Chapter 1: Recruitment

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21  WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 ScarletQuakeWitch Lionel062
SuperNinjaDragon7 Thunderslash721 Miraculousgaurdian09 williamsmaurice1254

Tai Lung is a dark, dangerous and arrogant individual. But when he was a cub he was happy and energetic creature who had great potential for Kung Fu. Shifu lovingly trained the young Snow Leopard, telling him he was destined for greatness, but never bothered to instill some humility in Tai Lung, nor did he see the darkness that was tainting him until it was too late. Tai Lung possesses a brutal nature of a slight sociopath and he sometimes gives the impression of being quite insane. Whether his insanity is the result of his long incarceration or if it was present before his imprisonment isn't clear; however, he is driven by a blind hatred of his old mentor Master Shifu (whom he blames for his misfortunes) and an obsessive desire for vengeance. Nevertheless, he possesses a fearsome dignity and is quite refined, exhibiting a dry, ironic sense of humor.

Tai Lung is charismatic and even charming on occasion, but this only adds to his aura of menace. He is able to use his immense presence and his notorious reputation to intimidate his opponents, sometimes for no reason other than his own personal amusement. Despite his sophisticated personality, he is given to violent mood swings during which his vicious and psychotic nature is all too evident. He also showed a vulnerable side as when he hesitated when Shifu made a sincere apology for turning him into a monster. Overall Tai Lung is an example of a person whose pride and ambitions went too far and led him to lash out at others and try to take what wasn't his.

Tai Lung's greatest fault in the end is his overconfidence as when he battled Po, he didn't think he would be much of a threat until Po managed to outsmart him and was later revealed to be immune to his nerve attack. During his last moments before Po used the Wuxi Finger Hold on him, Tai Lung was completely shell-shocked at the fact that he would be defeated by a panda. Despite his heartless and insensitive exterior, Tai Lung is naturally unassertive and insecure as well, so he never believed in himself to start with, and needed the Dragon Scroll to believe so-thus ironically as long as he could not believe in himself, he could never win against Po.

After helping the heroes, Tai Lung appears to be much calmer and usually doesn't start fights unless provoked implying that his time in the Spirit Realm mellowed him out. Many years after his defeat, Tai Lung soon saw Po worthy for being chosen by Oogway as Dragon Warrior, but he no longer covets the title for himself anymore, showing that he got rid of his obsession. Other than that, Tai Lung retained his pride, refusing to share his own talent in Kung Fu with anyone.


"Shifu believed that I was always destined for greatness. If my destiny isn't to be Dragon Warrior... then I must find out what it is, and I won't find out what it is here." Tai Lung said looking at the Jade Palace.

"Where will you go? Any idea at least on where you're headed?" Po asked the snow leopard.

"No... not yet. But, some fat, fluffy, but wise panda once told me that there's more in me. And it's telling me I need to go out there and find my own destiny." Tai Lung said looking beyond the Valley of Peace.

"Heh... and here I was hoping we could work together in defending the valley from dangerous threats, but this is your choice and I must honor and respect it." Po said a little sad.

"Thank you, Po. Tell Shifu I—" Tai Lung began.

"Tell me what?"

The two turn around to see Master Shifu and Tigress standing behind them.

"Master... I um... I want to say... I accept your apology. And I'm sorry for dishonoring you, Kung Fu, and the Jade Palace." Tai Lung said bowing to him.

"No. I'm sorry for not helping you the right way. If I had saw and knew what I was doing with you... none of this would have happened." Master Shifu said.

"Like I said before, it's in the past and we should move on." Tai Lung said as Shifu smiled as they then both bow in respect to each other.

"Look Tigress, I know we didn't start off well at first, but I am hoping we could try again. And maybe this time with less violence, sis?" Tai Lung said to her.

"I don't trust you. Not now, but you did save Po and helped us defeat Ultra Matter so I guess I could work on trusting you... brother." Tigress said.

