Chapter 7

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Dillon then started backing away when I said that. He had a dirty look on his face, like I was a psychopath.
"Dillon, what's wrong?" I asked looking at him.
"I can't believe you." He ran away.
"Dillon!" I said about to go after him. Roy grabbed my arm, I looked at him.
"Let him go. He needs some time alone, after what he did to Jet." Roy said making eye contact with me.
I nodded, Dillon was an old friend of mine. When he was little, he always so dorky sometimes. He then started to turn serious like someone murdered his puppy dog.
"Jesse, lay down. Your still weak." Roy said.
I nodded, "Okay."

"Mother! I'm going to train with Dillon!" I said yelling out.
"Okay, honey. Your father and I are going to be shooting targets. Be back soon." My mother said stepping in the room, she shut the door.
I then ran to find Dillion. I soon found his room, "Dilly! I'm here!"
Dillon came out, "Hey, Justice! What's up?"
"You wanna hang out?"
"Sure, let's go."
We walked around the Death Star, the stormtroopers were walking by.
"Why do they look like that? All the time?" Dillon asked me whispering.
"To tell you the truth, I really don't know." I said. "I really don't know."

I slept for a while, still thinking about Dillon. I was thinking about Roy too, and Jet. I had that warm feeling, it felt so good. It felt like caring, more then that.
Roy came in, "Hey, Jesse. You feeling better?"
"Yeah, I am."
I thought I was well enough to get back to training. Roy was my master, knowing that Darth would come back.

A couple of days later, I got out. I was feeling so much better, I still had to practice my new hand. It was just like my human hand but different.

"Roy, the student you taught, is he alright?" Master Yoda asked Roy.
"I guess, he keeps on having force visions and sometimes isn't control of himself." Roy explained.
"What do you mean? Be specific." Master Yoda said.
Roy took a deep breath, he explained how I got shot in the shoulder and everything. He thought the stormtrooper shot me in the shoulder, whatever the bullet was, it might've been the mind control liquid.
I kept listening, it might've been the reason. I wasn't acting weird before I got shot. Roy might've got to something, Roy then came and saw me.
"Jesse! How are you doing?" Roy asked.
I suddenly saw Roy doing a stare. It was familiar, so familiar.
"Jesse? Are you okay?" Roy asked.
"That stare, I know it."
"You can't be.. Obi Wan's son?"

Dillon was walking around in the Jedi Temple. He was thinking deep about something, he suddenly got to a room full of the clone wars. He looked at the shelves.
"Dillon," Jet said.
Dillon jumped back, "Jet, what are you doing here? Don't scare me like that."
"Sorry, I was just looking for you." Jet asked.
Dillon looked down at the tools, Jet was holding. "Shouldn't you be at the ship base? You know, fixing stuff?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah. That. Um, I was on break." Jet said putting his tools down. He put his hands in his pockets, he looked at the shelves. "Whoa, who are they?"
"They were called, "The Clone Wars", they were troopers of the Galaxy. Before Darth Sidious twisted their minds."
"I suppose you know it all, because he twisted your mind?"
Dillon then froze, he then realized what he said to Jet. "Jet, look. I'm sorry, about before. Life was just hard on me. I just took it on you. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, bud. I'm sure that I made some mistakes too. So, tell me," Jet got on a table and crossed his arms. "What was your life like on the Death Star?"

"Obi Wan's son? I'm his grandson." Roy said to me.
I then remembered after Obi Wan killed my parents, he made a stare at me. I soon grew mad again, I used the force to choke Roy.
"He killed my parents!" I said in anger.
Roy broke free and forced me against a wall, "He was defending himself! If he didn't, I wouldn't be here right now! How would you feel if your own grandfather died of protecting himself!?"
I then realized what I did, I begin to have tears. "I. I'm sorry Roy."
Roy then came up to me, he hugged me. I then cried in his arms.
I then let go and wiped my tears. I then bumped into a hologram.
"What is that?" Roy asked.
"It looks like Anakin and your grandpa."

"Life there, was.. Interesting." Dillon said to Jet. Jet then nodded, he got a call from his microphone.
"Captain Jet, we need you back at the station." The microphone said.
"Alright, on my way." Jet said. He then turned to Dillion, "Sorry, Dilly. I have to go back to work. We'll catch up tonight, okay?"
"Sure, I won't miss it." Dillon said to Jet.
"Hopefully, Roy and Jesse will come too."
Jet grabbed his tools and walked off. Dillon then thought, he went to the window and looked out. He couldn't find the right words anymore for the Death Star.
The only thing that he did know what the Death Star wasn't so interesting.

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