Episode Fifteen: True Feelings

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Diana's pov

"I really don't understand this plan." I admitted to Barry. We were standing by the lockers and holding little love letters in our hands. "Why would giving out love letters help us?"

"Because." Barry said with a glint in his eye. "We are going to set them up."

I still didn't understand. "Set who up? You never actually specified.."

He sighed patiently. "Shayera and John." He started placing a hand on his hip like he meant business. "We give each of them love letters, pretending to be the other and then they will be so touched, they will forgive each other and boom!" He clapped his hands together. "They are in love and together."

I smirked at him for his plan was sweet but cliche. Barry was quite brilliant but I just couldn't think this would work. Shayera and John would figure out that the letters were not from them and then our group of friends would get caught. However I thought there was no harm in trying, after all, Shayera was my best friend and I wanted her to be happy.

"Okay Bear." I chuckled ruffling his hair, causing his cheeks to go pink. "I will go along with this and hopefully you will be right."

"Yeah..." Barry said thinking, like he was doubting this plan. He shook his head and smiled. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's pass out these notes!"

Shayera's pov

"Practice always puts me in a better mood.." I smiled to myself, placing my hair in a ponytail. I loved sports of all kinds and softball was no exception. It always bothered me to why we could not play the real thing but it was fine. I did not play with the hard ball to prove how tough I was. I walked up to my locker, opening it without a care. Once I opened it, a whole bunch of envelopes fell out of my locker, scaring the crap out of me.

"What the fuck.." I mumbled picking one of the envelopes up, slowly opening it. The card was bright pink with little red hearts all over it. I frowned at it skeptically for I didn't get love letters often. I looked around to see if anyone was hiding in the corner and waiting for me to open the letter. There was no one there. I sighed and opened the card, immediately surprised.

I failed you so many times and I'm sorry

You only deserve the best and if im not that, it can't be helped

But if you are willing to give me a chance..

I'd take it without any other thought


I felt bad for the smile that spread across my face. This could not be true but damn, I really hoped it was. I was mad at John but this letter was so sincere and everything I always wished he would say to me. I placed the card down so I could open the others. Each one was more than sincere and sweeter than the last, I could not believe this but John really had me blushing. Maybe I was wrong about him, maybe he was a good guy after all. I held the card closely to my chest, smiling softly. I was going to talk to him again and tell him how I felt.    

Diana's pov

"Diana!" Barry ran over to my lunch table, looking excited. "It worked Di! It worked!" He was jumping up and down giggling like a maniac.

"The plan?" I asked smiling as well. "Yeah I know, Shay texted me all about her plans to make it up with John, good job Bear."

Barry giggled once more. "Yeah! John totally bought it too! I saw him talking to Hal about it...you know how much he trusts Hal."

I could hear the pain in Barry's voice and that only made me mad. Hal had ruined the happy Barry I always knew and I could not forgive him. I did not care how many excuses Barry made for him, I was not going to let Hal have Barry, I knew it would not end up well.

"Yeah I do." I said gesturing Barry to sit across from me. He followed up on the gesture, smiling and jittery from the good news. "You're so cute Bear, I sometimes forget that you're almost seventeen."

"Hey." He pouted furrowing his eyebrows which only proved my point. "Just because I am a bit shorter and happy, does not mean I am cute! I'm a man Diana!"

I burst into laughter, I couldn't help it. Barry was just so damn cute and the fact that he thought otherwise, made him even cuter. "Yes you are Barry, you're a big boy."

"I am..hey!" Barry was fuming and I should have felt guilty for embarrassing him, I didn't. "Stop it Di! Only Hal is supposed to make fun of me! Only Hal..."

His blue eyes filled with tears and I was no longer laughing. Barry was always so happy and wished everyone the best. I always saw him comforting others and never asking for anything in return.

"Hal.." He mumbled in between sobs. I frowned at that and stood up so I could sit besides him and comfort him. Why was Hal so important to Barry? Hal had hurt him so badly and yet all Barry wanted was Hal. I could not comprehend so I just decided to be straightforward.

"Why does he matter so much to you?"

Barry looked at me, still sobbing but he was trying to stay calm. "Hal...Hal has been my best friend for so long and he is someone I can be genuinely myself around.." He took a deep breath. "We don't shit bullshit each other and we listen to each other's advice because we trust each other so much..." He smiled softly. "He makes me laugh from his antics and his jokes..he's such an honest person that I know I can trust him...it's why anyone can trust him. He's such an idiot but a lovable idiot who will always come through when friends really need him. I know he is hard to handle because of his constant need to prove he's fearless but he's real with me...he trusts me and there's nothing more important to me than Hal's trust."

I didn't say anything but I felt horrible. I kept thinking I knew Hal and I knew what was best for Barry. But Barry knew Hal more than anyone and Barry knew what was the best for him. I shouldn't push the two away from each other for they were meant to be.

"It sounds so dumb.." Barry was no longer crying but he still seemed sad. "But I want to spend my future with Hal and I am willing to do anything for that.." He smiled at me. "So please let me try, don't push us away...please.."I nodded slowly because there was nothing else to say. Barry was going to do what he thought was right and I was going to be as supportive as I could be.

A:N|  will shayera and john get the happy ending they deserve? will barry ever stop talking about hal? will hal quit being a bitch and make out with barry already? is clark gay??? find out in the next episode of Justice League: The Teenage Years

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