Chapter 3: Together Again

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As Cade, Lucas, Barry, and Kara head to Cade's place with the truck, Kara thinks about Optimus and hopes he's okay. Barry wonders the same thing as he hopes Iris and the others are safe.

"So, where are you guys from? I don't think I remember seeing people like you around." Cade said.

"I'm from Central City." Barry answered.

"I'm from National City." Kara answered.

"Really? Wow, you guys are far away from home. So what are you doing here?" Cade said.

Barry and Kara looked at each other a little nervous. They couldn't tell the truth about them.

"Oh... We're just on a vacation from our cities." Barry replied. They exit Lucas's vehicle and the truck they got was towed by a semi towards the place.

"Cool." Cade said.

They made it to Cade's place. It was a barn house with a huge field. They exit Lucas's vehicle and the truck they got was towed by a semi towards the place. Just then Cade's daughter, Tessa arrives on the scene with her laptop in her hand. Cade, Kara, Barry, and Lucas got out of the truck before Cade instructs the driver to lower the truck to the ground.

"All the way!" Cade said.

"A truck? Dad, please tell me you didn't spend our money on this." Tessa said approaching her father.

"Oh, no, don't worry, he didn't. He spent my money, a hundred and fifty bucks of it." Lucas said.

"As an advance on your regular paycheck." Cade said.

"What regular paycheck?" Lucas asked in confusion.

"Which you will get back."


"Never. We're broke." Tessa said.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce. Tessa, this is Kara and her friend, Barry." Cade said introducing.

"Hi." Kara said.

"Nice to meet you." Barry said.

"Hi there." Tessa said to the pair.

"Sweetheart, could you please not drive a wedge between employers and employees?" Cade said to his daughter.

"Hold on. I thought we were partners?" Lucas spoke.

"Look, I came up short, okay? I had to buy her a prom dress. You want me to deny her a prom dress? Cade said to his partner.

"You might as well. You denied her a prom date."

"Nobody wants to go to the dance with their dad, it's weird."

"It's not the issue."

"Well, maybe it should be." Tessa spoke. 

"Hey, could you guys just get off my case? You know what the engine on this runs for? I can break it down and strip it for parts. Tessa, can you show our guests around and your shorts are shrinking by the second, okay? Cold water, air dry, please?" Cade instructed.

Tessa turns and walks off withKara and Barry following.

"I think she looks hot." Lucas said.

"What you say?" Cade said.

"Like a hot teenager." Lucas spoke.

"Oh, it's the "teenager" thing that makes it better. Thank you." Cade said.

"I didn't say... it didn't sound like what it meant." Lucas said.

Inside the house, Tessa shows Kara and Barry the place.

"This is a nice place, Tessa." Kara said.

Barry plants himself on the couch.

"Do you have a bathroom?" Kara asks Tessa.

"The door is on the left." Tess said pointing to the location.

"Thanks." Kara replied. She walks into the bathroom. She looks at the mirror and cleans herself up with water. She was lucky that she survive the ambushed in Mexico, but what about Optimus? She hopes that he's still alive. She then dries up and heads to Barry.

"Why don't we see what Cade's doing?" Kara said to Barry.

"Sure." He said.

As they head off, Cade and Lucas set up the truck in his barn.

"That goes by the circuit boards. Put the Zeiss lenses over there." Cade said.

Tessa, Kara, and Barry arrived with Tess bringing some mail in her hands.

"Dad, please. You can't keep spending money on junk just so you can turn it into different junk." Tessa said.

"We do not use the "J" word in here. That is a Super Simplex theater projector, it's very rare. What about the Smile-Pilot? Or the Exer-Mower that I invented? Simply ahead of their time." Cade said.

"Yeah, like the alleged Guard-Dog." Lucas said. He is referring to the robotic dog as it starts barking.

"You're gonna get him upset." Cade said. Referring to the Butler-Bot by Lucas.

"Hey, Cade! Cade! This thing still work?" Lucas said.

"No!" Tessa opposed.

"Yes. Yes, and still groundbreaking. Go back there and lay on the recliner and just wait for a cold one." Cade said.

Lucas punches something playfully not knocking it over.

"Dude, stop breaking stuff." Cade said.

Tessa then drops down some bills in front of Cade.

"Final notice, late notice, past due." Tessa said looking through at the papers. Lucas sits on the recliner waiting for the Butler-Bot to bring him a cold beer from the fridge.

"Come on, come on. Bring Daddy the alcohol. Come on." Lucas said.

Tessa is holding up the items in her hands.

"I mean, what is all this crap people send you?" Tessa asks.

