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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... There was a young padawan named Justice, he was born on the Death Star. His parents were stormtroopers, working for the Lord Darth Vader.
Meanwhile, a small group of Jedis from the light side are planning on how to destroy the Death Star. Loosing their hope, Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, now matter goes into their own hands when they separate his son and daughter. Luke and Leia Skywalker.
Darth Vader sensed the force inside Justice when he was just a kid. He was playing on the deck when the Emperor told him to stop the playing. Justice was always told to be serious, evil, and sneaky. He soon grew and became a Sith Jedi. He would watch the spaceships fly across the galaxy. He wished so much that he could fly. He would wear goggles a lot so incase glass broke, it would hit his goggles and not his eyes.
He had dreams where he was the pilot of the Galaxy. Sweeping though the air, feeling his voice loud and proud. Screaming on how proud and cheer and fun it was. He knew that it would never happen.
He would sit down watching Darth Vader, General Grievous, and all the Siths training. He studied their moves, he knew what they could do.
"Justice," The Emperor called out to him. He was in the throne room in his black chair. The room that always terrified Justice. Ever since he was little.
"Yes, my Lord. How may I serve you?" Justice then bowed to show respect. How Darth Vader taught him.
"I want you to go to Naboo. I need those robots. If anyone gets in your way," He stopped. He got out of his chair, walked towards Justice. He put his hand on Justice's chin. This part gave him goosebumps. "Kill them." He finished his sentence.
Justice was very different then the others on the Death Star. He felt like there was no reason to attack. No reason for people to be scared of him. He was just a Jedi, he wanted to help people. He wanted to fly. He wanted to fill his dream and become a pilot. When the day came that he had to do the order, he refused.

"Why didn't you do the order?" The Emperor asked in his deep voice. Darth Vader was by Justice's side. Justice couldn't lie to them anymore. Not with his Master beside the Emperor.
"I'm tired of being a Sith. I'm tired of people being afraid of me, I'm tired of being a bad guy. I just want to help people! Not kill them! Especially, the Jedi's! They did nothing wrong!" Justice said.
The Emperor let the words sink in. He then looked at Justice, Justice wasn't scared of anything. Until, that day. "So be it, Jedi." He rose from his chair.
"Justice, why?" Darth Vader said. He was crossing his arms, disagreeing with his decision.
"Cause it's the right thing to do." Justice said.
The Emperor then shocked Justice with his lighting from his hands. Darth Vader watched as his Padawan suffered in pain.
The next thing that the Emperor did was he changed Justice's voice. He brought Justice to a machine, the same room that Anakin had died in and turned into Darth Vader. Slowly, Justice's eyes were turning to a red color more then a reddish yellowish color. He was turning into a good guy.
The Emperor hooked him in, lightning struck into his throat. Burning his vocal chords. Making his voice, electronic. That became Justice's fear.
The day that Justice moved out, Darth Vader pulled him aside before he was leaving.
"Justice," Darth Vader began. "Why are you still doing this? You don't know the power of the dark side. You could release your hate, anger, suffering here. You can't do that there."
"I know it's not right. I'm done here, Master Vader. I'm sorry. I'm not like you, I'll never be."
"You don't know the true power!"
"That's right, I don't. Not anymore. By the way, you aren't my master."
"Your voice, the Emperor has changed it."
"I know. It's because of you. I'm gone now."
Justice was beginning to leave, he went into handcuffs were Stormtroopers brought him into the ship.
"Justice." Darth Vader was going to say to him.
"It's Jesse to you now."

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