Tai Lung looks surprised to hear her calling him 'brother'. He smiles and then prepares to head off before he turns around to face Po.

"See you soon... Dragon Warrior." Tai Lung said as he ran off.

3 years. It's been 3 years since Tai Lung set off to find his own destiny. It wasn't easy since all of China and most of the world has heard his story. He would often help others despite on them fearing him. He would take down bandits and criminals who would cause trouble. But still he wasn't close to finding out what he was meant to do. He would hardly call himself a hero, not like Po or the other super-powered people. He was now eating some dumplings in a restaurant as he's wearing a hooded cloak to avoid drawing attention. He's doing fine until he hears a struggle, he turns to see some three bandits pick on some sheep.

"Come on, hand it over!" A wolf bandit growled to a female sheep who refused to hand them her money.

"Let her go." Tai Lung said still looking at his food.

"Or what?" A croc bandit chuckled as he threw some food at the back of Tai's head.

Tai Lung got up and ate his last dumpling before throwing the bowl directly at the croc's head before grabbing his tail and smashed him down on the floor. The bear and wolf charge at the Snow Leopard as he takes them on with ease. During the fight, the bear manages to pull off Tai Lung's hood, revealing his face. A bunch of gasps and surprise can be seen on the peoples face, including the 2 bandits. Tai Lung smirks as he punched the wolf in the chest before throwing him into the croc's unconscious body. He then finishes the fight with his Nerve Attack on the bear. Once the fight was done, he went to sit back down as his table as the rest of the people went back to their own business.

"Thank you." The sheep said grateful.

Tai Lung nodded as he continued onto his noodles. Eating the noodles reminded him of Po. He remembered how sweet, kind, forgivable, but sometimes idiotic the panda could be. He's still surprised by the fact that Po defeated him in combat. Some who trained for 20 years in the art of Kung Fu, only to get his butt kicked by one who had a few weeks of training in Kung Fu. He often wonders what Po is up to. He does remember that he and the Furious Five were working on their new Justice League of China, looking for new recruits to add to their league of heroes.

"My, my... you certainly are quite the fighter from what I've heard."

Tai Lung turns around to see a human sitting in back as he finished his drink before standing up.

"Who are you?" Tai Lung demanded as he brushed off his knuckles.

"Me. I'm Dr. Harrison Wells, or just Harry, is what my friends call me." Harry said.

"What do you want?" Tai Lung asked impatient.

"Relax, I'm not your enemy. In fact, I'm also with the Justice League." Harry said.

"Really? Did Po or Shifu send you?" Tai Lung asked as he paid for his meal.

"No. Both of them have no idea about this. Anyway, the reason why I'm here is because I have an offer for you." Harry said.

"What kind of offer?" Tai Lung asked a little curious.

I know that you've been lately trying to figure out your place in this world. Trying to figure out your new purpose in life after you accepted your fate in not being the Dragon Warrior. So I'm offering you a chance to help the world in secret. You interested?" Harry said.

Tai Lung thought deeply about it. Right now he had nothing better to do, but this offer does have him interested. Maybe this is what he's looking for a chance to show everyone in the world that he has truly changed and to find his purpose.

"I'm in." Tai Lung said.

"Great. Follow me." Harry said.

Central City

Soon they were teleported from China to America through a breach and were now in some underground bunker filled with tech.

"Where are we?" Tai Lung asked looking around.

"You're in the underground bunker of the Justice League. No one of the Justice League knows about except a few members. Now that you're here, I can introduce you to the others." Harry said.

"What others?" Tai Lung asked confused.

A capsule shoots out a fox who lands with precision as he looks at Tai Lung with a smile.

"Tod Tweed the Fox, aka Lightning Fox. A mischievous fox who's quite the master thief and prankster. and he has a little habit of getting into trouble. His meta ability is Electrokinesis, the power to manipulate lightning and electricity."

"Hey. Nice to meet ya." Tod said to the Snow Leopard.

