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Chapter 1: How We All Met

Giotto was sighing really loud. He was at his desk doing what he always did if he wasn't out keeping things calm and peaceful which was signing loads and loads of paperwork. Truthfully, he hated this part of the job. Thanks to his Mist Guardian, Daemon Spade, he was now signing a 100 thousand bill for the damage he had caused during his last mission. Giotto was a mafia boss for the Vongola Family, a family he had created just a year ago and was now becoming rather popular. Thinking back, Giotto smiled at all the memories on how he had met all his guardians and how they agreed to become his guardians.

Just as Giotto was about to start a rather long day-dreaming session, a loud knock was heard on his door. "Come in," said Giotto as he put on his serious face and straightened his body posture to make it look like he was very busy. The door flung open and G, Giotto's right-hand man, Storm Guardian and childhood friend burst in. He was looking rather pissed at something. "Oh G. Did you need something?" asked Giotto as G marched to his table. "Giotto, there's been a report of a disturbance in the nearby village. You know, the one where you always buy your sweet supply. Apparently, a loud explosion was heard and well, one of the shops has been broken into," said G tapping his fingers impatiently.

"Which family is it this time?" sighed Giotto tiredly, dropping his pen. "Heh, like I know. Eyewitnesses told us they couldn't see anything but whoever they are, they are short," finished G as Giotto looked at him with a surprised look. How could these short people do so much of harm? "Call the rest of the guardians. We don't know who we are dealing with," ordered Giotto in his boss voice. G smirked. "I don't have too. They already went on ahead. I was left the job of telling you," said G as he and Giotto went on their way. "Sorry to be so late then," muttered Giotto. G laughed. "Hey, I'm not complaining, Alaude was practically running out the door when he heard the news. Lampo got pulled by Daemon and Knuckles and was dragged to the village with Knuckles yelling "EXTREME SPEED!". Asari too, for someone who is usually so calm. I guess they must be pretty happy to be doing something," replied G as Giotto sweatdropped. How typical.

Peaceful Village

Asari was putting out a fire when Giotto and G ran up to him. Daemon, Knuckles and Lampo were in sight while Alaude was standing very far from them, looking at the village. In his opinion, it didn't look so bad. The only casualty they had was a mini explosion and a robbed shop. He had seen worst. Daemon looked very disappointed. He was expecting some combat to take place but that wasn't happening. "Asari, did you catch the person who did this?" asked Giotto looking at Asari. "No, I think they'd most probably would have escaped by now. Even though the damage is minor, it is still wrong," replied his Rain Guardian.

"I pray that God will help the person who got hurt in all of this," said Knuckles bowing his head in prayer. Lampo was looking bored and annoyed. "How dare you both pull the Great Lampo while he is in the middle of his nap?" said Lampo looking at Daemon and Knuckles. "Nufufufu…would you like me to rip out your internal organs?" smirked Daemon pulling out his dangerous looking scythe. Lampo backed away in fear. "N-No need D-Daemon-sama," whimpered the Lightning Guardian as he quietly hid behind Giotto. "Cheh! What a coward," muttered G. Lampo immediately became defensive. "The Great Lampo is NOT a coward! I bet I can defeat you in 10 seconds flat, Pinky hair!" yelled Lampo striking a nerve. "What did you call me you insolent brat?" yelled G as he whacked Lampo's head. "Now now, let's all calm down and think about this logically," said Asari with a smile as he restrained G. Lampo had chibi tears falling out of his eyes. "Let me go Asari! This guy needs to be taught a lesson!" yelled G as he struggled against Asari's firm grip.

Giotto sweatdropped. "Oh well, I guess while we're here we should ask for information from the wit-Alaude?" said Giotto breaking of his sentence as he saw his Cloud guardian suddenly looking alert and rushing to a dark alley nearby."Alaude! What's going on?" yelled Giotto as he ran after him with his guardians following behind.

Alaude was standing boredly at his spot watching the others when he heard some movement running into the alley nearby. Being Aalude, he immediately became alert and rushed towards the spot. He could hear Primo and the others following behind. Pulling out his handcuffs, he made an attack on the unknown person but much to his surprise, was blocked by some kind of weapon. Jumping back, he saw in the shadows a silhouette of a boy with weapons raised. "Kamikorosu." snarled the boy before swinging his weapons at Alaude who dodged just in time. He aimed a punch at this boy but was blocked. Alaude took a look at his opponent. Since he had already come out into the sunlight, Alaude had a close look at him. He was about 7 to 8 years old and had black hair. His eyes looked like steel and his clothes looked old but clean. He was also holding a pair of steel tonfas. Aluade could hear the gasp coming from the other guardians but he was not bothered because at that moment, the boy ran towards him and aimed another swing to his face. Alaude dodged right before the tonfa hit his face.

"Not bad," said Alaude, a smile coming onto his face. He was fascinated by this boy. 'Kyoya! Kyoya!" chirped a small bird as it landed on the boy's shoulder. So, this boy was named Kyoya. "I don't know who you are but I will bite you to death!" said Kyoya as he charged again. Alaude also did the same thing.

Giotto arrived at the scene only to have a shock of his life. Why? It was because Alaude was facing off with a boy. Of course, that wasn't the strange part. It was because the boy looked so much like Alaude minus the hair colour but besides that, Giotto would have thought they were father and son. Of course, that thought was erased when both of them started attacking each other. Giotto had to admit it, this boy was good. He was actually on par with Alaude. Hearing the bird, Giotto assumed his name was Kyoya and had to step in when both of them were going in for the last kill. Kyoya stopped but Alaude rushed in and handcuffed the boy.

G and the others were in shock. Daemon had gotten over shock and was now smirking at Alaude who held a struggling Kyoya firmly. "Oya oya Alaude, this is unexpected. And I used to think you were the most decent one among us," laughed Daemon. Alaude glared at him. "Shut up or I'll pulverize you," replied Alaude . "Seriously Alaude, you had a son?" asked G and Knuckles at the same time. Alaude ignored them and turned his attention to Kyoya who had already stopped struggling and was now emitting a dangerous aura. "You boy, which family are you from?" asked Alaude in his monotone voice. Kyoya ignored him and looked away. Giotto tried. "Kyoya was it, where are you from?" Kyoya looked at him with dead eyes. "I have no family," was his reply and he continued to look away. All the guardians felt a pang of sadness for the boy. "Then wha—" said Giotto but for the second time that day, he broke off his sentence.

"Big Brother Kyoya! Where are you?" came another voice, a voice of another child. Kyoya's eyes immediately opened wide. It was obvious he cared for this child, his eyes were saying 'Don't come here!' "Tsk! Don't bother about him Tsuna-sama! I'm sure he's just wondering around like an idiot again" said a second voice. This one sounded like he respected this 'Tsuna' a lot. "But, he's still our brother, well, our adopted brother maybe but still…" said the first voice in a more worried tone. "Hahaha! Now now Tsuna! I'm sure he's fine! You should know Kyoya better! He's the one that got away with stealing that fish for us!" said a third voice cheerfully. Primo and his guardians looked at Kyoya with their eyebrows arched. So he was the one responsible for all that. "Shut up idiot! Don't speak to Tsuna-sama like that!" growled the second voice. "SAWADA! LET'S GO JOGGING AGAIN! C'MON! IT'LL BE FUN!" yelled a fourth voice. "SHUT UP TURF-TOP! CAN'T YOU SEE TSUNA-SAMA IS LOOKING FOR THAT IDIOT KYOYA?" yelled the second voice. "Now Now! Let's all calm down!" said the third voice.

Primo and his guardians, except Alaude and Daemon, were surprised. They sounded so much like Knuckles, Asari, G and Giotto. Their shock increased when : "TSUNA! LAMBO'S HUNGRY! THAT FISH WASN'T ENOUGH!" screamed a child who sounded so much like Lampo when he was fussing. "I'm sorry Lambo but I can't give you anything. We've fun out of food again!" said the first voice as he tried to comfort this Lambo. Sadness immediately filled Giotto. Were these kids orphans? Giotto looked at G and saw he was thinking the same. They both understood how it was to be orphaned as both of them were orphaned too. Giotto now wanted to see these kids. Fortunately for him, they turned into the corner where he was standing as all of them gasped.

"B-Big brother Kyoya!" yelled the child with hair that looked like Giotto's except for the fact that it was brown. His companion had silver colored hair and had the same scowl as G. The boy beside them looked EXACTLY like Asari minus the fact that his clothes were torn in some areas. The boy with white hair that looked like a lawn looked like Knuckles double except for the fact that the colour was different. A small child with cow printed clothes looked like Lampo when he was a child. They knew this because G sneaked into Lampo's room once and discovered the picture. All of them minus the cow child looked 5 to 6 years old. Kyoya was now looking at the first boy with eyes that said 'Run' but the child still stood there as though he didn't know what to do.

"Enemies! Let Big Brother go!" yelled the first boy in panic. Giotto walked over calmly and raised his hands to show he was unarmed. The child backed away and his companions jumped forward. G's look alike pulled out some dynamite whilst Asari's look alike pulled out a stick. "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. What are your names?" asked Giotto gently. The first boy looked at him with fearful eyes. Giotto smiled and put out his hands. G was already by his side. The boy looked at Giotto's hands and looked at him. With a trembling hand, he touched it and closed his eyes, as though expecting Giotto to hit him but when that didn't happen, he opened his eyes and met with the orange-colored eyes.

Giotto immediately felt a strange feeling swell up in him. Was it affection? Love? "What's your name?" asked Giotto gently while the child's friends looked wary. "Sawada Tsunayoshi, but people call me Tsuna," said Tsuna shakily. 'Tsunayoshi? What a weird name, 'thought Giotto. "That's Japanese is it not?" asked Asari edging in closer. Tsuna nodded nervously. Asari broke into a smile. "Well whaddya know, I'm Japanese too!" exclaimed Asari happily. "What are your names?" asked Asari looking at Tsuna's friends. "Tsk. Gokudera Hayato," said G's look alike. "Yamamoto Takeshi!" said the black haired boy in delight. "This one's Lambo," said Takeshi pointing to the child with the cow-print shirt. "MY NAME IS SASAGAWA RYOHEI TO THE EXTREME!" yelled Kunckle's look alike. "That guy is Hibari Kyoya!" exclaimed Ryohei pointed at Kyoya whole scowled at him.

"Oh? Where are your parents?" asked Giotto gently. Tsuna shook his head. "All our parents, excluding Mukuro and Chrome's, are all dead. We met each otherand have been going around together since!" smiled Tsuna cutely. His eyes telling nothing but the truth. Giotto felt another pang of sadness. "I see…Who are Mukuro and Chrome?" asked Giotto looking around. As far as he could see, there was no one else there besides them.

Daemon was downright disappointed again. As far as he could see, there was no 'Daemon look alike' and he was feeling down. That was until he heard they appeared. "Kufufufu…Were you looking for us?" came an eerie voice and everyone whipped around. Out of nothing, a boy and a girl, both wearing eye patched appeared. Both of them had pineapple hair and looked like Daemon. The girl was hiding behind her brother with a shy expression. Her brother stood protectively in front of her. "Kufufu. My dear sister, there's nothing to fear, I'm here and always will be…" said the boy as the girl nodded. Well, let's just say Daemon was practically jumping for joy in the inside but was showing an amused expression on his face. "Kufufu…Sawada Tsunayoshi…what have you gotten yourself into this time?" sighed the boy with a hint of worry on his face. Tsuna looked at him sheepishly as though he was guilty. "Nothing Big Brother Mukuro," replied Tsuna as Mukuro laughed. "Oya oya, who are these people?" said Mukuro looking at Primo and his guardians. Giotto smiled and said "My name is Giotto and these are my guardians and from now onwards, you can call us Family," said Giotto as everyone and I mean everyone stared at him in shock. What was he up to now?

Chapter 2: Life With The Vongola

"Tsuna, it's time to wake up!" called Giotto one morning. He knocked on his adopted son's door. Even so, there was no reply. Fear creeping up his back, Giotto opened the door and entered quietly. The room was dark and he could barely see anything. "Tsuna?" called Giotto again as he reached the bed to discover it was empty. Giotto immediately went into panic mode. This was very unusual. Tsuna would have had jumped out of bed and hug his father by now with his usual cute smile. "Tsuna!" called Giotto in an even louder voice, one filled with panic and worry. Being an overprotective father and a mafia boss, Giotto immediately had morbid thoughts.

"BOO!" yelled a figure as it jumped onto Giotto's back, giving him a near heart attack. "Hahah! I got you Papa!" laughed Tsuna as Giotto pulled him from his back and gave him a hug. Even though Giotto's heart was still racing, he laughed along with his son. "Tsuna. Don't ever do that again! You nearly gave Papa a heart attack!" said Giotto sternly after a few minutes of laughing. Tsuna's eyes immediately became worried. "I'm sorry Papa! I didn't know! I won't do it again!" said Tsuna with guilt and worry in his voice. Giotto smiled lovingly at his son. "It's alright Tsuna. Papa had fun though," said Giotto with a gentle smile. Tsuna smiled. A big, sweet innocent smile that made Giotto feel happy. Thinking back, he did not feel any form of regret for adopting Tsuna.

Flashback to 5 months ago

"I said no and that means no!" said G firmly. Giotto sighed. They were all currently at their home discussing something important. Giotto had said it out loud that he wanted to adopt some orphans much to the dismay of G and Lampo. As they could not reach a conclusion at that time, Giotto ordered them all to go home with the kids and sit down and talk it over. Upon reaching home, Giotto asked a maidservant to give some food to the children. He and his guardians then went to the conference room to discuss about the topic. With the atmosphere they were having anyone would have thought they were discussing a battle plan. G had of course disagreed.

"But G, these kids need love and care to the extreme!" argued Knuckles as he slammed his fist on the table. "You can't just turn them away. You saw how they live!" continued Knuckles. G glared at him. "Yeah and I understand that but think about it! The Vongola are coming up! It's already VERY difficult to take care of it and now you want to add kids?" countered G as Lampo nodded his head. "I or once, agree with that idiot. Besides, it's too much of a hassle to take care of…BRATS!" said Lampo as everyone looked at him with the 'WTH' face as Lampo was the biggest brat they knew. "But G! Look at them! They lost all their parents, family and have to live in the streets, not even knowing when their next meal will be!" said Asari with sad eyes. Knuckles nodded in agreement. Giotto coughed. "Personally, I er think that adopting them will be no problem," said Giotto as G glared at him. "But what do we tell people when they see them?" asked G. Silence loomed above them. "Let's worry about that next time," said Giotto looking at his guardians.

"Alaude, Daemon, what are your opinions?" asked Giotto looking at his other two guardians who were silent the whole time. Alaude looked at Giotto and then looked away. "I would agree with your thinking. They should and will stay," said Alaude shocking the whole room into silence. Asari and Knuckles were looking at each other happily. G scowled at Alaude. Giotto smiled. "Daemon?" "Nufufufu…I would enjoy having the siblings if you don't mind…" replied Daemon with his eerie laugh. Everyone sweatdropped. This was to be expected. Daemon was rather happy when he saw the two siblings, Mukuro and Chrome. He was even more delighted when he found out that both of them could perform illusions.

"Then this settles it! We will be adopting them!" announced Giotto with finality. Lampo heaved an loud sigh. G was silent for a moment, then he sighed and smiled. "You win this round Giotto. To be honest, I am rather interested to become a father," said G as Giotto laughed. He was actually feeling the same thing. Daemon was looking rather cheerful. Asari had already run out to find Takeshi to announce the good news. Knuckles was yelling 'EXTREME!' happily. "Primo, just to be straight with one thing, I refuse to adopt anyone," said Alaude as he walked out. Giotto sighed. What was he to do with Kyoya then?

Back to the present

'And someone told me 5 months ago that he did not want to have a kid,' thought Giotto as he and Tsuna made their way to the dining hall for breakfast. Giotto was giving a rather happy Tsuna a piggyback ride. On their way, they met with Alaude and Kyoya. Alaude was teaching Kyoya new tricks with his weapon. Even in his dead eyes, Giotto could see Alaude was rather proud of his son. "Good morning Alaude, Kyoya," greeted Giotto as Tsuna squealed and climbed down from Giotto's back. "Kyoya-nii! Uncle Alaude!" called the small brunette in joy. Alaude nodded at Giotto and opened his arms for Tsuna, something he couldn't help doing. Tsuna ran into his arms and gave him a hug. Turning to Kyoya, Tsuna broke into a smile. Kyoya returned it with one of his rather rare smiles, something he only showed to his father or Tsuna. "Kyoya-nii! Will you be having breakfast with us today?" asked Tsuna with expectant eyes. Kyoya shook his head and ruffled Tsuna's messy hair. "I'm sorry Tsuna, I have to follow my father to one of his missions today," replied Kyoya in a monotone voice. Tsuna's face dropped making Kyoya feel guilty. "But I will try to next time," said Kyoya quietly as Tsuna's face lit up. "Yay! Have fun on your mission, Kyoya-nii, Uncle Alaude and be safe!" said Tsuna as he ran back to his father.

"Papa, why does Uncle Alaude and Kyoya-nii always go on missions?" asked Tsuna as he held his father's hand, looking at Giotto with his wide chocolate eyes. Giotto smiled back lovingly. "Your uncle and big brother erm go around the world helping those less fortunate people Tsuna," replied Giotto as understanding entered Tsuna's eyes. "I see!" replied Tsuna as he smiled happily.

When Giotto first told Tsuna he was going to be his new father, Tsuna's eyes widened and he asked "Will you beat be like how my foster mother did?" This almost made Giotto cry. Not wanting to pry into the topic, he smiled and shook his head. "Never, Tsuna. Never will I raise my hand against you," said Giotto making Tsuna break into a smile. "You can call me Papa, Tsuna," said Giotto gently. For the past 5 months, Tsuna had never once thrown a temper or fought with any of the other kids. Instead, he was always worried about the others and always had a smile ready no matter what the situation. Tsuna was the reason why Giotto now had the mood to do his paperwork. Tsuna apparently got along well with all the others. Hayato was always following him around and calling him 'sama'. Takeshi enjoyed having tea with him. Mukuro was quite overprotective when it came to Tsuna, such as when he emitted a dangerous aura when Tsuna tripped and fell down, injuring his knees(making Giotto to worry so much anyone would have thought Tsuna was in a coma). Chrome always smiled whenever Tsuna talked to her. Lambo and Ryohei enjoyed playing with him while Kyoya would always give him rare smiles or gifts. Tsuna had also made all of Giotto's guardian's love him and they would frequently play with him or tell him stories.

Upon reaching the dining room, they saw that Lampo and Lambo were already there. "Uncle Lampo! Lambo! Good morning!" said Tsuna cheerfully as he climbed onto the chair next to Lambo. "Tsuna-nii! Play with Lambo-sama today!" screamed Lambo. "Okay! We should wait for the others too!" replied Tsuna as his food came. "Lambo, don't go falling into ponds again okay," said Lampo smiling at Lambo, something Giotto still found rather weird. Not too long ago, Lampo had been complaining about Lambo like crazy and now, he was being like an overprotective big brother to him. Upon adopting Lambo, Lampo had cut off Lambo's afro and now styled it to be more like his. He even taught Lambo to be spoiled, something he got whacked for by G.

Tsuna was about to dig into his food when the door opened and G and Hayato came in with their normal drabble which sounded like:

"HAYATO YOU BRAT! APOLOGISE RIGHT NOW!" yelled G as he pulled Hayato's ears.

"NO WAY YOU STINKING OLD MAN! YOU STARTED IT!" yelled Hayato back as he stepped on his father's toes making G release his ears and cussing at the same time.

"Good morning Hayato-nii and Uncle G!" greeted Tsuna in between mouthfuls as Giotto roared with laughter. "G, that's the 5th time you've lost," chuckled Giotto as he helped Tsuna wipe his mouth. G glared at Giotto and sat down in his seat with a 'hmph'. Hayato on the other hand saluted Tsuna and yelled on top of his lungs. "GOOD MORNING TSUNA-SAMA! I APOLOGIZE THAT YOU HAD TO SEE THAT SO EARLY IN THE MORNING!" yelled Hayato making G to whack his son's head. "Tsuna will most probably go deaf if you keep that up!" growled G as Hayato whacked his head in realization. "I'm so sorry Tsuna-sama!" apologized Hayato bowing low making Giotto sweat drop. He had no idea why this boy was so loyal to his son.

"Hahaha! Hayato, your voice is so cheerful today!" said Takeshi as he and Asari appeared. Hayato immediately glared at him. "What did you say you idiot?" growled Hayato as he made to pull out his dynamites but was stopped by G. "Good morning Takeshi-nii and Uncle Asari!" greeted Tsuna happily. "Good morning Tsuna, Uncle Giotto!" replied Takeshi with his usual grin. "Good morning Giotto, Tsuna!" said Asari as he and Takeshi sat down for breakfast. "I heard Knuckles and Ryohei are in a middle of a morning exercise!" said Asari cheerfully as Takeshi chomped down his food. "Something about 100 rounds around the mountains," laughed Asari as though running a hundred times was very normal. Giotto sweatdropped.

"Sighhh…To be expected…" muttered Giotto as Tsuna ate his last bit of food. (Tsuna had never wasted his food before as he knew how it was to be starving with nothing to eat.) "Where's Daemon?" asked Giotto looking around.

"Nufufu…Looking for us Primo?" came an eerie voice from out of nowhere. Daemon Spade had appeared and with him Mukuro and Chrome. Mukuro holding a creepy looking trident he had got from his father while Chrome was being carried by Daemon. "Uncle Daemon! Mukuro-nii and Chrome!" squealed Tsuna with joy. Daemon smiled at his rather cute nephew. Mukuro ruffled Tsuna's hair. "Kufufu, have you eaten your breakfast yet Tsuna?" asked Mukuro in a brotherly voice. Tsuna nodded eagerly. "Tsuna…"muttered Chrome before she hid her face. Daemon patted her softly. "Now now Chrome, no need to be shy. Like I told you before, me and your brother will destroy anyone who would dare bully you," said Daemon while Chrome nodded.

Giotto sighed softly. He could still remember the first day Daemon took care of the kids. Mukuro was standing in front of Chrome protectively, looking fierce. "I will kill you if you harm my sister," said Mukuro with a deadly aura. "Nufufu, I have no intention of harming her. I will be your new father and I will take care of you," said Daemon with unusual gentleness in his voice. Mukuro debated with himself. "Nagi, are you okay with this?" asked Mukuro softly. "Y-Y-Yes…I don't think he's like them," replied Nagi softly. Mukuro relaxed his posture. "Kufufu…I accept, but if you harm my sister, I will not hesitate to harm you," said Mukuro with an eerie smile. Daemon smiled and nodded. After that, Daemon became the world's number one dad as he pampered Chrome and Mukuro like crazy (though he still taught them unnecessary things like how to make gory illusions). Giotto could still remember the day some daring men pushed Chrome and threatened to stab her while they were all out shopping. Let's just say Daemon and Mukuro took them away for a 'talk' and after that, they were never heard off again.

To Giotto, this was what he had always wanted. Being an orphan himslef, he had never known how it was to have family but now, he felt complete. Looking at his son, Tsuna, he smiled and promised to fulfill his role as a father and to protect his son's smile.

Chapter 3: Life With The Vongola Part 2

"G, I think it's about time we took these kids to school," said Giotto one morning to his right hand man. Tsuna and the other children were still fast asleep and Giotto was sitting in the living room with his guardians.

"Oh? Why bring this up so sudden?" asked G looking up from this papers. Asari stopped playing his flute and looked at Giotto with the same question. "Well, it's because I just found out that most of the kids besides Hayato, Mukuro and Kyoya have never gone to school in their life. When I brought up the word school, Tsuna looked at me and asked whether it was dangerous," said Giotto recalling his conversation with his beloved son.

