Chapter 5

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"A pilot?" Roy asked confused. I was confused too, I knew that Jet was gonna be a mechanic, but not a pilot. I looked at Jet's eyes, they were a bright blue. It was like the color of the ocean, of course, I've never been to one.
A pilot..
I also wondered how Dillon was, I wish that he could've met Jet. I had to keep my anger under control, I had too, if I didn't, a power could be unleashed inside of me and hurt my friends.
I think I already made it perfectly clear of what I was.
A monster.
This is how they reminded me of what I was.

Dillon arrived, he was about to get off when he realized that he had his stormtrooper suit on. He looked around for clothes. He found some and put them on.
He then got off and looked around, he disguised himself as a Jedi. He had the cloak and everything. The Jedi Master's went past him like anyone else would. Dillon then lifted his hood off, he then looked around. Ships flying in and out.
"Are you looking for somebody?" Master Yoda said. Dillon then turned around, surprised.
"I'm sorry, Master. I am looking for somebody. I am looking for a Jedi." Dillon said. Master Yoda walked with his cane like always.
"A Jedi? Hm. Well, what's his name?" Master Yoda said thinking.
"Justice. Justice Kiyanu." Dillon said.

I've been in this war since I was little. Ever since I was born, I was born into a galaxy where there was always war. I always wondered if there was ever going to be peace. It looked like my wish wasn't going to come true.
"Jesse? Are you alright?" Roy asked me.
I then sensed something near by. I jerked up.
"I sense something, stay back." I said grabbing my Lightsaber. Jet was grabbing his tool getting ready to fight.
Suddenly, mist came out of the air. I heard a loud breathing sound, I knew who it was. He came out, I glanced at him.
Darth Vader.
Darth Vader used the force to knock Roy out.
"Roy!" I said lighting up my Lightsaber. My eyes then went sharp, I attacked Darth Vader. Roy was out cold, unconscious. He wasn't waking up. I wasn't myself but all I could feel was aggression and anger.
Jet then quickly brought Roy to a safe spot, Roy then woke up and saw me with Darth Vader.
"Jesse," Roy said. He got up quick, and lit up his Lightsaber. He ran after me and Darth.
"Roy! Stop!" Jet said. He tried to stop Roy but it didn't work, Roy was just too fast.
Darth Vader saw the sharp in my eyes, he felt so proud of himself. He had taught me what it felt like to feel anger, now he was proud that I was using.
"Good, use your anger!" Darth Vader said.
My anger was getting stronger by the minute, I always knew one thing about my anger ever since I was nine. Suddenly, Darth Vader came out of nowhere and sliced by left hand off. He then used the force to knock me out.
"Jesse!" Roy said. He then fought Darth Vader.
"Just, get him Roy.." I said while everything was spinning. I then blacked out.

"Justice? You mean, Jesse?" Master Windu asked Dillon.
"Jesse.. I always thought it was Justice." Dillon said. His eyes were green, they used to be yellow, now, they weren't.
"Come with me, young one." Master Yoda said. He walked slowly, Dillon walked slowly.
"So, um. How do you know Justice, I mean. Jesse." Dillon said correcting himself.
"He was suppose to come here with Roy. I guess, they ended up somewhere. He joined the light side a few days ago." Master Yoda said. Dillon nodded his head.
"I have to find him. Please." Dillion said.
"Find him, you must." Master Yoda said and soon walked off.
"Master," Dillon said stopping him.
"Darth Vader is going after Jesse."

I then heard voices, expectedly, Roy's the most. I groaned, it was hard to see. I looked at my left hand, it was a robot hand just like my voice sounded like a robot. A part match.
I barley remembered what happen. My head hurt so much. I looked around looking for Roy. Roy then came up.
"Hey buddy, how you doing? Feeling better?" Roy asked with a smile.
"Never been better, what happen?" I asked rubbing my head.
"You blacked out, I took care of him. I promise." Roy said.
I nodded my head. I tried to test out his hand by flexing it, it felt weird at first. I then held in to my head. Was was wrong with me?
Everytime that I went black. I attack anyone who gets in the way. I didn't want anyone to feel this feeling or get scared of me.
In reality, I was a little gentle. Nobody could make me mad unless they tested me. What I wondered was where was Dillon? I needed to see him.
"Have you seen a stormtrooper here, yet?" I asked Master Yoda.
"No, someone is looking for you, though." Master Yoda said.
"Dillon." I said.
Dillon then finally came. "Justice."
"Dillon." I said.

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