JL: Secret Origins Part 3

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With the alien invasion nearly complete, the heroes attempt to free Superman, Hot Shot, and Hawkgirl from an alien facility, but fall into a trap...


Batman: "Get him out, now!"

Batman fended off these alien forces, giving Wonder Woman the chance to escape with J'onn. One of them notices the heroes trying to leave, so it pressed a button to have the door close on them, as it began to slowly, block the exit.

Batman grabbled away and grabbed the crystal. Wonder Woman managed to get through, but the door closed on the dark knight. He tried to punch it with the device on his hand, but it didn't work. The aliens slowly walked up behind him and aimed their weapons.

Wonder Woman: "Batman!" She yelled out, running to the door.

Batman simply throws the crystal down, and looks up them. As Diana approached the door, blaster fire hit the door.

Wonder Woman: "No!" She yelled.

As she was going to go after Batman, Martian stopped her.

Martian: "Wait. There's nothing more we can do for him."

Wonder Woman: "You don't mean he's..."

Martian: "Gone." He responded, looking down.

Diana was shocked and sad to hear that he was gone. She looked back the door and simply said...

Wonder Woman: "Hera, help us."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Back at the Wayne Tech: Metropolis Sub-Station, a repairman was on top of the satellite, finishing up repairing the damage that was caused.

Repairman: [sighs] "Done. I thought we'd never get this dish back on-line."

Scientist: "Are you sure you hooked it up right?" He asked him through the earpiece.

Repairman: "Yeah. Why?"

Scientist: "My readings are off the chart. Something's coming this way, something really big." He informed him.

Up above the cloud-covered Earth, a huge ship approaches the planet.

Snapper: "Government sources have confirmed the approach of another object from space."

We cut back to Earth, where the news is live with Snapper Carr, reporting on the latest news about the incoming invasion.

Snapper: "They predict it will be roughly five times the size of the first landers. Senator J. Allen Carter had this to say."

It cuts to the Senator speaking before the people.

Senator Carter: "In the face of this new development, we are calling on the public to remain calm."

A glass breaks, as a civilian and his friend breaks the glass window to grab one of the TVs that was on the stand.

Man: "I always wanted one of these."

Partner: "But what if we get caught?" He asks him.

Man: "What difference does it make? The world's coming to an end anyway." He said as they both ran off.

Another man was spray painting on the building that reads: The End is Here. Police sirens were going off, as people ran and screamed that the world is coming to an end.

On top of a building, both Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter were witnessing to what is happening.

Wonder Woman: "Perhaps mother was right about mankind. They're nothing but untamed savages." She says as she sees someone break a window with a trash can.

Martian: "Do not judge them too harshly. They act out of fear."

As people continued running, two people were trying to lift a piece of debris and tried to call out for help.

Man: "Hey! There's kids trapped under here! Someone give us a hand!"

Then, a green beam hits the debris as it was then lifted up in the air.

Green Lantern: "Will this do?"

As the debris was lifted away, two scared children were huddled close together as the two men went over to pick them and getting them to safety.

Man #2: "Thanks, man." He thanked the Green Lantern.

Green Lantern then flies over to the building where both Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are currently at, with Flash following. The Flash ran up top to the roof to meet up with the rest.

Green Lantern: "Sorry, we're late. Had to stop and help some civilians." He said.

Flash: "What'd you call us back for?" He asked.

Wonder Woman: "Superman's been captured. He's trapped somewhere inside there with Hawkgirl and Hot Shot." She informed them as she pointed towards the factory.

Flash: "Whoa."

Green Lantern: "And what about Batman?"

As he mentioned Batman, Diana simply looks down in sadness.

Martian: "He acted heroically...to the very end."

Flash: "The bat's gone?" He was shocked to hear the news.

Wonder Woman: "He was a true warrior."

Green Lantern: "This is not good, definitely not good."

In the streets of Metropolis, the heroes were hiding behind the rubble, seeing a walker guarding the factory.

Flash: "I can't believe we're doing this again." He looked over to Green Lantern.

Green Lantern: "If Superman, Hawkgirl, and Hot Shot are in there, someone's gotta rescue 'em. You are sure they're still in there, aren't you?" He turns over to the Martian. "J'onn?"

Martian: "Yes. Your friends are alive, but we must act quickly. The Imperium is coming."

Flash: "The who?"

Martian: "The supreme intelligence that controls these invaders. We have met before." He explained.

Flash: "Can we trust this space case?" He questioned, while looking at Green Lantern.

