Chapter 2: Stoker City and it's Monsters

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Central City
S.T.A.R. Labs

In Central City at S.T.A.R. Labs, was Team Flash enjoying a nice relaxing day with no crime so far. King Shark was enjoying time with his wife Tanya. Atom Smasher, Chillblaze, and the Plague Squad were protecting the city. Barry was giving Bolt a nice belly rub while the others did their normal stuff here at the lab. Frost was drawing a picture. Caitlin was on the computers and Iris was typing a story on her laptop. Nora and Bart are eating some snacks. Suddenly, Cisco, Ralph, and Chester burst into the room with joy and excitement.

"Guys! You're never going to believe what the three of us manage to do?" Cisco asked.

"I have no clue?" Barry said as he stopped playing with Bolt.

"We managed to score a bunch of tickets to see the World Monster Wrestling match!" Chester said excitedly.

"And we have enough for you guys and some other friends to join us." Ralph said.

"Wait, what? Barry said.

"Since when are you guys into wrestling?" Caitlin asked.

"Uhhh... it's not just wrestling. It's MONSTER wrestling, Caitlin. One of the world's most popular sporting event." Cisco said to her as if what she said was an insult.

"Never heard of monster wrestling." Frost said.

"No surprise." Ralph said.

"How did you even get tickets?" Iris asked.

"Mick Rory helped by paying in a gold bar he stole. Believe me, he wasn't happy, but he's coming too with his daughter, Lita." Ralph said.

"Oh, yeah. In our time, monster wrestling becomes a very popular sport. More popular than any other sport." Bart said.

"Yeah, me and Bart never missed watching a match." Nora said.

"Where is this wrestling match taking place?" Barry asked.

"Stoker City. The city full of giant size monsters." Chester said.

"Stoker City? But who will protect the city while we're gone?" Iris asked.

"King Shark, Atom Smasher, Chillblaze, Aqualad, and the Plague Squad could." Cisco said.

"Why don't we invite Oliver, Kara, and some of the League?" Ralph said.

"That sounds good. Though I doubt Oliver will want to go." Barry said.

"Well, why don't you give him a call and find out." Chester said. Barry then dialed Oliver's number and calls him.

"Hey Barry. What's going on?" Oliver said.

"Hey, uh. Listen, Cisco, Chester, Ralph, and Mick scored some tickets to go see the Monster Wrestling in Stoker City. There's enough tickets for us all to go." Barry said.

"I don't know. I'm kinda busy. Oliver said.

"Come on, it will fun. You can even bring Felicity and Diggle." Barry said.

I guess I can come. I'll bring Felicity and Diggle." Oliver said.

"Great. Guess we meet each other there." Barry said as he hangs up.

"So, Oliver is bringing Felicity and Dig with him." Barry told the team.

Oliver hung up and turns to see Felicity and Dig entering the room.

"Hey, Ollie. Who was that?" Felicity asked.

"That was Barry. He invited us three to join them to go see a monster wrestling match in Stoker City." Oliver said.

"Stoker City? Oh my gosh! I've always wanted to go." Felicity said.

"Really? What's so special about that city?" Oliver said.

"You mean you never heard about that city?" Felicity said.

"No." Oliver replied.

"It's a city that has giant monsters who wrestle there in the World Monster Wrestling sport. Lots of famous monsters wrestled there. It's amazing!" Felicity said.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to go." Diggle said.

"Great. Then it's settled." Oliver said as Balto ran to him giving him a wet kiss. Oliver laugh and scratched his right ear.

"Sorry, pal. You can't come. I need you to stay here protecting our city." Oliver said to his friend. Balto whimpered but nodded his head.

"Okay then. Let's go." Oliver said.

Freddy was enjoying a nice day relaxing in his home. Hotspur was sleeping in the lounge and Flasheart was reading one of the books about the Moonstone. His phone rang and he sees it's Barry calling him.

"Hello Barry." Flasheart said.

"Hey Flasheart." Barry said.

"What do you need, pal." Flasheart asked.

"Nothing really? I was wondering if you, your brother, and Freddy would like to come with us to Stoker City to watch the World Monster Wrestling match there. Mick has the tickets already paid." Barry explained.

"Sure. I'm sure Freddy would love to come to see that. My brother on the other hand will be tough to convince. Sure, we'll be there." Flasheart said.

