Chapter 6: Making some Friends

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The next day, William was dropped off to the Ultra Rogues hideout to work. He was going to miss being with his dad, but he knew he would see him again. He went inside to see his new boss, Anti-Matter. After getting pass the bouncer, he headed to Anti-Matter's office. He saw Anti-Matter working on some blueprints with Cyborg Brainstein.

"Good morning, Boss. Is there anything I can get you?" William asked.

"First of all, don't call me boss. Call me Anti-Matter. Second of all, you can pour me a drink." Anti-Matter said.

"Oh, okay Anti-Matter." William said. He then poured a drink for Anti-Matter put it next to him on his desk.

"Thank you." Anti-Matter said as he takes a sip. William was curious to see what he was working on.

(Blueprints to the portal machine that brings in the Dinotrux in my other story)

"What are you working on?" William asked. Anti-Matter covered the plans so the kid won't see it.

"Nothing that concerns you, kid." Anti-Matter said.

"Oh, okay. Sorry. I didn't mean to be sneaky." William said. Anti-Matter looked at the kid.

"You really are nothing like your father. He never said sorry or apologize like that." Anti-Matter said.

"Thanks?" William said unsure. He getting the feeling that everyone excepted him to be like his father, but he's not. Not that he doesn't love his dad, it's just he doesn't want to be a criminal.

"I love my dad, but I don't want to be a criminal like him." William said.

"Life is tough, kid. Sooner or later you're going to have to decide what life you want to live. Your dad's or the one you want." Anti-Matter said. Will was surprised by the advice he gave him.

"But—" William started before he heard a explosion downstairs. Anti-Matter and Brainstein got up as the others go down to see what was the ruckus.

"Stay here. If anything, use the back exit." Anti-Matter said as he teleports downstairs. William decides to peak down at what was going on. He sees a bunch of people in different costumes. It was Meta-humans. Criminal meta-humans.

It was Amunet Black and Goldface, two of Central City's biggest black market sellers. They were here with some metas like Sunshine, Dr. Light, Ragdoll, Top, Bug-Eye Bandit, and the Royal Flush Gang. Along with their gangsters. Dad warned him that those two were dangerous, especially when they sell meta-humans to criminals.

"Well, well. Looks like someone has busy here. Nice place you got, Anti." Amunet said.

"Amunet Black and Goldface. I see you two are back together." Anti-Matter said with his team behind him. "What do you want?"

"Oh come on. Don't think you forgot about that crystal you took from us." Goldface said.

"Oooh, you mean the Dragon's Ember. No. I didn't forget that, because it belongs to me. I need it for my big plan. You guys were partners I worked with on that job. To help me steal it while you got to take the other valuables." Anti-Matter said.

"Maybe. But we want it." Amunet said. Dr. Light readies her gun. The Ultra Rogues ready themselves.

"It doesn't have to go this way. We can do this the easy way..." Amunet said as her metal covers her hand and Goldface whips his gold chains. "Or the hard way."

Anti-Matter and his Rogues ready themselves for battle.

"So be it." She said. Then all hell broke loose. Blasts, weapons, and bullets were everywhere. William knew he had to get home. He goes downstairs avoiding the battle heading to the back exit. Sunshine spots him leaving and wondered what's a kid doing here. Her train of thought was interrupted by SharX attacking her.

William was now roaming the streets not knowing what to do. He decided to head home. Dad would know what to do. He made sure his hood was hiding his face so no one can see him. He rush to a alleyway only to bump into a group of kids. There were 7 kids. One boy with a gray, red stained shirt with brown hair, one boy with a blue shirt with tan stripes, one big boy with a spike mohawk wearing a green jacket around a gray shirt, one girl with a ponytail, wearing a blue jacket, one boy with brown spiky hair wearing a green shirt with a white wolf symbol, one girl wearing purple, and one with brown spike hair, dressed in blue.

"Whoa. Watch where you're going, kid." The green one said with the wolf shirt.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. I—I didn't mean to bump into you." William said in fear.

"Hey, it's okay, kid. No harm done, no need to cry." The blue girl said as he held out her hand. William took it in fear as she pulled him back on his feet.

"Nice costume." The red kid said.

"Huh? Oh, yes! Just came back from a party." William lied. He couldn't let them know he isn't wearing a costume.

"Hi, I'm Freddy. And this is Jack, Quint, Dirk, June, Aki, and Suna." Freddy said introducing themselves.

"Hi." They said in unison.

"Hello, I'm William." William said.

"What are you doing here?" Suna asked.

"I—I am just heading back home." William said. He couldn't let them know about him being related to his Dad.

"Oh, well. We can walk with you home." Jack said.

"Umm, no need. I know my way back. I can handle myself." William said.

