Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

       The school's ice hockey team had another game today and honestly, I was a bit worried for Justin. He was started to get very stressed out with his schoolwork, dance class, theatre rehearsals, and hockey practices. 

       He assured me that his hockey practices were the only thing that he wasn't feeling too stressed with and he was still doing well. I believed him, of course, but I still felt worried. 

       Even if he wasn't feeling stressed about the game, he was still feeling a lot of stress in his life so after school, I decided to go to the store to try to find something that might cheer him up. There was a store right beside the ice rink, so I had more than enough time to find something for Justin.

       Amia insisted on coming to the store with me and I definitely didn't mind taking my six-year-old sister with me. She loves shopping for other people, even though she never had any money to do so. But she was also so helpful when it came to choosing presents.

       And it wasn't just present shopping for our family that she was helpful for. If she knew someone even the slightest, she was great at choosing presents for them. She had a gift for it.

       Except right now, she was more interested in getting some candy.

       "Amia, I promise I'll get you something," I said. "But first, you have to help me pick something out for Justin, okay?"

       "Okay," Amia said. "I think I saw something." She grabbed my arm and led me to an aisle where a bunch of teddy bears were. 

       And then one she grabbed from the shelf was perfect.

       The teddy-bear was wearing a Montreal Canadiens hockey jersey, Justin's favourite hockey team, and a hockey helmet. In one of its paws was a hockey stick and in the other, he was holding a heart.

       "Awe, Amia, this is perfect," I said. "Remind me to take you Christmas shopping with me this year."

       "Ooh, yes!" Amia said with a big smile.

       We went to the checkout and I let her get a chocolate bar from the selection there. Once everyone was paid for, we headed to the ice rink to watch the hockey game.

       The rest of our family, and Justin's family, were already there and there was more than enough time before the game began.

       I was still going to give Justin the teddy bear after the hockey game since I probably couldn't see him right now.

       When the hockey game did begin, there was a very rocky start to it for Edgewater Secondary. I couldn't exactly spot it but something was off with the team.       

       Which was weird because they did extremely well during their previous game. But for some reason, they weren't doing as well.

       "It's official," Lenora said. "They're going to lose."

       "Do you have to say that during every game they play?" I asked. "What happened to being a supportive sister?"

      Lenora snorted. "I never said anything about being a supportive sister."

       "Okay, but two of your brothers are on the hockey team," I said. "Can't you try to be a bit more supportive and optimistic?"

       "I would be if they were more supportive of my extracurricular activities," Lenora said.

       "You mean theatre?"

       "Exactly. They refuse to buy tickets from me."

       "Because they're all in theatre too."

       "Yeah, whatever."

       I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the hockey game. The first period ended not-so well for Edgewater. They were behind by three.

       Because the score was three to nothing.

       The second period went a bit more smoothly for Edgewater. Tobias didn't let the opposing team score anymore goals. He was really upping his game this period.

       But the first thing I noticed when the period began was that Justin wasn't on the ice. He was sitting with the rest of his team that weren't in the game right now.

       "I don't get it," Lenora said. "Why is Justin on the bench? He's one of the best players."

       "I have no idea," I said. 

       It was rare for Justin to be benched. He really was one of the best players. 

       Something was up.

       Edgewater did score two goals the second period while the opposing team wasn't able to score so now, we were only behind by one.

       Justin was back on the ice during the third period. I, admittedly, was expecting the team to be off again even though I really didn't want to believe that something was up with Justin which was throwing him off his game.

       However, he was doing perfectly fine now. The team didn't seem off and the had the puck majority of the time. Maybe Justin just wanted a break or something.

       Edgewater was able to score two more goals before the end of the game and since the opposing team still wasn't able to score another goal, our team won the game.

       I waited for Justin, and Dalton but he was annoying so mainly Justin, outside of the ice rink.

      And as soon as he walked outside, my mind changed. Something definitely was wrong since he had a slight limp. 

       "Justin, are you okay?" I asked. "What happened?"

       He furrowed his eyebrows. "With what?"

       "Your limp," I said.

       "Was I limping?" Justin asked.

       "Uh, yeah," I said. "Is everything okay?"

       "Oh, yeah," Justin said. "Don't worry, it's just a blister. It will be gone soon."

       "Are you sure?" I asked.

       "Yes, don't worry about it," Justin said. "It's not too bad. It's just in the worst spot. That's why I was benched second period. It was bothering me a bit and I wanted to let it rest a bit before going back in."

       "Well, you did good not letting it bother you during the third period," I said. "Congrats on your win. And I know you've been feeling stressed lately so I bought you something. Amia helped pick it out."

       "If Amia helped pick it out, it must be good," Justin said as I reached into my backpack to get the teddy bear.

       "I know, right?" I said. "I'm definitely taking her Christmas shopping with me this year." I pulled out the teddy bear and handed it to Justin. "I'm hoping it will sort of be a morale booster."

       "Awe, I love it," Justin said with a smile, pulling me into a hug. "Thank you."

       "You're welcome," I said.


awe i love these two <3

i should have added them to the crossover but it's too late for that :(

also i need an amia because i feel like i'm a horrible present shopper lmao

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