"Sure, why not?" said G while Asari nodded. "It'll be a great learning experience for them too!" said Asari happily. Knuckles nodded in agreement. Daemon frowned. "Wouldn't that be putting the kids in great risk? I mean any rival family can just kidnap them anytime they want," said Daemon. G snorted. This guy was too over-protective. "Let them have a life pineapple head. You'd be robbing them of their childhood if you keep them cooped up in here for too long," replied G as Daemon glared at him. Lampo yawned.

"But Lambo's not old enough to go to school yet," said Knuckles suddenly remembering Lambo. "It's alright, I already hired private tutors for him," yawned Lampo closing his eyes. Giotto sweatdropped but said nothing. Lambo was Lampo's adopted son after all. He had full authority over him but Giotto still worried about Lambo. "Anyways, that settles it! They will be going to school next week. Now let me just pick out a school…"said Giotto as he pulled out a giant book.

One week later

"But Papa, what if everyone hates me?" whimpered Tsuna on Monday morning as he hid behind his father's legs with nervous eyes. He and Giotto were currently standing in front of the school gates with the rest of the kids. Ever since Giotto had told his son he was going to school, Tsuna had been worrying non-stop. "Now Tsuna, why would anyone have a reason to hate you?" said Giotto as he bent down and looked at his son in the eye. G was yelling at Hayato again for bringing dynamite to school. Asari was talking to some parents while Takeshi was standing by his side with his usual cheery grin. Knuckles and Ryohei were doing sit up's while all the students stared at them curiously. Kyoya, who refused to mix around with these 'weak humans', had managed to convince Alaude he didn't need to go to school, something Alaude agreed to full heartedly.

"Tsuna, you know that school doesn't last forever right? You'll come home when it ends and Papa will be waiting here for you when you are done," said Giotto with a gentle smile. "And you'll be fine! Hayato, Takeshi, Ryohei, Mukuro and Chrome are here as well!" said Giotto. Tsuna finally broke into a smile but his eyes still had some worry. "Okay Papa! Tsuna will try his best today!" replied the brunette as he hugged his father and ran into his school with his other siblings. Giotto smiled lovingly behind him.

"Now Mukuro, Chrome, if anyone bullies you or tries to disturb you, do not hesitate to use the illusions I taught you!" said Daemon to his children. Mukuro nodded and smiled eerily. Chrome bit her lip and nodded nervously. "Now Chrome, there's nothing to be afraid off! Your big brother is here and I'm sure he'll protect you when I'm not here!" said Daemon as he kissed his little girl on the forehead making her chuckle. Then, he pulled Mukuro to one side and said: "I am entrusting her safety to you Mukuro. If anyone dares touch her, don't hesitate to wipe them from the face of this Earth," whispered Daemon as Mukuro nodded obediently. "Don't worry Father. Chrome will be very very safe with me, don't you worry," replied Mukuro as Daemon ruffled his hair with affection. "Father will be waiting here when school ends Chrome!" called Daemon as Chrome walked to class with her brother. She nodded and waved.

Tsuna's Class

"Now class, SETTLE DOWN!" yelled the homeroom teacher causing the class to immediately fall silent. Smiling gently, she started again. "Today, we are going to have some new classmates! I hope all of you and I mean ALL, treat them well!" said the teacher. "Tsuna, Hayato, Takeshi, please come in!" called the teacher. The door slid open. Tsuna walked in nervously, followed by Hayato and Takeshi.

"G-Good morning, m-m-my name is S-Sawada Tsunayoshi," stuttered Tsuna nervously making the class giggle. "I'm Gokudera Hayato," said Hayato with his hands in his pocket, making the girls blush. "Yamamoto Takeshi!" said Takeshi happily. The teacher smiled. "Very well, now please go to your seats. Tsuna, you'll be sitting behind Enma, you Hayato, will be right here and Takeshi, you'll be sitting next to the window so no daydreaming!" said the teacher.

When the bell rang for recess, Tsuna was feeling rather down. He had no idea what the teachers were talking about as he had never gone to school before. Just as he was getting up from his seat, Enma called his name.

"Tsuna was it?" said Enma looking at him. Tsuna nodded. "Well, hello! My name is Enma Cozart and it's a pleasure meeting you!" said Enma stretching out his hand. Tsuna timidly took it and shook it. "H-Hello. I'm Tsuna," said Tsuna as Enma laughed. "No need to be nervous Tsuna! We're friends now!" chuckled Enma as Tsuna felt himself turn red. Friends. That's what he had said. "TSUNA! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" yelled Hayato across the room. Tsuna jumped and saw that Hayato was running into his direction . He jumped in front of Tsuna and stood protectively in front of him. "Who are you? Trying to disturb Tsuna?" growled Hayato making Enma back away. "Now now Hayato! He was just having a nice conversation with Tsuna!" came Takeshi's voice.

"H-Hayato-nii! Please don't hurt him! He's—He's my friend!" yelled Tsuna, his chocolate eyes filling up with concern. Hayato relaxed his position. "If Tsuna says so, then I will listen!" said Hayato. He put out his hand. "Call me Hayato!" said Hayato as Enma shook it and smiled. "And I'm Takeshi!" laughed Takeshi as he put his hand around Enma's shoulder. "We are all friends now!" continued Takeshi, making Enma laugh. Watching the scene, Tsuna broke into a wide grin.

Chrome was not having a nice day. When she had already entered her class, she found out that she and her brother were not in the same class. Mukuro was not happy with the arrangements but there was nothing he could do. Looking at her worriedly, Mukuro promised her that he would find her during recess and she nodded. When her brother walked out, she found all the girls glaring at her for some unknown reason. It was only later that she found out that these girls had apparently 'fallen in love' with Mukuro and had somehow found her presence annoying even though she was his sister. After her teacher introduced her name, she was asked to sit beside a girl named M.M.

As Chrome was about to sit down, M.M pulled her chair, causing Chrome to fall to the floor. The class roared with laughter and Chrome saw the other girl's giving high fives to M.M who smirked at her. Turning red, Chrome stood up and sat on her chair. What she didn't know was the fact that what just happened was just Phase 1.

For the rest of the class, her new classmates who had a grudge against her for no reason started throwing paper at her. As Chrome was very used to this type of treatment, she merely kept quiet until the bell rang for recess. Walking out of her classroom, she was suddenly surrounded by the girls. Chrome backed to the wall, frightened.

"Hey newbie, know your place in this class," said M.M as the other girls laughed. Chrome didn't reply and bit her lip. "What's that? Cat got your tongue?" taunted M.M. "Know this, you are not wanted here, not now, not ever!" laughed M.M

I hate you! Why were you even born? Unwanted, useless child! Get out of my sight! I wish…I wish you never existed! Chrome's eyes widened. That was what her mother had told her long time ago, the words which made Mukuro hate his mother so much. Tears threatened to escape her eyes but she held them back. Big brother! Father! called Chrome deep inside.

"OII M.M! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET LOST ALREADY!" yelled a voice. Chrome looked up and saw two boys coming towards her. The one standing in front had rather messy blond hair with scars all over his face. He even had canine teeth and looked rather frightening. The second boy wore glasses and had purple hair. He wore a hat and had a face of boredom. He's hands were in his pocket. "Ken? You mutt! Can't you see I'm busy?" yelled M.M. "MUTT? Why you—I'll kill you!" snarled Ken making M.M back away. "Ken, calm down. She's not worth it," said the second boy. "Let go of me Kakipi! I'll tear her apart!" growled Ken making the second boy sigh. M.M had already fled the scene in fright with the other girls. Ken 'tsked' and turned to Chrome.

"Oii you! Are you alright?" asked Ken in a rough voice. Chrome nodded shortly. "Then get up already! Seesh!" muttered Ken as he turned and walked away with the second boy. Chrome hurriedly stood up. "W-Wait! What are your names?" called Chrome as she ran after them. Both of them stopped. "Tsk! I'm Ken and this idiot here is Chikusa," said Ken as the second boy whacked him. "I-I see…Well then, thank you so much for helping me…" mumbled Chrome looking down. Both the boys looked at her.

"Kufufu…I finally found you Chrome…" came an eerie voice out of nowhere. Ken and Chikusa jumped. Chrome, who was used to this immediately turned and saw Mukuro smiling at her. "B-Brother…"muttered Chrome as Mukuro walked over. He's smile was immediately wiped off when he saw her tears (she had forgotten to wipe them off). "Chrome, who bullied you? Was it them?" asked Mukuro glaring at Ken and Chikusa.

"N-No Brother! They helped me! I…." muttered Chrome stopping halfway. She did not want to tell her brother what had happened. Mukuro would most probably tell Daemon who will hunt the girls down. "It was nothing…" said Chrome as Mukuro arched his eyebrow. He patted his sister on the shoulder. "In that case, I must thank you," said Mukuro smiling eerily at Ken and Chikusa. "I'm Mukuro and from now onwards, we are friends," continued Mukuro as Ken and Chikusa sweatdropped. What was it with this kid?

When school finally finished, Tsuna and his brother's eagerly ran out of the classroom to meet their father's. Giotto and his guardians were making a scene by standing there in their formal attire and most of the students were wondering who they were. "PAPA!" yelled Tsuna as he flung himself into Giotto's open arms. "Hey Tsuna! How was school?" asked Giotto as he hugged his son. Tsuna smiled happily. "I met a new friend today!" replied Tsuna happily. "Takeshi-nii, Hayato-nii and I had fun playing with him! Papa! I like school!" said Tsuna happily as Giotto chuckled. "What did I tell you? Now let's go home!" smiled Giotto as he carried his son to the car. G was actually smiling with Hayato. Takeshi was telling a cheerful looking Asari how his day went. Ryohei was showing Knuckles what he did in gym class. Daemon was busy asking Chrome and Mukuro how their day was.

"Papa! Thank you so much for adopting us all! I love you!" whispered Tsuna. Giotto almost stopped in surprise. This was the first time Tsuna had said something like this to him and he felt a warm feeling swelling in him. Looking at Tsuna, Giotto saw that he was already fast asleep, still smiling happily.

Chapter 4: The Start

"Giotto, I have some rather disturbing news," said Alaude one Wednesday morning entering Giotto's room. It was 11 pm and all of the kids including Kyoya were asleep. As he still had loads of stuff to do, Giotto was still hanging around in his office. "What is it Alaude?" asked Giotto in his boss voice. Alaude stood in front of his desk with dead eyes. "Giglio Nero has been attacked by an unknown enemy. No one died but they told me that this person was looking for the Sky Arcobaleno," said Alaude looking at Giotto's puzzled expression.

"Sky Arcobaleno? But she's already you know, gone. What does the enemy want?" asked Giotto as Alaude shook his head. "Reason, unknown. I'll try to find out as much as possible but in the meantime, I think it would be best if you went there yourself," said Alaude turning around. Nodding his head, he walked out leaving Giotto with a still puzzled expression.

The next morning

"Eh? Papa went out?" asked Tsuna looking at Kyoya with his big eyes the next morning. He was surprised to find his older brother in his room when he woke up. Kyoya nodded. "He went out with my father and I was asked to keep you accompany," said Kyoya boredly. Tsuna's eyes lit up. "Yay! Kyoya-nii gets to play with me today!" cheered Tsuna. Kyoya smiled at him but immediately wiped his grin off when he saw Mukuro and Chrome approaching.

"Kufufu…So you're here, Kyoya…I was starting to wonder whether you ran away…" chuckled Mukuro eerily as Chrome hid behind him. Kyoya glared at him and pulled out his tonfa's. Kyoya had formed a grudge against Mukuro right before he had met Alaude. This was because when they were still living on the streets, Mukuro had once trapped Kyoya in an illusion and had taunted him for 30 minutes until Tsuna finally convinced him to stop. Ever since that incident, Kyoya always attacked Mukuro whenever he saw him.

Now, the skylark had whipped out his tonfa's and was already charging towards Mukuro who pulled out his trident and dodged on time. Kyoya, who had learned how to avoid getting caught in an illusion never gave Mukuro to try. "Big Brothers! STOP!" yelled Tsuna fearfully as Chrome started trembling. "Big B-Brother…please…" muttered Chrome, her voice drowned out by the clashing and crashing of objects.

"Oya oya, you've gotten better Kyoya," smirked Mukuro as he used his trident to block. "Kamikorosu!" snarled Kyoya as he swung his tonfa again. Just as he was about to hit Mukuro, a voice rang out. "OI BOTH OF YOU! STOP THIS INSTANT!" yelled G as he and Hayato ran to the scene.

G was in the middle of teaching Hayato his homework when he heard the crashing of objects in the living room. He then heard Tsuna yell. Without wasting time, he and Hayato ran out of the room and saw Kyoya and Mukuro fighting. That was when he interfered. "What on earth did both of you do?" sighed G after he separated Kyoya and Mukuro. He had told Alaude and Daemon so many times to stop their children from arguing which only resulted like this:

"Oya oya. Mukuro vs Kyoya? That is interesting. Let them be G," said Daemon as he walked out happily.

"Fighting is good for them," was what Alaude had said before leaving G alone. G smacked his head.

"TSUNA! ARE YOU HURT?" yelled Hayato as he shook Tsuna. "N-No Hayato-nii but thanks for asking," replied Tsuna making Hayato sigh in relief. "Kufufu…I'm sorry, Tsuna, Chrome, that you both had to see something like that," said Mukuro. Kyoya walked away. "Wait Kyoya-nii! You said we could play together today!" yelled Tsuna running after Kyoya. "I'm sorry but I'm busy. See you later Tsuna," replied Kyoya as he walked around a corner and disappeared. Tsuna looked extremely disappointed.

"GUARHHHHH! KYOKUGEN!" yelled Ryohei as he burst into the room making everyone jump. One minute later, Knuckles entered the same way. G sighed. "THAT WAS REALLY EXTREME! I'M SO GLAD WE RAN AROUND THE TOWN 100 TIMES UNCLE!" yelled Ryohei. Knuckles nodded in agreement. "REMEMBER MY DEAR NEPHEW! TO BE EXTREME, YOU HAVE TO BE EXTREME!" yelled Knuckles, making no sense. It made sense to Ryohei though because he was nodding and agreeing with Knuckles. It was only after 10 minutes did they notice that there were people in the room.

"OH SAWADA! IT'S EXTREMELY NICE TO SEE YOU! I KNOW! WE CAN RUN AROUND THE TOWN AGAIN!" yelled Ryohei making Tsuna jump. "N-No thank you onii-san! I erm er….have things to do!" stammered Tsuna as he tried his hardest to escape but failed. "NONSENSE SAWADA! THERE'S ALWAYS TIME FOR EXTREME WORKOUTS!" yelled Ryohei as Tsuna sweatdropped. "Hey you Turf-top! STOP BADGERING TSUNA OR I'LL BLOW YOU AWAY!" yelled Hayato as he made for his dynamite. Instead of backing away, Ryohei put his hand on Hayato's shoulder. "OH OCTOPUS HEAD! YOU'RE HERE TOO! ALRIGHT! YOU CAN JOIN US! LET'S DRAG TAKESHI AS WELL!" yelled Ryohei as he pulled Tsuna and Hayato towards Takeshi's room. Knuckle was beaming with pride. "You stupid idiot! Stop teaching your son stupid things!" growled G as he watched with a hint of worry at the scene. Mukuro and Chrome had magically disappeared.

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT REYOHEI! TOTAL EXTREME!" yelled Knuckle's enthusiastically making G sweat drop. G sighed and walked away.


Tsuna was feeling really exhausted. This was because after pulling Takeshi from his room (with Asari yelling warnings about not talking to strangers), Ryohei forced them all to run around the town. Hayato cursed Ryohei while he ran while Takeshi merely laughed and said he was having fun. After what seemed like years, they finally finished and went back home. Tsuna went straight to his room and laid on his bed. Even though he was extremely exhausted, he had to admit they had fun.

When bed time came, Tsuna switched off the lights and climbed into bed. It was quiet. He could hear Daemon cooing at Chrome outside as they passed his room. Kyoya entered once and said goodnight with a rather rare smile and went off again. Tsuna was feeling rather lonely. Even though Kyoya had wished him, he wished his Papa was there like all the other nights where Giotto would usually tell him stories or play with him for a while. Sighing quietly, Tsuna went to sleep and had a rather strange dream or rather, something from his memory.

"Tsuna, smile and everything will be alright!" said a voice in the pitch-black darkness. It wasn't his dead parents or his foster mother. Even so, he had a distant feeling he had heard it somewhere before. "Who are you?" called Tsuna as he walked blindly. No response. The scene changed.

A man was playing with a one year old child outside the house. The child was laughing happily as the man tried to catch him. After a few minutes, they stopped playing and the man carried the child and sat him on his lap. He then put his hand into his pocket and pulled out something. "Tsuna, do you know what this is?" asked the man as the child looked at the object with confused eyes. The man put the object into his son's hand and the child laughed happily. A warm light filled his hands and went out. The man sighed, as though sad but continued to smile.

"Tsuna, listen to me. When the time comes, you'll have to keep this safe. Papa and Mama will be no more but always remember that we love you…so much," whispered the man as his Tsuna broke into a wide smile. "The day will come when they will look for you and you will have to go through so much of danger but I know you'll get through it. After all, you are my son after all!" continued the man as Tsuna started to close his eyes. The man laughed and took the object form his son and put in back into his pocket before he went into the house with his son in his arms.

Tsuna woke up with a start. That wasn't a dream. That was part of his memory. That man was his father. Tsuna had actually forgotten that conversation. Looking at the ceiling, tears started to fall as he remembered his parents. He was very happy with his new Papa but sometimes, he still missed his real parents. His mother would always tell him stories on how she met his father while his father, a man who never seemed to always come home, always played with him and spent time with him whenever he did come home. He couldn't remember the day his parents died. All he remembered was the day he was asked to stay with his foster mother who found him a nuisance and would hit him whenever she was having a bad day. Tsuna actually had scars proving her cruelty. 'Cursed child. I never wanted you. If only I said no when she gave you to me' was something his foster mother would always say but Tsuna didn't understand what she meant.

That dream made Tsuna remember something else. He got out of his bed and walked over to his drawer. Opening it, he took out a small box and opened it. This was something he dead father had left him and had made it so that when Tsuna wore it, it would become invisible, something Tsuna didn't understand why. Until now, he had only worn it once because he always saw weird things when he wore it. Tsuna looked at the clock. It was now 1:30 in the morning. His Papa would be home in the morning. Tsuna smiled to himself. He looked at the box. He had a nagging feeling to put it on. After debating with himself, he took it out of the box and put it around his neck (and felt foolish after that) but didn't take it off.

When the object touched his neck, colour flooded into it and emitted a faint orange glow. Looking at the mirror in interest, Tsuna saw for the first time since that day, the Sky Arcobaleno pacifier.

In Giglo Nero

Giotto was pacing round the room. What he had heard was rather disturbing to him.

"Vongola Primo Sir, I thank you for coming here," said Gamma as he bowed down. Giotto smiled. "It's alright. We're allies after all." Gamma smiled but it was filled with sadness. "Now, tell me what happened," said Giotto. Gamma nodded. "We were having a normal routine when out of nowhere a man appeared and started attacking us. He was…powerful. He took us out in a few seconds. He then demanded to know where 'Sky' was. I immediately knew he meant the boss," replied Gamma as he wiped his face with his hands. Alaude was keeping an eye on the premise.

"I see…Do you know why he was looking for your boss?" asked Giotto with a terrible feeling in his gut. Gamma shook his head. "My boss has been dead in a long time. I would love to know the reason why," spat Gamma looking angry at himself. Giotto nodded. "Do you know who this mystery man was?" Gamma nodded. "It was Corvino, I'm positive," said Gamma.

Giotto was now feeling rather worried. Corvino was a very well known mafia group in Italy. The weird part was the fact that this mafia group was rather peaceful and was and still is, known for fighting with peaceful methods. In fact, Giotto was going to have a peace agreement with them next week. Giotto's thoughts suddenly flew to his son, Tsuna in the Vongola mansion. All he wanted to do now was go home and spend time with Tsuna but that wasn't possible.

'Calm down Giotto! There has to be an explanation to this!' yelled Giotto in his head. 'Maybe it's just a misunderstanding after all,' sighed Giotto to himself as he sat down rubbing his temples.

His Hyper Intuition though, was telling him that something very very bad was going to happen to his family.

Chapter 5: Side story, Hibari Kyoya

Hibari Kyoya was standing on his balcony. It was already 11 pm at night. The moon was shining brightly and a light breeze blew. Alaude had gone for a mission with Primo and had asked Kyoya to take care of Tsuna. After making a slight appearance in Tsuna's room, he went back quietly to his and had been standing on the balcony since.

As he looked at the scenery below him, he pulled out a picture from his pocket. On the photo was a man who had a regent hairstyle. He also had something sticking out of his mouth. He was wearing a tuxedo suit and was smiling goofily in the picture. Kyoya looked at the picture with a blank face.


"Brother Tetsu, why don't I have parents?" asked a 2 year old Kyoya as he looked at a man with blank eyes. The man smiled and picked him up. "Am I not enough Kyoya?" Kyoya shook his head. "You are, brother but I've never seen mum or dad before," replied Kyoya as the man laughed.

"That's alright Kyoya, let's just say they are long gone," said the man as Kyoya nodded. Kyoya had no memories of his parents. He was brought up by a man called Kusakabe Tetsuya, a man who had told him to call him 'Big Brother'. Kusakabe Tetsuya had taken care of Kyoya ever since he was a baby. He was incredibly nice and was always smiling. He took care of Kyoya with lots of love.

Kusakabe always told Kyoya that he was incredibly lucky to have Kyoya and couldn't ask for more. Kyoya in return, loved and looked up to Kusakabe and always called him Tetsu. Kusakabe taught Kyoya how to fight and even bought him his tonfa's, something Kyoya took around wherever he went. He and his 'brother' lived in a small village called Lavoro which meant work as the villagers worked the whole day.

Kyoya liked being alone and always said 'Kamikorosu' whenever anyone crowded around him with the exception of his brother. This was because the villagers avoided him, something he couldn't understand why. They even gave him scared looks whenever he walked around the village. Even so, Kyoya didn't care. Kusakabe always told him that it didn't matter what people thought of him.

On his 4rd birthday, Kusakabe gave him a rather strange gift. It was a purple Arcobaleno pacifier. Kyoya looked at Kusakabe with questioning eyes but Kusakabe shook his head. "I'll tell you when the time is right, Kyoya," smiled Kusakabe as Kyoya nodded. "But you have to promise to keep it safe or bad things will happen," warned Kusakabe as Kyoya nodded and examined the pacifier.

The next day, Kyoya wore the pacifier when he went for one of his usual strolls. Much to his surprise, the villagers looked horrified and some of them actually ran into their houses. Mothers ushered their kids far from Kyoya. Kyoya merely walked on with a bored expression but deep down, he was confused.

"Brother Tetsu, why does everyone in the village seem afraid of me?" asked Kyoya when he got home. His brother was cooking. "Who knows? Let them be. I don't find you terrifying at all," replied his brother without looking away from his cooking. Kyoya nodded his head. What he didn't know was that everything would be gone the next day.

When Kyoya woke up the next morning, it seemed like a normal day. He went down, greeted his brother who promised him that he would be cooking something special for lunch and went out. As he walked around the village, the villagers avoided and whispered among themselves but Kyoya couldn't care less.

Kyoya walked out of the village with a bored expression. He wandered to a nearby waterfall and sat down on one of the rocks. Looking at the scenery, he saw a small yellow ball of fluff and wandered what it was. Walking closer, he saw it was a bird. Kyoya bent down and picked it up. The bird flapped its wings and chirped happily. Kyoya gave a rare smile.

"Hey little one, what's your name? Mine's Kyoya," said Kyoya. "Kyoya, Kyoya!" chirped the bird making Kyoya smile. He gently sat the bird on his shoulder. 'I'll show Brother Tetsu when I get home later.' thought Kyoya as he stroked the bird gently.