"You sure? It's getting dark and the streets aren't safe alone in the dark." Dirk said.

"I'll be fine. My dad taught how to take care of myself." William said.

"Okay. Just be careful." June said.

"What about you guys?" William said.

"Oh, we're on our way to our friend's birthday party." Aki said.

"A party? With music?" William asked.

"Of course. There's going to be: balloons, music, dancing, cake, desserts, and some games." Quint said.

"Wow! Sounds like fun." William said.

"Hey, maybe you can ask your dad if you can come. I'm sure our friends wouldn't mind if we invited a friend." Freddy said.

William suddenly stopped smiling. He knew his dad wouldn't be okay with him around people. Plus, there was a possibility that his identity would get revealed. He knew he couldn't.

"I don't know. I'll think about it. My dad is very strict on me not coming home late." William said.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask. Anyway, we need to get going." Suna said.

"Okay, see ya." William said as he heads off.

As he does, he stops to see them leave. He thought hard about that invitation he was offered. His father never lets him have much fun. It wouldn't hurt to go. But he couldn't let anyone know about him, so he decided to sneak in. He followed them to where they were going. He sees them with 4 more teenagers waiting outside of the building. It was Danny Fenton, Jazz, Tucker, and Samantha.

"Hey, guys. Where were you guys?" Danny asked.

"Sorry, we're late. We ran into a kid. He was quite nice though." June said.

"It's about time. Everyone is already getting to work. This party must be perfect." Jazz said.

"I can hardly wait until tonight. I'm so hitting the dance floor. I heard Drill Man now has cool DJ skills." Tucker said.

"Let's go guys. This party isn't going to set itself up." Sam said as they headed inside.

Once they did, William snuck in after them. He sneaked in the shadows, just like his dad taught him. He saw many people inside setting up the party. Balloons decorations and that being placed by the people. Including some colorful robots. He was amazed to see actual robots. Men, women, and kids working on the party. He saw a man and a robot hanging up on the poles a banner saying:


"It must be one of their friends." William thought. He saw how everyone was talking and being friendly with each other. Maybe his dad is wrong about people being always cruel. Or was it a act? He honestly didn't know.

Meanwhile below Wayne Enterprises, Ryan, Lucas, Mary, and the Gargoyles were in the Batcave. The Gargoyles were wearing a special crystal that allows them to stay awake during daytime. They were going over a murder case that happened last night. A crime gang were slaughtered in their hideout. It was so horrifying. No survivors.

"I think I'm going to lose my lunch." Broadway said.

"Not even criminals deserve this." Lex said.

"Who would do this?" Goliath asked.

"Base on how these men were slaughtered, it looked like a animal with sharp claws and sharp teeth did this. Bullets were fired, but none killed the unsub. It must have been bulletproof." Lucas said explaining the pictures.

"I think I might know... Killer Croc." Brooklyn said pulling out his profile.

"What? No. It can't be. We locked him up." Ryan said.

"Unfortunately he broke out, according to the records at Arkham, he escaped soon after you guys stopped him." Mary said.

"Well that's just great." Elisa said.

"It's been 10 years now since he resurfaced. Why would he kill now, lads?" Hudson said.

"Don't know. But this time, we need to stop before he kills anyone else." Ryan said.

"Agreed, but... we are going to celebrate your birthday tonight." Mary said.

"I don't know. We have a criminal to deal with." Ryan said.

"Brooklyn is right. This is your big night." Angela said.

"Come on. We are not letting some reptile killer ruin your birthday." Brooklyn said. Everyone gave her a look that said "You don't have a choice."

"Fine, I guess superhero work can wait." Ryan said in defeat. Bronx jumped to her, licking her face.

"Okay, guys. Let's go party!" Ryan said. Everyone cheered as they got ready for tonight.

They soon arrived at the building. They go in to see the room pitch black.

"Uhh... hello?" Ryan said. Suddenly the lights switched on revealing everyone jumping in surprise.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!" They all said. They all hug her and congratulate her.

"Thanks guys. Now... let's PARTY!!" Ryan shouts. Everyone cheers to that and party began.

"YOU WHAT?!" Killer Croc exclaimed to Anti-Matter. They managed to drive out Amunet, Goldface, and their crew out. By that time, Croc decided to see how his son was doing, only to find out he's missing and no one saw him leave.

"I told him to get to safety while we dealt with those two. I didn't think he'll leave the building." Anti-Matter said.

"If anything happens to him. It will be your fault!" Killer Croc said. Then he stormed out to search for William. He hopes his son's okay. He takes a great sniff into the air, looking for his son. Suddenly, he picks up his scent and begins to follow it.

"Hang on William, Daddy's coming." Killer Croc said to himself.

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