"Great. See ya soon." Barry said. Flasheart hung up and called out to Freddy. He came downstairs to see what his dad wanted. Flasheart explained what Barry told him and what's happening.

"Whoa, really? Monster Wrestling! I've always wanted to go." Freddy said.

"Great. Barry said we can come. He even invited Hotspur to join us." Flasheart said.

"Really? I doubt Uncle Hotspur will join us." Freddy said.

"Maybe he will come." Flasheart said.


"Are you... out... of your...MINDS?!" Hotspur exclaimed at his brother and nephew.

"Or not." Freddy said.

"Why would I want to come with you guys to watch giant beasts wrestle?" Hotspur asked.

"Oh come on, bro. It will be fun." Flasheart said.

"Absolutely not! May I remind about what happened the last time we went on trip?" Hotspur said talking about the Particle Accelerator explosion.

"That was years ago. This time it will be different." Flasheart said.

"Oh sure. Giant beasts wrestling each other will be different from a Dark Matter wave giving powers." Hotspur said.

"You know, the Legends are coming too. Even Astra into the Monster Wrestling." Freddy said.

"She is?" Hotspur said with a little shock.

"Yeah, she's a fan of the sport. But I guess you'll just stay here." Freddy said.

"On second thought, I might give this a shot." Hotspur said.

"Great. Then let's go." Freddy said as they head to the limousine and drove off to Stoker City.

Kara was relaxing in her apartment, watching the Wizard of Oz when her phone rang and she picks it up to see it is Barry.

"Hey, Barry. What's going on?" Kara asked.

"Hey, Kara. So listen, my friends and I are going to Stoker City and we were wondering if you wanted to come." Barry said.

"Stoker City? Why?" Kara said.

"There is a Monster Wrestling match going on there. That city is known for being populated with giant monsters." Barry said.

"Really? Sounds interesting. Sure, I'm in." Kara said.

"Great. See you soon." Barry said as he hung up.

Kara then got changed and headed off to Stoker City. As she flew, Alex called.

"Hey, Kara." Alex said.

"Hey Alex." Kara said as she flew.

"So what are you doing?" Alex asked.

"I'm heading off to Stoker City to watch the World Monster Wrestling sport there with some of the League members." Kara said.

"Really? Sounds fun. I hope you enjoy your time." Alex said.

"I will. Talk to you later. Bye." Kara said.

"Bye." Alex said as she hangs up. Kara then continues to fly to Stoker City.

"So Kara agreed to come along." Barry said.

"Great, should we call the Legends?" Tigre asked.

"No need. Mick already told them." Cisco said.

"Well, we better get going." Caitlin said. They got ready and left S.T.A.R. Labs to headed off to Stoker City to see the wrestling match.

Meanwhile with the Legends in the Waverider, Mick was getting ready to leave for Stoker City with his daughter. As he does, he bumps into the rest of the Legends.

"Oh hey, Mick. Where are you going?" Ray asked.

"My daughter, me, and some friends of the League are going to Stoker City to watch the World Monster Wrestling match there." Mick explained.

"Oh, I've heard about that place. Mind if we tag along." Behrad said.

"Sure. I still have some tickets for more." Mick said as he gets ready to leave.

"Alright then, I guess we're going to watch the Monster Wrestling match." Sara said. They then time-jumped to Stoker City.

Soon they were all in Stoker City. Barry and his team were already there. They looked around to see how amazing this city is. Right now, they were walking to the stadium.

"Wow. This place is quite something." Allegra said.

"I know, right? Just wait until you see the monsters." Ralph said as they continue to walk to the stadium.

"Where are the monsters anyway? I don't see any right now." Caitlin said.

"There are a few monsters here in the city, they wrestle in different areas of the city and the stadium is where they compete in the championship matches." Chester explained.

"Like what Chester said: there a few monsters here and around the world that wrestle in different parts of the Earth. I also have their wrestling cards." Cisco said showing them the cards.

Rayburn Jr.

Son of Rayburn, Legendary Monster Wrestler
Champion of Monsters Wrestling
Record: 6 wins 167 losses
Weight: 5 elephants
Height: 3 story schoolhouse
Favorite Food: All of it
Signature move: The Moon Boom
Don't let his lack of experience for you! Rayburn Jr. is no rookie! He dances around his opponents with... Salsa Rumba, Somba, conga, mambo, tango, merengue, cha-cha, and his signature move... The Moon Boom! So you better hope you can dance to the rhythm of this beatdown!