A gunshot sounded. Kyoya turned around. It was then followed by screams and more gunshots. Kyoya ran back to his village, his heart pounding. When he reached his village, the screams became louder and Kyoya had a shock of his life. Bodies of men, women and children littered the compound. Some of the houses were on fire. Kyoya felt like puking. He ran home to make sure his brother was alright. Running and hiding, he finally made it to his house. Just as he was about to enter the house, he heard a gunshot.

Kyoya's eyes widened. His hands shook. Laughter could be heard inside. Footsteps were getting closer to the door. Kyoya ran and hid behind a nearby house. Two men walked out of his house. "Tch, it wasn't even worth my time. Didya hear 'em brother? Yelling for me to kill him. It was fun though," laughed the first man as the other man looked around. Kyoya saw a raven logo on the man's gun. His hand shook with anger.

"I think Bice should be done by now. Ah, I was right," said the second man as someone screamed, followed by a gunshot. "That girl always makes me proud," chuckled the man. "Come on, Aldo, let's go, the person we are looking for isn't here. The boss won't be pleased," said the man as he walked away. Minutes later, a sound of a helicopter was heard.

Kyoya made sure the men were gone before he ran to house. "BROTHER TETSU!" yelled Kyoya as he slammed open the door. Kyoya coughed. The house was on fire. Running further in, he saw his brother lying on the floor with a pool of blood beside him.

"BROTHER!" yelled Kyoya as he ran towards his brother. "Wake up brother! No, don't die!" yelled Kyoya as he shook his brother. Kusakabe coughed. "K…K..yo..ya…R...r…run. Ke…keep…i..it…s…sa…safe," whispered Kusakabe before closing his eyes. Kusakabe Tetsuya moved no more. Kyoya looked at his brother for a while, his tears threatening to come out. He hugged his brother one last time before running out of the house.

Kyoya ran and ran. He kept on running even though his legs ached. The image of his brother dying kept on replaying in his head. His eyes became blank and dead. Upon reaching a town, he stopped and sat against a wall. He took out the pacifier and held it in his hands. A warm purple light filled his hands and went out. Kyoya then kept it in his pocket safely and wandered around the town. For the next 2 months, he survived with whatever food he had taken from his house and slept in the allies.

When his food supply finally ran out, Kyoya managed to survive for a week before he gave in to his hunger and collapsed on the side of the road one day. 'Is this really it? Tsk, I need to move. I can't let Brother Tetsu down,' thought Kyoya as he tried his best to stand up again. His stomach growled loudly. 'Brother Tetsu…' thought Kyoya as images of his brother appeared in his mind. Kyoya closed his eyes. Footsteps approached him.

"Do you want some of my food?" asked a voice. Kyoya opened his eyes. A boy that looked 4 to 5 years old was standing in front of him. He had spiky hair and had chocolate brown eyes. His clothes were torn in some places. "Here," said the boy as he put some bread beside Kyoya.

Kyoya reached for the bread and ate it. Very soon, the bread was finished. The boy gave Kyoya some more. When he had eaten, Kyoya got up. "Thank you. Now go away or I'll bite you to death," said Kyoya as the boy laughed. Kyoya walked away. The boy followed him.

"Can I follow you?" asked the boy as he ran after Kyoya. "No." "Please?" "No, or I'll bite you to death," said Kyoya as he whipped out his tonfa's. The boy stepped back but when Kyoya walked on, the boy followed.

"Go away or I WILL bite you to death!" snarled Kyoya. He hated being followed. "Go back to your mother," said Kyoya. "She's already gone," replied the boy with a hint of sadness. "Then go back to your father." "He's with my mother," replied the boy. Kyoya felt a pang of sadness. This boy was an orphan too. Nightfall came and Kyoya realized he didn't have a place to sleep that night. "Let's go back to my house!" said the boy happily. He took Kyoya's hand and pulled him along.

When the boy stopped, Kyoya looked at his 'house'. It was a bunch of boxes stacked up and a big piece of paper for a roof. The boy sat down. Kyoya followed wearily. "My name's Tsuna by the way!" said the boy happily. "I'm Kyoya," replied Kyoya. "Can I call you Kyoya-nii?" asked Tsuna. "No, I'm going to leave first thing in the morning," replied Kyoya in a monotone voice. Tsuna sighed.

"Can I follow you?" asked Tsuna. "No." "But it's scary alone. I ran into some bad people once and got this," said Tsuna as he showed Kyoya a bruise. "How about that?" asked Kyoya as he pointed to a scar on Tsuna's arm. "That's from my foster mum. She hates me but she's gone now," replied Tsuna. "Oh hey! Want to see something? I don't know what it is but my dad gave it to me!" said Tsuna happily as he took out a box.

Kyoya was surprised when he saw a pacifier that looked like his except for the fact that this on had no colour. He looked at the boy who was smiling at him. "Do you know what that is?" asked Kyoya as Tsuna put the box back into his pocket. "No, my papa told me to keep good care of it and so I will!" laughed Tsuna. Kyoya gave him one of his rare smiles. "Alright, I'll allow you to follow me," said Kyoya making Tsuna smile. "YAY Kyoya-nii! We're family now!" laughed Tsuna cheerfully, his chocolate eyes wide with joy.

After that incident, Kyoya grew rather attached with Tsuna and both of them looked out for one another. They stole food and got into trouble. Kyoya always got into fights and Tsuna had to bail him out of them. Even so, Kyoya had to admit that he had fun. It amazed him how Tsuna could smile through everything. Later on, they met up with the rest of the kids and with Primo's guardians.

Back to the present

Kyoya looked at the picture of his dead brother. He had no idea who was the culprit who took his brother from him. "Brother…" sighed Kyoya as he kept the picture in his pocket.

Kyoya was first very wary of Alaude when he first took him in. He constantly got into fights with Alaude and would attack him whenever he had a chance but slowly opened up to him. Alaude was someone who hardly showed any emotion but he was actually quite protective of his adopted son and taught him harder fighting moves than what his brother had taught him.

"Kyoya, Kyoya!" chirped Hibird, a name Kyoya had given to the bird. Hibird landed gently on Kyoya's shoulder. "Hey little one, where have you been to?" asked Kyoya as he stroked his pet. "Pocket, Pocket!" chirped the bird. "Pocket?" asked Kyoya as he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his pacifier. It was emitting a bright purple light. 'Hn? This hasn't happened in a long time. I wonder…' thought Kyoya as he lay on his bed and closed his eyes.

Chapter 6: The Agreement

"Tsuna, Papa has a very important guest today. I want you and your siblings to keep out of my study, okay?" said Giotto one Tuesday morning. "Okay Papa! We'll keep clear of your study until the guest goes home!" replied Tsuna as he smiled happily. Giotto smiled and ruffled Tsuna's hair.

Giotto was having the boss of the Corvino family for a peace agreement that day. After listening to what Gamma had told him, he and the rest of his guardians agreed to keep their children away from him for their safety. All of the guardians, except for Lampo agreed to be in the room when their guest arrived just in case something happened.

"Hayato you brat, I'm entrusting Tsuna's safety in your hands you understand?" said G an hour before their guest arrived. Hayato nodded and saluted. "I'll make sure Tsuna is safe! Don't you worry you stinking old man!" replied Hayato earning a whack on his head.

"Now Chrome, Father will only be gone for a few hours so don't worry. If anything happens, Mukuro will be there, understand?" said Daemon as he put down his daughter. Chrome nodded and bit her lip. "Don't worry Nagi, big brother is here," comforted Mukuro as Daemon walked away. "Brother…" muttered Chrome as she hid behind him.

"Kyoya, bite anyone who goes near the room, understand?" said Alaude as Kyoya nodded. Both father and son stared at each other before Alaude ruffled Kyoya's hair and walked away. 'Kyoya, Kyoya!' chirped Hibird as it landed on Kyoya's shoulder. Kyoya stroked it gently.

"Takeshi, make sure you practice the moves I taught you," said Asari. Takeshi laughed. "Alright Dad, have a great meeting!" replied Takeshi. Asari smiled at his adopted son. He was rather attached to this boy who was an exact replica of him.

"MY NEPHEW! DON'T FORGET TO TRAIN WITH EXTREMENESS! MAKE ME PROUD!" roared Knuckle. Ryohei nodded enthusiastically. "EXTREME TRAINING! DON'T WORRY UNCLE!" yelled Ryohei as his eyes burned with enthusiasm.

At 10o'clock that morning, the butler ushered a man into the mansion. The man was tall and had short cropped hair. He wore a long black cloak with had the logo of a raven. His critical eyes examined the mansion.

"Ah, Good morning Mr. Corvino. Please have a seat," greeted Giotto when the guest entered the study. Primo's guardians were leaning against a bookshelf. G was standing beside Giotto, his eyes wary. Who was this guy? The Corvino boss didn't look like that.

"Primo, what a pleasure to meet you!" greeted the Corvino leader warmly but his eyes filled with coldness. "I can see on your faces that you were expecting my grandfather, Alfeo. I'm sad to say that he is no longer with us. I was chosen as the next heir by my father. My name is Franco Corvino," introduced the man. Daemon arched an eyebrow.

"I see. So that explains it all! I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. He was a great man," said Primo. Franco snorted quietly. "It was more like he was too soft," he muttered. Giotto picked that up with his Hyper Intuition and frowned slightly.

"Anyways, I thank you for coming here just to sign a peace treaty with the Vongola," started Primo as Franco shook his head. "No no, the pleasure is mine. After all, I've always wanted to see the great Vongola Primo and his guardians," replied Franco. G frowned.

"But I'm still grateful that you came. Let me just find the needed document," said Primo as he walked to his desk. "Feel free to walk around." Franco got up and examined the room. He walked towards a cabinet and something caught his eye.

"You have kids, Primo?" asked Franco as he picked up the photograph. Primo silently whacked his head. He had forgotten to remove that photo. It held all of the children's faces. "Yes, his name is Tsuna," replied Giotto through gritted teeth. "Only one? Then who's kids are all of these?" asked Franco as he stared at the photo.

"My guardians," replied Giotto as Franco sat the picture down. Daemon was internally cursing Primo and himself for not checking the room for any photos. G was sighing quietly. Asari and Knuckle looked disturbed. Alaude had a blank face but deep down, he was controlling himself not to strangle Primo.

"Interesting…very interesting…" muttered Franco as he sat down again. "Anyways, here's the document," said Primo as he put a piece of paper and pen in front of his guest.


Tsuna had a very bad feeling. Something inside him was telling him something bad was going to happen but he shook it off.

"I wonder why we're not allowed to know what's going on inside," said Ryohei. Tsuna and his 'siblings', except Kyoya, were gathered in his room. Takeshi was lying comfortably on Tsuna's bed. He had just completed his training. Hayato was sitting beside Tsuna. Mukuro and Chrome were sitting on the nearby chairs. Ryohei was running around enthusiastically.

"I don't know but Papa said not to go in," said Tsuna, his eyes wide. "REAL MEN DON'T LISTEN TO MEN! I SAY WE PEEK INTO THE ROOM AND SEE WHAT'S GOING ON!" yelled Ryohei as Tsuna sweatdropped. "OI TURF-TOP! DON'T DISTURB TSUNA WITH YOUR ANNOYING VOICE!" yelled Hayato. "WHAT WAS THAT OCTOPUS HEAD?" yelled Ryohei as he and Hayato glared at each other.

"Now, Now, let's all keep calm!" laughed Takeshi. "SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!" yelled Hayato as Takeshi continued to smile. Tsuna sweatdropped again.

"Kufufu…everyone keep it down. Your scaring Chrome," said Mukuro eerily. Chrome was hiding behind Mukuro again. "Even so, I do want to know what they are talking about in the study…" said Mukuro getting up. "Alright! LET'S GET GOING!" roared Ryohei as he and Mukuro walked out of the room.

"Mukuro-nii, Onii-san! We're not supposed to go in!" said Tsuna as he ran after them. Hayato and Takeshi followed. After 5 minutes of chasing, Tsuna finally caught up to them. Mukuro and Ryohei were in the room beside the study.

"Kufufu…my father told me he made a hole here. He said he used to make noises that used to scare Primo," chuckled Mukuro as he searched for the hole. When he found it, he turned back to his siblings. "We take turns understand? And be quiet or they'll hear us!" Everyone else nodded.

"But it's still wrong to do this. Papa might be mad," muttered Tsuna. "Kufufu…It's alright Tsuna. He'll never know," said Mukuro with a mischievous look in his eyes. "I'll go first." Mukuro peeked into the hole with his good eye. He saw a man signing some type of document. He also saw his father looking rather disturbed.

"My turn now pineapple head!" said Ryohei. Mukuro glared at him. One by one, they took turns looking into the room. When it was finally Tsuna's turn, he took a look inside the room. When he finally laid his eyes on Franco Corvino, something weird happened.

Tsuna was staring at Franco when weird images appeared into his head. He saw a village on fire, his Papa and uncles fighting unknown people with grief and anger in their eyes. He was running. His pacifier glowing brightly. He saw his siblings with similar pacifiers but with different colors and they were standing in a circle. The man he had just seen was holding out a hand to Tsuna.

"TSUNA!" yelled someone. Tsuna slowly opened his eyes and saw Hayato looking worriedly at him. His other siblings were also looking at him worriedly. "W-what's going on?" asked Tsuna as he sat up. His head was still throbbing. He looked around and saw they were back in his room. Even Kyoya was in the room, looking at Tsuna with worry.

"I don't know. You just fainted like that. It was scary," said Hayato breathing a sigh of relief. "Kufufu…we had to bring you back here before Hayato started screaming. What happened?" asked Mukuro. Tsuna shook his head. He didn't want anyone else to know what he saw. "Erm, I was hungry?" said Tsuna as everyone nodded.

"That has to be it! I'll get some milk for you Tsuna!" said Takeshi happily. "You should eat more Tsuna!" said Hayato worriedly. "Don't worry! I'll cook something for you!" yelled Hayato running out. "That's alright Hayato-nii!" yelled Tsuna. Unfortunately for him, Hayato had already run out of the room with Ryohei.

Kyoya looked at Tsuna with an arched eyebrow. Something smelled fishy but he said nothing and walked out of the room. Mukuro and Chrome had quietly slipped out. Tsuna sighed in relief. He lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling. This wasn't the first time he saw something like this. The last time he had these weird images was the week before his parents died.


"Thank you once again for coming here, Franco," said Primo as Franco got onto his car. "No, thank you for having me here, Primo. Goodbye," said Franco before driving away. Primo whacked his head. His guardians were standing at the doorway. "Darn it! I should have checked!" cursed Primo. "Take it easy, Giotto. It's our fault too for not checking," said Asari. "But that was my room! I'm the one-" said Primo before getting interrupted by a large 'BOOM' that came from the kitchen. All the guardians immediately ran to the kitchen fearing the worst.


Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, Mukuro, Chrome and Ryohei were in the kitchen. After Tsuna fainted and finding out that the cause of it was due to hunger, all of them went to the kitchen to cook something for him but things didn't go as planned.

"YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO PUT SUGAR INTO THAT DISH TURF-TOP!" yelled Hayato as he stood in front of the already burning stove. "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE FIRE OCTOPUS HEAD!" yelled Ryohei. Mukuro and Chrome were sitting in the corner. Takeshi was trying to keep Hayato and Ryohei from throwing knives at each other. That was when the stove exploded. Luckily for them, no one got injured.

"What's going on in here?" yelled G as he slammed open the kitchen door. "HAYATO!" yelled G after taking in the scene. Hayato had already run out of the room with G chasing him. "Chrome! Mukuro! Did you get hurt?" asked Daemon as he ran towards his kids. Chrome shook her head. "Kufufu…I took good care of her, Father," said Mukuro as Daemon smiled proudly.

"Takeshi, did you get hurt?" asked Asari as he looked at his son worriedly. "Nope! I'm still good!" grinned Takeshi. Asari sighed in relief. Alaude walked out of the room quietly.

"Should I know what happened?" asked Giotto looking at Ryohei. "Well, Tsuna fainted just know when we were er playing. Me and the others wanted to cook something for him!" said Ryohei looking proud at himself. "Tsuna fainted?" asked Giotto worriedly. Ryohei nodded.

Giotto walked hurriedly to his Tsuna's room. "Tsuna?" called Giotto as he entered the room. "Papa! Is the meeting over yet?" asked Tsuna as he hugged his father. Giotto picked him up. "Yes it is. Ryohei told me you fainted just now. What happened?" asked Giotto looking at his son.

"It was nothing Papa. I think I was hungry," replied Tsuna uncomfortably. Giotto could sense with his Hyper Intuition that his son was lying but he didn't want to pry deeper. "I see. If that's the case, let's go out for lunch. I don't want to say it but the kitchen was destroyed by your Ryohei and Hayato," sighed Giotto as he thought of the bills he had to pay for the damage. Tsuna laughed.

Chapter 7: Side story, Yamamoto Takeshi

Yamamoto Tsuyoshi meant everything to Takeshi. His mother had passed away when she gave birth to him and his father was the one who took care of him. Takeshi got all his characteristics from his father such as being kind and his happy-go-lucky attitude.

Tsuyoshi worked as a butcher in the town they lived in. He was also very skilled with knives. People would gather to watch him skillfully chop and slice the meat. Takeshi used to help out with his father's stall. After selling his meat, his father would go home and occasionally prepare some Japanese delicacy such as sushi.

10 weeks after Takeshi turned 4, his father presented him a pacifier. "Takeshi, this is a magical marble. Blue represents rain. Your mother wanted you to have it," grinned Tsuyoshi as he gave the blue pacifier to his son. Takeshi examined it closely.

"What does it do, Dad?" asked Takeshi as he shook it. "Ahahaha…I have no clue. Your mother just told me to tell you to keep it safe. She said she'll er… protect you if you keep it," said Tsuyoshi as he scratched his head. Takeshi laughed. "Thanks Mum, Dad! I promise I'll keep it safe!" replied Takeshi as he kept it in his pocket. He didn't see the sadness that flooded his dad's eyes.

"Dad, can you teach me how to use a sword?" asked Takeshi one day. His father spat out the tea he was drinking. "Sword? Why?" asked Tsuyoshi looking curiously at his son. "Well…I just wanted to learn that Shigure Soen style I always see you practicing," said Takeshi sheepishly. Tsuyoshi scratched his head.

"Sure, why not? But be warned, Takeshi. I will not go easy on you," said Tsuyoshi seriously. Takeshi nodded. After that, his father gave him a bamboo sword and told him that it would transform into a sword whenever he did Shigure Soen. For 4 months, Takeshi practiced hard.

When Takeshi was about to turn 5, a terrible disease hit the town he lived in. Many people died. Unfortunately for Takeshi, his father was also infected with the disease. His father lay in bed every day, coughing and sleeping. Takeshi had to take care of him, something he did with love and patience.

"Takeshi, I think….it's time…time for me…to see your mother…" whispered Tsuyoshi one rainy morning. "Don't say that Dad! You'll be fine!" yelled Takeshi nervously. His father's condition had become worst. Even the doctor, who made daily visits, shook his head when he visited yesterday night.

"Takeshi…practice…Shigure Soen…take care…marble…" whispered his father again before coughing violently, blood coming out. "DAD! Stop talking!" yelled Takeshi again. His father laughed weakly. "Now now Takeshi. That's not like you to lose your cool like that!" Tears poured out of Takeshi's eyes. "Take care of yourself, Takeshi," whispered his dad before closing his eyes. Takeshi kneeled beside his father and wept.

After Tsuyoshi's funeral, Takeshi left the town. As he walked, his heart was filled with grief. Memories of his father flooded his head. He pulled out the pacifier. A warm blue light filled his hands. "I thought you said you would keep us safe, Mum?" whispered Takeshi as he looked at the pacifier. The longer he looked, the angrier he felt.

Unable to take it anymore, he threw the pacifier onto the ground. His fist shaking with anger, he started cursing his life until his anger went down. "I'm sorry Mum, Dad," muttered Takeshi as he picked up the pacifier and wiped it clean. He then continued his journey to the town.

When Takeshi reached his destination, his eyes were cold and blank. He took out the money his father had left him and went to the nearest shop he saw. He used up all his money and bought lots of food. Carrying his food, he made his way to an abandoned house and stayed there. He was so depressed, he didn't notice his pacifier glowing brightly.

Somewhere else in the same town

"Hm? Your pacifier is glowing Kyoya-nii," said a young boy with brown hair and eyes as he ate a piece of bread his older 'brother' had stolen minutes ago. The other boy who had black hair took out his pacifier and looked at it, curiosity entering his usually dead eyes.

"Hn. This hasn't happened in a while. I wonder why…" muttered Kyoya as he put it back. "What do you think, Tsuna?" he asked as he leaned against the wall. Before Tsuna could open his mouth to answer, a bunch of thugs appeared in front of them.

"There you are! You managed to avoid us last time but not this time!" yelled the leader as he raised his stick. Kyoya pulled out his tonfa's and blocked. He then hit the leader in the jaw. Pulling Tsuna's hand, he ran as fast as he could, the thugs chasing them."This has become rather usual, don't you think so Kyoya-nii?" said Tsuna as Kyoya nodded. Just an hour ago, they were running from the baker for stealing food.

As they ran, they saw that their route was sealed off as thugs appeared from the opposite direction. Looking back, Kyoya saw that they were blocked from both ends and that he needed to fight. Stopping in front of an abandoned house, he pushed Tsuna behind him and raised his tonfa's. He then charged towards his enemies and went on an all killing spree.


Takeshi was sitting on the floor with a dazed expression when he heard the sound of fighting. Looking out, he saw a boy charging at some men with a weird looking pair of sticks and a little boy throwing rocks with a panicked expression. Temporarily forgetting his depression, Takeshi picked up his bamboo sword and ran to aid them.

Kyoya had just finished with a thug when he heard a : "DIE KID!" and turned around. He saw a man fire a gun. He knew he didn't have time to dodge and held up his tonfa's. As he covered his face, he heard a slash and looked up. A boy holding a katana had just sliced the bullet.

"I don't remember asking for you help!" snarled Kyoya as he charged at another enemy. Takeshi sweatdropped. "I'll take that as a thank you," muttered Takeshi as he knocked a thug unconscious. After 15 minutes, the remaining thugs finally retreated yelling "We'll be back soon!"

"Thank you so much for helping us!" yelled Tsuna panting heavily. "Kyoya-nii! You're not injured, are you?" asked Tsuna as Kyoya shook his head. "What's your name?" asked Tsuna, turning back to Takeshi. Takeshi held out his hand. "Yamamoto Takeshi but just call me Takeshi," smiled Takeshi. Tsuna took his hand and shook it. "My name is Tsuna and this is Kyoya-nii!" said Tsuna brightly. Kyoya merely folded his arms and looked away.

After that meeting, Tsuna always visited Takeshi whenever he had a chance. At first, Takeshi found it very annoying as he just wanted to be alone but he slowly warmed up to him and even started telling him about his life, something Tsuna listened to closely. Kyoya on the other hand, merely slept.

"My dad just passed away. He died of a disease and I couldn't do anything for him. Maybe I'm better off dead," said Takeshi bitterly. Tsuna looked at him with panicked eyes. "Don't say that Takeshi! Your papa wouldn't have wanted you dead. If he did, erm…he would have killed you himself!" said Tsuna. Takeshi laughed.

"Do you understand Tsuna? How it feels when parent's die?" asked Takeshi coldly. Tsuna nodded. "My parents are dead. So are Kyoya's parents and brother," said Tsuna scratching his head. Takeshi looked at them. Kyoya was still sleeping with a bird perched on top of his head. "Me and Kyoya-nii live together on the streets now!" continued Tsuna with a smile on his face. "Would you like to join us?"

