Chapter 7: Backstory and Meeting

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In the Armory at Stormguard, Lothar was putting armor on Garona so they can go to the Orc's base. She was clad in Alliance armor, being ready to go to find the base. She then saw a sword she wanted.

"I want that one." She said pointing to the weapon. Lothar continues to strap the armor on her.

"You will have me to protect you." Lothar said.

"I need no one to protect me." Garona states and he just stares at her, seeing the fire in her eyes. Garona pulls back her head in confusion.

"What?" She asked.

They arrived outside as the others were waiting for them. Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, White Canary, Constantine, Vibe, and Black Wolf were waiting. Lo'gosh then walks over to Frostfang and pulls himself on top. Lothar exhales.

"And now you're riding that beast?" He questions him, he glares at him.

"I prefer Frostfang over your horse any day." He answers him, then Frostfang steps over Garona, Lo'gosh offers her hand, Garona looks at it then she looks at him, then took his hand and pulls her on Frostfang's back, sitting right behind Lo'gosh.

"Shall we get going?" Lothar asks the others.

"Of course, if you can keep up." He challenges him and then they rode off, Lothar rolls his eyes as Lo'gosh was getting on his nerves. Flash runs ahead of them with Supergirl behind him.

"That Orc will be the death of me." He grumbles and then hurried after them, the others followed after him as well. They all rode out of the city and into the valley.

"I see you are wearing their armor." Lo'gosh states and Garona looks at him.

"It looks good on you... brings out the warrior in you." He states, Garona chuckles.

"And I see you've kept your old look." She states, Lo'gosh shrugs.

"I have to admit, I can not see you in armor." She confesses and Lo'gosh throws her head back and laughs as they continue to the mountains.

It was sundown as they were on the mountain passage when they stopped. Lothar dismounts first along with the other heroes.

"Bookworm, take the first watch." He informs him as Lo'gosh and Garona dismounted as well.

"Respectfully commander, my name is Khadgar." The mage informs him as the two look at them.

"My deepest apologies, Khadgar... you see, I thought we bonded when I didn't put you in a prison cell for breaking into the Royal Barracks." He tells him and the two looks at him.

"I do not know which is worse, the men here or the ones back home." Lo'gosh whispers back to Garona in Orc tongue.

"I think it's best not to find out." Garona answers him, Lo'gosh nods at her and they walk off, Frostfang followed his best friend.

The meal was simple-bread, chicken, apples, and hot tea. Night has fallen as everyone was laying around the campfire. Flasheart turned into his werewolf form which Garona and Lo'gosh were amazed to this power. Frostfang was quite interested by this. Garona lays in her sleeping bag as Lo'gosh was laying against Frostfang, he laid comfortably against his warm fur. Garona quickly noticed Khadgar looking at her and turns to the fire. Lothar then walks back to the group, taking his drumstick.

"Well, at least you're not reading." Lothar teased.

"He wishes to lie with me." Garona said.

Lothar and the other heroes looked highly amused.

"I beg your pardon?" Khadgar asked, baffled, Lo'gosh opens his eyes and then props himself up, leaning against Frostfang as he was glaring at Khadgar with a murderous aura. He then places his arm against Frostfang's neck and his other arm on his hip.

"You would be injured." Garona continued.

"I don't want to lie with you." He retorted.

"Good. You would not be an effective mate." Garona said. Lothar chuckles and the others giggle a little.

"Why do you laugh?" Garona asks him.

Lothar didn't know what to answer, looking at her.

"I can't see how you humans were survive such a thing. No muscles or metal to protect you. Brittle bones that break." Lo'gosh said as he strokes Frostfang's fur calming him down.

"Some of us are stronger than you think." Flasheart said looking at Kara who smiled back at him.

"Looks can be deceiving." Barry said while drinking some tea.

"Also never judge something by its appearance. Like the saying, never judge a book by its cover." Sara said as she finished eating her bread.