Green Lantern: "What choice do we have? Okay, we're going in. Flash, create a diversion. Diana, watch my back."

Wonder Woman: "You want to rely on an amateur?"

Green Lantern: "Let's move." He simply said.

Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter flew up in the air as the Flash ran off to distract the walker. He grabbed a piece of rubble and threw it towards the machine, getting it's attention.

Flash: "Tag! You're it!" He yelled out as he then blew a raspberry.

The machine began to fire lasers, as the Flash quickly ran away.

Flash: "Not even close!" [He then fake yawns]. "Come on, slowpoke. I dare you. Over here!"

As the walker lifted it's leg and was about to hit the scarlet speedster, he quickly dodged as it's leg hit a landmine. It lifted it's leg up to see that the claw was destroyed.

Flash: "Ooh, you really stepped in it that time."

The machine started to lose balance as it tilted forward and drops down to the ground and exploded on impact.

Flash: "Bye-bye." He waved as he then took off.

By the factory, two guards were looking around, seeing if there's anyone trespassing. Behind them, the three heroes flew down and hd behind the debris. Seeing the coast is clear, they moved up and flew towards a hole that was made by Superman. As they reached inside, they began to fly around, looking for the captive heroes.

Green Lantern: "Where are they being held?"

Martian: "This way."

They flew to the right, as they flew down to the ground. The Flash quickly catches up with them.

Flash: "Hope I didn't keep you."

They stopped as they heard alien chattering nearby. They quickly go up against the wall, as J'onn looks over to see there are two guards on their path.

Martian: "Wait here."

Lantern nodded in acknowledgement, as Martian then formed into one of the invaders. He quickly informed that he spotted intruders nearby, as they ran towards where he was pointing.

As they found the heroes, Martian sneakily comes up from behind and his phased his arms through their chests, knocking them down.

Martian: "Come."

Flash: "Is it just me or does he creep you out too?"

They began to follow Martian through the factory, as they were almost approaching them J'onn placed his hand on the wall.

Martian: "I sense they are somewhere beyond these walls."

Wonder Woman tries to push through, but nothing happened.

Wonder Woman: "It's no use. We'll have to find another way."

Green Lantern: "Stand back."

He then used his ring to try and cut through the wall. Martian informs them that they haven't got much time left.

Outside, many civilians were watching the factory still keep going. Then, the ground began to shake as the glass from the buildings shatter and debris start falling down on the ground. They all began to panic and ran for their lives. Up above, a giant ship approaches as it flew over the factory.

Daughter: "Mommy, what is that?"

Mother: "Oh, my lord." She simply said.

Lantern managed to cut open a circle shaped opening, as he then kicked it down. They peeked inside to find Superman, Hawkgirl, and Hot Shot hanging upside down.

Wonder Woman: "Great Hera."

She, along with Lantern and Flash, rushed over to help them get down, but Martian sensed that something was off.

Martian: "Wait. Something is not right."

As Flash went close to Hawkgirl, she opened her eyes, revealing it to be all red, along with Superman. The door closed behind them, trapping them.

Green Lantern: "It's a trap!"

Then, gas began to cover the room, with everyone trying to cover their mouths.

Wonder Woman: "Lantern...your ring." [Coughs].

Green Lantern: "Can't focus. Can't..." He tried reaching his arm out, but he was knocked out.

All of the heroes were on the fall, as the disguised Superman, Hawkgirl, and Hot Shot dropped down and transformed to their own alien forms.

Superman: "J'onn, J'onn, wake up!"

Martian: [He groaned as he looked to his right] "Superman."

The two, along with Hawkgirl, Hot Shot, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash are now being held captive, trapped together.

Superman: "You shouldn't have risked your lives for us."

Martian: "Would you have done less for me?"

Flash: [Groans] "My aching head."

Then, they look up to see one of the invaders come forward, with a few standing behind him.

Alien: "Earth's mightiest heroes. Welcome." He said as he then changed form, to reveal itself that he was actually Senator Carter all along.

Hot Shot: "Wait, Senator Carter?" He questioned, as he woke up shortly after Flash.

Senator Carter: "Unfortunately, the real Carter never returned from Mars." He said.

Superman: "And you used me to weaken Earth's defenses."

Senator Carter: "You were so eager to cooperate. Thanks to you, the humans were totally helpless against us."

Superman: "It's not over yet."

Senator Carter: "Wrong again, Superman."