Takeshi looked at Tsuna with his mouth open. He nodded his head slowly. "Can I call you Takeshi-nii?" asked Tsuna quickly, his eyes wide with excitement. Takeshi laughed. "Sure! Why not!" Kyoya scowled. He hated crowds.

"Hey weakling. Do you happen to have one of this?" asked Kyoya as he pulled out his pacifier. Takeshi looked at it with shock. "You also have a marble?" he asked as Kyoya sighed and walked away. He had just solved the mystery of his glowing pacifier. It seemed that they lit up when another pacifier was nearby.

When Asari took Takeshi in, he was surprised to know that Takeshi had a bamboo sword with him. As Takeshi had never shown his the Shigure Soen style before, Asari taught him the basics. Asari reminded Takeshi a little of his dad. Both of them were incredibly nice and had so much of patience. After moving in with the Vongola for 2 months, Takeshi finally put his father's death behind him and started calling Asari 'Dad', something Asari agreed to and encouraged.

Maybe life wasn't as bad as he had thought.

Chapter 8: Side Story, Gokudera Hayato

Mornings in Vongola Mansion was very peaceful. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining. Yes, it was just like any typical morning. That was until a certain voice was heard yelling throughout the house. Hayato was yelling at Takeshi again.

"YOU IDIOT! THAT'S NOT HOW YOU SPEAK TO TSUNA! BE MORE RESPECTFUL!" yelled Hayato as Takeshi smiled. They were all revising their homework. Tsuna was looking at his textbook with a lost expression. Giotto and his guardians were out on a mission and Hayato had volunteered (loudly) that he would teach Tsuna his homework. Takeshi followed them as he too had a lot of work to be done.

When the trio sat down to get their homework started, Hayato tried teaching Tsuna some of his work in a theoretical manner, only to result with Tsuna staring blankly at him. Takeshi on the other hand, had already completed his homework and said Tsuna was a slow learner and thus causing Hayato to over react.

"Hayato-nii! Don't start fighting!" said Tsuna as he tried his hardest to calm his brother down. "Tsk! If that's what you say, I'll listen!" replied Hayato as he folded his arms. Takeshi laughed. Tsuna sighed again. "I am so dead tomorrow. Teacher is going to punish me!" said Tsuna as he bit his lip and looked once more at the textbook.

"Let me teach you, Tsuna!" said Takeshi as he moved in closer to Tsuna. Hayato snorted. "Like you can do any better." For the next 15 minutes, Takeshi explained the problem to Tsuna who understood in the end. "I see…So that's how you do it! Thanks Takeshi-nii! You're the best!" smiled Tsuna as he quickly wrote down the answer.

Hayato felt left out. Looking at Takeshi and Tsuna laugh, he felt a pang of loneliness. Silently, he slipped out of the room and went to the garden. 'Tsuna doesn't need me. It's always Takeshi this and Takeshi that,' thought Hayato dejectedly as he sat down below a tree. His thoughts raced back to the time when he still had his parents.


Gokudera Hayato grew up in a rich household. Servants would come running to him with a snap of a finger. His father was a mafia boss, just like his uncle Giotto. His sister, Bianchi was a person he always thought hated him, had long purple hair and was constantly feeding him her poisonous cooking. Thanks to that, he was very skilled in running and evading.

His mother, a woman who was very skilled in playing the piano passed away after she accidentally drove off a cliff, due to the fact it was very dark that night and she couldn't see where she was going. Her death affected Hayato the most as she spent most of her time tutoring him and teaching him how to play the piano. After she died, he refused to even walk near the piano and asked his father to get rid of it. He kept a picture of his mother in his pocket and would look at her whenever he felt lonely.

Being the son of an important mafiaso, Hayato rarely saw the outside world. His father always feared that someone would kidnap him and hold him ransom. That was why Hayato yearned for friends he could play and joke with. The only other person he saw everyday was his sister, someone he was scared of seeing and Dr. Shamal, the perverted doctor that constantly ran after the maids. Hayato was always disgusted by him even though Dr. Shamal was his dynamite teacher.

One day after his 4th birthday, Hayato ran away from his house, the reason mainly because he was being chased by his sister with a purple cake that was emitting the aura of death. After running a long distance, he finally stopped and realized he was lost. Looking around, he saw buildings and people. A few thugs approached him.

"Hey look what we have here! Look at his clothing! He must be from that rich family up north! I wonder…how much would the father pay us?" chuckled the first man. His subordinates laughed with him. "A million or more! I say we take him!" came another voice. Hayato made his move. He kicked the first man and ran for his life. He could hear them chasing him.

"Psst! In here!" said a voice. Hayato turned and saw a boy standing in an alley. Seeing no other choice, Hayato turned and ran into that direction. The thugs ran by. Panting, Hayato turned to his savior. The boy was smiling at him with chocolate brown eyes. He wasn't alone. Another boy was leaning against the wall at the back. Another boy with spiky black hair and an idiotic smile was standing beside the first boy.

"Thanks. You saved me back there," said Hayato gratefully. The other boy grinned. "Haha! Those men are bullies! Kyoya-nii usually gets into fights with them." Hayato nodded. "What are your names?" "My name is Tsuna, this is Takeshi and that is Kyoya!" said Tsuna as he companion nodded. "You look like you're not from around here, what's your name?" said Takeshi as he smiled an easy going smile.

Hayato immediately felt annoyed with the boy. "I'm Gokudera Hayato. My father is a mafia boss," said Hayato as Tsuna and Takeshi looked at him with interest. "Mafia boss? What's that?" asked Tsuna innocently. Hayato chuckled. "It's like an organization. He's the person in charge of an organization he created I think," he replied. Tsuna nodded his head. Hayato looked at his watch. It was now 6:30 pm and he knew his father would be worried.

"I have to go. My father will be worried," said Hayato as he turned to walk. "You all should come visit me when you have the chance. My house is just above the hill outside this village," continued Hayato. "Really? That would be great! Did you hear that Kyoya-nii?" said Tsuna excitedly. The other boy snorted in reply.

When Hayato reached his home safely, his father pulled him into a big hug and started asking questions and saying he was worried. That night when Hayato was in bed, he looked at the ceiling and thought about the people he just met, hoping they would really visit him the next day.

"So this is your mother?" asked Tsuna as he looked at the photo Hayato gave him. Hayato shook his head. After his lunch that day, Hayato wandered into the garden and met Tsuna and Takeshi. Apparently, both of them were excited to see how a big house looked like and woke up early to meet him. Unfortunately, they got lost along the way but finally found the house around lunchtime. Kyoya had refused to follow, saying he was tired.

"My mother's dead too," said Tsuna after Hayato told Tsuna how his mother passed away. Hayato looked at him. "So are Kyoya's and Takeshi's. Our parents are all dead. Even so, we're brothers now!" said Tsuna happily as he returned the photo to Hayato. Hayato was starting to like this boy more and more.

"There you are Hayato…I was looking for you. I made another cake especially for you," said Bianchi as she walked into the garden with another purple cake. Hayato's eyes almost popped out. "Oh? Who are these boys?" asked Bianchi as she saw Tsuna and Takeshi. "My friends. I met them yesterday," muttered Hayato as he looked away. Bianchi smiled. "I see…well then, let's eat my cake together!" Hayato quickly stood up and pulled Tsuna and Takeshi who were about to take a piece each. He then started running. Bianchi sighed, smiled and started giving chase.

"Hm Hayato? You dislike your sister?" asked Takeshi laughing as he and Tsuna tried their best to keep up with Hayato. "IT'S NOT THAT IDIOT! HER COOKING IS POISONOUS!" yelled Hayato as he dragged his two new friends. Tsuna looked at him with questioning eyes. "You'll see! It melts anything it touches! Just run!" yelled Hayato as they ran.

Nightfall came and it was time for Tsuna and Takeshi to go home. After 2 hours of playing 'hide and seek' with Bianchi, they finally escaped. "Goodnight Hayato! We had fun today! See you again tomorrow!" yelled Tsuna cheerfully as he and Takeshi made their way down the hill. Hayato smiled and waved. He had to admit it, he too had fun. That night, he went back to bed feeling excited for tomorrow.

The next day, Tsuna, Takeshi and Kyoya went up to Hayato's house. Kyoya, who felt annoyed that they came home late last night, decided to follow them that day. As Hayato was talking and laughing with his newly found friends, an explosion echoed throughout the house. Tsuna, Takeshi, Kyoya and Hayato looked up in alarm and saw that part of the house was on fire.

"F-Father!" yelled Hayato as he ran back into his house with panic rising in his heart. Ignoring Tsuna's cries, Hayato ran into his father's study and looked in horror. His father was lying dead on the floor. In his hand was a package. It seemed like it was rigged with an explosive that exploded when his father made contact with it. Looking out, Hayato saw a bunch of people entering the house with guns. This had to be the enemies his father spoke off.

"HAYATO!" yelled his sister as she pulled him out of the room. Tears welled up Hayato's eyes. He struggled against his sister, trying to attack the people who killed his father. Bianchi slapped some sense into him. "Hayato! There's no time! Father knew this day would happen! Run Hayato, run! Take this, mother wanted you to have it after your 4th birthday but father didn't want to give it to you until the time was right. It doesn't matter now! Take it!" yelled Bianchi as she gave him a red pacifier.

"Now run Hayato!" yelled Bianchi as she ran out to meet the attackers. A few minutes later, Hayato heard a scream and a gunshot, then silence. His sister was dead. His sister, the person he always thought hated him had just sacrificed her life so that her brother could escape. Tears came back to his eyes. His heart burned with revenge, hate and sadness.

Hayato refused to move. Even when the enemy entered the room and started firing, Hayato stood at his spot. 'Maybe death will solve everything…' thought Hayato as he closed his eyes. 'Mother, Father, Sister…I'll see you soon,' thought Hayato. At that moment, he felt himself being pushed out of the window. Hayato opened his eyes and saw Tsuna.

Tsuna ran in after Hayato. Kyoya and Takeshi followed him closely. Kyoya who had already pulled out his tonfa whacked and hit the enemy that just entered the house. Takeshi too pulled out his bamboo sword and started attacking. Tsuna looked for Hayato. He saw Hayato standing still with his eyes closed.

'WHAT IS HAYATO THINKING?' thought Tsuna as he ran towards his friend and pushed him away from harm's way. Hayato's pacifier glowed red and then went off. Luckily for Tsuna, he and Hayato had managed to dodge the bullets.

"HAYATO! GET UP! DON'T DIE!" yelled Tsuna as he shook Hayato who slowly opened his eyes. "Tsuna…"muttered Hayato as he sat up. At that moment, Kyoya appeared out of nowhere and took out the enemies in an instance. "TSUNA! HAYATO! ARE YOU BOTH ALRIGHT?" yelled Takeshi worriedly. Tsuna nodded and smiled.

"Father…sister…" muttered Hayato as he put his face into his hands. Tsuna sat beside him. "I'm sorry Hayato…" whispered Tsuna softly. Hayato looked up. "Thank you for saving me Tsuna…I don't know what came over me that time…" muttered Hayato as Tsuna grinned. "No problem Hayato! Why don't you come and live with us? The more the merrier right?" grinned Tsuna as he got up and held a hand towards Hayato. Kyoya scowled again.

Hayato looked at Tsuna. He slowly took his hand and got up. He nodded slowly. Tsuna laughed. "HOORAY! I HAVE A NEW BROTHER! I'll call you Hayato-nii!" said Tsuna cheerfully. Takeshi laughed. "Oh boy a new brother! Hello little brother!" said Takeshi as Hayato scowled. Now he really didn't like this boy. Kyoya walked away muttering.

For the next few months, Hayato felt joy. He had never experienced such joy in his whole life. The four of them continued stealing, they explored and looked for new places to sleep at night. For Hayato, this was something he would always treasure. He also started looking up to Tsuna after Tsuna saved him from getting shot.


"HAYATO! WHERE ARE YOU?" yelled Tsuna as he looked for his brother. Hayato was so caught up with his past he didn't hear him the first time. "I found you Hayato-nii! Why did you run off?" asked Tsuna after finding Hayato under a tree. Hayato got up immediately. "S-sorry to have done that Tsuna," said Hayato as Tsuna smiled.

"Come one Hayato-nii! It's no fun when you're not there! Come join us!" laughed Tsuna as he pulled Hayato back towards the mansion. "You really mean that, Tsuna?" asked Hayato, his eyes wide. Tsuna nodded. "Of course! So come on!"

Hayato smiled. His previous thoughts vanished in an instance.

Chapter 9: Side story, Nagi/Chrome and Mukuro

"Get away from me, child!" screamed a woman as she hit her daughter who fell down hard on the floor. Nagi whimpered quietly and crawled to a corner. All she wanted to do was greet her mother who had just come home from work. "I hate you! Why won't you ever get that?" yelled the woman before walking away.

Nagi lived with her parents and her twin brother, Mukuro. Unfortunately for her, today was Wednesday and her brother was still at school. Ever since they turned 4, her parents who loved her brother sent him off to one of the most prestigious schools in their town. As they usually pretended Nagi never existed, he never got the chance to go out and experience that for herself. Her brother was the only person in the house that truly loved and cared for her.

Ever since she was born, her parents mistreated her. She was always left out from their outings and was even asked to eat on the floor (but they stopped after Mukuro put his foot down and demanded she ate with them on the table). For Nagi, she had already gotten used to this. Her mother would yell at least 10 insults at her a day. Even so, it all still broke her heart.

"Nagi. What happened?" asked Mukuro as he walked in after his school. He had walked in and found his sister sniffling at a corner. Nagi smiled at her brother. "Big brother! I'm so glad you're home…" muttered Nagi as she hurriedly wiped her tears. Mukuro smiled. "Come Nagi. I have a lot to tell you today…" said Mukuro gently as he helped her get to her feet.

Mukuro loved his sister a lot. Even though they were twins, Nagi still preferred to call him 'Big Brother' as she was timid and shy and looked up to him. Mukuro hated his parents. He couldn't understand why they hated his sister so much. He hated them for continuously doting on him and abusing his sister. Whenever his parents were home, he always made sure he never left his sister. Seeing that she rarely left the house, Mukuro would tell her stories and buy things for her when he came home.

When both of them turned 4, their parents wanted to throw a big birthday party for Mukuro but told Nagi to stay in her room. Mukuro refused. He told them he wanted to celebrate it together with his sister. Even though his parents begged him to leave is sister alone saying she was cursed, Mukuro still said no. Nagi felt a rush a gratitude for her brother.

On their birthday, their parents bought lots and lots of gifts for Mukuro but only tossed a roughly wrapped gift to Nagi. Nagi looked t her gift with surprise. She never received anything from them before. She carefully opened it. It was an indigo pacifier which glowed when she held it in her hands.

She ran to her mother to ask what it was but her mother only looked at her and the pacifier with hate and anger. They both stared at each other for a while. Her mother then snorted and turned away, saying "Don't ever show your brother that…Keep your curse to yourself." Nagi stood and looked at her mother's back. She then timidly kept the pacifier in her pocket and went back to her room.

The next day when Mukuro was at school, Nagi was playing by herself outside when her mother and a few men approached her. "There she is. You can take her," said her mother as the men nodded solemnly and walked up to her. Nagi looked at the men with scared eyes. One of them picked her up.

"MOTHER!" yelled Nagi as the man picked her up and walked towards a car. Nagi tried to struggle, her tears falling. "MOTHER! HELP!" yelled Nagi again. Her mother just stood and watched the scene. "Don't call me. You're no child of mine," replied her mother as she went back to her house. Nagi stopped struggling. Her heart felt a pang of sadness and rejection. 'Brother…' thought Nagi as her tears continued to fall. She closed her eyes and fainted.

When Nagi woke up, she looked at her surroundings and saw that she was in a labatory filled with chemicals and jars filled with disgusting objects. She looked around and saw children crying and hugging each other. She stared at them. 'W-where am I? W-W-what is this place?' thought Nagi as she hugged her knees. Someone scream, making Nagi jump.

"What is this place?" asked Nagi. She couldn't take it anymore. One of the children looked at her. "This is an experimental lab. Our parents didn't want us and gave us to them as guinea pigs," said a boy as he bit his lip. Nagi felt her heart skip a beat. "Guinea pigs?" muttered Nagi nervously. The boy nodded his head grimly. "See that door? Whenever one of the children are brought inside, they never come out. My sister went in 3 weeks ago and all I heard was her screaming and pleading. She never came out," sobbed the boy. Nagi looked at him with wide eyes.

At that moment, the door opened and a man came out. The children huddled closer. He looked around and walked towards a little girl. The girl screamed as the man pulled her into the room and slammed the door. "It'll be us soon! US!" sobbed another boy. Nagi felt her heart beat fast. The screams of the girl echoed in her ears.

For the next 5 days, Nagi saw more and more children get pulled into the room. She was starving. Ever since she got there, no one gave her anything to eat. During that 5 days, more and more children were brought into that horrible place. Time went by slowly.

On the sixth day, Nagi was chosen by the men. Without putting up much of a fight, she followed them into the room. 'Strange…' she thought. 'I'm about to die but I don't feel anything…' The men picked her up and strapped her onto a chair.

"What should we do? Should we try that?" muttered the men to each other. "But the other kid didn't even stand a chance when we tried it on her. Who knows…maybe this one will," said the man with gloves. "Bring me the tube" he muttered as the other two men shook their heads and disappeared. When they returned, they strapped it over her left eye. "Start the machine!" ordered the man as his helpers nodded.

For the next 2 hours, Nagi felt nothing but pain. The pain that she experienced was unbearable. She screamed and screamed. When it was over, she felt blood trickling down her eye. Even so, they didn't stop there. "Try the other one!" yelled the man. Nagi felt like her body was on fire. She had no idea what was going on but she was slowly losing consciousness. 'Brother…brother…' thought Nagi as tears escaped her other eye. Just at that moment, she heard a loud explosion.

"NAGI!" yelled a very familiar voice. Nagi tried to turn her head but all she felt was pain. "You! How did you-?" yelled the man before getting hit in the jaw. "Nagi! Can you hear me?" yelled Mukuro as he frantically tried to undo the straps. Nagi smiled. "Big Brother….You came…I'm…glad…" whispered Nagi before fainting.

Back to that day

"You did what?" asked Mukuro in a quiet voice. He had just come home from school and had discovered what his parents had done. "We sent her away! Isn't that great Mukuro? Now it's only the three of us!" said his mother happily. Mukuro was shaking with anger. Great? He felt like killing his mother on the spot. He threw his books down and marched to his room. After looking around, he finally pulled out his trident.

"Mukuro, where are you going?" yelled his mother as he stormed out of his house. "To save Nagi, my sister. I hated you and father for abusing her. Don't try to stop me or I'll kill you!" snarled Mukuro as he looked at his mother. "If you disown my sister, you disown me!" yelled Mukuro before turning off to run. He didn't bother to stop and listen to his mother's cries. His thoughts were only on his sister.

Mukuro ran and ran for 3 days. He stopped and asked around. After the 6th day, he had finally found the place. With great energy, he broke down a wall and saw a terrible scene in front of him. His sister was strapped to a chair and was bleeding badly. "NAGI!" yelled Mukuro as he ran in. A man approached him but he knocked him out in 2 seconds. "Nagi! Can you hear me?" yelled Mukuro as he tried his best to undo the straps. His sister smiled and whispered something to him. Nagi then lost consciousness.

Mukuro was devastated. He took his sister from the chair, his hands trembling. "N-nagi…" he whispered. Anger boiled in him. He looked up and saw the rest of the men in the room. He was trembling from rage. "You…you did this to my sister…I'll…I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" snarled Mukuro as he gently laid his sister on the floor and picked up his trident. The men backed away.

Mukuro felt nothing but anger. His anger awoke something in him. When he opened his eyes, the number six was written in his left eye. The men gasped. "That's! T-that's what we were trying to do! How is it-?" gasped the men before getting slashed by Mukuro's trident.

Mukuro didn't know what happened to him. His rage and anger seemed to awaken his combat skills. He had never told anyone but he actually knew how to perform illusions, something he discovered when he was at school and accidentally used it on a student. It seemed, he could do more.

After everyone was taken down without mercy, Mukuro picked his sister up and walked out of the lab, unknowingly to him he had set all the other children free. He walked and walked. Seeing that his sister was still breathing, he robbed a hospital of bandages and treated to his sister with love and care. He used an eye patch to cover her injured eye. After resting for 4days, Mukuro found out that his parents had made the police search for them.

"Nagi…I'll bring you somewhere else. Somewhere safe…" whispered Mukuro softly. Nagi still hadn't woken up but her wounds were healing. Before leaving, he bought himself an eye patch to hide his left eye .Mukuro left the town at midnight. He walked and walked until he reached the next town. He walked in and looked for somewhere safe to stay.

The next day, Nagi woke up, much to his relief and joy. "Nagi, for safe reasons and the fact that I want you to forget what happened to you, I've decided to call you Chrome, okay?" said Mukuro after Nagi told him what happened (which made Mukuro shake with anger). Nagi nodded.

"Oh? And who are you?" asked a boy who suddenly walked up to them. Both Chrome and Mukuro jumped. Mukuro pulled out his trident, making the boy jump back in fright. "TSUNA!" yelled another voice as a boy ran over. He was followed by two other children. "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL TSUNA?" growled the boy with silver hair as he jumped protectively in front of this Tsuna.

"Kufufu…He approached us first…Now if you would please…" chuckled Mukuro eerily as Chrome hid behind Mukuro. The tense atmosphere was broken by her stomach growling. "Erm…." muttered Chrome looking embarrassed. The boy named Tsuna approached her and held out some meat.

"Here! Eat some! I still have a lot left!" smiled Tsuna as Chrome took it shyly. "T-thanks…" she muttered as she ate it gratefully. Mukuro smiled thankfully at the boy and kept his trident. "If you treat my sister nice, I will hold no grudge against you…" said Mukuro.

"Sister? She's your sister?" asked Tsuna naively. Mukuro nodded. "Her name is Chrome and mine is Mukuro," introduced Mukuro. "How about you?" The boy sighed. "This will be the 4th time I'm saying this but my name is Tsuna! This is Hayato, that's Takeshi and that's Kyoya!" said Tsuna cheerfully. Mukuro looked at Kyoya with interest. Something about the boy made Mukuro want to annoy him.

"Kufufu…I see…I take it you all live together and are orphans?" asked Mukuro eerily. Tsuna looked at him in surprise. "How did you know?" Mukuro smiled. He couldn't help but like this boy. Something about him was making him attached to him. "It's a secret, Tsuna. I know a lot of things," replied Mukuro mysteriously. Tsuna gaped at him. "Anyways, can me and Chrome follow you?" asked Mukuro as Chrome looked at him shyly.

"SURE! I'll call you Mukuro-nii and Chrome!" laughed Tsuna cheerfully. Kyoya scowled again. "This isn't an orphanage you know…" he muttered to himself before walking away. Mukuro smiled eerily to himself.

Life would be more fun now, he was positive.

Chapter 10: Side story, Sasagawa Ryohei and Lambo

"Onii-chan, you got into another fight didn't you?" asked a small girl with short brown hair as she wiped the wounds on her brother's face with a worried expression. Her brother laughed loudly. "That's not it Kyoko! I ran into a lamppost just now! AHAHAHA!" laughed Sasagawa Ryohei as his sister smiled at him. "What am I going to do with you, Onii-chan?" sighed the girl as she went to get more bandages. Ryohei sighed in relief.

Sasagawa Ryohei lived with his sister and his parents below a hill just outside of town. This was because the town was already filled with people and had no place to live in. Since his parents worked in that town, they had no choice but to live outside of it. His father had built the house himself.

For Ryohei, his sister was the most important person in his life. His parents came next. His sister was someone who never liked seeing him sad and would cry when he was upset or hurt. That was why Ryohei always hid his wounds whenever he saw his sister.

