Chapter 4

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Gray groans in his sleep at the rustling sound, who the hell doing all these noises in the middle of the night? Running a hand into his hair, the ice mage slowly opens his eyes and turns to his side, surprised to see Juvia is still awake. The bluenette sits on her bed next to the big window, ocean blue eyes shine with interested as she looks at the scenery outside.

"Juvia, why are you still up?"

"Gray-sama, did Juvia wake you up?" her eyes widen as she heard the familiar voice "She is sorry, she..."

"No worries. Why are you still awake though?"

The bluenette smiles and points at the starry sky, excitement runs through her body like a kid on Christmas morning. It's almost full moon time and at Triton city, you can see the moon much bigger than any other place. Though doesn't understand what got her so excited about the sky, she seems to enjoy the scenery so Gray decides to not give any more comments.

He sits next to her, watching her eyes lit up at something she has seen plenty of time is amusing, not to mention, she looks absolutely gorgeous tonight. Her wavy hair cascades down the small shoulders, soft body with a hint of lavender scent, beautiful blue orbs just stare at the moon like it's her first time seeing such thing, white porcelain skin that looks even brighter against the moonlight. Her pink lips open with 'ooh' and 'ah' as she tries to listen to the conversations of people on the street.

"Gray-sama, look at how big the moon is."

"I know, is that why you still awake?"

"Oh, Juvia just can't sleep..." she smiles "The scenery is beautiful tonight so she wants to enjoy it a little bit."

"That's true, the street is still as lively as ever, even if it's already past midnight."

"Gray-sama notices that too?" she looks at him with admiration "The people of Triton city just love the night market, you should experience it, Juvia believes that it will be fun."

"It's way past midnight, Juvia. Gajeel and Natsu are probably snoring right now." he said "Unless YOU want to go."

Juvia blushes and he snickers. Busted!

Well, he can't blame her for wanting to go to the night market. She had waited for his return, which was 1 hour before midnight, probably want to ask him to go with her. The night market sounds fun, especially when he doesn't have to take the other two idiots with him and Juvia is just too excited to fall asleep.

"Let's go then, you want to go right?"

She looks at him, eyes beam with happiness with a big grin on her face, so cute.

He takes her to the night market, walking through all the vendors to see if anything that pique his interest while she runs to the accessories vendor, scanning through some hairpin that she can buy as a gift to Meredy. Jellal's group has stayed at the guild for a while, doing some investigation about black magic and dark guilds that associated with the Alvarez Empire. Since Meredy is a very good friend of Juvia, the bluenette can't help herself but act like a big sister to the girl.

"Gray-sama, what do you think?"

"Why are you asking me? I'm not good with this stuff."

She let out a small laugh as he turns to the other side to hide his blush. Of course, he doesn't know any of this girly stuff, he's not a girl, but he doesn't mind to go with Juvia on her shopping adventure. Her fashion sense is nothing like Lucy, while the blonde mage loves to show off her figure, Juvia's style is more down to earth. She likes long flowy dress and skirt, elegant outfits similar to Mirajane style. It's hard to believe that such an idealistic and romantic girl like Juvia can have a casual fashion style, not that he's complaining or anything.

Another thing he notices is that she loves showing off her leg as most of her dresses and skirts have a long slit that reaches all the way up her thigh. He has seen how men are drooling over her legs which is an irritating scene to watch. Juvia doesn't seem to care as she just simply declare that 'Her legs are only for Gray-sama' which he politely declines. He has so many things to worry about and one of them is absolutely not sexual issues.

"Gray-sama, look at this. Do you think it suits Juvia?" she shows him a dark-blue fur hat.

"Do you already have that?"

"Yes, but this is a different style. It has cute pins on it, see?"

"I don't see any difference, though."

Juvia pouts as she tries on the hat while Gray scans through other accessories to keep him busy, and that's when he stumbles across the white butterfly pin. It's cute and he thinks that it suits the bluenette pretty well.

"Oh my god, Gray-sama..." she yelps "Y-you're buying that? For who? Is it for Love Rival?"

"No, I'm not buying this for Lucy, Juvia."

"W-what? Then it's for another love rival?" she held on his shirt, shakes violently "Why does every time she takes her eyes off you, another woman will find a chance to gain your attention, Gray-sama?"

"Juvia, stop exaggerating things." Gray sighs, this girl will never learn.

"Then please tell Juvia who you buy this pin for?"

He sighs and pays for the pin, ignoring Juvia's plead as he walks to another area with less people around them, with the bluenette follows behind. Gray sits on a bench, waiting for the girl to sit next to him. Her eyes are now on hunter mode, scanning around to search for the potential love rival. Gray rolls his eyes, this is going to be a long night and Juvia doesn't seem to stop her action anytime soon.


"Yes, Gray-sama?" she looks at him, a pout forms on her lips.

"You really want to know who is going to be the owner of this pin?"

"Juvia knows it! It's another love rival!" she exclaims "Gray-sama, who is she? Please tell her who is that woman sho she ca-!!"

Ignoring her pleading and whining, Gray puts the pin on her hair, admiring how pretty it is on her. Juvia blinks a couple of time before cover her face to hide the blush that starting to spread on her face.

" this woman...uhm...Juvia?"