He then opened up a door on top of the ceiling, to reveal a giant ship floating up above them. Then, a small vessel flew down to where the others are waiting.

Senator Carter: "All hail the Imperium!" He said as he and the others bowed.

The hatch opened, to reveal the Imperium itself before them all.

Imperium: "J'onn J'onzz. It's been a long time."

The Martian was then brought up towards the Imperium, as he was then electrocuted. The trapped heroes just only watched in shock. J'onn then formed backed to his old form, and dropped to the floor.

Imperium: "Much better. You have defied us for centuries.

Martian: [Telepathically] "And I will never bow before you or any of your kind." He said as he got back up.

Imperium: "Then, we will personally see to finishing what should have been accomplished long ago...the elimination of the last martian."

Then, it's tentacles began to go into J'onn and brings him inside the Imperium, torturing him. The heroes stared in horror, seeing what's happening to the Martian.

Hot Shot: "J'onn!!" He screamed.

Superman: "Let go of him, you filthy..."He tried to get himself out.

Imperium: "Yield to us, J'onn J'onzz."

Martian: "Never!"

Imperium: "Why do you resist? Embrace this truth. After all these years, you have finally lost.

Martian: "Have I?"

Imperium: "You're hiding something. A secret deep in the recesses of your mind. Is this another of your martian tricks?"

Martian: "Do I sense fear?"

Imperium: "What are you hiding?" He demanded to know.

Martian: "Now!"

Then, a explosion occurred across the room. When the smoke cleared, the person behind it was none other than, Batman!

Flash: "Batman?"

Wonder Woman: "It can't be." She was shocked to see the Caped Crusader alive and well.

Martian: "I mentally shielded him, so he couldn't be detected." He explained.

Batman takes out a device and places it inside to the factory. The red began to change into blue.

Senator Carter: "What have you done?"

Batman: "Reversed the ion charge." He simply said.

Imperium: "The crystal, destroy it!" He ordered.

They all opened fire at the crystal, but no damage was inflicted upon it from the blasts.

Senator Carter: "It's shielded!"

The factory fired up a blue beam up to the sky, clearing up the cloud, revealing the bright blue sky and sun. The sunlight breaks through, as it began to hurt the invaders and the Imperium. J'onn breaks free and drags the Imperium into the light.

Imperium: "No!"

Martian: "You live underground and shun the light. Why? Does it burn your pale, putrid skin?"

The giant tentacle creature began to scream in agony as it's skin to burn.

Flash: "Ooh, that's one nasty sunburn." He said.

Batman, gliding over them with his grappler, reached to the heroes and landed in front of Superman.

Batman: "Ultraviolet rays, coming from the depths of space, the invaders have no resistance to our sun's radiation."

As he was explaining, he grabbed a tool from his belt and uses a laser to cut them out. With the help of the sun, Superman gained some strength as he uses his heat vision to cut his restraints and break off.

Wonder Woman: "So, you did find that weakness after all."

Imperium: "Destroy them!"

Superman quickly flies over and rips a piece of the ground, shielding the heroes. He quickly uses his heat vision to help release the others. All of them enter the battle, gaining the upperhand. Hot Shot used his powers to charged up his rift-edge weapon and struck down on the invaders, while Hawkgirl, and Flash helps him out.

Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern create holes on top, to expose more sunlight, having the invaders evaporate upon exposure.

The Imperium electrocutes J'onn, knocking him out as it tries to flee. The alien disguised as Carter sees him and runs after him.

Senator Carter: "Imperium!"

Imperium: "Unhand me, worm."

He smacks him off, as he falls to the ground and evaporates. As he tries to leave in his vessel, Wonder Woman takes out her lasso and grabs hold to the ship.

Hot Shot quickly goes over to J'onn and helps him, but the invaders tried to shoot at him. He growled as he reaches his hand out, electrocuted them and drags them into the sunlight, as they evaporated.

The vessel shot at Diana, causing her to let go of her lasso. Hawkgirl quickly flies to vessel and uses her mace to cause enough damage as Wonder Woman catches up. Diana throws the vessel back down to the factory, destroying it. Flash quickly grabs Batman and takes him to safety.

Flash: "We'd hate to lose you again. Maybe we'd better get out here."

Hot Shot: "No! We can't leave without them." He said, pointing to people trapped in the cocoons.

Hot Shot cuts open and helps out a civilian. Two aliens tried to shoot at him, but Martian intervenes and stops them.

Hot Shot: "Flash, give me a hand."