At the age of 3, Ryohei picked up a passion for boxing when he watched a match between two men. After that, he began training enthusiastically. His parents encouraged him to do his best and even bought him a pair of boxing gloves. His sister would laugh whenever he got over excited and would yell 'EXTREME' on top of his voice.

On his fourth birthday, his mother gave him a yellow pacifier and told him it was a good luck charm. Ryohei happily accepted it, failing to see the flash of sadness in his mother's eyes. That night, they celebrated his birthday by taking him to see another boxing match. It was by far Ryohei's best birthday.

On a rainy night, Ryohei walked to town. His mother had asked him to buy some groceries for her. "Good day young man! Here on an errand?" asked the shopkeeper as Ryohei nodded. "Exactly! I extremely need some fruits!" replied Ryohei as the man laughed. He disappeared into his shop and came out with a bag. "Here you go. Now be careful when you go home! Goodnight," said the old man as Ryohei nodded and ran off. Thunder roared and lightning flashed.

As Ryohei was about to reach his house, he was surprised to see a large gathered in front of it. A nasty feeling filled his gut. He ran even faster. "What's going on?" asked Ryohei as he pushed his way through the crowd. When he had finally made it through the crowd, he dropped the bag he was carrying.

In front of him was where his house was supposed to be but now, it was buried underneath layers and layers of soil. The hill above his house had eroded and had fallen on top of his house. Ryohei ran forward. "KYOKO! MUM! DAD!" yelled Ryohei as he frantically dug the soil with his hands. A pair of hands pulled him back but he struggled.

"Young man..Please move back! It's dangerous! Let the authorities handle it!" pleaded a female's voice but Ryohei continued to struggle. "My sister! She's still in there!" yelled Ryohei as tears streamed down his face. More and more people pulled him back saying that they would be all right. Ryohei shook his head. Why couldn't they understand why he needed to go back?

"I'm sorry, young man…They're gone," said a nurse softly. She had tears in her eyes. 9 hours had passed. The authorities went straight to work and had dug all of them out. They were immediately rushed to the hospital. Ryohei felt his whole body go numb. He watched as the doctors rushed his sister into a room. After 2 hours, a nurse walked out and delivered the bad news to him.

Ryohei walked into the room. The nurse had allowed him to see his family one last time before they were buried. She quietly left the room. Ryohei slowly approached his family. He looked at his sister. Her face was covered with dirt. Even so, she looked peaceful. Tears streamed out of Ryohei's eyes. He couldn't bare look at his parents. Closing his eyes, he covered their faces and kneeled down, sobbing.

"Kyoko…I-I'm sorry! I-I'm so sorry….I should have came…h-home soon…Please forgive me…" sobbed Ryohei as he bent his head. He pulled out the pacifier. It shone brightly as his tears dropped on top of it. "Mum, Dad, Kyoko, please forgive me!" yelled Ryohei loudly. The nurse entered the room and comforted him.

After his family was buried, Ryohei decided to leave that place as he couldn't take the fact that some memories still lingered there. As Ryohei walked, he made up his mind to not be sad or depressed. "After all, Kyoko wouldn't like that!" yelled Ryohei to no one in particular. "DAD, MUM, KYOKO! WATCH ME! I WILL EXTREMELY SURVIVE ON MY OWN!" yelled Ryohei to the sky making passer-by's sweat drop.

For 4 days, Ryohei walked. He ate fruits that grew on trees, slept beneath trees and practiced his boxing. On the 5th day, he met a young boy crying beside the road. The boy had messy hair and was wearing a cow-printed shirt. He looked younger than Ryohei. Feeling sorry for the boy, Ryohei approached him.

"Hello there! What's your name and what are you doing in a place like this?" asked Ryohei as he bent down. The boy sniffled and looked at him with watery eyes. "M-M-My name is T-The G-Great Lambo. I'm from the B-B-Bovino Family," stammered Lambo. Ryohei burst into laughter. "Hello Lambo! My name is Ryohei to the extreme!" yelled Ryohei cheerfully. Lambo giggled.

"I see…You're alone too…" said Ryohei after 2 minutes. Lambo nodded. "AHAHAHA! THAT'S EXTREMELY WELL! I'M ALONE TOO! WHY DON'T YOU FOLLOW ME?" yelled Ryohei. Lambo thought about it for awhile. He then nodded. Ryohei roared with excitement. "ALRIGHT! C'MON LAMBO! YOU CAN SIT ON MY SHOULDER SINCE YOU'RE SO SMALL! By the way, what happened to your parents?" asked Ryohei as Lambo jumped onto his shoulder and made himself comfortable.

Lambo's Past

"Lambo, do you know what will happen when you become 4 next year?" asked an old man as he carried Lambo in his arms. "LAMBO WILL BE KING!" screamed Lambo as the man chuckled. "No you idiot! You will have to receive this!" said the man as he pulled out a green pacifier. Lambo's eyes widened. "Sparkly Sparkly!" yelled Lambo as he touched it. The pacifier glowed green.

The old man sighed and kept it back. "LAMBO WANTS SPARKLY!" yelled Lambo as he reached for the old man's pocket. The man roared with laughter. "Liked it didn't you? Well too bad! You're still 3! Wait one more year!" replied the man as he wrestled with Lambo who as still demanding for the 'sparkly'.

Lambo was born into the Bovino Family. Ever since he was young, he was brought up with lessons on how to use grenades and weapons. The boss, an old man had insisted that Lambo was going to be the world's best hitman when he grew up, something all his subordinates agreed to. He also spoiled Lambo like crazy which made his obnoxious.

As the old man played with Lambo, the door burst open and a man ran in. "SIR! An enemy attack! They're after you! They said you knew about the arcobaleno!" yelled the man as his boss put Lambo down. His face turned serious. "How did they know? This is bad! Victor! Please try your hardest to keep them away! Our main priority is to keep Lambo safe!" said the old man as Victor saluted and ran out of the room. Gunshots could be heard.

"Lambo! There's no time. Even though I said you could only receive this when you turned 4, I have no choice but to ask you to keep this safe now, you hear?" said the old man hurriedly. Lambo looked like he was about to cry. "L-Lambo is s-scared," whimpered Lambo. The old man smiled. "You're a brave boy Lambo. Don't ever forget that. Now, you have to call your 13 year old self to help you escape. Use the bazooka!" said the old man as he hurriedly wrote a note and gave the pacifier to Lambo.

Lambo pulled out his bazooka. The old man loaded his guns. Lambo jumped into the bazooka. "Goodbye Lambo. Take care of yourself," whispered the old man before he ran out to meet the enemies. Lambo pulled the trigger and in a poof of pink smoke, 13 year old Lambo stood in the spot looking around.

"Hm? Bovino headquarters 10 years ago?" mumbled Lambo as he looked around. He looked down and spotted the note which said:



Your boss.

Gunshots sounded again. Lambo jumped and screamed on top of his lungs. Climbing out of the window, he ran as fast as he could. Enemies shot at him but he skillfully dodged them and continued running. Even though he didn't look like it, he was actually a very fast runner and was already far away from the headquarters. He heard an explosion but he didn't dare turn back and continued running.

When the bazooka's effect wore off, 3 year old Lambo found himself sitting beside a road. Tears started to come out. "GUAAAAAA! LAMBO IS LOST!" screamed Lambo as tears poured out like a waterfall. An hour passed and Lambo was still crying. That was when Ryohei appeared.


Ryohei and Lambo had just reached a new town. "THIS IS EXTREMELY GOOD! SEE THIS LAMBO? WE'RE IN A NEW PLACE!" yelled Ryohei as he stood at the entrance. Everyone stared at him. Lambo squealed with joy. "Ryohei! LAMBO THE GREAT IS HUNGRY!" yelled Lambo as Ryohei nodded. "ME TOO LAMBO! LET'S GO BUY SOME FOOD!" roared Ryohei as he ran.

"This isn't bad, right Lambo?" said Ryohei in between mouthfuls. He had just bought some bread and had divided it evenly between him and Lambo. Lambo nodded. As Ryohei ate, he heard the sound of two people fighting.

"KYOYA-NII! MUKURO-NII! PLEASE STOP!" yelled a voice. Ryohei turned and looked. Two boys were fighting. The boy with pineapple hair was chuckling eerily at his opponent. His opponent, a boy who wielded strange weapons, was glaring furiously at him. He aimed at the other boy's head. It seemed like his opponent was skilled as he dodged it gracefully and jumped back.

Another boy was chasing them. He looked worried and alarmed at the same time. A girl with an eye patch was following him. "BIG BROTHERS! STOP!" yelled the boy as he ran in between them. Both of the boys looked alarmed. Both were attacking at the same time and were unable to stop. "Shoot," muttered the boy with the pineapple hair. The other boy's eyes were wide with alarm. "TSUNA!' yelled another voice. Ryohei looked and saw a boy with silver hair running as fast as he could. The bad part was, he was just too far. The boy named Tsuna closed his eyes.

Ryohei knew what to do. Since he was nearby, he charged and pushed the boy named Tsuna out of the way. The two boys who were fighting dodged each other's attack at the same time. Both of them looked at Tsuna with concern. "TSUNA!" yelled the silver haired boy again. He was now followed by another black hair boy whose eyes were wide open.

Tsuna opened his eyes slowly. He was expecting pain. To his surprise, he saw a boy beside him. His face was facing the ground. "Hey! Hey! Are you alright?" asked Tsuna worriedly as he shook his rescuer anxiously. Ryohei groaned. "That was extremely good exercise…" muttered Ryohei. Tsuna sighed in relief. "Thank you so much for saving me!" smiled Tsuna as he helped Ryohei stand. Ryohei looked at him. "You're extremely welcome!" yelled Ryohei making Tsuna flinch back.

"TSUNA!" yelled the silver haired boy as he ran into Tsuna. Grabbing him by the shoulders, he yelled "TSUNA! ARE YOU HURT? DID YOU BREAK ANY BONES? SHOULD I ROB THE HOSPITAL?" Tsuna laughed. "I'm fine Hayato-nii! Look! This kind Onii-san helped me," replied Tsuna as Hayato sighed in relief. He turned towards the other two boys.

"IDIOTS! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED TSUNA!"yelled Hayato loudly. "Kufufu…My apologies, Tsuna," said the boy with the pineapple hair. "I apologize. I had to kill the pineapple head," said the other as he walked away. "I'm glad you're not hurt, Tsuna," he added before he disappeared. "Haha Tsuna! You sure are lucky!" laughed another black hair boy as he grinned idiotically.

"Anyways, I'm Tsuna. That's Mukuro and Chrome. This is Hayato and Takeshi and that just now was Kyoya! What's yours?" asked Tsuna. At that moment, Lambo ran towards Ryohei, screaming. He hid behind Ryohei and slowly peeked out. Tsuna smiled at him.

"My name is Sasagawa Ryohei! This is Lambo!" introduced Ryohei in a rather loud voice. "OII! TALK MORE POLITELY TO TSUNA YOU TURF TOP!" growled Hayato menacingly. "WHAT WAS THAT OCTOPUS HEAD?" yelled Ryohei back. Tsuna looked at Ryohei and laughed. "Hello Lambo! You can call me Tsuna-nii!" said Tsuna as he picked Lambo up. Lambo smiled shyly at him.

"Come join us! We're more than happy to invite both of you in!" cheered Tsuna. Takeshi smiled. Hayato scowled. Chrome and Mukuro looked at each other and shrugged. Kyoya was nowhere in sight. "THEN WE'LL EXTREMELY ACCEPT! NICE TO MEET YOU!" roared Ryohei making all of them jump.

Unknown to them, all their pacifiers glowed in unison, signifying that the 7 arcobaleno pacifiers had finally been united.

Chapter 11: Side story, Sawada Tsunayoshi

"Tsu-kun, time for you to wake up!" greeted a woman with short brown hair as she smiled lovingly at her 2 year old son. She gently shook him awake. The boy muttered something in his sleep and turned the other way. The woman sighed. "Tsu-kun! Get up! Your papa will be home today!" said the woman. The boy's eyes flew open.

"Papa? Papa will be home today?" asked the Tsuna with excitement. His mother nodded with a smile. "Get changed Tsu-kun! Help me with the preparations so that we can celebrate tonight!" said the woman with a smile as she went out of his room.

Sawada Tsunayoshi lived with his parents. His mother, a woman named Nana, mostly took care of him as his father was always out. Tsuna loved helping his mother around the house. She taught him how to plant vegetables and always laughed whenever he tripped on his own two feet (Tsuna had a tendency of getting himself injured). Nana was also a very good cook.

His father, Sawada Iemitsu was always out of his house. As Tsuna was only 3, he didn't know what his father worked as but was always delighted when his father came home. His father was a man who laughed loudly and enjoyed playing with his only son whenever he came home. He also loved his wife a lot.

"Tsu-kun! Help me pick some potatoes from the garden will you?" said Nana as she chopped some vegetables. "Okay!" replied Tsuna as he put on his shoes and ran to the garden. Tsuna picked up a basket and ran to the garden. He ran straight to the potato area and started collecting. He was about to go in when a pair of hands covered his eyes.

"Guess who, Tsuna!" said a very familiar voice. Tsuna yelled in excitement. "PAPA! WELCOME HOME!" squealed the 3 year old as he hugged his father with a smile on his face. Iemitsu laughed. "Hello to you too my cute son!" laughed Iemitsu as he picked his son up. "Have you been a good boy while I was gone?" asked Iemitsu as he walked back to the house. Tsuna nodded eagerly, his brown eyes wide with excitement.

"Oh darling, you're back already?" said Nana as Iemitsu walked into the kitchen. He put Tsuna down and smiled cheerfully. "Nana! I missed you and your cooking!" said Iemitsu as he hugged his wife who blushed. "Breakfast will be done soon! Go wait in the living room!" said Nana as she turned back to her cooking.

"Papa! Will you stay long?" asked Tsuna, his eyes wide with questioning. The last time Iemitsu had come back, he only stayed for a week. That was a year ago. Iemitsu scratched his head. "Aha Tsuna…I don't really know. I'll tell you the answer when I leave!" said Iemitsu sheepishly. Tsuna pouted. At that moment, Nana emerged from the kitchen with a tray of food.

"Nana…In all my years travelling around the world, I still say your cooking is the best!" said Iemitsu as he lay down looking satisfied. He had just finished two big bowls of rice and had eaten most of the dishes Nana had prepared. Nana laughed. "I'm glad you enjoyed them! So, how was your work?" asked Nana with a smile. Tsuna looked eagerly at his father. His father sighed and sat up.

Tsuna loved it when his father told him stories. His father had told him numerous types of stories, some true and some made up. For Tsuna, he loved his parents very much. He loved it when his mother would sometimes come into his room and play with him or if his father took him out on small excursions. Tsuna thought and wished all this could last forever.

What he didn't know was the fact that his father had a very dangerous job and that it would only be a matter of time before something bad happened.

On a bright Friday morning, Tsuna woke up feeling rather dizzy. He felt around his neck for the necklace his father had given him. He just had a very disturbing dream. In his dream, Tsuna saw his parents looking at him with panic in their eyes. He heard gunshots and a scream. He then saw a woman looking at him with hate-filled eyes. He also saw a boy with black hair and a purple pacifier lying on the road. The next picture was a bunch of kids he didn't know but they were all smiling at him. He didn't know why, but he also saw a man with orange colored hair, which was styled just like his, holding out a hand to him with a kind smile on his face.

Tsuna shook his head and went to the kitchen. His mother looked surprised to see him. "Oh, Tsu-kun! You're up early today! Papa has just gone out to catch some fish!" smiled his mother. Tsuna smiled back at her. "I-I see….Mama, I just had a strange dream," said Tsuna as he climbed onto his mother's lap. She looked at him with concern. Tsuna described what he had just seen. Her expression went from concern to sadness.

"Don't worry Tsu-kun! It was just a dream," said Nana as she patted his head. Tsuna nodded and smiled at her. "Mama, why did Papa give me this necklace?" asked Tsuna as he held up his invincible necklace in his palm/ His mother looked at him for a moment before breaking into a smile. "I'll tell you when you grow up, okay Tsuna?" said his mother Tsuna nodded. A loud bang sounded and Iemitsu came running in.

"Nana! They're here! I don't know how but they're here!" yelled Iemitsu as Nana quickly got up. She looked at her husband with panic filled eyes. "They must have followed me! I'm such a fool! I should have checked!" cursed Iemitsu as he walked around the room. "There's no choice! They can't know about Tsuna!" muttered Iemitsu.

"Why don't we do as how we planned?" said Nana as she held her son close to her. Tsuna looked at his parents in confusion. "There's no time! Quick! Hide Tsuna, Nana!" yelled Iemitsu as gunshots were heard. Nana nodded seriously. Nana picked up her son and ran upstairs. She opened a cupboard which was camaflouged to look like the wall. She gently put Tsuna inside.

"Tsuna. I want you to listen to me okay? Whatever you do, DO NOT open this door, you understand?" said Nana hurriedly as Tsuna nodded. Nana looked at her son one last time. She heard gunshots downstairs and her eyes filled with tears. Tsuna looked at her with his wide eyes. Nana smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

"Tsuna…Mama and Papa love you. Don't ever forget that. Keep that necklace safe," whispered Nana as she shut the door. Tsuna held his breath. He heard his mother run downstairs. Gunshots filled the air. He heard a scream, the same scream he had heard in his dream. His blood went cold. He heard his father yell. Another gunshot and everything went silent.

Tsuna was shaking. Footsteps were coming up the stairs. Tsuna closed his eyes tightly. 'Please go away, please go away, please go away…' thought Tsuna as the footsteps came closer. Tsuna clutched his pacifier tightly. The footsteps stopped. His heart was beating fast. He heard hands hitting against the door. His eyes opened wide. Just a little bit more and he would be discovered.

Luckily for him, the intruder decided there was nothing there and went back down. A few minutes later, he heard the sound of a car driving away. He breathed a sigh of relief. Tsuna thought back to the screams and gunshots he had heard just now. Tears cascaded down his cheeks as he sobbed quietly. He was just too scared to go down. That day, Tsuna cried himself to sleep.

The next day, Tsuna awoke to another set of footsteps. He immediately started trembling. The footsteps approached him and someone opened the door. Tsuna looked, wide eye with fear. A woman looked at him. She then slowly approached him. She had black hair and had a logo under one of her eyes. She smiled gently at him. Tsuna looked at her.

"Tsunayoshi…do not be scared. My name is Aria. I am from Giglio Nero and am here to help you," said the woman named Aria softly. Tsuna continued to look at her. She smiled, her eyes filled with pity. "Come Tsunayoshi…I know your father. I also know what's hanging around your neck," said Aria gently as she reached out and touched the pacifier. It glowed bright orange. Tsuna looked at her in wonder. She smiled.

Tsuna looked at her with his chocolate eyes. Deep down, he knew he could trust this woman. He stretched his hand and she took it. She slowly carried him out. "See! That wasn't hard!" laughed Aria. Tsuna smiled at her. "Gamma. I've found him!" called Aria as she walked downstairs. A man sighed in relief.

"I think it'll be best if you covered his eyes on the way down. It's a terrible sight to see here," said Gamma as he looked at the two bodies on the floor. Aria nodded and put her hand over Tsuna's eyes. Luckily for her, he had fallen asleep again.

"What a sad thing for Tsuna to experience," said Aria sadly. Gamma nodded solemnly. "I wish I could take care of him. You could be the father," said Aria as she grinned mischievously at Gamma who turned red. "Your mean, Boss," muttered Gamma. Aria laughed. "I was just kidding, Gamma. I have to give this boy to her. I already know she'll mistreat him," sighed Aria as she rubbed her temples. She turned and walked out of the house with Gamma following closely.

"Take care of Tsuna will you?" said Aria, making it more like an order than a question. The woman stared at Aria and at Tsuna. "He's that boy, isn't he?" said the woman looking at him with disgust. Aria nodded coldly. "I have no choice but to pass him into your care," said Aria. The woman looked at Aria before nodding. "I'll hand him over once I'm done talking to him," continued Aria quietly. "I expect you to take very good care of him, Maria," said Aria as Maria rolled her eyes.

Aria didn't like Maria one bit. To her, Maria was just a spoiled brat who only thought of herself. Even so, she had to entrust Tsuna to her as Maria was the only other person who knew Tsuna had the Sky Pacifier. Luche had told Aria a long time ago that Tsuna had to be given to Maria as he would be well hidden if he stayed with her.

Maria slammed the door on Aria's face. Aria sighed and looked at Tsuna. She took of his pacifier and held it in her hands. In an instance, the colour faded from it, leaving it to be colorless and dull. Aria pulled out a box and put it inside. She then wrote a note and left both the box and the note in Tsuna's pocket. She then grudgingly knocked on the door again. 'I'm sorry, Tsunayoshi…Me and my mother apologize for what you'll have to endure in the future…' thought Aria as she looked a Tsuna's sleeping face.

For the next 8 months, Tsuna experienced pain. His new 'mother', for some reason hated him. She always told him that he was cursed. Every time she came home from work, she would pull out a stick and would hit Tsuna until he cried. Even so, Tsuna never let it get the better of him. He continued to smile at his 'mother', only to result with a beating as she couldn't stand him.

In times like this, Tsuna would always pull out the note Aria wrote him which went like :


I apologize for what you will have to endure for the next few weeks/months. I know that Maria is a terrible woman. Even so, do not let yourself be depressed or hurt by what she says. If you do, your parents will be sad. I have removed the pacifier from your neck and have kept it in a box. The time will come when you will have to wear it once more.

Once again, I repeat myself, DO NOT let Maria's words hurt you. You will find others just like you one day and they will need you. I'm sure you know of this. It's something you should know:

When the Sky calls, the solitude cloud answer's first.

Rain, which washes away pain and anger, will listen and obey.

Never ending line of attacks, the Storm will be next.

Mist, dangerous and silent, creating something out of nothing, will come when called.

Sun will answer, Thunder comes after.

To grant or to destroy, is the decision to make.

To grant will mean unbelievable power and to destroy will mean peace.


without Sky, all will be lost.

Tsunayoshi, I am sure you don't know what it means but everything will be clear in due time. Once again, do not forget that your parents loved you. Help those in need.

(P.S I hope you'll meet my daughter, Uni one day!)

Aria, Giglio Nero

Tsuna stared at the note with a confused expression. He knew that song or poem or whatever it was called but he didn't understand it. Ever since he turned 1, that thing had been replaying and replaying in his head. Tsuna shrugged it away. He looked at his arms. They were still red from the recent beating. Tsuna looked at his arm and looked at the note. He made his decision. He was going to run away.

The next morning, before dawn, Tsuna sneaked out of the house and ran. He ran and ran until he made it to the next town. For the next few weeks, Tsuna got used to living on the streets. He had made himself a house by piling some boxes and using a large piece of paper as a roof. As for food, as Tsuna had a cute, innocent face, the baker, an old man who had a soft spot for children, gave some to him for free.

When Tsuna first met Kyoya, he was walking along the road, eating some bread when he saw a boy lying on the road. He suddenly remembered his dream. This boy matched his description. Tsuna looked at the boy and saw that he was hungry. He approached him slowly and gave him some food. After much arguing and talking, Tsuna finally had a new adopted brother, one whom he loved and adored. Later on, he met Takeshi, Hayato, Chrome and Mukuro, Ryohei and Lambo. For Tsuna, this was the family he had always wanted.

One morning, his big brother, Kyoya had stolen some food and had accidentally caused a big explosion which resulted to the villagers calling in a powerful Mafia group called Vongola. Kyoya had already run off and Tsuna was looking for him. As Tsuna, Takeshi, Hayato, Ryohei and Lambo looked for Kyoya, they saw him being handcuffed by a man that looked exactly like him. Tsuna didn't know what to do. Kyoya was looking at him with eyes that wanted him to run but Tsuna just stood there.