"That's a Discman and that's an 8-track tape. Music." Cade said.

"Never heard of it." Tessa said. She throws the items down.

"Look, I fix that, it's a hundred bucks. I fix that, it's two-fifthy. If I would have been able to fix that before you broke it even more, it would have been twenty bucks. This stuff is what's going to put you through college, as long as you land one of those scholarships." Cade spoke.

As Lucas still waits for the Butler-Bot to bring him the beer...

"What's the estimated time of arrival, usually? Average? Lucas asks. The Butler-Bot stops mid-way to Lucas, "Wait. So it just brings the beer near you? That's the trick?"

"It's got a couple kinks, man." Cade said.

"Yeah." Lucas said.

"Dad, you think maybe some things should never be invented?" Tessa suggested.

"No, I don't. That's backwards thinking. This is a temple of technology, you guys are standing in a holy place." Cade said.

"Some place, huh?" Kara said to Barry who nodded.

"You know, you could get better parts for your inventions at another place where I work at." Barry said while looking around the barn.

"Oh yeah, where's that?" Cade said while working on a device. 

"S.T.A.R. Labs." Barry said.

Cade suddenly stops at what he was doing and looks at Barry. "S.T.A.R. Labs... as in the S.T.A.R. Labs of Central City. The S.T.A.R. Labs where the Particle Accelerator exploded and created Meta-humans. You work there?" He said.

"Yeah, so do my friends. Maybe I could get you working there." Barry said.

"That would be great. Thanks, man." Cade said.

Meanwhile, at Washington, the President's Chief of Staff meets with the CIA Director and Attinger.

"I must say, it is remarkable, really astounding, the success that the CIA has since you have taken operational control, and so the President has asked me to ask you to ask him, to invite you both, uh...over, uh... to the White House just to powwow, where we get maybe some more specifics about how exactly you're hunting the enemy Decepticons left." The Chief of Staff spoke.

"I've had my desk for two years; Mr. Attinger's been here for twenty-five. He runs the projects where I don't ask for specifics. That's why they're called Black Ops, and why we all sleep better at night." The CIA Director spoke.

"Check. That is great. So, um... Any dirt on that, uh... how, uh... that's going?" The Chief of Staff asks Harold.

"Outstanding." Harold replied.

"Great! Oh, great. I was hoping to hear that, the President will be pleased. Cause, uh... I'll tell you right now, I have only been Chief of Staff since Monday. Um... but I do know that the alien war stuff, these are the only fun meetings." The Chief spoke.

"Look, I'm not here to entertain the President, but you may tell him that the war will be over, soon." Harold said.

The Chief of Staff jots this down in his notebook.

" over..." I'm case he asks, I just like to have an exact quote. "War will be over soon." That is great, such good news. And, um... the President would, I know, just love, really, really love to press the flesh... not flesh, obviously, but just uh... maybe get a shot with, um... is it Lord Prime? Sir Prime? We could bop on Air Force One. It'd be just a quick bop, then we just in and bop back." The Chief said.

"I wouldn't get his hopes up on that one." Harold spoke.


"He's called Optimus Prime." The Director said.

"Alien combatant. Here illegally." Harold said with a bit of less concern.

"But aren't they are friends? Why?" The Chief asks.

"Because our world will never truly be safe till all of them are gone."

"Oh. Well, I would hope we could do a much more ceremonial farewell. Especially since military has worked so closely with them... Until you."

"It's not their planet. Never was. It's time we take it back."

"What about the Justice League? The Superheroes?" The Chief asks.

"Those soldiers have done their part. Now we no longer need them. If they are still around, they will be eliminated." Harold said coldly.

"Are you sure? They've saved us from many dangers in past before the Autobots and Decepticons showed up." The Chief said.

"Let me ask you something: Do you think that it is OK to have superpower beings who have powers like of the gods roaming around in our world? When they could destroy us? Harold asks the Chief who is silent, "No. I think it's not okay. They've been dangerous to us since the beginning. We think that they are protectors to us, but they are not. They are parasites. This is tolerant and I will not allow it."

"Uh, sir, but you can't kill the Justice League. What will the people think?" The Chief said 

"The people will soon see the truth and be pleased. And I will make that happen." Harold said looking at the newspaper picture of the Autobots and the Justice League together posing with a bit of anger in his eyes.

The next morning, Kara slowly wakes up. She has finally slept peacefully without any nightmares. She gets up, gets dress before she goes to Barry.

"Are you okay?" Kara asks.

"I just hope Iris is okay, along with the others." Barry said. 

"I know." Kara said while him hugging him in comfort.

