Chapter 8: Party Crasher vs Angry Party Heroes

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Killer Croc stood in front of the Green Arrow with Flash and Supergirl behind him.

"Justice League... suit up." Oliver said. As soon as he said that, all the guests suited up in their super suits, armed and ready. Dig into his Lantern suit, Aki transforming into Mega-Man, Dirk turning into his monster form, Danny going Ghost form, Flasheart, Hotspur, and Freddy morphing into werewolves. Killer Croc was surprised at this. He thought they were all normal citizens, but they turned out to be members of the Justice League. No wonder they were not screaming or scared of him. William was surprised to see this. He heard of the Justice League from Anti-Matter but never knew what they looked like, now he knows.

"Take him down!" Oliver shouts as he fires a arrow at Croc with Flash and Supergirl firing at him too. The trio blast knocked him into a wall. He gets up and growls at them. He saw that he was completely outnumbered against the League, but he didn't care. It's obvious that they don't know about William, so he must've snuck in here.

"I'm not leaving until I get what I want!" Croc shouts getting up.

"Save it, Croc! We're not falling for your games." Iris said aiming her blaster at him while Felicity behind her. Joe, Cecile, and some of the other guests left the room to leave the heroes at work.

"No one is getting eaten tonight, lad." Hudson said as he swings his sword at him but misses as Croc dodges and knocks him away. Stormwolf, Cut Man, Wood Man fires his cut blades, leaf shurikens, and lightning daggers at him.

"En garde!" Cut Man said as he shoots.

"Take this!" Lobo said as he throws.

"Ninja GO!" Wood Man said as he fires.

Croc dodges it and continues to push through the heroes as best he could. Fire, Elec, and Wave Man fire their powers at him but they miss or he takes the blast without feeling pain. He throws a table at them, knocking them down. Hotspur, Mick, and Fire Man create trio combo fire blast, knocking Croc down.

"Burn Croc bitch!" Mick roared as he enjoys the fire.

He then throws some chairs and another table at them. Atom and Choi shrinks some of the objects to avoid being hit.

"Is that all you got?!" Killer Croc yells at them. Then Espectro Gorila pops out from his shadow behind him.

"Not quite!" Espectro Gorila said as he shadow punches him to Superman as he punches him to the floor.

He comes up to get whacked in the face by White Canary's bo staff. Croc snarls at her as she uses her assassin skills on him. Headlocked him with her legs bringing him down. Croc pushes her off and grabs a subwoofer and throws it at her but destroyed by Steel and Atom Smasher who nod at her. Then
Mega Man fires at him but Croc tail whips him, knocking him into the Gargoyles. Sentinel then fires her paralysis ray at him.

"Paralysis Ray. Should stun you long enough." Alex said.

"For what?" Croc asked in pain.

"So we can do this." Ryan said as she and Brooklyn jumped and sucker punched him down. Croc gets and starts attacking. Ryan and Brooklyn tag team up against him, using his own strength against. They managed to pin his arms and throws him away only to get body slammed by Barril el Oso. Barril get off and joins the heroes.

"That's for ruining my birthday, bitch." Ryan said. Croc gets up to see Allegra and Tigre Rojo.

"And this...!" Allegra said as she and Tigre fired a plasma and light blast at him, crashing into stuff.

" for ruining our night." Allegra said. Tigre growls at him in anger.

"Party Crasher!" He roars. Croc gets up, not willing to go down.

He charges and tail spins around, knocking the heroes off their feet. Suddenly high pitched sound waves attacked him. He covers his ears in pain. He looks to see Black Canary, Black Wolf, and Danny Phantom using their Canary Cry, Wolf's Howl, and Ghostly Wail, at him. He head charges knocking down the screamers. He grabs Laurel and Flasheart by the neck, pinning them down.

"Can't scream now." Killer Croc said. Freddy then jumped in.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY DAD!" Freddy shouts as he blasts him away with his energy bursts. Croc gets up from the blast.

"Now!" Ralph said as he stretches his arm grabbing Croc as Diggle constructs chains grabbing him. He was stuck in place.

"Do it!" Dig shouts. Croc turns to see Dirk in his monster form with Guts Man charging at him.

"TAKE THIS!" Dirk and Guts Man shouts as they charge into Killer Croc. They knock him away. Cisco opens a breach behind him as he goes in. Then he opens another breach in the air. He comes out only to get punched by Macro Toro and Kara back into the air.

"NOW!" Cisco shouts as he opens another breach. Barry, Nora, Bart, Wally, and Lobo run into the breach as Croc lands on the ground. Croc gets up again slowly as a breach opens in front of him to get lightning punched by the 5 speedsters to the wall. Croc was getting tired, he couldn't continue on. They were too powerful for him together united.

"Stand down Croc. You're no match against all of us combine." Oliver said aiming his arrow at him.

"NEVER!!!" Killer Croc roared. With the last of his strength, he charged at them. Suddenly, two blasts of ice froze him in a chunk of ice. He turns his head to see Killer Frost and Ice Man.

"There's no need for hysterics, guys. I'm a hero!" Ice Man said.

"You mean we're heroes, Ice." Frost said. Croc struggled to breaking free, but couldn't.

"Everyone knows reptiles are weak against cold. Like all reptiles, the colder you get, the slower you get." Frost said.

"Time to end this." Green Arrow said as he aims a Arrow at him. William couldn't just watch anymore. His dad couldn't keep fighting. He then rushed over standing in front of his frozen father.

"Stop! Don't hurt him!" William said.

"Who's the kid?" Hotspur asked.

"Kid, get out of the way! He's dangerous." Oliver said.

"Stop! Don't hurt my dad!" William said with his face reveal to the heroes. The heroes were surprised and shocked to hear those words.

"Dad? Did that kid call the Killer Croc, dad?" Cisco asked.

"Son, get out of here, NOW!" Killer Croc yells at his son, not wanting him to share the same fate as him.

"I'm not leaving you daddy." William said to him. The heroes were unsure what to do now. Killer Croc. The man-eating crocodile villain has a son? What a surprise. Then Oliver finally spoke.

"Hypno Woman, rock 'em to sleep." Oliver said. Hypno Woman then blasted some glitter faces at William and Croc.

"Sweet dreams Crocodiles." She said.

The faces then knocked him and Croc out cold. The heroes were unsure what to do with the two crocs. They decided to bring them to the Hall of Justice, there they will discuss what to do. Suddenly, Skulker and Ember with their baby girl, Serena, enter the building.

"Sorry that we're late. Me and my husband were getting late minute presents and we couldn't find a babysitter for her and—" Ember said before they saw the mess in the room and with Croc frozen in place with a unconscious Croc kid.

"What the heck happened?" Skulker asked.

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