Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

       The first two classes of the school day were always the worst. Not because I was failing them or anything. I was doing quite well but that didn't mean I enjoyed it. Sitting in a chair for eighty minutes, taking a five minute break to go to my next class, then sit for another eighty minutes wasn't exactly enjoyable.

       At least it was finally time for the last two classes, both of which were two that I loved so much. 

       Before heading to third period, I decided to get my homework from my locker since my classes were now both downstairs while my locker was upstairs. I was going to be too lazy to come back up here after school.

       My best friend Amanda walked over to me right as I closed my locker door. "There you are," she said. "I've been looking over for you everywhere during lunch."

       "Oh, Justin and I went to Subway," I said. "Did you try calling?"

       "Okay, so I looked for you for five minutes before giving up because I got hungry and I realized I could just tell you the news in dance class," Amanda said.

       "What news?" I asked.

       "Guess who moved back to this school?" Amanda asked. "She was in my physics class. Nia."

       "Nia?" I repeated, not knowing how to feel about the fact that our other best friend was back at this school. Well, I should say ex-best friend. Things were slowly going downhill for all three us in the ninth grade because of constant arguments and backstabbers. Then she moved to a different school and we hadn't heard from her since.

       The last time we saw each other was from an argument I honestly didn't remember. 

       "Yeah, Nia," Amanda said. "And let's just say that she isn't as pleasant as she was before all that drama and stuff. She kept giving me the stink eye."

       "Then I can't wait for the stink eye she gives me," I said. "I just hope she isn't in any of my classes."

       "For your sake, I hope that too," Amanda said.

       It apparently wasn't enough to hope. Amanda and I headed to the dance studio together and right as we walked in, we saw Nia talking to someone she hung out a lot with in the ninth grade when she was too busy getting mad at us.

       I really wanted to ignore her but when Amanda and I dropped our backpacks by the wall, she said, "Long time no see, Lark. I'm surprised to see you in this class."

       "Really?" I asked. "You do realize that I know how to dance, right?"

       Nia snorted. "This is you we're talking about. You know, the awkward, clumsy girl. I'm surprised you were even allowed in here. Let me guess, you've been put in the back row?"

       "Sure," I said, only because I really didn't want to start all this arguing again. If she was going to be petty for no reason, I was going to let her. 

       "Oh, by the way," Nia said. "See that guy over there?" She looked over at Justin, who was marking the dance routine for our class's competition at the end of the semester. "I call dibs."

       "Grow up, Nia," I said. "This is high school, not elementary school. You can't call dibs on a person."

       It didn't even surprise me that she was acting like this. Part of me even find it amusing, especially with the guy she 'called dibs' on.

       "Well, I like him so stay away from him," Nia said.

       "Whatever you say, your majesty," I said, giving her a mock bow before Amanda and I walked to the other side of the dance room only so we wouldn't have to be near Nia anymore. "You're right. She isn't as pleasant as she was."

       "Why didn't you tell her?" Amanda asked.

      I knew exactly what she was talking about so I just smiled. "Because I'd rather see the look on her face when she finds out some other way. I take my pettiness to a more subtle level."

       "Fair point," Amanda said. 

       When the tardy bell rang, the dancer teacher Mrs. Ansley waited five more minutes for everyone to show up since it took a while to get changed into dance clothes, especially with the long line ups normally in the girls' washroom to get changed.

       After Mrs. Ansley took attendance, she said, "Alright, so today, we're going to go over the dance routine we have so far since I know some of you have missed a few days, and because of the new student in our class. But I would also like our Romeo and Juliet of the dance to work on their duet portion so just take one of the speakers if you need to and you can work in the cafeteria."

       While Justin grabbed one of the small speakers, I took my phone out of my backpack so we could try practicing our duet portion of the dance with the music.

       And because I wanted to be even a tiny bit petty, I winked at Nia before Justin and I walked out of the dance room to head to the cafeteria.

       "Have I ever told you about my and Amanda's ex friend, Nia?" I asked Justin when we got to the cafeteria.

       "I think so," he said. "She's the one that was causing a lot of unnecessary drama, right?"

       "Yeah, that's her," I said. "She's the new student in our dance class. Oh, and she told me to stay away from you because she called dibs."

       "Are... Are you breaking up with me?" Justin asked. "Is this what it is? A break up?"

       "Oh, yeah, definitely," I said. 

       "I knew it," Justin said. "And right before my first hockey game this season. Now I'm going to lose."

       "Come on, there's no way you can lose," I said. "You're the star player."

       "I wouldn't go that far to say that, but thanks for the confidence," Justin said. "You are going to be there, right?"

       "Of course I would," I said. "When have I missed one of your games?"


woo i'm starting this book. sorry if this chapter is a little short. i'll try to make the other ones longer.

but i'm happy to start writing about justin and lark. they're such a cute couple. <3

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