Flash: "Ew, gross." He said as he touched the goo.

Hot Shot: "Now!" He said as he and Superman help get the civilians out.

Flash picks one up to help him. Hawkgirl flies back to warn the others that the place is starting to blow. The civilians were huddle together as Green Lantern forms a shield around them. He flew them up, with Superman carrying Flash, Wonder Woman carrying Batman, and Hot Shot and Hawkgirl following behind them.

As they all got out, the factory then blew up. The cloud began to clear away, as the sun shined on Metropolis. The heroes look up to see the ship flying away into space, never to be seen again.

Snapper: "This is Snapper Carr. In the aftermath of the Metropolis Meltdown, most of the invaders have retreated from Earth. Superman and a team of other heroes have driven out the remaining pockets of resistance, helping to restore order around the world."

The news cuts to a footage of Wonder Woman and Hot Shot taking down the walker and Green Lantern and Hawkgirl taking down the remaining factories.

Snapper: "Despite this stunning victory, some are warning that we must remain vigilant."

General Wells: "We got lucky this time. What will we do if the invaders ever return?"

The news footage was turned off as we cut to Batman and Hot Shot in the Batcave.

Hot Shot: "So, what will we do if they ever come back?"

Batman: "I may have an idea."

Out in space and orbiting above the planet, a large space satellite was seen floating above. Inside, both Hot Shot and Superman were looking down on Earth.

Hot Shot: "Well, what do you think?"

Superman: "Incredible. Do your stockholders know about this, you two?" He asked.

Batman: "A line item hidden in the Aerospace R&D budget. This watchtower will act as an early-warning system for detecting other threats of invasion from space." He explained.

Flash: "And it also has a fully stocked kitchen." He called out as he entered the area with Diana. "Iced mocha?" He offered.

Superman: "No, thanks."

Wonder Woman: "Mmm, they don't have these on Themyscira." She said as she took a sip.

Flash: "Stick around, princess. I'll show you the ropes."

Wonder Woman: "Perhaps I will."

Green Lantern: "An impressive installation. Most impressive." He said as both he and Hawkgirl flew down towards the group. "But what's it got to do with us?" He questioned.

Superman: "I once thought I could protect the world by myself, but I was wrong. Working together, we saved the planet. And I believe that if we stayed together as a team, we would be a force that could truly work for the ideals of peace and justice."

Flash: "What, like a bunch of super friends?" He questioned as Hot Shot snorted at the response.

Superman: "More like a Justice League."

Hot Shot: "Hm, not bad. I kinda like it."

Flash: "Really? Do you have any idea how corny that sounds? But, maybe the big guy's got a point. With all of us behind it, it just might work. Count me in." He said, as he shook hands with Superman.

Green Lantern: "Me too."

Hawkgirl: "And me."

Both Hawkgirl and Green Lantern joined up, with the others still waiting.

Wonder Woman: "My mother may not approve, but I find man's world to be intriguing. I'll gladly join." She said as she places her hand on top of the rest.

Superman: "What about you, Batman?"

Batman: "I'm not really a people person, but when you need help and you will...call me."

Superman: "Understood. And what about you, Hot Shot?"

Hot Shot: "Well, I'm curious to see how this goes and it would be nice to interact with people like me. So yeah, I'm in."

He goes over to group and shakes hands with Superman. Everyone smiled, happy to see him join, even Batman let out a small smile.

Superman: "So, we're all agreed."

Wonder Woman: "Wait, J'onn's not here."

Flash: "Yeah, where is he?"

Hot Shot flies up in the air, to find J'onn by the controls, gazing at the stars. Blake lands behind him.

Hot Shot: "J'onn, are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

Martian: "My family and loved ones are long gone. I am the last of my kind. Now, Mars is dead and I am alone in the universe.

Hot Shot: "J'onn, we can never replace the family you've lost but we'd be honored if you could learn to call Earth your home." He said as he takes off his mask and smiled warmly to Martian.

J'onn smiled back, as both joined back with the others. Superman smiled proudly as everyone joined together. This was the day the Justice League was officially formed. What new adventures awaits for them? We'll just have to wait and see...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

That's it for Secret Origins!! For a heads up, the next chapter will be about Blake getting to know his teammates, mainly Diana, Shyera, Wally, and John. After that, it will continue to the episode, In Blackest Night. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and I'll see you in the next chapter! Peace!

P.S. let me know what other female heroes you think could be Blake's love interests!

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