Chapter 10: The Dagger's Tip

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They drive down the roads to the Pyramids in Giza.

"Okay, here's what my CIA contact says. Ancient Sumerians used to call the Gulf of Aqaba the "Dagger's Tip." Simmons explained.

"That's the Dagger's Tip." Sam said.

"It's part of the Red Sea. Divides Egypt and Jordan like the tip of a blade. 29.5 degrees north, 35 east. Here it is." Simmons shows them the GPS.

"First thing we've got to get Optimus to the Dagger's Tip." Sam said.

"How are you gonna get him halfway around the world?" Leo asked.

"I'm gonna make a call." Sam said.

They reach to a fork of the road when three Egyptian police cruisers spotted them.

"We got cops... Barry shouts.

They pass the cops and they drove off.

"I know, I know..." Simmons said.

"I can't go to prison." Leo said in a panic.

"Sam, we got to get off this road and lay low." Simmons said.

They head into a village before Oliver shot a smokescreen arrow. The cops passed through the smoke before it dissolves. Oliver emerges from a doorway and sees the cops left.

"Ok, we're clear." Oliver said.

"Man, stupid cops! Ah-ha-ha!" Mudflap said.

"This is what's called blending in like a ninja." Skids said.

"Shut up or I'll blend my fist into your face." The Red Twin argued.

"They're gone." Mikaela said. She reveals herself from a black mask and Oliver emerges from a corner of a building.

"Okay, we're running of time. I gotta make a call to Lennox-" Sam said.

"You're on the Worldwide Wanted List." Simmons warned, "Try calling one base, they'll track you here in seconds. CIA is all over this place!"

"You're gonna call." Sam said to him.

"Oh. Okay. That's a good idea. I mean, I just had my mind on other things like winding up in an Egyptian prison." Simmons said.

"Do we have a choice?" Kara asked before Simmons sees a pay phone to make a call to Lennox.

New Jersey Airforce Base

All the Autobots are loaded up into the planes preparing for departure. John and the Justice League are on standby.

"This is the worst mistake Galloway has ever made." John said in frustration, "There's no way we can win this war."

"At least you got to sucker punch him in the face." Laurel said.

"I wanted to punch him or better yet, burn him." Mick said.

"NEST departure, 2100 hours"

"So, we're shipping him back to base. This is such a mistake." Lennox said.

A NEST soldier arrives with a cell phone, "Major Lennox, phone call."

"Lennox, I'm with the kid." Simmons said, "The kid. You know, the one with the attitude, right? Also the superheroes. Listen, we need the truck. The truck. We got a possible resurrection going on over here. You're not gonna believe where we are. Codename: Tut, as in Tutankhamen. Back of a dollar bill. Coordinates for airdrop, 29.5 north, 34.88 east. Write it down. Write it. He sees someone coming. "Oh my God. I got to go. Okay. Heat comes."

"Whoa, wait, who are you?" Sam said to the masked man.

"Oh, Shi-" Simmons drops the phone and it breaks. The man arrives and reveals himself.

"Wait! It's me! He said, "Leo! Me! Leo! Leo! Leo! Cops are coming right now. We need to go!"

"Move, move, move, move. Let's go." Sam said.

They head back to Bumblebee and the Twins and they head off back on the road.


The soldier arrives with the coordinates for the location, "Coordinates, 29.5 north, 34.88 east. Tip of the Red Sea. Gulf of Aqaba."

"Egypt? Are you serious?" Epps asked in confusion.

"Sir." Sgt Graham said to Director Galloway.

"Even if we could figure out a way to get big man over there, how is this kid supposed to bring him back to life?" Epps asked Lennox.

"Look. I don't know, but we got to trust him." Lennox said before he goes to John.

"Sir." John said to him.

"Get your team ready. We're heading off to Egypt." Lennox said.

"What's going on?" Laurel asked.

"We're receiving coordinates from Simmons. We're bringing Optimus there."

"Let's roll." John said with determination. He then turns to the Justice League, "League, let's go!" We're taking a trip!"

"Alright." Ray said excited.

"Finally, we're gonna kill some Decepticons? Count me in." Mick said.

Back in Egypt...

"Okay, let's go over it again." Sam said.

When dawn lights the Dagger's Tip, Three Kings will reveal the doorway!" Sam and Simmons said at the same time.

"That's what he said. You know what it means?" Simmons said.

"No. What does it mean?"

"I have no idea."

They then reached to a checkpoint.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Checkpoint. Checkpoint. I don't have my passport." Leo said.