Coming out of the capsule was a bloodhound who created a small shockwave when his feet hits the floor.

"Copper Slade the Hound, aka Thunderhound. A Bloodhound who was a former boxer and bounty hunter. Whose nose is strong enough to pick up blood a mile away. His meta ability includes Super strength, invulnerability, and his most powerful move is creating stomp-induced shockwaves."

"Hey." Copper said darkly.

Popping out of the capsule was a brown Spinjitzu tornado that spins all over the room as it stops, revealing a drooling Tasmanian Devil.

"Taz the Tasmanian Devil, aka Taznado. A Tasmanian Devil with a meta-ability of Aerokinesis, the power to Ability to control, generate, or absorb air or wind. Capable to create a tornado strong enough to destroy a mountain. Plus he has a strong appetite for food or anything that comes across his path."

"Taz hungry." Taz said drooling.

Coming out of the garage door was a fifth generation Ford Mustang police car as it transformed into a Cybertronian.

"Barricade, former Decepticon now Autobot of Gotham City. Though aggressive, violent, unpleasant, and probably thoroughly corrupt, he does have a certain sense of honor and pride in his role as a peacekeeper... though he interprets that job description rather loosely."

"Respect the Law or taste my fist." Barricade growled.

The capsule shoots a large, muscular, and bald Viking with a long, braided blond mustache and a unibrow shows up. He wears a tunic made of tan fur and cloth and a helmet with yak horns. He also wears a prosthetic left arm and right leg.

"Gobber the Belch. A Viking Blacksmith along with being a Weapon Specialist. A rather grouchy Viking with a snarky sense of humor. He has a tendency of cracking jokes and likes to claim to have never been defeated in battle."

"It's true." Gobber said with pride.

The capsule shoots out a large, orange troll with a green sigil on his belly. He had medieval rivet wristbands. His left horn is bend down. He finished eating a stinky sock as he burped loudly.

"Schmidt, a lazy, uninterested, bored, and suspicious troll. He's also quite nosey as he has a habit of trying to eavesdrop on conversations. His meta-ability allows him to control rocks, stone, and earth."

"Whatever." Schmidt said rolling his eyes.

The capsule shoots out a black and gold hedgehog robot who lands softly, thanks to his booster.

"Shard the Metal Sonic, the first Mecha Sonic to be created and was one of the deadliest robotic models created by Dr. Ivo Robotnik, based off his organic counterpart and Robotnik's most hated enemy, Sonic the Hedgehog, and was one of the first robots in the Metal Sonic Series.He sacrificed himself to save Sonic and Tails and was rebuilt to be a force a good."

"Hey Tai Lung, it's been some time." Shard smirked at the snow leopard.

A silver hedgehog flies out of the capsule and levitates down on the floor.

"Silver the Hedgehog, a Psychokinesis time traveler who is also a speedster of the Speed Force. A member of the Legends. He comes from the future to save it from ruin."

"So you can see the future?" Tai Lung asked.

"Sometimes." Silver answered.

A Mobian cat then appears as she landed perfectly from the capsule as Silver blushed in seeing her again.

"Blaze the Cat, a Pyrokinesis princess from a different dimension, Guardian of the seven Sol Emeralds."

"Princess?" Tai Lung said surprised.

"Please, just call me Blaze." Blaze said as the capsule shoots out another person.


Everyone turns to see a small girl in a green turtleneck sweater pop up from the capsule as she fall on the floor... hard. Everyone winced in pain as Blaze helped her up.

"Libby, a kind-hearted, outgoing, eccentric, and geeky introvert girl. She may be just a kid, but she is tough when it comes to magic. She's been lately trained in the arts of magic." Harry informs Tai Lung.

"Hey everyone!" Libby says waving to everyone.

"Hello... I'm..." Tai Lung began.

"Well, you're Tai Lung. One of China's greatest Kung Fu Masters ever." Silver said.

"And the first to master the thousand scrolls of Kung Fu." Libby added while holding out her hand to him. "I'm Libby. We actually met before."