A man with orange color hair that was styled like his approached him. Tsuna moved back as his other brothers jumped forward. Tsuna had the feeling he had seen this man before. The man was nice and gentle with him.

In the end, that man became Tsuna's new 'Papa'and Tsuna loved him a lot. His new Papa was such a caring man and Tsuna was instantly reminded of his dead Papa. He could actually hear his dead parents saying 'Tsuna! It's good you met someone who will take care of you now. Enjoy your new life!'


Talbot was sitting in his shop making reading a book when his door opened. He looked up from his book and smiled. He knew who this person was.

"Well, well…What brings you here?" asked Talbot as he looked at his guest. His guest grinned at him. "Talbot, I need you to have some things done for me. I sense a great danger ahead and I need these weapons to be done before I go to that place," said his visitor as he pulled his fedora down. Talbot grinned.

"I see…I know what you want. I'll have it done in a day, Reborn," said Talbot as Reborn smiled.

Chapter 12: Appearances

"Welcome home, Boss. How did it go?" asked Aldo as he opened the door for Franco. Franco entered and sat down on his rather expensive armchair. "It went well. I found something about Primo I never knew," replied Franco as Aldo sat down. Aldo had short brown hair and had a scar above his right eye. He had earned that scar when he took down one of the world's greatest assassin and was rather proud of it.

"Where's your brother?" asked Franco as a servant served him a glass of wine. "Ezio? He's in his room. I bet he's cleaning that rather ugly sword of his," said Aldo as he rolled his eyes. Ezio was Aldo's older brother. He had short messy hair and wore sunglasses whenever he went. He specialized in swords while Aldo was very skillful with guns. Their father had worked for the first boss of the Corvino family.

"Papa! You're home!" cried a girl as she ran toward her father. Franco smiled fondly at her. "Well, hello there Bice. Have you been a good girl while I was gone?" asked Franco as the girl nodded. She was about 17 years old and was very skilled in using explosives that she made herself. Bice had long black hair that was tied into a bun. She had brown colored eyes.

"What's with the noise? You just woke me up from my beauty sleep…" grumbled a woman as she stormed into the room. Franco smiled at her. "Good afternoon, Dafne. I see you're up early," said Franco with a smile. The woman looked at him with bored eyes. "Good day, useless Boss. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going and would appreciate if you all kept the volume down," yawned the 20 year old as she walked back to her room.

Franco sighed. "Bice dear, would you mind calling your twin and Almando down?" asked Franco as Bice nodded eagerly and ran away. "So what did you want to tell us, Boss?" asked Aldo as he crossed his legs and made himself comfortable on the nearby couch. "Patience, Aldo. Let's wait for them to return first," chuckled Franco as Aldo scowled.

"Boss…" muttered Almando as he walked down the stairs and sat on a chair. Bice and a boy walked down. Hurry up you idiots!" yelled Aldo as he drummed his fingers impatiently. Bice stuck her tongue out. Her brother glared at Aldo. "Shut up! I can walk as slowly as I want too!" yelled 17 year old Fonz. Turning to his father, he put on a smile. "Good day, Father," said Fonz as he bowed low. He respected his father a lot.

"Hello Fonz. I see we're all gathered here. I'll begin. As all of you know, the time has come for us to acquire the 7 arcobaleno pacifiers and their holders. Aldo, have you found anything new?" asked Franco as Aldo shook his head. "Wherever they are, they are good at hiding. I couldn't even pick up a trace of them," muttered Aldo looking angry at himself. Franco shook his head in a reassuring way. "It doesn't matter, Aldo. The time will come when I will make them come to me," said Franco with a smile that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"Back to the topic. As everyone here knows, I went to Vongola Mansion just know to meet with Vongola Primo and I found some very interesting things," said Franco as everyone moved in closer, their eyes filled with curiosity. Franco smiled and said "They have kids." Everyone looked at him with disbelief. Aldo started laughing. Bice chuckled. Almando sniggered. Fonz looked at Franco in surprise.

"Kids? Kids? Primo. Kids?" repeated Fonz as Franco nodded. "Do you know what this means?" said Franco softly as he twirled his wine. Everyone shook their heads. "This means, we will have the pleasure of destroying both Primo and his kids…I really am looking forward to this…" chuckled Franco eerily. Bice smiled and nodded. "We will make you proud, Papa!" cheered Bice happily.

At that moment, a knock sounded on the door. Fonz got up and answered it. A messenger passed him a letter and went away. "Father, look! Our men have found the arcobaleno, Colonello! Let's go 'ask' him where the Sky Arcobaleno is!" cheered Fonz happily. Franco clapped his hands. "Well done! Alright, everyone. We are going out!" said Franco as everyone nodded.

"I can't wait anymore. We'll draw out the Vongola with this and get rid of them once and for all. After that, there will be no one who will be able to stop us!" said Franco. Everyone looked at him seriously.

"Remember, our main goal is that arcobaleno! Kill anyone in your path!" ordered Franco as everyone nodded. "But Boss! What about the peace treaty with the Vongola?" asked Aldo as he strapped his pistols. Franco looked at him and smiled coldly. "What treaty?" asked Franco before he walked out of the mansion. Aldo looked at him and smiled.


Giotto had a terrible feeling in his gut. His Hyper Intuition was telling him that something bad was going to happen. He looked at his son, Tsuna and his guardians. All of them were going on a mission. Gamma from Giglio Nero had contacted them and told them that Corvino was up to no good. Immediately, Giotto ordered his guardians to set out but first, they had to say goodbye to their children.

Giotto was at first very reluctant to leave the kids alone. After all, anyone could have just barged in and kidnapped them but after much persuasion from Tsuna and co, he finally agreed to it.

"Now, Tsuna. I want you to remember not to open the door for any strangers, keep your brothers from fighting, go to bed by 9 and don't forget to do your homework," repeated Giotto as Tsuna smiled. "I know, Papa! Have a safe journey!" said Tsuna as he gave Giotto a hug. Giotto smiled fondly at his son and looked at his other guardians.

Knuckle was telling Ryohei to practice every day with lots of extreme. Asari was reminding Takeshi to clean his room. G was yelling at Hayato again. Lampo was telling Lambo to act like a boss. Daemon had a look of worry on his face. He was reminding Mukuro over and over again to take care of Chrome. He then ruffled Chrome's hair and hugged both of his kid. Alaude and Kyoya were looking at each other.

"GOODBYE!" yelled all of the kids except Kyoya, Mukuro and Chrome and their father's slowly disappeared from their sights. Tsuna shut the door softly.

"TSUNA! I'M BORED!" screamed Lambo 2 hours later. All of the children were lazing around in the living room. Hayato was restocking his dynamite. Takeshi was sleeping on the couch, a slight drool escaping his mouth. Kyoya was stroking Hibird softly in a corner. Chrome was sleeping on Mukuro's lap. Ryohei was doing pushups. Lambo was bugging Tsuna.

"STUPID COW! BUGGING TSUNA!" growled Hayato as he whacked Lambo on the head. Lambo screamed. "Hayato-nii! Please don't get violent!" pleaded Tsuna as he tried to comfort Lambo. Hayato nodded curtly and went back to his work. The minutes passed by. Tsuna yawned. The doorbell rang.

Tsuna looked at the door. The doorbell rang again. "I'll get it!" said Tsuna as he ran to the door, Giotto's warning forgotten. Hayato followed him. Tsuna slowly opened the door and looked out. He saw no one and shut the door again. The bell rang again. Puzzled, Tsuna opened the door again. This time, someone jumped on him, making him fall.

"TSUNA! Are you alright?" asked Hayato as he helped Tsuna get up. The rest of the children ran to the scene. Tsuna rubbed his head. "Oww….who was that?" muttered Tsuna as he looked at the guest. "Ciaossu! My name is Reborn and I will be taking care/ training all of you for the next few weeks," said the guest.

Tsuna looked at Reborn in shock. Why? Well, it was because Reborn was a baby. He wore a black mafia suit and a fedora. He also had a green chameleon on the hat. "Um…I don't think Papa hired a babysitter," started Tsuna but was cut short. The baby held up and hand and started talking.

"Something bad is about to happen and I'm here to train all of you so that you'll be able to overcome it," said Reborn coolly. Kyoya and Mukuro looked at him. "Kufufu…a baby teach us? This will be interesting…" said Mukuro eerily. Reborn smiled at him. "You'd be surprise with what I can do!" answered Reborn cutely. He nodded and went back to his room with Chrome following him.

Reborn smiled a devilish smile at the rest of the children. "Ryohei, bring out your pacifier," ordered Reborn. Ryohei shrugged and pulled it out. He gave it to Reborn. When Reborn touched it, it glowed bright yellow. Everyone looked at it with curiosity. Reborn smirked.

"I know all you have pacifiers. This is mine. Take care of it, okay?" said Reborn as he handed it back to Ryohei. "How did you know about all of this, kid?" asked Takeshi. Reborn looked at him with a mischievous look. "Long story but I'll tell you about it tomorrow. For now, I am going to bed. Tsuna! Take me to your room," ordered Reborn as he jumped on top of Tsuna's shoulder.

"I say we ask him politely to leave," grumbled Hayato. Tsuna, Takeshi, Lambo, Ryohei and Hayato were all sitting in the kitchen, discussing about their new 'teacher'. Hayato was displeased with Reborn for jumping on Tsuna just now.

"Now, now, Hayato! Let's just go along with the kid! This is fun!" cheered Takeshi as Hayato glared at him. "I think we should extremely hear about what he has to say!" said Ryohei as he rubbed his chin. Lambo was eating a lollipop and could have cared less. "I think Onii-chan is right. I mean, did you see how he made the pacifier shine? What did he mean when he said it was his?" said Tsuna.


Reborn was sleeping. His eyes were still wide open but a giant bubble was coming out of his nose. His chameleon, Leon was resting beside him. Out of the blue, his tail came off.

Reborn woke up with a start. He looked at Leon and his face turned serious. 'This is bad..Leon's tail hasn't come off in a long time. I wonder…' thought Reborn before going back to sleep.

Tsuna was also having trouble sleeping. He just had another vision. This time, he saw them running towards a forest. He saw his Papa looking troubled and angry. His uncles were having the same expression. He saw his brothers fighting unknown people in their house. Tsuna looked at his hands and he saw orange flames.


Giotto rubbed his head. He was feeling very disturbed. The sight in front of him was terrible. Where once a happy village stood, remains of it now littered the area. No one survived. Everyone was dead. Alaude had already run off somewhere, looking for new leads. All of his guardians looked disturbed. Knuckle was saying a prayer. Lampo kept his eyes closed. Even Daemon who was a sadist looked troubled.

"Giotto, I am betting it was them," said G as they walked off. Giotto nodded. "This is bad, G. What do they want? As far as I know, there was nothing in the village that seemed valuable," replied Giotto as he thought things through. "Could it be someone?" suggested Asari. "That could be it but who is it and why are they looking for that person?" muttered Giotto.

"Alaude, what did you find out?" asked Giotto as Alaude appeared out of nowhere. Alaude looked at him with his dead eyes. "Sources told me that a man wearing a cloak that bore a picture of a raven and some people walked past their village just that afternoon. They even kindly showed me the last place they stopped to rest," replied Alaude in a monotone voice. His eyes were filled with a desire to kill someone.

"Is this it?" asked Giotto looking around. Alaude had led them to a cave that looked pretty normal. Alaude nodded. "Cheh! I think you heard wrongly. There's clearly nothing here!" growled G as Alaude glared at him. Daemon sighed. "Really, Alaude. Did you hear correctly? Maybe your witness meant that side." said Daemon pointing at a nearby town. "I know what I heard," replied Alaude as he glared at both the storm and the most guardian.

"Now, now, this must be the spot then," said Asari quickly. Lampo yawned. "What a waste of my precious time…" muttered Lampo as he stretched his hands. "Primo, can I go now?" asked Lampo boredly but Giotto wasn't listening.

Giotto felt his Hyper Intuition telling him to run away but he couldn't figure out why. He looked around and thought. Wasn't it strange that the Corvino would come to a cave of all places. He looked around and fear gripped him. His Hyper Intuition told him to look down and he did. To his horror, he noticed they were standing on some kind of metal object which was well hidden to look like part of the cave.

"EVERYONE! RUN!" yelled Giotto but it was too late. The floor opened and all of them fell in. Giotto tried to use his gloves but something was preventing them from using their flames. Giotto looked up. He could hear G cursing and Lampo screaming. His thoughts immediately turned to one person. 'I'm sorry, Tsuna,' thought Giotto as the darkness engulfed him.

Chapter 13: The Corvino and The Arcobaleno

"Boss, I apologize. The Arcobaleno got away," said Aldo as he bowed his head in shame. He and his brother had just destroyed a village in the process but Colonello managed to escape. Franco sighed. "I am very disappointed in you, Aldo. But, no matter. In due time, I will find the pacifiers and then, our dream will be fulfilled," replied Franco as Aldo nodded. At that moment, Dafne walked in with her bored expression and whispered something into Franco's ear. His face lit up while she walked out again.

"Aldo! It seems like we have some guest…" said Franco gleefully as he walked out of the room. Aldo looked at him with question in his eyes and asked: "Who boss? Who?" Franco smiled at him with coldness seeping into his eyes. "Vongola Primo," chuckled Franco as Aldo looked at him and sneered.


"GAHHHH! WHY IS THERE AN ELEPHANT IN MY ROOM?" yelled Tsuna he looked at a green elephant. He had just woken up and had a shock of his life. Reborn smiled innocently at him. "Leon is ill! He tends to change his shape when he falls sick," said Reborn calmly as Leon changed into a frying pan. Tsuna sweat dropped.

"Tsuna, you've woken up late! I already made the rest of the kids do various training test," continued Reborn as he sipped his cup of coffee. "T-Test?" asked Tsuna as Reborn nodded seriously. "Takeshi and Hayato have the potential to become assassins, They cleared my test in 5 minutes flat. Kyoya is a killing machine. I find him interesting. Mukuro is a born illusionist. His sister is okay. Ryohei should become a boxer when he grows up and Lambo is useless though, he has a hidden potential as a lightning rod," said Reborn as he flipped through a book.

"Um…not to be rude or anything but who are you? Did Papa call you to take care of us?" asked Tsuna timidly. Reborn smirked at him and shut his book. "No. Vongola Primo has no idea I am here. You father predicted that something bad was going to happen and called me. Since I was feeling uneasy as well, I accepted his request," said Reborn as Tsuna looked at him wide eyed.

"Papa called you?" whispered Tsuna as Reborn nodded. "But this isn't the time to talk about that. Tsuna! I'm going to train you," said Reborn as his eyes gave off an evil glint. "But first, let's wait till Leon feels better again so that I can give you a weapon," said Reborn as he started sipping coffee again.

"Um…Reborn, sir? If you don't me asking, why do I have this?" asked Tsuna as he held up his necklace. His hands clutched the invisible pacifier. Reborn looked solemnly at him and put down his coffee. He folded his arms.

"Before I start. Tsuna, have you had any weird dreams lately?" asked Reborn. Tsuna thought about it. "Yeah! Last night, when that man came and the night before Mama and Papa died," said Tsuna as he looked at Reborn with wide eyes. Reborn was now stroking his fake moustache which had magically appeared. Leon had changed into a cell phone.

"Hm…So it's true…Interesting…" muttered Reborn as Tsuna looked at him in confusion. He could hear Hayato yelling at Takeshi. "What did you see?" continued Reborn. Tsuna told him everything. Reborn was now looking at him with interest. "I see…It's just as Iemitsu and Luche said," muttered Reborn. Tsuna looked at him blurly. "Luche? Whose Luche?" asked Tsuna as he tried to picture her.

"Luche is the first Sky Arcobaleno. She's Aria's mother," replied Reborn. "Speaking of Aria, she told me she met you before. She even wrote a not to you. Let me see it," said Reborn as Tsuna pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. Reborn read it carefully. He then handed it back to Tsuna. He smirked. "I take it you don't understand what that 'song' meant," said Reborn as Tsuna nodded sheepishly.

"Alright. I'll explain what I know but you can't tell your siblings. I'll tell them when the time is right," said Reborn as Tsuna nodded again. He could now hear Kyoya fighting with Mukuro and Ryohei trying to stop them but failing. Leon was now a chair. Reborn closed all the curtains and said in an eerie voice: "It all started years ago…way before you were born…"


Giotto opened his eyes slowly. His head was pounding. He rubbed it and suddenly remembered what had happened. The last thing he knew was them falling. He looked around and saw his guardians. Alaude was sulking in a corner. Daemon was looking pissed. Lampo was whining. Knuckles was also rubbing his head. Asari was looking at the others with concern. G was cursing.

"Everyone, are you all alright?" asked Giotto as he stood up. His guardians nodded. He looked around. Everything was pitch black. "Giotto, I'm pretty sure this is Corvino," muttered G as he stood up. Giotto nodded solemnly. "Where are we? The Great Lampo doesn't like falling!" whined Lamp as G whacked him hard. Alaude got up and took a look around. He shook his head. Even he couldn't see through the darkness.

"Why don't we try walking forward?" suggested Asari. G nodded and cautiously walked forward. He was however stopped short. "There's some kind of wall here," said G as he hit it softly. "Why don't you try breaking it?" sighed Daemon. G glared at him. Muttering and cursing, he pulled out his ring.

"What's taking you so long, G?" asked Knuckle. "I can't seem to bring out my Dying Will Flame!" said G as he looked at his ring. "What?" said Giotto in surprise. He looked at his ring and tried to light it. Nothing happened. "What's going on?" asked Daemon as he too looked at his ring.

"Welcome Vongola Primo. I invite you to my 'home'," came a voice. Everyone turned. The lights came on and all of them saw that they were trapped. Franco Corvino and his guardians walked in. Franco smiled coldly at him. Giotto gritted his teeth, his anger rising. He had the urge to knock the smile off his face.

"Franco…just as I expected…" muttered Alaude as he glared hatefully at the man. Franco laughed. "Congratulations! You must be Alaude, Primo's Cloud Guardian. Have you met Dafne? She's Cloud too," said Franco as he pointed toward the door. No one stood there. Franco sighed. "Where did she go now?" muttered Franco as he looked at the rest of his guardians. All of them shook their heads.

"Anyways, I am honored that all of you fell into the trap. No one has ever done so," said Franco as G cussed silently. "I was shocked to know all of you were here. I actually had another plan to lure you all out but no matter, this works well too," said Franco. "What are you planning?" asked Giotto, his voice filled with anger. His Hyper Intuition was telling him that Franco was up to no good.

"Now, now, Primo. No need to be hasty. We can take our time. After all, once I acquire the seven pacifiers, I will be able to control time," said Franco as he walked around. "Time? What do you mean time?" asked Asari as he looked at Franco seriously.

"My grandfather was a fool. He used his power just to help those in need. Why, he could have done so much more! But no! He said 'Power in this world is just a hindrance. It's better to save than to destroy.' Pah! Old senile fool!" snarled Franco as he paced around the room. "When he died, he left us his rings but I discovered they were only half of what he used to have. I was enraged and asked my father where he had sealed them but he never told me. He too was another old fool," said Franco, his face filled with fury.

"And then, I found out. I found out where he had sealed them. I was overjoyed of course but then, I found that it was not as easy as it seems." said Franco as his face turned solemn. "Easy? Why not?" asked Giotto. He was curious. What did the first boss do?

"Luche and the first Corvino boss were good friends, childhood friends in fact. Luche and Alfeo often shared ideas about helping those in need and using peace as an answer . Alfeo also knew about Luche's divination ability. They were very good friends and the friendship lasted until they were adults," said Reborn as Tsuna listened intently.

"The day came when my grandfather created the Corvino Family. Why he named it Corvino, I have no idea. Of course, he became very well known soon as he always settled things with peace while other mafia groups resorted to violence. He was looked up to and respected. He too was a very smart man. Since he knew the first Sky Arcobaleno who was born with a special ability, he told her to warn him if she saw something terrible that we would do in the future," said Franco as Giotto frowned. His guardians were listening intently.

"Truth be told, Alfeo did love Luche and even suggested about marriage to her but she rejected. He was later devastated when he found out she would be the Sky Arcobaleno. Even so, he continued to be friend with her, saying he still treasured their friendship," said Reborn as he took another sip of coffee. Leon was now a gun.

"The time came when the seven chosen people became Arcobaleno. After that, my grandfather didn't see that Sky Arcobaleno in a very long time. He turned his attention to helping the poor people in Italy. He soon met a woman and fell in love with her. They got married and gave birth to my father," continued Franco as he continued to pace around. His guardians yawned.

"Alfeo saw Luche again a few months later. She appeared to him in her Arcobaleno form. Even though her eyes showed sadness, she still smiled brightly at him. Alfeo was overjoyed to see her again. But Luche came to warn him. She said "I saw a terrible sight last night. Houses were on fire. People were screaming and the Corvino flag flashed before my eyes." Alfeo was shocked," whispered Reborn as he shone a torchlight in his face. Tsuna was listening with wide eyes.

"She had told him of a future she had seen. My grandfather immediately took action. He gathered his rings and was thinking about destroying it but she stopped him. I don't know why but she did," muttered Franco as Lampo yawned. He was not one for stories.

"Luche stopped Alfeo from destroying the rings saying "But I saw a boy and his friends holding my pacifier. He looked at me and smiled. In an instance, the scene changed and I saw a peaceful town." Of course, Alfeo looked at her and asked what he should do. Luche smiled at him," said Reborn as Leon turned into a book.

"Then he did it. He asked her to seal half of the ring's power into the seven pacifiers. She had no choice but to agree of course. She went off for seven days and came back with the seven pacifiers," growled Franco as Giotto listened, his eyes wide. Daemon was also listening with interest. G looked disturbed.

"Luche called us and told us what happened. We all agreed to pass her our pacifiers since all of us hated the pacifiers ourselves. She smiled and went on her way," said Reborn as he looked at his hands. Tsuna leaned in closer.

"The process was quick, I hear. In a bright flash, she sealed them into the pacifiers but now, she had a problem," said Franco as he grinned wickedly. "The pacifiers couldn't go back to their original owners. Since the original seven Arcobaleno already had a curse on them, she had no choice but to find another seven children. These new brats were lucky in some way, they didn't have to become babies but I hear they were cursed with something worst," laughed Franco evilly. Giotto clenched his fist.

"Luche was exhausted with the process and since she was actually suffering of an illness, she only lived for another 3 day," said Reborn solemnly. "She passed the job of finding the seven children to her daughter, Aria who had managed to escape the curse of the rainbow. We were of course told of what had happened and our duty was to protect the seven kids but infusing some of our power into the pacifier," said Reborn seriously.

"And now, the time will come when all seven will reunite and grant my wish. Of course, we have no clue where or who is carrying the pacifier but they will come to me," laughed Franco. "You, Primo and your guardians were the only ones who could have stopped me but too bad…" chuckled Franco as Primo cursed himself for being careless.

"You, Tsuna, you and your siblings are the ones Luche chose and you will have to fulfill what she saw. That's what Aria told me," said Reborn as he pulled down his fedora. Tsuna looked at him with wide eyes. He clutched his pacifier and sighed. Why did he have a feeling he was expecting something like this?

"Have you heard of this song before, Primo? It goes like:

When the Sky calls, the solitude cloud answer's first.

Rain, which washes away pain and anger, will listen and obey.

Never ending line of attacks, the Storm will be next.

Mist, dangerous and silent, creating something out of nothing, will come when called.

Sun will answer, Thunder comes after.

To grant or to destroy, is the decision to make.

To grant will mean unbelievable power and to destroy will mean peace.

But,without Sky, all will be lost.

"I need to find the person holding the Sky Pacifier as soon as possible. If he or she decides to destroy what my grandfather tried to hide, all my dreams and plans will be gone!" growled Franco. Giotto was silently sighing in his heart. He hoped that he or she would stay hidden.