"Pass-port!" the custom officer.

"They got cameras at the top." Sam said as he tries to duck down to avoid being seen.

A camera spots Sam which some Egyptians begin contacting the intelligence agency.

"All right, chill. This is espionage now. I can handle it. These are my people." Simmons said.

"Yeah." Wheelie said, emerging from his hiding spot.

"I'm one-thirty-sixth Arab." The former agent said.

A small custom officer appears and walks to the vehicles.

"Oh great, a frickin' munchkin. Little people are mean. Tell him he's tall." Wheelie commented.

The officer then approaches Simmons.

"Ashu-fanah... The Dagger's... Tip? Right?" Simmons said to him, "Egypt, Jordan. We want to go there. Me and my family. This is my family." Simmons points to Sam and Leo, "This is my son, my other son," he then points to Mikaela, "and my daughter. We're tourists, from New York."

"New York?" Said the custom officer.

"Yes. Yes."

"Fifty kilometers."

"You look like the guy that runs my falafel stand. Thank you very much."

"New York!"

"I know. I know you from somewhere."

The barrier was open and the cars drive into Giza.

"Go Yankees!"

As they leave, the agents from Egypt got the information and immediately alert the agency, "Go, put it on wire to the CIA." They contact the CIA. In the orbit, Soundwave has spotted Sam in Egypt.

"Decepticons, the boy's location detected." Soundwave said to his comrades.

In the skies, Starscream is on route.

"Starscream in pursuit."

They reach to an old building outside the modern city of Giza. Barry breaks the lock by phasing through it.

"Ssh. Undercover, yo." Skids said. "You got blend in with your surroundings. You know, you got to be part of the landscape-ow!" Bumblebee knocks into Skids.

"Awesome! I think aliens built that." Simmons said with excitement, "Yeah! Yeah, yeah. Come on. Move it! Move it! Move out!"

"Guard us. Low profile. Don't make a scene, okay?" Sam said.

"Yeah, some of us got work to do. Dumb Autobots." Wheelie said before heading inside.

They get inside the building while the Autobots transforms into their vehicle modes and guard them.

NEST Team E.T.A. - 6 hrs

A pair of C-17s are on route to Egypt with the body of Optimus.

Inside the plane, John looks down at his ring seeing the images of him and the team together when they first formed the League. He sighs before he falls asleep for the night.


At was a beautiful evening. Sam, Sara, Kara, and Mikaela are on the roof while Simmons and Leo slept inside. Barry, Cisco and Oliver were keeping watch. The building was protected by the Autobots. Kara sits next to Sam and Mikaela.

"You okay?" Sam asked Kara.

"Yeah." She replied.

"We're going to bring Optimus back." Mikaela said.

"Being my girlfriend is hazardous to your health." Sam said to her.

"Yeah, well, girls like dangerous boys."

"Do they?"

"Yeah." She kisses him, chuckling. "You might as well say it."

"Ladies first." Sam said.

"Optimus was a dangerous man or robot." Kara said.

"And you had feelings for him when you first met him." Sara said.

"True." She agreed.

"Okay, so tonight you're going to be a gentleman. You're really chivalrous."

"Why are you mad at me?"

"Do you realize I just flew 3,000 miles to keep you from getting killed?"

"I know."

"Who else could be your girlfriend, Sam? Look at the things I go through with you. And now we're sitting underneath the moon and stars and three most beautiful pyramids on the planet and you still can't even tell me that you love me."

"Mm... Pyramids." Sam realized something before getting up.

"What? Why do boys always change the subject?"

"Wait, the Pyramids and stars."


"Come with me really quick. Kara and Sara you guys too." Sam said. They head inside to wake up Simmons and Leo, "Simmons! Leo! Wake up!"

They woke up and they see they are in an awkward position. Barry, Oliver, and Cisco join them.

"Listen, astronomy class, page 47." Sam said, "Remember that?"

"No. No, I was only in college for two days." Leo said, "Remember that?"

"Here. Get up. Up, up." Sam said.

"What are you talking about?" Simmons asked.

They all head for the roof as the sun rose. A Islamic Prayer was commenced throughout the land. There was three stars above the pyramid.

"Okay, you see those three stars?" Sam explained, "You know how each one touches the horizon? That's Orion's Belt, but it is also called the Three Kings. And the reason for that is the three Egyptian kings who built the pyramids of Giza built them to mirror those stars, so it's like an arrow staring us straight in the face."

They all point due east, towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra." Simmons said.

"Let's move!" Oliver said.

They head out to the mountains of Petra.

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