Chapter 17

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"No, I'm not going too." Roy said refusing Dillon's request. I was standing there watching, so was Nate. Dillon shook his head in disagreement and left.
I then followed him, following his every move. I then spoke up, "Dilly, what's been wrong with you?"
Dillon stopped in his tracks, got the courage to turn around, "Nothing. I'm fine."
I looked into his greenish, bluish eyes. They were green today, his eyes always made a weird sign that he was lying. His eyes made that sign.
"You are not fine. You were never fine, after your parents death." I said staring into his eyes. Dillon's tough attitude was coming back. His rudest and toughest.
"Don't bring that up again!" Dillon shouted at me. I jumped up a little, Dillon's attitude definitely came back. I shook my head in disagreement.
"I don't know you anymore, Dilly." I said starting to walk circles around him. Dillon stared at me in a Sith stare. It looked like the same stare that Anakin made at Obi Wan.
"Of course, you are just like the rest." Dillon said walking away. I shook my head, and walked the other direction. I then stopped, me and Dillon's eyes met. Then, we walked off.

Nate was still figuring out about Anakin. He knew how it felt to loose your parents but really to turn to the Dark Side because of that?
Roy was thinking too, "Only if Grandpa was here."
"There has to be more!" Nate said looking though the photos. He then found a picture of Anakin and Padmé. He then saw a little caption that said, Can't wait for the babies!
"Roy, did Anakin have babies?" Nate asked Roy in confusion. Roy jerked his head up and walked to Nate. He saw the photo and his eyes went wide. There was Anakin and Padmé. Nate then looked at Roy, staring into Roy's feelings. Roy knew something was wrong.
"We have to kill him." Nate demanded.

It was raining outside for a while. Thunder was loud and lightning was striking. I looked up and saw the dark clouds, I then closed my eyes and thought of a memory.

"Justice?" Dillon asked me knocking on my door. I didn't answer, I was upset about something. Dillon then decided to come in.
"What's wrong?" Dillon asked sitting down next to me. I looked up with tears in my eyes, my eyes were a little red from crying.
"Master said that I wasn't good enough. Maybe he's right." I got cut off when Dillon interrupted me.
"You are good enough, Jus. I promise you, don't listen to him." Dillon said smiling to make me feel better. He then looked by his shoulder and saw stormtroopers past by. He gave a little smirk, "Wanna go see if Jet wants to play?"
I smiled, "Sure."

A tear ran down my face. I then remembered that Vader had a costume with lots of breathing equipment. I then ran to a book with guides of Vader's suit. It was to keep him alive, if his mask or any part of his body came off, he was dead meat. I knew that Dillon must've tricked me into thinking that he could help me, but he proved me wrong. I was going to meet him and find out. I took the book, put it in my cloak and went to find Dilly.

"Kill him? Are you insane?" Roy said shocked to Nate. Nate then shook his head and walked off. Roy felt something inside of Nate. It was the force, he had it. Nathan was acting weird when he took Jet's place. Oh Jet, we kept missing him like crazy every single day.
Roy felt something with me and Dilly. He quickly ran, he knew something bad was about to happen.

I saw Dillon about a inch away. He had his clone trooper shinning armor on. I looked at him though his mask, I knew that he was crazy.
"What's been with you!?" I shouted at him. Dillon then took out his guns without me seeing them, loaded them with bullets and got ready to shoot.
I took out my Lightsaber which was still red. Dillon came after me with his two guns shooting at me, my Lightsaber was dodging them.
"It's been hard, okay!?" Dillon shouted though his mask. His voice was echoing though the metal. He then did a flip and tried to shoot me from behind. I quickly used the force to push him back.
He tried to punch me which I dodged. He managed to get me a black eye which that I knew it would heal. Dillon then took his guns and shot at my wrist. I yelled in pain and grabbed my wrist. I looked at him in anger. My eyes were turning sharp, my anger was coming back.
Dillon then turned to shoot me again but I attacked him. It was like you messed with a bulldog taking away his bone or chew-toy.
I couldn't remember what happen in the moment. Roy got outside, and saw us fighting. He rushed to our sides and tried to pull us apart.
"Stop it you guys!" He pulled Dillon away from me. Dillon fell down on the ground, he was all beaten up. I had a couple of scratches, a black eye, and bruises. I grew a scar on my right wrist.

"Why were you two fighting?" Roy said getting a washcloth and dabbing it on my black eye. I took the washcloth and pushed it against my black eye. It hurt really bad.
"I wanted to see what was up with Dillon. We had a fight and then this. I don't know what happen." I said signing. I looked my right wrist. It was bandaged up, it was a huge scar but it would heal up.
Dillon came running in, not apologizing or anything. He seemed so scared. Roy then went to him.
"What's wrong?" Roy asked Dillon. Dillon was shaking up.
"Nate's gone."

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