"No matter, I know he or she is still alive. After all, my ring is still intact. But for now, I have something fun to do. Primo, I am delighted to know you have kids!" said Franco as his guardians chuckled. Giotto felt his heart stop. His other guardians were looking very, very disturbed. Daemon and Alaude were actually emitting a dark, killing aura. Franco chuckled.

"There are two reasons why I won't kill you now. First, I want you to see me destroy your kids slowly. Yes, I sent a team to Vongola Mansion and they will eliminate the kids. The best part is, all of you will be able to watch it through a handy little device called the video camera which I strapped onto all my soldiers," said Franco as he switched on a nearby television set. "Why you…" snarled Daemon. G was cursing and cussing, his face showing intense hatred. Even Asari's eyes were filled with anger. Lampo was looking disturbed. Alaude's eyes flashed dangerously. Giotto was so angry his fist shook. His eyes were filled with anger and hate. Knuckle was glaring at Franco.

"Wonderful reactions! I can't wait for the attack!" cheered Franco as his guardians snickered. "Let me finish! My second reason is that I want all of you to feel my wrath after I get the pacifiers. Yes…this will be fun!" laughed Franco coldly.

Giotto's thoughts flashed to his son, Tsuna who was showing a smiling face. Giotto clenched his fist again and stopped himself from losing his temper. Deep inside, he was hoping and hoping that Tsuna would be safe.


"And that is all," finished Reborn as Tsuna nodded. His thoughts were in turmoil. "Reborn, if I want to destroy this thing, what should I do?" asked Tsuna as Reborn looked solemnly at him. Even so, his eyes flashed a glint of mischief. "Time will come and I will tell you, Tsuna," said Reborn as he pulled down his fedora. Tsuna gulped.

"Oh? Leon is okay already!" cheered Reborn as his pet chameleon sat calmly on his hat. Reborn took Leon and put him on his palm. "Tsuna! I will present this to you. It will be the greatest weapon you will ever have," said Reborn. Tsuna looked at him. Leon spat something out. "Here!" said Reborn as he threw a pair of mittens to Tsuna. "Mittens? How are these helpful?" asked Tsuna as he examined the soft pair of mittens with the number 27 on them. Reborn smirked.

"You'll see…Now if you'll excuse me, I am hungry," said Reborn as he walked out. Tsuna sighed.

Hibari Kyoya was leaning against a wall. He had just sparred with Mukuro and was feeling rather happy with himself. Footsteps approached him and he looked up. He saw Reborn approach him. "Oh, baby. Did you want something?" asked Kyoya as Reborn smiled at him. "Kyoya! I have something I need you to do…" said Reborn as he whispered into Kyoya's ear. Kyoya grinned, his eyes filled with excitement. "Alright. As you said…" said Kyoya. He walked away.


"BOSS!" We have reached Vongola Mansion!" whispered a man. Corvino nodded. He was looking through the camera and was smiling to himself. Giotto felt his gut twisting. "Alright then, attack and kill anyone in sight!" ordered Franco as his men nodded.

This was going to be interesting.

Chapter 14: Attack On The Vongola Household, Part 1

"GAHHHHH! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?" yelled Tsuna as he pointed his finger at Reborn. It was currently 1o'clock in the afternoon. Reborn smiled innocently at him. He was covered with insects. "These are my subordinates. They are telling me what's going on," replied Reborn as Tsuna sweatdropped.

"Tsuna. They just told me that something is going to happen soon so I expect all of you to get ready," said Reborn as the insects flew away. "H-Happen? What's going to happen?" asked Tsuna as he looked around. Everything was calm. "Tonight, I want everyone to be wide awake. It's going to be one heck of a long night," said Reborn as he walked out calmly.

Deep down, Tsuna felt like Reborn was telling the truth and he gulped.


Giotto was pacing around nervously. He and his guardians were alone. Franco Corvino and his guardians had walked out saying that they would return when the sun went down as that would be the time they attack Vongola Mansion. Giotto looked at his guardians and would have sweatdropped if the situation wasn't so serious.

Daemon was emitting a terrible aura. His eyes flashed dangerously and he looked like he was ready to slaughter anyone. For once, he and Alaude were doing the same thing as Alaude went back to the corner and sat quietly but his eyes were filled with desire to kill. Knuckle was closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. Asari who was normally very happy-go-lucky was now showing deep concern and anger on his face. G was yelling at Lampo for no reason.

Time passed by very slowly. Giotto could only think of Tsuna and was hoping that he would somehow survive miraculously. He clenched his fist. When the sun finally went down, Franco and co appeared. He smirked at Giotto.

"Why so serious, Primo? Just enjoy the show!" chuckled Franco as one of his guardians switched on the nearby television. "Ah…I'm getting excited already. Bice! Please communicate the team. It's about time," said Franco as the girl nodded and got the things ready.

"Corvino…I swear…if I ever get out…I will rip your intestines slowly…" snarled Daemon as he glared at Franco with hate. Franco laughed. "Keep calm, Daemon…You might enjoy the show, especially when they find your kids…" said Franco as Daemon's hand shook.

The television came to life. Giotto and his guardians saw their house. "Are you all ready?" asked Franco as his men nodded. The moon had already risen. Giotto saw the lights go off in the mansion and immediately feared the worst.

"Go and eliminate everyone then…" said Franco as his men nodded and went to their positions. The fight was about to begin.


Baldo was the captain in charge of the mission. He had accepted it with pride, thinking it would be simple and fun. When the sun was still shining, he made his plans carefully. He was happy when Franco finally gave the orders to attack.

He ordered his men to make a hole in the wall as silently as they could. When that was done, they snuck in quietly and went to the living room. It was pitch black. He whispered to his men to get into position and divided them into equal groups. 7 groups were dispatched. Each one of them had a mission of eliminating a child.

Baldo's group was in charge of getting rid of the Cloud Guardian's child. He looked at his map and headed to the direction with 6 men following him. As he walked, he saw a door that was opened. This door was different from the rest as it was made of metal. Curious, he approached in cautiously and went in.

Alaude watched, his eyes looking dead. Even so, his heart was beating faster than usual. He saw the men approach the room with the metal door. He frowned. Was that door there before? As he was head in security for the Vongola Family, he was positively a 100% sure it was not there before. He looked at Primo and saw that he too was thinking the same.

The men entered the room with caution. It was pitch black and Baldo saw the light switch at the far end corner. Without putting much thought to it, he and his men entered. When the last person had entered, the door slammed shut. Baldo whipped around.

"OPEN IT!" yelled Baldo as he heard his men kicking and banging against the door. "It's no use, sir! It's sealed tight!" replied his men. "Shoot! What's going on?" muttered Baldo as he looked around. He froze. Footsteps were approaching him. He looked around for the switch. Finding it, he turned it on and he saw a person standing in the shadows.

"The baby was right…You idiots really did come…" said the person. Baldo gulped and pointed his gun at him. "Come out! I know who you are!" yelled Baldo as his men raised their guns. Their target yawned and walked out slowly.

Hibari Kyoya looked at his 'prey'. "Oh? You already know me? Then that saves my problem of needless introduction…" said Kyoya as he smiled coldly. His was emitting an aura that lusted to kill. Baldo's felt a cold shiver run down his spine. He really did look like Alaude. Kyoya walked forward slowly.

"STOP! OR O'LL KILL YOU!" yelled Baldo again. Kyoya stopped walking and looked up. "That would be a shame now wouldn't it?" said Kyoya as he looked at his enemies with cold, dead eyes. "After all, you all will be one less…" whispered Kyoya. "SHUT UP! WE WERE SENT HERE TO KILL YOU!" yelled Baldo again. Kyoya smiled coldly at him again.

Alaude was looking at his son. He was puzzled. What did he mean by one less? Franco was already yelling at his men. "GET HIM! HIS RIGHT THERE! GO ON! SHOOT HIM!" yelled Franco. His guardians looked impatient. Alaude had the urge to tear Franco's head apart. If they put at least one scratch on his son, he would kill them without mercy.

"KILL HIM! HE'S RIGHT THERE! GO ON!" yelled Franco's voice into Baldo's ear. "Y-YES BOSS!" yelled Baldo as he aimed his gun. "Orders from the boss? Only weaklings do that. I only need one of my tonfa's to bite all of you to death!" mused Kyoya. A vein snapped in Baldo's head and he fired. His men did the same thing.

Kyoya kept his word. He attacked with only one tonfa. He agilely dodged the bullets that were aiming at him and charged forward. In a flash, he disappeared to the back and swung his tonfa, instantly defeating half of the men. Kyoya was now on a killing spree. To him, this was nothing to what he and Tsuna had gone through in the streets.

Kyoya swung his tonfa again, making contact with his prey. He heard the screams and groans from the people he had just bitten to death. His tonfa was stained with blood. He looked around and saw Baldo staring at him with wide eyes. His hands were shaking. "M-M-Monster!" whispered Baldo as Kyoya swung his tonfa again. Blood from his previous prey splattered onto the floor.

"Only one left? That wasn't fun…" said Kyoya as he looked coldly at Baldo. He raised his tonfa and brought it down. A scream filled the room and then silence. Baldo was knocked out cold, his head oozing out fresh blood. Kyoya went to him and looked at the camera, his eyes as cold as steel.

"Alaude…what have you been teaching Kyoya?" asked Primo as he stared in disbelief at the scene. Kyoya had just taken down everyone in the room. With great agility and skill, he had somehow managed to dodge the bullets. Alaude felt proud of his son and felt even prouder when he saw the other guardians looking at the scene with disbelief. He was secretly pleased that Franco was not looking very happy. His heart let out a sigh of relief. He had taught Kyoya well.

Franco looked at the camera, a cold shiver going down his spine. The boy was looking at him with such cold eyes. The boy raised his weapon and destroyed the camera, leaving the television to become all fuzzy. "Turn to someone elses camera now!" yelled Franco as Bice nodded and made contact with another team.

From the camera, they saw a girl running. Daemon's guts twisted and he snarled. They were now aiming at Chrome.

Kyoya looked at the destroyed camera and walked out. He ran, hoping that his other siblings (except Mukuro) were alright.

Chrome was running. It was almost 9 o'clock and she was looking for her brother. Mukuro had somehow disappeared and she was beginning to worry. As she ran, she heard screams and stopped cold. She suddenly had a feeling she was being watched and slowly turned around. To her shock and horror, she saw a group of men coming from her behind.

Chrome gathered all her energy and ran. She ran to her room, her pursuers chasing her. Chrome was not running to hide, no. She was running to get her trident, the one that Mukuro had gotten for her a few days ago. She ran in and pulled out her trident, her hand shaking.

Chrome loved her new family with all her heart. She had promised herself she would try and do something if her family was in danger. This was her chance. She calmed herself and ran out to meet the enemies. "I won't run. I will fight and I will stand up on my own two feet," said Chrome as she slowly approached the enemies. They snickered and pointed their guns at her.

Daemon was looking at Chrome with surprise and worry. His little girl was wielding a weapon and was looking at the men with resolution in her eyes. Franco was looking at her with interest. "You've got a brave girl, Daemon. Too bad, she'll be gone soon…" said Franco with a smile. Daemon was too busy looking at the camera to care.

The men attacked. Chrome backed away and looked at the pacifier in the pocket. It gave off a dim shine and she closed her eyes. She brought up her weapon and hit the ground. Flames shot up, burning some of the enemies in the process. The men yelled in pain and started shooting. Chrome narrowly dodged the bullet and moved forward. She raised her weapon and summoned a mist. Sneakily, she crept up behind the men and injured them, not kill. They shrieked with pain.

Chrome panted. She was feeling rather tired. She looked around and panic started to rise. She had only taken out 3 of the men and still had 7 left. She coughed and ran. Unfortunately for her, she tripped and fell. The men were already catching up with her, some injure. They were cursing at her. Chrome raised her weapon to defend herself and closed her eyes, expecting to feel pain.

"Kufufu…you did well, Nagi…" said a very familiar voice. Chrome looked up and saw Mukuro standing in front of her. She sighed. "B-Brother…I'm glad…" whispered Chrome as she fainted, giving in to her fatigue. Mukuro smiled gently at his sister and turned to the enemies.

Daemon felt his heart beat very fast. He saw Chrome pant and run. He knew she was tired, not that he blamed her. She had just created first-class illusions. He saw her fall and almost ripped his hair for that. The men were approaching her and he saw her lift her weapon up. His heart was beating like a railway train. Thankfully, Mukuro appeared at the right moment. Daemon sighed in relief.

"Kufufu…if you harm my sister, I will kill you…" said Mukuro eerily as he ripped off his eye patch. He opened his eye, showing the kanji 'six' on his eye. The enemies backed away, their weapons raised. Mukuro summoned his weapon and walked forward slowly. "Kufufu…let me show you what the underworld looks like…" laughed Mukuro as the men gulped. Mist was starting to form.

Mukuro changed his eye to the kanji 'one', and immediately, everything went pitch black. The men felt themselves floating. "W-What is this sorcery?" asked a man as he tried to move. "Kufufu…Welcome to my world, where reality is fantasy and fantasy is reality. Let's have fun…" said Mukuro coldly. He twirled his trident and brought it down hard. In an instance, the ground turned to fire.

The men were feeling very frightened now. They felt the heat radiate from the flames. Even though they knew it was merely an illusion, they were terrified. "GAHHH!" screamed a man as snakes coiled around his legs. A cobra was snarling at him now. Mukuro merely laughed.

He twirled his trident again and this time, everything froze. The men couldn't move. They too were frozen into sculptures. Mukuro approached them slowly. He changed his eye to the kanji 'four' and Mist Flames surrounded it. "Kufufu…now this is where it gets interesting…" said Mukuro as he charged. As the fourth realm increased his combat ability, he charged at the men with great speed and stabbed them in the back.

In an instance, the illusions disappeared. The men fell to the ground, blood flowing out of their wounds. Mukuro looked coldly at them. "H-H-How did you?" whispered a man. Mukuro chuckled. "That's a secret…but I will say this, my sister helped awaken it…" replied Mukuro as he picked Chrome up and walked away.

Franco was looking in shock. He hardly noticed Daemon looking rather pleased with his children. He stared at the picture of Mukuro. He looked at Fonz who was looking rather angry as he too was an illusionist but he had never seen anything like this. A dark aura surrounded him. With shaking hands, Franco switched to the next camera. He had underestimated Primo's kids.

Daemon was feeling relieved. Yes, he was surprised to see Mukuro's eye but what was important was the fact that his children were safe. He felt like a huge weight had been lifted from him. Primo smiled at his Mist Guardian. He was glad their children were safe but what about the rest? Would they be as lucky as Kyoya and Mukuro? He looked at the rest of the guardians and saw that they too had the same thought.

Franco laughed, making Primo jump. "I see…If that's the case, I'll have to send someone stronger. ALDO! Ask Dafne to send in the Squad A!" yelled Franco as Aldo nodded and ran out. Primo had a terrible feeling. He continued to look at the camera.

Reborn was smiling. He and Tsuna were waiting in his room. Even though they had heard screams, Reborn told Tsuna to wait in the room, something Tsuna did with a grudging heart. Tsuna was now pacing around in the room.

"Tsuna, sit down! They'll be fine! Now, just be patient and then you all will be able to escape," said Reborn as he sipped his coffee calmly. "B-But Reborn, sir! They could be gravely injured or, or d-d-d-dead…" muttered Tsuna as he looked at Reborn worriedly. Reborn sighed.

"Tsuna. If you have such terrible thoughts, this means you don't trust your siblings at all!" said Reborn as the thought struck Tsuna. "Your siblings are strong! That's why the pacifiers chose them! It's the same for you!" said Reborn as Tsuna nodded.

An insect flew into the room and landed on Reborn. He frowned. "Uh-oh. That didn't sound good…" muttered Reborn as he got up. Tsuna stared at him. "W-what isn't?" asked Tsuna. "They've sent their best teams to help," replied Reborn as he opened Tsuna's door and looked out cautiously. "You could all die," continued Reborn as Tsuna sweat dropped.

"I have a plan! Tsuna, follow me!' said Reborn as he and Tsuna ran out of the room. Reborn jumped onto Tsuna's shoulder. "I think…it's time to show Corvino Luche's gift…" said Reborn mischievously. As they rounded a corner, enemies approached them.

Giotto felt his heart stop. He had just seen his son and an Arcobaleno on his shoulder. Franco was yelling at his men. "THAT BABY! GET THAT BABY! KILL THE BOY!" yelled Franco as his men nodded. "NO!" yelled Giotto. Franco smiled evilly at him. "Say goodbye, Primo," said Franco as Giotto closed his eyes and hoped for a miracle.

Luckily for him, it happened.

Reborn smirked and kicked the unsuspecting men in the face. "OKAY TSUNA! NOW RUN!" yelled Reborn as Tsuna made a dash. "GET THEM YOU FOOLS!" yelled Franco through an earpiece.

Tsuna ran and ran. "Turn in, Tsuna! It's time to hide again!" yelled Reborn as Tsuna ran into a nearby room. Tsuna shut the door and panted. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"yelled Tsuna, turning to Reborn who smiled cutely. "I just wanted you to feel how the situation was!" replied Reborn as Tsuna sighed.

From a distance, he could hear Hayato and the rest fighting.

Chapter 15: Attack On The Vongola Household, Part 2

Gokudera Hayato looked at the instrument in front of him and felt a deep feeling of loneliness. The moonlight shone through the transparent windows. Reborn had just told him to attack those enemies who had infiltrated the mansion in that room. Hayato was at first reluctant to do so as he had to come face to face with the object he had been avoiding for a long time.

"Do it for Tsuna, Hayato. Because if he dies, we lose everything," said Reborn as he smiled and walked away. Hayato then agreed full heartedly to do as he was told. He quietly planted his dynamite in the door frame and waited patiently in the room. He then walked over to the piano.

"Hayato. These fingers were made to play beautiful songs," said Lavina, Hayato's mother. Hayato looked up at his mother, his eyes shining. "Play? Play what?" asked Hayato as his mother smiled and carried him to a room. She opened the door gentle and set him down on a nearby chair. She then proceeded to the piano and started playing.

Hayato looked in shock. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. His mother played with such grace. Tears were actually forming in his eyes. When she was done, he clapped and she laughed. "Are you willing to try, Hayato?" asked Lavina as she held out her hand. Hayato nodded eagerly and ran to her.

Hayato now looked at the piano, his tears starting to form. He hastily wiped them away and sat down on the chair. He opened the lid and placed his hands on the keys. It had been years since he last played the piano. The last song he played was with his mother. He could still remember the proud look in his mother's eyes as he played it well.

Now, he closed his eyes and started playing, his heart feeling a pang of sadness. Memories of his mother started flowing into his head. The music echoed throughout the whole room. He heard the door open but continued his playing.

G was looking anxiously at the scene. He saw the men approaching the music room quietly. He heard music coming out of the room, one filled with sadness and sorrow. He looked in surprise. Who was it that was producing such good music? Even Primo looked surprise and impressed. The men now stood around the door with caution.

"On the count of three, open the door, you got that?" said Franco as the men nodded. "One, two, three! Open it!" yelled Franco as the door slammed open. They raised their guns at the boy at the piano. The boy didn't look. G's eyes were now wide open. He had never known that Hayato was talented in music.

Hayato stopped playing and looked around. The men at the door were just standing there, as if they were expecting Hayato to come to them. Their guns were raised. "COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP AND WE MAY SPARE YOUR LIFE!" yelled the first man. Hayato snorted. He looked quickly at the dynamite on top of the door frame. One small step and all of them would be blown up.

"Yeah right. I'm not stupid. I know what all of you want," said Hayato as he glared at the men. They gulped. How did this boy know they were going to kill him? Hayato looked at the men, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"YOU'RE ALL HERE TO KILL TSUNA AREN'T YOU? IF WHAT THAT BABY SAID WAS TRUE, I'LL KILL YOU!" yelled Hayato as he whipped out his dynamite. The men sweatdropped. Who was Tsuna anyways? Before they had a chance to say anything else, Hayato backed away and threw a dynamite stick. All of them dodged, waiting for the explosion. It never came. Hayato had thrown it above them. They laughed.

"Stupid! Are you that bad in throwing?" sneered the man. Hayato looked at him and pointed up. The man looked up but it was too late, the door frame exploded, heavily injuring all of the men. When the smoke had cleared, Hayato walked towards the men. "Who's the stupid one now? I planted that bomb there and waited for the right moment to ignite it. I'll spare you this time but if you ever dare harm Tsuna, I will make sure you'll be gone," threatened Hayato before running out.

G was impressed. The last thing he had seen was Hayato pointing up and then an explosion. After that, everything went out. He guessed that Hayato had just taken down some of the enemy. He smirked at Franco's furious face. When all of this was over, G made a mental note to force Hayato to take some piano lessons. That brat. He had told G he didn't know what a piano was. He looked around and saw Giotto smiling at him.

The scene changed and now, they saw 3 men sneaking towards a door.

"It's locked," said Wilbert. He was now turning the handle to an unknown room. "Why don't we blow it down?" suggested his comrade. He nodded and pulled out a bomb. Just as he was about to pull the trigger and run, he heard footsteps from behind. Wilbert whipped around and saw a boy with a bamboo sword approaching him. He had messy black hair and had an idiotic air around him.

"Oh? I didn't know Dad had guest!" said Yamamoto Takeshi as he grinned. The 3 intruders raised their guns. "Stop right there! If you take one step, we'll shoot!" yelled Wilbert as he steadied his gun. The boy looked at him in surprise. He then looked behind. "Were you talking to me?" asked Takeshi as Wilbert sweatdropped. This kid was an idiot.

"We were given orders to eliminate the Vongola kids! After we are done with you, we'll go after the rest!" said another one of the men. Takeshi frowned. His usual cheery air disappeared. "Kill the rest?" whispered Takeshi as he felt for his sword. "In that case, I can't let you pass," said Takeshi coldly as he pulled the bamboo sword.

Wilbert almost laughed. What could a bamboo sword do? He and his men fired. Much to his great surprise, the boy was quick. He dodged and moved his sword. Wilbert looked at him in confusion. What was he doing? Wilbert stopped firing and looked at the boy. He was surprised. He saw sliced bullets on the floor.

"H-hey. H-How did you-?" started Wilbert but was cut short. He found his answer. The boy was no longer holding a bamboo sword. He was now holding a genuine katana that glinted in the faint light. Takeshi looked at him with cold eyes.

"Asari, when did you give Takeshi a katana?" asked Giotto looking surprised. Asari had never told him Takeshi had such a sword. Asari looked at him in confusion. "It wasn't me who gave him that. I always gave him a wooden sword when I thought him. It seems like he knew more," laughed Asari making Giotto sigh. As to be expected of Asari. Giotto looked at Takeshi. He really was like Asari. He was having the same face Asari would have if he was angry.

Asari looked at Takeshi with uneasiness. Why didn't Takeshi tell him that he actually knew how to handle a real sword? He watched as Takeshi charged forward. In a few minutes, he would get his answer.

Takeshi ran forward. The men fired again. Takeshi looked around and saw a tap nearby. He had no idea why it was there but he had no time to put much thought into it. He sliced it with his katana, allowing water to flood the area. He then put his sword into position. 'Sakamaku Ame!' thought Takeshi as he created multiple waves around him and crouched. The bullets were then repelled. Takeshi smiled. "Thank you, old man," whispered Takeshi as he got up.

"W-What was t-that?" gasped Wilbert as he saw the wave surround the boy as a protective shield. When they calmed down, he saw the boy stand up, his sword in position.

Takeshi looked at the enemy and began planning his attack. He used the water on the floor and disappeared into it. With great speed, he appeared again behind the men and swung his sword, injuring all of them at once. They screamed in pain and dropped onto the floor.