Monster Pit Wrestler
Record: 6–54
Weight: 23 3/8 tons
Height: 45 feet 1 inch
Strengths: Winning Fixed Matches
Weakness: Jogging(Tiny little legs)
Hometown: Porksmouth USA
Favorite Hobby: Truffle Hunting
Secret Skill: Calculus
Signature Move: The Squealer
The crown prince of pork. The Duke of Makin' Bacon. This big piggy is coming all is coming all the home. To a monster wrestling ring near you. Frying up challengers with a signature move. The Squealer. Remember, dinner is served when Klonk rings your bell!


Monster Wrecker Wrestler
Record: 35–34
Weight: 18.8 Tons
Height: 49 Feet 8 inches
Weakness: Headaches
Fun fact: Loves bubble bath
Signature move: Rammer Hammer
Favorite quote: "This is my Dock!"
Favorite Food: Beans any kind made any way
Here comes the Rammer Hammer!
Angriest Monster in wrestling. With a head of steam and solid concrete. Nothing phases angriest monster in wrestling. Brut force mixed with wanton disregard for his own safety! Culminates in a deadly signature move: Rammer Hammer! Smashing! Charging! When Ramarilla unleashes the beast, insurance premiums go through the roof!

Axe Hammer

Monster Pit Wrestler
Record: 45–18
Entrance song: Dance Music
Strength "Talking in 3rd Person"
Motto: "Axehammer is the man!"
Signature move: The Axe
Height: 35ft & 3 in
Weight 21 2/5 Tons
She's not the biggest or the strongest! Or the pretties! But she's got... Eyes of a Tiger! Eyes of a Demon? Eyes of something... But when she stares you down you better have a backbone to step claw to claw! But with the tailwhip... Axehammer is looking for a party! If she picks you, be ready to get the axe!

Mr. Yokozuner

Monster Sumo Wrestler
Signature move: The Body Slam


Monster Dragon Wrestler
Signature move: Lightning Kicks

King Gorge

Monster Bulldog Wrestler
Weight: 27 3/4 Tons
Height: 55 feet 3 inches
Favorite food: Fish and Chips
Secret skill: Baking the perfect biscuits
Phobia: The Cone of Shame
Signature move: Slobber Slam
Favorite hobby: Being simply the best boy... Yes he is!
Striking distance: If he can lick ya... he can hit 'cha...
World monster wrestling's most civilized competitor! He blinds his opponent with a mix of polite pageantry, and the slobber slam, his signature move. Although not actually a king, he is a enforcer for the parliament of thump "bow to your king." When he takes himself for a walk and circles the ring, just know... it's time to bow wow to the king.


Monster Shark Wrestler
Former Champion of Monster Wrestling
Undisputed Champion
Record 15–0
Strengths: his breath is as bad as his B.O. (so many armpits.)
Weakness: Selfies
Favorite Food: 500 PB&J Sandwiches No Crust.
Reach: 68' times 6
Weight: 26 2/3 Tons
Height: 60 Feet 11 1/2 inches
He grew up idolizing himself and is now following in his own footsteps, as World Monster Wrestling's undisputed champion. The self proclaimed prettiest face in wrestling has but one weakness. Selfies! When Tentacular gives you a hug, run to the light, cuz that's the end of your night!

"Wow. That's a lot of cards." Barry said.

"Well, there it is guys. The Jimbo Coyle Stadium. Coach of Rayburn, 9x champion of the World Monster Wrestling. Now his son Rayburn Jr. is now the Champion with his coach Winnie, daughter of Jimbo Coyle." Cisco said looking at the stadium.

"Wow. It's huge." Allegra said.

"Yes, indeed." Ralph said. They reach the front and waited for the others to arrive. They soon saw the others finally arrived.

"So glad you guys made it." Cisco said.

"This better be worth my time here." Hotspur said as he saw Astra and smiled at her and she did too.

"Trust us. This is going to be awesome." Chester said.

"I can't wait to see this." Felicity said holding Oliver's arm.

"I'm interested to see this as well." Kara said.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go already." Mick said as he and Lita go in. The others soon follow, ready to see the giant monsters brawl for the championship.

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