"You look no different from us, how did you survive?" Cisco asked.

"Broken bones heal stronger. My are very strong." Garona said.

"I'm sorry." Lothar said to her and Khadgar cast his eyes down.

"Don't be. My name... Garona, it means 'Cursed' in Orc. My mother was burnt alive for giving birth to me." She tells them and touches the tusk on her neck.

"They kept you alive though." Lothar tells her.

"Gul'dan did. He gave me her tusk. To remember her." She tells them, looking at her tusk. Then let's it go and covers it.

"What about you?" Cisco asked Lo'gosh.

"My name Lo'gosh. It means "Ghost Wolf" in orc. My father always said that I hunted like a wolf and moved like a ghost in winter." Lo'gosh said looking at his necklace with the symbol of the Frostwolf Clan.

"Everything was fine, our world furnished with life, the hunts of passage, the claiming of clans, gatherings. Everything was fine before Gul'dan came, promising a new world for us." Lo'gosh growls as he looks at the flames.

"And how is this Gul'dan's fault?" John asks him, and he looks at him.

"Everywhere he went, death followed him, the Fel followed him." He answers and looks back at the flame, Frostfang growls at the mention of his name and Lo'gosh places his hand on the top of his head.

"He is pure evil, corrupt and disgraces the old ways." He states and then lays his head against Frostfang.

Khadgar looks at him, seeing the shame.

"My parents gave me to the Kirin Tor when I was 6 years old. That was the last time I saw them or any of my brothers and sisters. It brings a family honor to offer a child to the Kirin Tor. To have their son taken up to the floating city of Dalaran and be trained by the most powerful mages in the land. Less so to have them run away." He tells them and smiles, Garona looks at him, feeing sorry and Lo'gosh laid back down. The some of the heroes feel like opening up as well.

"When I was 11 years old, my mother was murdered by the Reverse Flash, an enemy of mine. My father was framed for killing her and sentenced to prison. Me and my dog Bolt moved into my neighbors, Iris and her father Joe. I became a forensic scientist and spent every day ever since then to bring the Reverse Flash in and to clear my father's name. Due to S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator explosion, dark matter was released into my city and gave me, my dog, and people powers. I became the Flash, Central City's protector. I did find the Reverse Flash and got Justice for my dad. My father was finally released from prison. He unfortunately, was later killed by Zoom, another enemy of mine. After everything that's happened, from many friends of mine who died along the way, I still move on knowing that they would want me to keep going and never give up. Now I have a wife, 2 kids, friends and family to help in my mission to protect my city." Barry said.

"My dad and I were on a trip on our boat. A storm caused the ship to sink. Me, my dad, and another passenger survived. There was only enough food and water for one person. My dad pulled out a gun shot the passenger and told me to survive and then shot himself in the head. He gave up his life so I can live. I ended up on an island called Lian Yu which means Purgatory. For 5 years on that island I had to fight and kill to survive. It changed me to who I am today. The Green Arrow. A hero to Star City. Now I have a wife, 2 kids, a wolfdog, and friends to help me and support me for everything." Oliver said.

"You now know that I'm not from this planet, nor is my cousin, J'onn or Lobo. My cousin and I came from the planet Krypton. Our planet was going to blow up. My cousin's parents sent him in a escape pod to this planet as a baby. I was sent to watch over him. Unfortunately, my pod was knocked off course due to Krypton's shockwave and ended in the Phantom Zone, a dimension were time doesn't pass. Finally after 24 years, my pod broke free from the Phantom Zone and landed on Earth. I was still a 13 year old girl, but at that time, my cousin grew up and revealed himself to the world as Superman. Ever since then I tried to fit in. But when danger threatened my city, I knew I couldn't just sit by and watch. So I became Supergirl, National City's protector." Kara said.

After hearing what they went through, Lo'gosh and Garona are surprised to hear how much has happened to them.