Takeshi looked at his opponent and kept his sword. He carried Wilbert and sat him into a better sitting position. "This will help slow the bleeding," said Takeshi as moved all of the men. Wilbert looked at him in surprise. "W-what's w-wrong with you? K-kill us a-already," panted Wilbert. Takeshi grinned at him. "Nah, I have no reason to do so. It's not my job to end lives!" replied Takeshi as Wilbert stared at him with wide eyes.

"My old man and my dad now both taught me the same thing. They said to never take another's life with the sword. The sword is a beautiful weapon. It's the owner that taints it. That's what they always say," said Takeshi as he smiled cheerfully.

Asari smiled at those words. He remembered telling Takeshi that once or twice. Who knew that his other dad also said the same thing. G snorted. Daemon sighed. Asari looked and saw Eldio looking at Takeshi with interest in his eyes. He frowned. At that moment, he heard someone yelling and turned his attention back to the screen.

"OIIII IDIOT! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" yelled Hayato as he arrived at the scene. He took one look at the enemies and growled. He whipped out his dynamite. "I'll blow all of you into tomorrow!" yelled Hayato as he lit up his dynamite. "Now, now, Hayato! Let them be! They are all hurt anyways!" said Takeshi. Hayato snorted but kept his weapons.

"Cheh! You're too soft, idiot. But putting that aside, it's time to find that Turf-top and that annoying cow-" said Hayato before he was interrupted by a loud "EXTREME RUNNING!" Hayato looked around and sweatdropped. Ryohei was running at top speed with Lambo holding on for dear life. Behind him, were some men yelling and firing. It was a miracle that he was still alive.

"IDIOT! STOP RUNNING!" yelled Hayato as he threw his dynamite at the enemies that were pursuing Ryohei. A loud sound of clanging and screaming made him turn around. Kyoya had magically appeared and was now biting people to death. Even so, Hayato saw that Ryohei had attracted too much attention. They were now surrounded by enemies. "Heh. This will be fun," said Hayato as he pulled out more dynamite. Takeshi pulled his sword out again and attacked. Ryohei had finally stopped running and was now punching people.

Lambo was scared. He was sleeping soundly when Ryohei burst in and grabbed him. In the midst of confusion, Lambo had unknowingly grabbed his horns and was hanging tightly onto Ryohei who was running around like a headless chicken. He saw a bullet whiz by him. Looking around, his eyes almost popped out when he saw people shooting at him.

When Ryohei had finally stopped, Lambo was thrown off his shoulder and landed on the floor. His eyes were becoming watery. "Gotto…be…calm…" gulped Lambo. He looked up and saw unknown people surrounding him. They were looking at him with evil looks. "GAH! LAMBO! DARN IT!" yelled Ryohei as he tried his hardest to help Lambo.

"Lambo…isn't going…*gulp* to cry," said Lambo as his eyes watered. The men laughed and pointed a gun at Lambo. Lambo snapped. "GAHHHHHH! LAMBO IS SCARED!" screamed Lambo as he cried. Unknown to him, his horns were starting to emit lightning. In a few seconds, Lambo was emitting large amounts of electricity. "GAHHHHH! LAMBO IS SCARED! GO AWAY!" screamed Lambo as the men screamed in pain. They were unfortunately trapped. Hayato sweat dropped. Who knew the annoying cow could be so helpful.

Lampo whistled. He didn't know that Lambo had a great potential as a Lightning rod. Knuckle was cheering on Ryohei. G and Asari were looking intently at the screen. Even Alaude who had lost interest after Kyoya's fight was now watching. Daemon was looking for Mukuro and Chrome. Giotto was hoping Tsuna was alright. Franco was cursing.

"Kufufu…this looks like fun…" said an eerie voice. Everyone whipped around and saw Mukuro holding Chrome. He gently lay her down and pulled out his trident. "Let me join…" mused Mukuro as he opened his eye, sending chills down everyone's spine. Kyoya glared at him and emitted a dark aura. He swung his weapons, spraying blood everywhere.

Tsuna peeked out the door. He heard people fighting downstairs and he crept out with Reborn sitting comfortably on his shoulder. He was about to head downstairs when he heard a loud crash behind him. He turned and too his horror, he saw a man crash through the window. Reborn frowned. This man was very muscular. He looked as though he had gone through severe training. He was not as easy as the ones before. This was bad.

Tsuna backed away, his eyes wide with fear. The new intruders looked at him and snickered. They pulled out their guns. Reborn took Leon and transformed him into a chameleon. "Tsuna! Wear those mittens. You may need them!" said Reborn as he jumped from Tsuna's shoulder. Tsuna nodded and put on his mittens with shaky hands.

"Hey, kid. You're Primo's kid aren't you?" said the man. Tsuna nodded. The man laughed. "Well then, get ready to die," whispered the man. He then looked at Reborn. "I have orders to capture you so follow me if you wish to avoid a scene," said the man. Reborn smirked and raised his gun. "Say that again and I'll blow out your brains," said Reborn with a dark aura surrounding him. The man stepped back.

"Aren't you a feisty Arcobaleno…" said the man with a frown. "Do you think that will scare me? I've killed tons of people and it was I who set the trap that caught Primo and his guardians. I was also the one who attacked Sawada Iemitsu and his wife. It's a shame he didn't tell me where the Sky Pacifier was," boasted the man. Reborn looked at Tsuna whose eyes were wide open. Reborn sighed.

"It was I who killed Sawada Iemitsu and his wife." The words echoed in Tsuna's head. His eyes were wide with shock. He sat still, his brain absorbing that information. "Captured Primo and his guardians." Those words also replayed in his head. They had caught his Papa. Tsuna felt rage build up in him. His anger, hatred and sorrow increased. He didn't know what was happening. Orange flames were being emitted from him.

The man stopped talking. He felt power being emitted from behind him and turned around. He s orange flames surrounding Tsuna. "It was you…You killed my parents," whispered Tsuna standing up. The flames disappeared leaving a flame on his head. He clenched his fist, his mittens turned into gloves. Reborn smiled.

Giotto stared at Tsuna with his mouth wide open. Just a few minutes ago, Tsuna was shaking with fear. So Sawada Iemitsu was his father. He watched as flames surrounded him and his mittens transforming into gloves that looked like his. Giotto's guardians were also surprised.

"Primo…you…you taught Tsuna all this?" asked Asari. Giotto shook his head. "Then who?" asked Knuckle. Giotto shrugged. "My, my…his not your kid, Primo?" asked Franco turning around. Giotto shook his head for the second time. "Interesting…I wonder…" said Franco as he continued to watch with interested eyes, eyes that made Giotto worry.

Tsuna looked up with tears in his eyes. His usually brown eyes had become orange and it was filled with rage. The man backed away with fear. He fumbled with his weapon and aimed at Tsuna. Tsuna looked at him and disappeared. In an instance, he was behind him. Reborn was looking very pleased.

Tsuna grabbed his weapon and burnt it with his flames. His gloves were now emitting orange flames. Tsuna punched the man in the back. He screamed in pain. As he was hit with Sky flames, he flew quite a distance. "F-forgive me, w-we didn't know t-they were y-your parents!" yelled them man as Tsuna approached him, his eyes as cold as steel.

"It doesn't matter whether you knew that or not. You still killed them!" replied Tsuna. He looked at the man with hate. The orange eyes met the black eyes that were filled with fear. "P-Please s-s-spare my life!" whispered the man as his eyes pleaded with Tsuna. "Tsuna. What's your decision?" asked Reborn who had his arms crossed.

Tsuna looked at the pleading eyes. His parents must have had those eyes when they were brutally killed by this monster. Thinking about his parents made Tsuna's rage increase. He lifted his fist and brought it down with all his strength. The man closed his eyes.

After a few minutes, the man opened his eyes again. He was expecting pain but it never came. He heard a loud crash and looked beside him. Tsuna had punched the wall instead, creating a large hole in it. "I won't take your life. There's no point if I do. Leave this house. And if Papa and my uncles are harmed, I will kill you," said Tsuna as he looked at the man in the eye. The man nodded shakily.

Reborn smiled. "Tsuna! Let's go downstairs. I think your siblings might need some help," said Reborn as Tsuna nodded calmly. Reborn jumped onto Tsuna's shoulder again. "Tsuna, try flying. Just use your flames as a booster. It's a much easier and faster way," said Reborn as Tsuna nodded again.

Giotto watched his son with pride. He was glad Tsuna had decided to spare the man's life. He was impressed with the way Tsuna had used his flames. Relief flooded into him. At least Tsuna wasn't dead.

"IDIOT! RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" yelled Hayato as he threw another dynamite stick at the enemies in front of him. Takeshi turned around in time and took out the man. He grinned sheepishly at Hayato. "THANKS!" yelled Takeshi as he disappeared. Hayato scowled. He heard a noise and looked up. Much to his surprise, he saw Tsuna flying down.

Tsuna landed and started taking out enemies. Reborn was randomly shooting. "TSUNA! I'M GLAD YOUR SAFE!" yelled Hayato as he made his way to Tsuna. Tsuna smiled. Turning around, he took out another few men. He looked around and saw Kyoya going wild. Mukuro looked like he was enjoying himself. Lambo was still emitting lightning while he cried. Ryohei was being very enthusiastic. Takeshi was swinging his sword like a mad man.

In a few minutes, they defeated all of the enemies. Tsuna sighed in relief as his dying will flame extinguished. His gloves changed into mittens again. "Phew….I'm glad that's over…" sighed Takeshi as he panted. Kyoya was wiping blood out of his tonfa. Chrome was waking up. Mukuro immediately went to her side. "I'm tired…" said Tsuna as he sat on the floor. Reborn frowned.

"It's not time to say that now, Tsuna," said Reborn. "I think back up will be here any minute now," continued Reborn as Tsuna sighed in exasperation. "Let's just wait outside," said Reborn as everyone nodded . Just as they stepped out of the house and had taken approximately20 steps, they were surrounded. Tsuna and his brothers stood back to back with their weapons raised. The new intruders raised their guns.

Fear crept back into Giotto and his guardians. They saw their kids being surrounded. Giotto was especially worried about Tsuna as he looked exhausted. Franco was yelling orders to his men. Giotto closed his eyes and hoped for another miracle. His guardians were doing the same.

Reborn smirked. "Corvino, if you can hear me, I have something important to tell you," said Reborn. One of the men held up his earpiece. "Arcobaleno…a pleasure to meet you. Would you kindly allow me to kill these kids? Then, please follow my men as I have a lot of things to draw out, I mean ask you," said Franco. Reborn looked at the camera and smiled innocently.

"I know what you want, Corvino. If you kill these kids, you'll regret it," said Reborn as he jumped back onto Tsuna's shoulder. Franco snorted. "Why would I? I can't wait to see the faces of Primo and his guardians when their beloved children die," said Franco. Tsuna gulped. Hayato and Takesho frowned at the same time. Kyoya was itching to kill. Mukuro was smiling eerily. Chrome hid behind her brother. Ryohei and Lambo were looking at their surroundings.

Reborn sighed. "Tsuna, show them. Show them what was give to you that day," whispered Reborn as Tsuna looked at Reborn as though he was mad. "Show them? We're supposed to hide them," replied Tsuna as Reborn glared at him. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing," said Reborn before looking away. Tsuna shrugged and reached for his neck. He tugged the necklace and held it in his palm.

Tsuna closed his eyes and his pacifier began to shine. The protective shield around it broke, revealing the Sky Pacifier. "I'm sorry, Papa…" whispered Tsuna. Franco gasped loudly. "That's…that's…that's….that's…"repeated Franco as Reborn winked at Mukuro who nodded and pulled out his trident.

"OKAY PEOPLE! WE'RE ESCAPING TO THE FOREST! START RUNNING NOW!" yelled Reborn as Tsuna and his brothers took off for the nearby forest. "GET THEM YOU FOOLS! GET THE BOY! GET THE BOY!" yelled Franco as his men started to give chase.

Mukuro stood in front of the enemies and twirled his trident. He slammed in onto the floor and as he did, holes started to appear. The holes started bubbling and started shooting out flames. Mukuro then created more to slow down the enemies who screamed in terror. "Kufufu…Let's go Chrome," said Mukuro as his sister nodded and ran.

Giotto was stunned beyond words. Why didn't Tsuna tell him? He had just seen Tsuna pull out the Sky Arcobaleno and making it shine. Franco's eyes bulged, his mouth gaping stupidly. He was muttering to himself. He was taken by surprise when they suddenly ran and yelled at his men but no matter how fast they ran, they were stopped by the illusionist.

Franco slammed the table. That boy. He needed that boy. "GET HIM!" yelled Franco turning to his guardians. They nodded and rushed for the door. "Primo…it's my lucky day. Your son is the answer to all my problems. I don't think I will kill him anymore but instead, you will witness him awakening my dream!" laughed Franco.

Giotto sat down on the floor, his eyes wide. He had hardly heard Franco. 'Why Tsuna, why? Why didn't you tell me?' thought Giotto. 'No, that doesn't matter. Please Tsuna, please. Please be safe!" thought Giotto as he closed his eyes.

Chapter 16: The Forest

"I think we lost them," panted Tsuna as he slumped to the ground. Reborn looked around and saw nothing but greenery. "Mukuro, cast an illusion around us," said Reborn as Mukuro nodded and slammed his trident to the ground. Reborn smiled. "This should keep us safe for a week or so," said Reborn as he jumped off Tsuna's shoulder and stretched. Hayato and the rest sat tiredly on the floor.

"Well, that was fun," sighed Takeshi happily as he lay on the ground and looked up. "You idiot! We could have died!" growled Hayato as he raised his fist at Takeshi who merely laughed. Ryohei and Lambo were already snoring. Kyoya was sitting as far as he could from the group. Chrome was hiding behind her brother. Tsuna sighed and closed his eyes.

That night, all of them sat around the fireplace that Mukuro made. After dinner, which consisted of a few miserable pieces of fish and some mushrooms, Reborn asked Mukuro to collect more firewood but insisted that Chrome stay behind. When Mukuro left, Reborn looked seriously at the kids.

"Everyone, it's time all of you know why you were given those pacifiers," said Reborn. Everyone looked at him, their eyes filled with curiosity. Even Kyoya walked in closer. Tsuna got up and walked away. He had heard this story before and didn't wish to listen to it again. Reborn watched Tsuna leave before he started.

Tsuna walked to the nearby river and sat on a rock. He watched the water flow while his mind thought. He took out his pacifier and looked at it. His father's words echoed in his mind. Tears flowed down his cheek. He had suddenly remembered what Reborn had told him while they were still at the mansion regarding the curse that all of them bore.


"Tsuna. I must tell you something about the pacifier…" said Reborn seriously as he looked solemnly at Tsuna. Tsuna smiled at him with a questioning look in his brown eyes. "What is it, Reborn sir?" asked Tsuna. Reborn looked out the window for a few minutes before looking at Tsuna.

"It's about that curse,,, You and your siblings have it," said Reborn as Tsuna looked at him with confusion. "You and your siblings bear the curse that Corvino put with the pacifier years ago," sighed Reborn as Leon changed into a pear.

"C-Curse? W-what curse?" asked Tsuna looking worried. "Luche opposed it of course. She was very unhappy when she found out but it was too late. Corvino had already done it," said Reborn sadly as he held a candle. Tsuna gulped. "W-what did Corvino do?" asked Tsuna.

"He made it so that the families of the holders will die eventually," said Reborn as Tsuna's eyes widened. "It was all made so that the holders themselves will feel so depressed they will eventually kill themselves. This was to ensure the holders will never unleash the power of the Corvino," continued Reborn. Tsuna slumped to the ground, his hands shaking. Images of his parents flashed into his head.

"Tsuna. You have no reason to complain. After all, you met all your siblings and your new family. Remember that," said Reborn as Leon changed into a chair.


Tsuna sighed and looked at the moon. "Papa, what do I do now?" asked Tsuna as he clutched the pacifier. As he did, it started glowing brightly. Tsuna dropped it in surprise, accidentally letting it fall into the stream. The current carried it away.

"No! W-wait!" yelled Tsuna as he stepped into the stream. He shivered. The water was icy cold. Tsuna looked around. The pacifier was now stuck to a branch. Tsuna waded towards the pacifier. The water was now reaching his waist and he had just remembered something: he couldn't swim.

Tsuna stretched his hand and tried to grab the pacifier. 'Just a little bit more…' thought Tsuna as he stretched further. The current was now becoming faster. Stretching as far as he could, he finally grabbed the pacifier but then, disaster struck. The branch to which Tsuna was clinging onto broke.

"AHHHHH!" yelled Tsuna as he submerged underwater. He was now being carried by the strong current. His pacifier was glowing very brightly. If it wasn't for the fact that he was drowning, Tsuna would have been amazed. Tsuna held his breath as long as he could but failed. He closed his eyes.

At that moment, the pacifier gave a burst of light and in an instance, Tsuna was surrounded by Sky Flames. The flames were covering him protectively from the water. It was like an underwater shield. Tsuna opened his eyes and gasped. He coughed out the water and sat up. "W-Whoa…" whispered Tsuna as he looked around. He held his pacifier which was now emitting dying will flames.

'Tsunayoshi, this is a message I leave for you," said a voice. Tsuna looked around. "W-Who are you?" asked Tsuna. No one answered. "If you have made it this far, it means you are the one to carry out what my mother saw," continued the voice. Tsuna looked around and realized it was coming from the pacifier. "A-Aria?" whispered Tsuna as he suddenly remembered.

"It's time for you to know, Tsunayoshi. I'm sure an Arcobaleno named Reborn will appear before you sooner or later and tell you everything. I hope you'll take it well. I apologize on my mother's behalf on the terrible curse you carry. I'm leaving this message to tell you how to destroy the power of the Corvino family. Listen well," continued Aria's voice as Tsuna nodded.

"The time will come when you and the other holders will have to reunite to completely destroy the power of the Corvino. It'll be alright even if the other holders are scattered all over the world. You have the ability to call them and they will have no choice but to appear," said Aria as she coughed. Tsuna gulped.

"For now, I want you find the other pacifiers and charge them with your Sky Flames. This is necessary if you want to destroy the power of the Corvino Family. Of course, after you're done with that long process, OO

"Well, that's all I can tell you now, Tsunayoshi. You'll have to figure the rest out yourself. Good luck, Tsunayoshi…" said Aria's voice before it disappeared. The flames started to grow smaller and the shield around Tsuna begun to fade away. Tsuna closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he saw his siblings looking down at him with concern in their faces. Tsuna coughed. "TSUNA! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY!" yelled Hayato as he hugged Tsuna in relief. Kyoya smiled at him. Takeshi was laughing. "YOU SCARED US TO THE EXTREME, SAWADA!" roared Ryohei as Tsuna smiled at them. "Kufufu…are you trying to kill yourself?" asked Mukuro as he sighed in relief. Chrome smiled at him.

"You're lucky we heard your screams and ran over as soon as possible. Your brother, Kyoya jumped in without hesitation and saved you," sighed Reborn as he shook his head. "Thank you, Kyoya-nii!" said Tsuna as he hugged his older brother. Kyoya sighed and ruffled his hair. "Don't do it again, understand?" said Kyoya as Tsuna nodded.

"Anyways, go dry yourself or you'll fall sick, both of you," said Reborn as he sipped his coffee which had magically appeared out of nowhere. "How did you fall in, Tsuna?" asked Takeshi as they walked back to the fire. Tsuna laughed sheepishly. "Hahaha….my pacifier fell in and I had to get it back…" said Tsuna as Reborn sighed.

That night, after making sure his brothers were all fat asleep, he walked quietly to Reborn and sat beside him. "Reborn, sir, erm…I have to tell you something…" whispered Tsuna. Reborn looked at him. He was about to fall asleep himself. "What is it, No-Good Tsuna?" asked Reborn as Tsuna sweatdropped. He then told Reborn what had happened in the river. Reborn smiled.

"That's good…As to be expected of Aria. She made sure you got help before she left the world…Hmm…" said Reborn as he lay on ground. "I'll ask your siblings for their pacifiers tomorrow. Make sure your ready, Tsuna. Tomorrow is going to be quite a day for you…" smirked Reborn. "W-what do you mean?" asked Tsuna. "Chupieee…" replied Reborn as a bubble came out of his nose. Tsuna sighed and went to sleep. He just had to wait and see for himself.


"Come out, I know you are hiding there," said Reborn as he pointed his gun at a nearby bush. Kyoya took a rock and threw it. They heard a 'thunk' and someone saying 'Ow.' A woman walked out rubbing her head. She looked at the group with bored eyes. "That hurts you know…" muttered the woman. Reborn lifted his gun.

"What are you doing here, Dafne of the Corvino family?" asked Reborn as Kyoya whipped out his tonfa's. His siblings were all still asleep. The woman looked boredly at them. "To be truthful, I was ordered to capture you guys. I figured if I stayed at one spot, I can avoid the hassle of doing so. It's much too troublesome…" said Dafne as she sat on the ground. "It just so happened that the spot I picked was very close to you guys…" said Dafne with a sigh.

"Why should I trust you?" asked Kyoya as he looked at Dafne with cold eyes. "Hey, you're free to believe anything. I'm telling you the truth. I'll get going now. We'll meet again, little boy…" said Dafne as he got up and walked. "Oh yeah, we never saw each other, okay?" said Dafne before disappearing into the woods.


"Giotto, if you continue to do that, you'll just end up injuring your head," said G as he watched his friend with a sigh. Giotto had been hitting his head against the wall ever since he saw Tsuna pull out the Sky Pacifier. Daemon yawned. "You're not the only one who's surprised to see young Tsunayoshi with that object," said Daemon as Giotto looked at his Mist Guardian with dead eyes.

"Get a grip, Giotto! Don't make me whack you too," growled G as he shook his friend. Alaude was emitting a dark aura as he sat at the corner. "G…I have a feeling Tsuna will do something terrible," whispered Giotto. "I want him to just stay hidden. What will happen to him when Corvino finds him? What does Corvino plan to do? Truthfully, I don't care about the pacifier at all. All I want it for Tsuna to be safe," continued Giotto. G nodded his head. He was sure all of them wanted the kids to be safe.

"Let's just trust in our children. They are full of surprises after all," said Asari as he smiled encouragingly at Giotto. Knuckle nodded. "I extremely agree! Let's just cheer them on from here! I'm sure they will make it one way or another!" said Knuckle as Giotto smiled. His smile was wiped off when Corvino walked in with a woman.

"So, did you find them?" asked Franco urgently. All of Giotto's guardians looked at both of them. The woman yawned and shook her head. "Primo's kids, no. But I did see a kid about this tall with black hair and cold looking eyes holding a pair of tonfa's with an Arcobaleno baby," said Dafne as Primo sweatdropped. She had just described Kyoya. Franco smacked his head.

"HE'S WITH PRIMO'S KID YOU IDIOT! WHERE DID YOU SEE THEM?" yelled Franco as Dafne looked at him boredly. "I forgot. Good day, stupid boss," said Dafne before walking out with a snicker. Franco glared at her. "If it wasn't for the fact she was family, I would strangle her…" muttered Franco as he paced around the room.

It may have been Giotto's imagination but he knew he had heard Alaude sigh in relief.


"No-good Tsuna! Get up! I've already gotten the pacifiers! Start the process already!" said Reborn as Tsuna opened his eyes groggily. Reborn was standing in front of him with the pacifiers. Tsuna sighed and took them. He closed his eyes and allowed his flames to slowly flow into the pacifiers, making all of them glow. Reborn smiled and handed him a bag.

"This is going to be rough so keep them here," said Reborn as Tsuna nodded. He then tied the bag to his neck. "Aright! Tsuna, I'm going to train you on how to use your Hyper Dying Will Mode like how your father does. You better get ready," said Reborn as he smirked and pulled out his gun.

Tsuna sighed. This was going to be a very long day.

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