Kara and Barry head for the barn where Tessa and Lucas arrived that's when Cade arrives all excited.

"You guys never seen a truck like this before. Get in here. Lock the door." Cade said.

They enter the barn and Lucas goes to shut the door.

"It doesn't have a lock." Lucas spoke.

Cade takes them over to the old truck.

"Look! Look at the hole in the radiator. Look at the size of it. Something blew a hole in it!" Cade said.

"Yeah, so?"

"It's not normal steel. The shrapnel in the engine, it ripped all the connections apart. And watch, and  this took some Cade genius. You are gonna love this. When I hook this back to a working battery..." Cade connects the engine wires to the battery, sparks start flying as the truck starts and starts playing the message from the truck.

"Calling all... Calling all Autobots."

Kara's eyes burst open. She recognizes that voice.

"Oh, yeah. I don't think it's a truck at all, I think we just found a Transformer." Cade said.

"Tran... Ugh! Evacuate!" Lucas starts running off with Tessa following behind him.

"Wait! Guys!" Cade said. He chases them after they leave the barn with Kara following.

"Dad, are you out of your mind? You need to get that thing out of here!" Tessa said.

"You don't have to worry, I've been in there working all night. I'm fine." Cade said.

"You know what? That's not a truck, okay? You're right. It's an alien killing machine. Jesus!"
Lucas said.

"Dude, its DOA. It's been recalled, totaled, done!"

"So, listen, there's this number you call. You're supposed to call the government. It's the American thing to do. Here we go. You're supposed to call, and if it ends up being alien, then you win twenty-five thousand dollars."

"You don't win money."

"And if you can capture it live, like tag it like a wild wildebeest, then you get a hundred thousand dollars."

"Dad, we're making the call." Tessa spoke.

"No, you're not, Tessa!" Kara said defending Cade.

"I heard that." Lucas said.

"I've seen the commercial and they don't say that. That's not guarantee." Cade said.

"We need the money, dad." Tessa said.

"You think Greg would like to me?" Lucas asks.

"Look, if that's a Transformer there from the Battle of Chicago, I need to know how it works. I'm an inventor; this could be a game changer for me! If I can apply that technology to my inventions, we'd never have to worry about money again." Cade said.

"I've heard that before." Tessa said.

In the barn, Barry stares at the truck. He looks at the flames of the vehicle. He remembers that Optimus has flames of his alt mode. Barry moves in closer before touching it.

"Optimus, is that you?" Barry whispered.

Cade arrives back his barn to work on the truck again. Barry moves out of the way.

"Twenty-five grand! It pays for my college. It pays for the house." Tessa said.

"Besides, you used my money to buy the truck, right? So technically, that's my truck. Don't you think?" Lucas said.

"You also sighed a contract regarding all research lab I.P."

"Research lab? It's a barn, dude?"

"You signed it and now you're competing. Any idea of yours is mine. Any thought you have, I own it, so basically, I own you."

"I don't think you can own someone. That was like a while ago, even in Texas."

Cade puts on his work apron and grabs his helmet.

"Alright. Bring the torch over and help me with the pulley arm. I think the shrapnel took out its power core. Oh, and, Tessa, you see this?" Cade said, He takes a hammer and starts hitting the front of the truck which make them flinched from the impact.

"Jesus." Tessa said.

"Would a alien killing machine let me do that? Look, I'll make the call, we'll get the money. Just first let me see if I'm right. You want to hide in the house. Go ahead." Cade said.

"Okay." Tessa turns and walks off.

"Let's go. Pulley arm."

As Tessa runs towards the house.

"I can't believe him!" Tessa said before she heads for the telephone.

Lucas is referring to the part from the truck Cade is holding in his hands.

"What is that? Looks like a missile." Lucas said.

"It is!" Cade said.

The missile shoots off and starts bouncing around the barn.

"Get down!" Kara shouts and she pulls Barry to the ground.

Cade and Lucas duck down before the missile heads outside and into Cade's house. Tessa hides in her bedroom screaming as the missile wrecks the places. She then rushes for the barn.

"Dad! There's a missile in the family room!" Tessa shouts.

"Holy..." Cade said.

"Shit," Kara said.

Back in the barn suddenly the truck transforms and Barry recognizes him. It is Optimus Prime.

"I'll kill you!" Optimus shouts.

"Optimus!" Barry shouts.

"Optimus!" Kara yelled.

Tessa then enters, sees Optimus and freaks out.

"Dad, there's a missile in... Dad!" She shouts.

"Kara?! Barry?! Where are they?! Where are my friends?!" Optimus looks around.

"Optimus! It's me, Barry!" Barry shouts but gets no response.