"Well, that was tearful." Lothar states. They all soon head off to bed preparing for tomorrow.

Next morning, they continued on the road to their destination. It didn't take long before they arrived at the Orc's base. They spied from a hill to see many people were locked in cages like animals in the camp.

"The Great Gate." Garona said, pointing to the thing they were building.

"Why do they need so many prisoners?" Lothar asked her.

"Like wood for a fire, Green Magic takes life to open the gate." Garona answers.

"That's horrible." Kara said looking at the people.

"How many Orcs are they planning on bringing here?" Oliver asked.

"All of them. This is just war band. When the portal is opened, Gul'dan will bring the Horde." Garona replied.

Lothar thought for a moment. Two soldiers arrived then and turned to them.

"Get them back to Stormwind. He said as he designated Garona, Khadgar, Cisco, John, and Flasheart.

"We'll be right ahead." He said. He, Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, White Canary, and the soldier headed off to Stormwind. Hidden in the leaves, Durotan and Fenris back away in stealth.

"Garona, Lo'gosh, we should go, it's not safe for—" Khadgar said before being cut off. They turn around to see Lo'gosh's father with his massive hand covering Khadgar and Cisco's mouth while his uncle covers John and Flasheart's mouth.

"Durotan!" Garona gasped.

"Father! Uncle!" Lo'gosh gasped at seeing them.

Durotan grunted in acknowledgment.

"To the north is a black rock that touches the sky. I would meet with their leader and super-human's leader there." He said.

"To challenge them?" Garona said. Lo'gosh did not know what his father had in mind. He shook his head.

"I saw you two lead the smallteeth to our encampment." He said, stepping closer, still holding Khadgar and Cisco, but with care.

"They have seen what is being built, but only you know what Gul'dan has planned for my people." His eyes bored into hers, and he spoke as if the words tore at him.

"You warned us Garona. You told us he was Dark and dangerous. I only came, in the end, because it was truly no other choice."

Garona knew Durotan might have chosen death for him self, but he did not have the luxury. He was a chieftain, and he took care of his clan as best as he knew how. Lo'gosh knew his father was shrugging with what was happening with his clan.

"This magic is death. For all things. It must be stopped." He said.

So he has seen. He knew. Their gazes locked for a moment, then Durotan nodded. Fenris knew his brother spoke the truth, if Gul'dan isn't stopped, this world will suffer the same fate as theirs.
"Tell them. The black rock. When the sun is highest." Durotan told them.

"We will, father." Lo'gosh said. Garona steps closer.

"Chieftain! If I return, will you take me into your clan?" Garona asks. Lo'gosh had the thought of her joining the clan, but was worried if the others Orcs, especially Gul'dan found out. Durotan's eyes traveled to her throat, her hands. A throat and hands free of chains.

"You're safer here. With them. As are you son, for now." Durotan said.

They nodded their heads. The chieftain looked thoughtfully at the boys, they were still restrained, same with the wolf and warlock. The mage, superhero, still as death, stared up, barely blinking. Durotan and Fenris released them. Khadgar and Cisco made no move to run, or to utter a spell or blast. John and Flasheart made no move as well, no spell or howl. Durotan and Fenris punched them, very gently, in the chest—a compradely gesture. Then, pressing a hand to their own chest in a gesture of respect and gratitude to Garona and Lo'gosh, they stepped back into the shadow dappled light and vanished into the trees.

The raven soared in the air seeing all the damage to villages that Orcs are causing. Finally ending in Karazhan, Medvih fell to the ground. He plunged his hand into the font, recharging his strength, but still feeling weak. Morose showed up at his side.

"Is it as you feared?" He asked.

"The Fel. It's... everywhere." Medivh answered.

"Then you mustn't leave again." Morose said.

"They need a Guardian's help now more than ever." Medivh said weakly. Morose bent down to his level.

"Maybe the boy and the League could help?" Morose said. Medivh looks at him tired.

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