Episode Fourteen: Help

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Bruce's pov
Before dating Diana, I never even considered the idea of a double date. I would only ever agree to them because I would be able to pick up cute girl's numbers, but now I only wanted her. I glanced at the gorgeous raven haired girl as she walked down the stairs, her blue eyes looking directly into mine. I would listen to Clark babble on and on about the warm feeling he got by looking at Lois, never truly experiencing it myself. But here and now I could feel it, that warm bubbly feeling that was nothing more than love. Diana made that dark feeling I had inside, so much lighter and happier I could actually smile.

   I did not notice this at first until Clark had stopped me in the hall one day. He had the dumbest grin on his face and just stared at me for a good few minutes. I asked him why the hell he was just looking at me, he chuckled and told me it was good to see me actually happy. Clark was a dork but my best friend and I knew seeing me upset hurt him just as much as it did to anyone. Thanks to Diana, I did not think I would be upset ever again because I was not going to screw up on this one.

  "Got something on your mind?" I glanced back at her, not realizing I was lost in my own thoughts. Diana had her hands in mine, smiling. I smiled back and shook my head in response to her question.

"No Di." I said. "I was just so enticed by your beauty that I almost lost myself." She raised an eyebrow at me, never a fan of my flirting. She liked the true me and I suppose that flirting was not part of that. "How about we just leave this place and meet up with Oliver and Dinah."

  We made it to the restaurant not long before Dinah and Oliver, proving my punctual reputation. I didn't really care about  gossip but being Dinah's close friend, Diana knew almost every detail of how she got together with Oliver. Apparently after Shayera stopped the fling she had with Oliver, he went straight to Dinah. Dinah had been harboring a huge crush on Oliver for quite some time, not like she was going to admit that and immediately became his girlfriend.

"Sorry we're late guys." Oliver chuckled scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. He sat down across from me as his girlfriend sat across from Diana. "I had a little trouble driving."

"Car broke down and I had to fix it." Dinah corrected giving Oliver a loving kiss on the cheek. "Don't have to lie hun." Oliver opened his mouth to retort but closed it. He may have been embarrassed that a woman could fix a car better than him but he could never act that way in front of his pretty bird.

"It's honestly fine." I said getting more comfortable in my seat. "Look I don't want to dampen the mood but there is something I wanted to bring up."

My friends and girlfriend looked at me, with slight expectation. In all honesty I didn't want to bring this up, Clark did. He was the one who tried to get into people's business and act like superman. I personally didn't want to get involved with people's business, it distracted me with more important things. Things like my schoolwork or my parents company, my brothers, Clark or Diana. But being Clark's best friend I always got involved with the problems of everyone. So I knew things that I couldn't care less about. I would bring this up to my friend but he would just laugh and tell me how that I would just find all this information on my own. He believed that I did enjoy knowing people's business and I made it my duty to know everything. Damn it Clark, why the hell so you know me so well?

  "I'll get straight to the chase." I said. "Some of our friends have been going through." I stopped trying to think of a way to put it. "Relationship issues lately."

"Tell me about it." Oliver said. "Hal calls me almost every night, crying about Barry, honestly it's get a little hard."

Diana gave Oliver almost a surprised look, as if she didn't believe Hal cared. She had gone on and on about Hal was a good for nothing idiot but I could see her slowly changing her mind.

"Exactly so Cl-I think we aren't doing enough to help them." I said. "Not just Hal and Barry, but John and Shayera, they are really on the edge."

"Honestly Bruce I think Shay is better off." Dinah said as our appetizers were placed on the table. "John cheated on her and I don't think he deserves her."

I took in her word but shook my head. "John is a good man who is just trying to make amends, I bet he can't even forgive himself for what he did to Shayera."

  I turned to Diana, wanting her to contribute but she kept quiet. I could tell she was thinking so I didn't bother her. I placed a hand on hers, to assure her that I was there.

"What could we do?" Oliver asked. "I'm all for helping a friend but I'm also about freedom. If Shayera doesn't want to be with John then we have no right to force her."

  I opened my mouth to retort but then closed it. I saw Oliver's point and I didn't always, since he was a man who didn't care for authority. But in this case it was all about choice and it seemed as if Shayera really didn't want John. I couldn't force her to be with him if it was not a desire of hers.

"Perhaps she actually does want John but refuses to show it." We all looked at who said that. It was none of us so we glanced to the left to see a familiar friendly face.

  Barry Allen was in his usaul sweater vest attire, his hair messier than usaul. He sat down in the booth next to ours, holding a cup of coco. I could tell he was tired and sad but what I can only guess was Hal. Once we had our eyes on him, Barry cracked a smile.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to listen in but." He stood up and walked to our table. "I want to help you with Shayera. I know she wants John but is afraid to go after him. She wants him, just like Hal wants me."

A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait between each chapter. I hope you enjoy this one
Count how many times Bruce references Clark...maybe there's more gay than I thought ;;;; )

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