Optimus takes out his weapon out and aims at Cade and Tessa.

"I'll kill you! Stay back!" Optimus shouts.

"Optimus, it's me your best friend!" Kara shouts.

She and Barry transforms into their super suits and Kara floats to his level. Optimus sees her and Barry in their suits. He calms down from his rage.

"Kara... Barry..." Optimus calmly spoke.

"Call 911! Run!" Lucas shouts.

As Lucas starts to run off, Optimus Prime knocks him down with shotgun. He then drops a empty shell on the floor.

"Lucas!" Cade shouts.

"Stop!" Optimus said.

"Lucas? Don't move, just calm down." Cade said. He sees Kara and Barry in their suits. They are exposed, "Kara? Is that you?"

"Yes, Cade. My name is Kara-Zor El, Supergirl, cousin of Superman and one of the founding members of the Justice League." Kara said.

"My name is Barry Allen, the Flash, the fastest man alive, and one of the founding members of the Justice League." Barry said.

"Member? You're Supergirl? And you're the Flash? The Supergirl and Flash who fought along with NEST and the Autobots?" Tessa said which Kara nods in reply.

"Oh my god. You guys are the-" Cade said.

"Superheroes of the Justice League." Barry said.

"I don't believe it." Tessa said in amazement.

"You do now." Barry said to her.

"Easy, human." Optimus said.

"Stay there. He's not gonna hurt us." Cade said. He slowly walks towards Optimus Prime who badly wounded.

"Weapons systems damaged." Optimus said.

"A missile hit your engine, and we took it out of you. You're hurt really bad. I'm trying to help you. You're in my home now. I'm an engineer, my name is Cade Yeager." Cade said.

"Cade, I am in your debt. My name is Optimus Prime. My Autobots, they're in danger." Optimus said. He suddenly collapses onto his knees looking badly injured. A piece of his helm falls off and green liquid spurts out like if he was bleeding, "We need to go. We need to go now."

"How far you think you're gonna get? Tessa, come here. He needs our help. Cade said. Tessa walks over to Cade. "What happened to you?"

"An ambush, a trap, set by humans." Optimus starts coughing dust out, "We escaped and I took this form."

Kara gasps nearly sheds tears from her eyes. Her friend is wounded by Cemetery Wind.

"Cemetery Wind. Those bastards." Kara said angrily.

"But you're on our side. Why would humans hurt you?" Tessa said.

"They we're not alone. My Autobots can repair me." Optimus said.

"Yeah. If you can reach 'em. What about me?" Cade said.

"I'll help you, Prime. Cisco and Ray can heal you." Cisco said. He then helps Cade repairing Optimus to get back on his feet.

Meanwhile at a cold mountain place, Attinger meets with Lockdown on his ship.

"I warn you, Mr. Attinger of Earth, an alliance is a contract, and contracts, like humans, expire." Lockdown said.

"On this planet, we have a saying: "The enemy of my friend is my friend." Harold said.

"I also have a saying: I don't care." Lockdown said.

"So what happened in Mexico City? I thought you had him." Harold said.

"Three direct hits, a mortal wound. Then your men allowed him escape. Also the Kryptonian and Speedster took down two of your agents. You promised me human intelligence. Or is there such a thing?" Lockdown said.

"You know, you've still never told me. Why do you want him? Who are you working for?" Harold asks.

"Every galaxy I've traveled, all you species are the same. You all think you're the center of the universe. You have no idea." Lockdown said.

"Go to the hardware store and you get the list. The whole list." Cade hands Lucas the piece of paper.

"What, you're going to try and fix him? He's not a model train set, Cade." Lucas said.

"No he is not Lucas. That happens to be my friend." Kara said.

"She's right. He's important." Barry said.

"Yeah, but important to who? You can't keep an alien locked up in your barn. What are you gonna do, play with him?" Lucas said.

"Will you calm down?" Cade said.

"I'm trying to, but I just got hit in the head with a ten-foot cannon! If he eats you, I get the GTO." Lucas said.

"If you do, I will kick your ass." Kara threaten Lucas as he gets into his car.

"Not a word to anybody. Do you hear me? No a single word. Nobody." Cade said as Lucas drives off.

Attinger arrives at the CIA Headquarters.

"I think we have a lock in a high-value target. Special Operations group is ready." A CIA Analyst said.

"What do you got?" Harold said.

"Sir, Special Ops just got a call from Paris, Texas. Hard match on the truck seen leaving Mexico City." A female agent said. She hands him the photos of the truck.

"Son of a bitch. Let's go get him." Harold said as Cemetery Wind moves out to the target.

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