Chapter 6

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Gray immediately runs to her, wrapping her body in his arms before realizing something that makes his heart racing. Juvia's body...why is it so cold...why is there no light in her blue eyes...why is her face looks so pale and lifeless...

Gajeel and Natsu notice the tension, turning to the bluenette in Gray's arm, hoping the girl would have at least move her hand but to their horror, she just lies there like a lifeless doll.

"Ah..." Future looks at her "Does this mean she doesn't have much time left?"

A shocking news to her teammates, especially Gray, whose eyes widen in fear as he looks at Uranus, searching for some sort of answer. She doesn't have much time left?

"I told you Gray...I TOLD you to keep her away from Future!" the blonde man is furious, grabbing the collar of his shirt and scream "WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?"

"Uranus, stop!" Neptune steps in, pushing back her enraged fiance before anything can go wrong between them.

Gray grasps onto the woman's hand, asking questions and expecting answers. They have to know what's wrong with Juvia, why the water mage isn't moving, why is she look like a dead person. Neptune looks at him, eyes full of pain and sorrow yet she is hesitant to speak about this.

"Don't worry, she'll be back to normal soon." said Pluto, who is hoping to ease the tension but neither of her teammates are buying it.

"Tell me. What's going on? Why is she like this? You guys know about this, right?" Gray looks at them, pleading to know the answer "Her body is so cold it's like touching a corpse. And why did the kid said that 'she doesn't have much time left'?"

None of them can open their mouth to tell the truth, the dark future of Juvia until Uranus let out an abrupt laugh. It's not the kind of teasing laugh he used to give them but rather an insane one, with raw emotion that can hardly explain. He looks at Gray, eyes widen like a mad man that makes him shudders. This angered both the dragon slayers, who are still stunned at the scene in front of them.

"Oh Gray...You want to know why? You REALLY want to know why?" he tilts his head to the side, cyan blue eyes pierce straight into the ice mage's soul "It's because this is her future."

"You son of a bitch, what does that even mean?" Gajeel, who can't control his temper, bursts out at them "She looks like a dead person and you said that this is her future?"

"Why yes. What you're seeing right now is her future." Uranus keeps on his mocking tone "But why is she looks like a dead body? The answer is very easy to guess..."

He walks to Gray, kneels down right next to him with a mad expression.

"It's because she has never had a future in the first place."

This time, Natsu storms up to him, holding by his collar and slam Uranus to the wall. He's done with all these crazy jokes. He's done with all of these unclear answers. He and his friends need to know the truth and they will have to spit it out, even if it means to use force.

"Let go of me, you Flamebrain. What is it that you don't understand?" slapping Natsu's hand away, Uranus fixes his tie as he continues "It's so easy for everyone to understand, or you need a clearer answer?"

"Uranus, please. That is enough."

"Juvia is destined to die at the age of 20."

A cruel answer from Uranus sends chills to Gray. A shocking news to both Gajeel and Natsu. Juvia is going to die?

No, it can't be. This must be a joke, right?

Gray holds the bluenette tightly, hoping to see some reaction from her but all he can see is the lifeless blue orbs that were once shined with love and happiness. She lays there, in the warmth of her beloved's arms, as Gray continues to listen to the cruel truth of her future.

"She will sacrifice her life for those that she loves and cherished. That is her future."

Happy is shocked to the point he doesn't know how to react at the information he just heard. Juvia, their lovely water mage, their comrade, their family is going to die?

"Do-does she knows?" the ice mage looks at Neptune "Does Juvia knows?"

A simple nod from them makes Gray turns to look at the lifeless mage in his arm. She knows? Is this her secret? Is that why she's been acting so weird?

Oh my lord, she's been carried this cruel truth without telling anyone, even her best friend? Her smile masked the darkness in her soul so perfect that no one knows what she's been suffering. No one. Not even him...

He's been a jerk to Juvia this whole time, thinking that her life is much better than his without even realizing that his actions and words had created a big wound in the bluenette's heart. She's been trying, trying her best to be happy, to greets everyone with a warm smile on her face, to love him dearly and ignoring the fact that she will eventually die very soon...

All this time he left her for the Avatar mission, never once thinking about how deeply wounded she was and expecting her to forgive him as nothing has ever happened. What in the world has he done? And he had thought that she's an open book, that he can read her very well...

Gray holds her tightly, panting, gasping for air, wishing everything was just a stupid prank from Mirajane or Cana to make him realize his feelings for the bluenette. Why didn't she say anything? Why? Why letting him make fun of her feelings, leading her on, giving her hopes that one day her darling will return the affection?

"This can't be happening..." Gajeel shutters, the tough iron dragon slayer is about to tear up "There must be a way to stop this, right?"

"Stop? Do you think that you're God himself?" Uranus snaps "She is going to die, that is her fate. No matter what you do, you can never change it."

"No, you're wrong. We will change it." Natsu glares at them.

"How? By praying to God? Don't make me laugh, you can never change destiny, you can never change fate. Juvia will die at the age of 20, that is a fact."

"She will not die..."

Everyone turns their attention to Gray, who is carrying he lovely bluenette in bridal style, black marks begin to spread through his right body as he changes to his devil slayer form. Uranus steps back, shielding his fiance and Pluto as he senses an enormous amount of dark energy surrounding Gray. With Natsu and Gajeel with the exceeds by his side, Gray proceeds to walk out of the room, leaving them with his own vow to protect Juvia.

