Episode Two: Lunch Tables and Love Problems

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J'ohn's pov

Barry told me that in the school, there are specific tables, that one sits at every lunch. I guessed it was another part of the clique business, I wasn't part of a clique yet so I just decided to sit with Barry.

"You're going to love the guys." He smiled as we placed our stuff into out lockers and walked to the lunchroom. "We don't really consider ourselves a clique more like...uh just a group of friends." I nodded, wondering exactly what was the difference between that and a clique  but kept silent. Barry sat me down next to quite a few people, judging by their appearances, they were the smartest kids in the school.

"Allow me to introduce." Barry said proudly pointing to the kids. "The Aces of Justice Academy." The kids around me waved politely and I smiled kindly. "We have Vic Sage, the conspiracy buff, Victor Stone, the major when it comes to computers, Ray Palmer, best student in science except for me of course, the twins, Don and Hank, Kent Nelson, master voodo guy.."

"For the last time Barry." Kent interrupted him. "I'm not into voodoo, it's magic, I'm not some cheap guy like that."

"...And Courtney Whitemore, our token girl." He chuckled and I just smiled politely, after all Barry wasn't that funny. "So is that everyone you hang out with?" I asked as everyone began eating and talking amongst themselves.

"Yes....." He started but then was interrupted by the arrival of the jocks. Barry sighed and I looked at the loud boys with amusement. They were all running over each other in order to get lunch, it wasn't too impressive to me, I never liked pizza. I glanced back at Barry who was trying his best not to look at the tall brunette he had mentioned before, unfortunately for him, he noticed him first.

  "Bear Bear!" He yelled running over and tackling the much shorter blonde. "How's it going?!"

  "It'd be great if you didn't keep trying to kill me!" Barry spat pushing him off, I couldn't help but laugh. "Seriously Hal, what the hell!"

   Hal smirked and tried to seem innocent, as if tackling Barry was an act of compassion rather than violence. "Barry, you know I mean no harm, I just wanted to say hi." Barry just glared at him and I knew he didn't appreciate being all cuddled by Hal. Hal didn't seem to notice and glanced over at me. "Who's this?"

"I'm J'ohn." I said smiling politely. "J'ohn J'onzz, just transferred today." Hal gave me a strange look, staring at my hair. I was beginning to feel self conscious and wished he would just say something, instead of just looking.

"Hal Jordan." He said after a few minutes. "What's with the green hair? You a martian or something?"

   "Uhh...no..I dye it..it was black before but I've been dying it since I was a kid." Hal looked even more confused, as if changing the way you were naturally born was a horrible sin. I didn't know much about Hal yet, but I could tell he had a huge ego, therefore loved himself a little too much to change.

   "Well, I'm going to call you martian from now on." He smirked hugging Barry tighter. "So you becoming friends with my adorable friend over here?"

   I nodded and stifled a laugh at Barry's reaction, who looked like he was going to blow a casket. "I'm not adorable Hal! and I'm not your teddy bear either! Let go of me!"

   "Fine, fine." He said and let go of the squirming angry blonde. "But I'm coming to your track meet later, so be prepared." He gave him a wink before walking away.

   Barry brushed himself off and sat down next to me. "You two seem close, are you dating?" I asked simply, not expecting moments later, Barry's recently sipped water to be all over my sweater.

   "No! God no!" He said flustered and even more angry. "Hal Jordan is an egotistical, stupid, immature, individual that I would never in a million years go out with! No matter how cute he is!"

   "Cute?" I repeated, ignoring everything else he said. "So you do like him? I think he likes you too, I mean he seems to be really touchy with you."

   "I don't care if he did like me." He said violently eating his pizza. "Because he's definitely not my type. I like guys who are mature and not completely stupid."

    "Oh so I'm guessing that Clark Kent is the smartest guy out there." Don said sarcastically, giving Barry a smug look. "They don't call him stupid man for a reason." Barry became redder and just glared at Don, who's brother gave him a high five. "It's okay though." Hank added. "We know your gay little mind can't refuse the muscles."

"I do like muscles..." Barry muttered, smiling slightly. "But that doesn't make up for the brain, I want someone I can have an conversation with."

"You can definitely talk with Vic." Ray chuckled slapping him on the back, causing Vic to jump in shock. "Though I have to warn you it would be only about conspiracies and how the Girl Scouts are responsible for the crop circles incident."

    "They are!" Vic said pushing Ray off him. "You just didn't ask the questions to find out." He tried to keep his red hair tamed by running his hands through it, but ended up ruining it more. "Anyways I'm not gay, sorry Barry."

   "Don't be." Barry smiled. "I know that you're really into Helena." I looked confused and stared at Barry. "Oh, that's right, I haven't told you about those kind of kids." He said seeing my confused expression. "Helena is part of a group of badasses, well not to me, but they are to everyone else because they skip school, take drugs and dress like absolute whores."

"Plus they're incredibly....incredibly sexy." Vic muttered, his voice was very raspy, like he was a smoker himself. I hadn't been in this city for long, but as of now, it was extremely weird and confusing.

   "Keep your dick in your pants Vic." Courtney said looking slightly disturbed by how obsessed Vic seemed to be.

   "Right sorry." Vic said looking away.

My gaze trailed away from the table, once everyone started teasing Barry about his obvious fetish for buff guys. I looked at all the different lunch tables that were in the room, Barry was right, this school was definitely cliquey. The popular kids sat at the table at the very end of the room, they were showing off their good looks and talking about things I couldn't give too much care about. However the boy named Bruce, that I have seen earlier, looked upset. I followed his gaze to the girls table, where they seemed to be talking about their rally that was soon to come. Diana was beautiful, I could tell why Bruce wanted her badly but from what I heard, he may not have been actually in love with her. My gaze stopped at a girl sitting not to far away from Diana. She had vibrant orange hair and had her eyes set on the jock table, in particularly, a black boy who was making jokes with Hal.

She looked upset but also loving towards the boy. I figured it was because she had a crush on him, as I said I didn't know much about women, but it was always easy for me to tell if someone was in love. Almost like mind reading perhaps, I could tell so fines emotions just by looking at them, it's why most came to me with their issues.

The ginger girl, frowned as another girl walked up to the boy she had been staring at. This girl was also black and had pretty short hair, but her most noticeable attribute, was a small necklace with a claw pendant. She bent down and gave the jock a kiss on the cheek, causing the other girl to storm out of the lunchroom in anger. I sighed and turned back to my group, there was defiantly some drama that I didn't know about, but I defiantly wanted to get involved.

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