he found a room where there are more cocoons there, just like the ones with the scientists. Then, huge clanking noise was heard in the distance.

Superman was punching down the giant steel door, until a batarang hits near him, getting his attention. Hot Shot was of course with him.

Batman: "Hold it, Superman! Destroying government property isn't your style. Neither is yours, Hot Shot. What's going on?"

Hot Shot: "See for yourself, Bats."

Superman then lifts the door off and throws it to the side. The three enter a room with a bunch of computers and entered the next room, to find a green martian trapped.

Batman: "What is it?" He questioned.

Superman: "Mankind's only hope." He responded.

He pulls up to levers to have the martian released from captivity. Superman catches him before he falls to the ground.

Hot Shot: "So, you know the headaches both me and Superman were having? Well, it was actually him. He's been trying to reach out to us telepathically, but that stasis field interfered." He explained.

Superman: "When his message finally broke through, we both came to rescue him."

Batman: "What's he doing here?"

Martian: "The invasion." He spoke, telepathically, shocking Batman a bit. "I came to warn you, but I was captured and imprisoned here. They wouldn't listen." He explained as Superman helped him back up.

Batman: "Big surprise."

Martian: "I sense you do not trust me. Perhaps this will help." He then shapeshifts to having a blue cape, boots, and a red x on his chest. "I am J'onn J'onzz."

He introduced himself, extended his hand out for a handshake, but Batman doesn't shake his hand. Hot Shot then steps in.

Hot Shot: "Don't take it too personally, J'onn. He doesn't really trust anyone." He explains.

Martian: "A wise policy."

Superman, Batman, Hot Shot, and J'onn all step outside of the building and discuss on a plan.

Superman: "We'll need to contact the joint chiefs right away."

Then, lights aimed directly towards the four heroes. They all look to see the army aiming their weapons towards them.

Soldier: "Stop right there, Superman. You're trespassing in a restricted area. Our orders are to keep that freak here."

Superman: [He stands in front of J'onn] "Wait. I'll vouch for him. You must let us go."

Solider: "I don't think so."

Hot Shot: "Sir, please! The entire world's security may be at stake here." He interferes.

Soldier: "That's why he'll never leave here alive."

The soldier, along with the others behind him, all morphed into white-skinned aliens, aimed their weapons, and walked towards them. The heroes stood there in shock, seeing the invaders' true appearance. How will they get out of this?

To be continued...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The was the first part of Secret Origins! See you guys next time and comment down below what do you think!

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