"Her fate will be changed by me, by us, by her family. She will not die as we will fight for her life, even if it means we are against the whole world."


When Juvia opens her eyes, it's already midnight. Trying to sit up and look around in the dark room, worries spread through her body as she calls out her teammate's name. No one answers her call...

The bluenette leaves her bed, cold sweats running down her face as she keeps on calling out for her teammates, her friends, her family. She pleads for answers and replies, hoping to see the familiar midnight blue eyes or someone, anyone just to make sure that she's not alone. The darkness in the room frighten her, it was something she had experienced after her beloved left for the undercover mission and to this day, she was alone.


Please answer her call, she doesn't want to be alone, why is it that nobody answers her call?

A flash of light appears in front of her, the image of the young bluenette being bullied by the kids in town causes her the shudders. No...

"Whatever this kind of magic is, Juvia is not afraid." she screams and keeps telling herself to be brave "Who are you? Come out a face her!"

Another image appears, this time is the little girl walking on the pathway in the storm. Rains keep on pouring, thunders roaring above her small frame and people inside the house whispering to each other, telling the story of the cursed girl who brought the rain anywhere she goes.

"Water Slicer!"

The water blade slice through the image but not making it disappear. Another one pops up, the beautiful blonde woman with a curvy body smiling and laughing at everyone in the guild. She's yelling at some prank, blushing at what the young man had said to her. The young man...her beloved Gray-sama...he's talking to Lucy-san, he looks so happy, enjoying at whatever conversation he has with the celestial mage...

She looks to her side, seeing the man she loves turns away, leaving her mopping on the ground with such, such hateful words. Juvia realizes the scenery, it was at the ball after they won the Grand Magic Game. She was confessing her love to him and his reply shocked her, 'I've got to clearly lay out the things that I don't like.' Her confession was turned down, not only that but he looked at her as she was somewhat a disgusting stalker...Gray-sama...How cruel of you...

Another image appears, herself running through the woods, panting and gasping for air. She had searched for him, days and nights, hoping to see the man that she has always loved. Her darling left her in the middle of the night without any goodbyes, he just left like she weighs nothing in his mind. Juvia had thought that he just wanted some time for himself but then days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, he never returned...She tried to search everywhere, all the places that she could think of but there was no sign of him. What hurts her the most was that her beloved Gray returned with his precious friends, Lucy and Erza and everyone else when she spent months looking for him. Oh, how she hates Lucy and Erza, the two most important women in his life, the ones that he would do everything to protect and she was not one of them. Six months weren't enough for her to become someone significant to him and she would probably never be...

Oh, how cruel the world can be, forcing her to face her biggest fear. The fear of loneliness, of jealousy, of rejection...

Her affections aren't enough to melt his heart yet that certain celestial mage can make him smile. Juvia knows deep in her heart that she despites that woman, the one who can bring joy to her beloved, something that she can never do...

"Go away. GO AWAY!" she bents down, cover her head with both arms, tries to comfort herself "It will okay, Juvia...Be brave, be strong, everything will be okay..."

Another light appears in front of her, the images that have not yet become her memories. To her horror, she sees Gray stabs himself with his ice sword, committing suicide.

"No, no, no!" Juvia runs toward the image, only to fall onto the ground as it fades away "NO!"

Her biggest fear, the fear of unable to protect him is something that she never wants to see...

"Juvia! Wake up!"

Someone shakes her violently, the cold hands wrap around hers as deep voice calling out her name.

"Juvia! Juvia!"

She is screaming, thrashing around in that person's hold. Tears roll down her eyes as that person hugs her tightly, rubbing her back with smooth motions to calm her down. Who is it? Who's holding her right now?

"Juvia, open your eyes." his deep voice ringing in her mind "Everything is going to be okay. I'm here now. I'll protect you, I'll never leave you. Please open your eyes, sweet Juvia."

A blurred image was the first thing she sees as ocean blue eyes slowly open. Tears keep on falling down. Her breath is heavy. Her body feels weak. What's happened?

The bluenette feels someone squeeze her hand, a cold cloth on her forehead, soft paws touching her body and concerned looks from anyone around her.


"It's me, Gray. And your friends, Gajeel, Natsu, Lily and Happy. We're here now. I'm here. Wake up now, Juvia."


Juvia feels his touch, so soft, so gentle, and full of love. She must be dreaming...

She sees him, eyes full of concern as he desperately tries to bring her back to reality. Gajeel is right beside her, touching her forehead like a big brother would do to comfort his sister. Natsu is at the end of the bed, with Happy shaking her body tries to wake her up. What's going on?

Juvia hears a sigh of relief from Gajeel, she sees Lily patting the iron dragon slayer on the back with sympathy. Happy giggles as she begins to regain her consciousness with Natsu behind, scratching his head with an ease smile. Gray is still holding her, scooping her body as close to his cold ones as possible, letting her know that he is here. She looks around for a bit, then snaps her eyes wide open, is she still in her nightmare? Are they going to do something bad to her? With a terrifying expression, she breaks free from everyone and sending waves of water blades that cut through every object that stands in their way.

"What the...?"

"Juvia, stop!"

"Don't get close to her!" she screams, sending another wave of blades at them "Who are you? Where is Juvia?"

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