"Finally realize?" he smirks "My ears are getting tired of all your whining, Juvia."

She bits her lips, hand touches the pin with an embarrassed look. She has made a fool of herself again, accusing the love of her life of cheating, Gray-sama must be very upset...

"It really suits you, Juvia."

"Ah, Gray-sama thinks so?"

"Yeah, but do you like it? I mean I just pick what I think looks nice on you so..."

She covers his mouth with her delicate finger, smiling sweetly with appreciation.

"Juvia loves it." she replies "She really loves it. Thank you, Gray-sama."

Oh how her heart is throbbing...

Juvia looks at her beloved Gray, she's very happy but at the same time, longing for something more. He may have opened up to her but...

He saw it, the eyes full of sorrow just stares at him, longing...

He hates it, the way she makes his heart skip a beat. Whatever feelings and emotions she has in her blue orbs, he can't help but wonder how they can melt the ice surrounding his heart. He wants to ask her, whatever secret she tries to hide behind those eyes, knowing that he will never get the answer as sweet Juvia doesn't want to bother anyone. A selfless girl with a heart of gold.

"Juvia..." Gray gently holding her face as if she is the most fragile gem "What is on your mind right now?"


"Tell me, everything, that's bothering you..."

"It's nothing, Gray-sama. Juvia is...fine..." she lies and he knows it, she is an open book to him yet there are parts of her heart that he can never reach.

Wiping the tears in her eyes, Gray lets her cries in his arm, the only place that she can feel safe. The bluenette holds onto him, hands tightly grip his shirt and silently let out all of her sorrow.

Her darling Gray must never know the prophecy...


They are at the grand clock chamber, listening to Pluto instruction on how to guard the three little troublemakers and how to catch them if one manages to escape, tools are needed, of course. Gajeel looks at the silly thing in his hand, a giant silver net with letters carved on the handle, this is the tool that they need to catch those little devils?

"Their power activated through physical touch and this net helps eliminate that by blocking their power from reaching you." the green-haired woman explains "Despite its looks, the net is pretty useful if you ask me."

"I hope you're right cause this thing looks silly." said the iron dragon slayer "Where is Juvia anyway?"

"She needs to get dressed for the ceremony, we have a specific outfit for the water mage to wear as part of the tradition."

Happy is very curious about all these 'tradition' talks, the blue cat just keeps on asking questions that even his partner Natsu has to interrupt because of the overwhelming information from Pluto. Gray and Gajeel snicker, studying and Natsu Dragneel has never gone hands in hands after all.

As they are talking all the possibilities of how the little guys can escape, an abrupt squeal coming from the maidens as Uranus walks in, wearing his ceremony outfit and sending winks to the girls. Gray frowns at the outfit, too flashy, aren't all the ceremony clothing suppose to be this flamboyant?

A pat on his shoulder and Gray turns around, stunned at the beauty in front of him. The bluenette gives him a shy look, wonder if her love likes her outfit or not. She's wearing a double-slit white dress with a blue rhinestone belt, braided hair with the familiar butterfly pin.

"Juvia, you look great!" said Happy.

"Yeah but...what's with the staff?" Natsu points at the thing in her hand.

"Oh, thank you for your compliment, Happy-san, Natsu-san!" she smiles "And this staff represent the Water god, she has to use it while performing the ceremony."

Her friends smile and nod in approval, he can't deny how stunning the water mage look with all the clothing and makeup, and even without even dolled up, she still looks amazing.

"Gray-sama, what do you think about her outfit?"


"You look gorgeous, my lovely Juvia." Uranus cuts in, smiling and flirting with his subordinate.

Gray is not having it, this guy is going to get married soon yet keeps on flirting with everyone? How can his fiance ignore all of this? Juvia sweatdrops as she tries to get away from the blonde's grip, putting some effort to show her mentor that she is not pleased with his action. The water mage knows well that Uranus is toying with her beloved, taunting him into realizing his feelings for her but Juvia doesn't need that. Gray will let her know when he's ready, although all the pushing warms her heart, this is just too much to handle.

The ice mage is able to get a hold of her when she desperately tries to get away, smiling to himself like he just wins a lottery. He's very relieved that Juvia doesn't see the blonde as a love interest, but has Juvia ever get uncomfortably close to any other guy besides him? Excluding Gajeel of course, the guy is her so-called 'brother'.


"Ah...yeah..." he tries to look away " look nice, I guess?"

Uranus bursts into laughter upon hearing the compliment (?), he begins to throw shades at Gray because 'he can't even give a proper compliment' which annoyed everyone in the room, including Pluto and his soon to be wife, Neptune. They know what he's planning to do, but this is Juvia's personal business and they don't want him to get involve to deep in the matter.

"Ignore him Gray-sama. Juvia is happy that you think she looks nice."

"T-thanks. But what's with this pin? I thought you would wear something more suitable for the outfit."

"Oh, you don't think the pin is cute?"

"No, it's not like that. I just think that there are other accessories that you can use yet you choose this." he touches the pin "It looks good on you though..."

"Juvia thinks so too. It's her darling gift after all."

Shit...she's so cute...

Juvia giggles, seeing the blush on her beloved face. He gets flustered so easily at such small things and she finds it adorable, very adorable. 

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