"Okay...?" Tai Lung said shaking her hand.

"So... this is your team. The Secret Freedom Heroes." Harry said to the snow leopard.

"A team? I do fine on my own." Tai Lung scoffed.

"Same here." Copper said looking at Tod.

"I work well with others." Libby said.

"Wait, why does the snow leopard gets to be the leader."' Barricade asked.

"Because." Harry said.

"Because why?" Barricade asked again.

"Because he didn't blow up a whole city block in Gotham." Harry answered.

"HEY! That wasn't my fault, it was mostly the Joker's fault." Barricade said in defense.

"Like I said, I do fine on my own." Tai Lung said not wanting to deal with them.

"You're gonna need them for the mission. You're all going to need each other. Follow me." Harry said as they follow him.

"In the last month, we've been getting reports from all over the world of metas going missing and experimental tech along with it." Harry informed the new team.

"Wait, you're saying that there are other metas besides the ones that came from Central City?" Tod asked.

"Actually, I have run into quite a few metas around the world. Turns out there's folks all over the place with latent meta genes. All it takes is the right set of circumstances for their powers to manifest." Tai Lung explained to the group.

"Right. Exactly how Tai Lung explained it. Anyway, many meta-humans along with pieces of tech have been reported missing and stolen. The latest robbery showed the Gentleman Ghost and Ragdoll. We believe the Injustice Society is behind this." Harry explained.

"The ISA? I thought they were disbanded after the death of their leader, Icicle. Along with deaths of Tigress, Sportsmaster, Brainwave, Dragon King, Gambler, Wizard, and the Ultra-Humanite." Shard said.

"They were, but it seems like they've pulled themselves together. The last plan they had nearly brainwashed America. Who knows what they're up to." Harry said.

"Why aren't other JL heroes dealing with this?" Tai Lung asked.

"Unfortunately, they're all busy with their own missions which is why we need you guys to uncover their plot. Come." Harry said.

The team then followed Harry deeper into the bunker as they saw a man with blue skin, black hair, and a ponytail. He was also wearing a dark blue suit. He stops working as he turns around to face them.

"This here is Dr. Drew Lipsky aka Dr. Drakken." Harry introduced the team to the scientist.

"What kind of name is Drakken?" Barricade said.

"A name I'm proud of. I will be your eyes and ears for you. I'll be here to direct you through your mission, thanks to our advanced satellite." Drakken said sitting at the master computer.

"Cool. So why else are we here?" Schmidt asked looking at the computer.

"On this mission, you're all gonna need more than just your powers and your fighting skills. I've already built you all the needed tools and equipment you'll need for this mission in your new suits and bags." Drakken told them.

"Best if we all suit up." Silver said as the others (aside from Tai Lung) were awed by the suit.

"Whoa! So we all get a suit like that?" Libby asked.

"Yep. These suits are equipped with the tech you'll need in this mission." Dr. Drakken said to them.

"I don't need a suit." Tai Lung said, confident that his Kung Fu was all he needed.

"You'll need it to survive in the mission." Drakken said as he threw him one.

As the team suit up, they were each given an agent code name to keep their identities secret.

Tai Lung—Agent Dragon
Silver—Agent Ace
Blaze—Agent Queen
Libby—Agent Turtle
Tod—Agent Vex
Taz—Agent Devil
Copper—Agent King
Shard—Agent Jack
Barricade—Agent Cyber
Schmidt—Agent Stone
Gobber—Agent Gronkle

Once the team were all suited up, they headed for the JL jet. A jet that had its own submarine, a tank, and two fighter jets.

"Nice jet." Tai Lung said almost impressed.

"Don't worry, I'll be the one flying it. I'm an expert when it comes to flying. I even flew a dragon before." Gobber said heading to the cockpit.

"Well... shall we, team?" Tai Lung asked as they head aboard the aircraft.

Soon they took off as the new Secret Freedom Heroes were now on route to save the world.

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