Chapter 14: Finally, In Devil's Den

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Author pov

It's already morning and a new day with a new hope..... But for Yoongi it's darkness..... And emptiness....... He looked at the destroyed farm house of Daegu where he arrived in the early morning only to hope everything is fine...... It's not but a nightmare...... But everything is true and the destruction of the farm house is the only evidence of the cruelty....... Behind him, Yami has sent special force and they are now currently inside the house trying to find president's daughter...... But they found a girl unconscious in a room which is Y/n room....... And the people of the farm house who has been working all dead..... Bullet straight in their head.... No time to think. No time to judge who is right who is wrong......

On the right hand, Yoongi is holding a gun which he rarely use...... He promised to himself that he won't touch those things that hurt people..... But promises are meant to be broken..... And he broke it to save his little sister but he failed miserably....... He coldly looked at the unconscious figure who was taken to hospital as his hands are trembling in anger.... The two most important person in his life are kidnapped....... Just then one of the special force member came to Yoongi.... Yoongi and the person who knew to each other long time ago......

" Yoongi, we have collect all the evidences.... We will seal out this place so that no one can enter -, before he could finish his sentences, yoongi looked at the person as seeing yoongi's Cold and emotionless face, His soul frightened in fear......

Yoongi: Burn The House.......

He said as the cap in his head is hiding his eyes that are now raging in immerse fire and passion to find them..... Now, he himself will enter in this......

" But yoongi - , he tried to say something but yoongi beat him to it and said," I don't want anything that holds weakness of my sister..... And tell your Ms. Min Yami that she doesn't need to show pity on us anymore..... I will find my sister by myself......"

And with that he get inside the car and went to the hospital where that girl is admitted..... All of his questions will only can be answered by her......


In Seoul, Blue house

Yami has thrown all of the books from the rack hearing all of the details of Yuna being missing and the state of her company...... Just then a phone ringed making the whole room being silent...... She slowly took her fast steps and take the call.....


???: Mam, We have arrived at the farm house of Daegu and conducted our operation but we didn't find your daughter.... The house is completely destroyed and The maids and servants are all dead expect one girl..... We are afraid to say, She must have been kidnapped......

The more she hears the more pale she became.....Her daughter is missing..... Anger rushed into her as who has the gut to kidnap president's daughter......

???: Your son wants to burn this entire house along with the dead bodies in it.... What should we do??? We are waiting for your order, mam......

Yami: Burn it and keep this operation confedential...... And keep searching for my daughter......

Otp ends

Bujin who's face is now bandages because of yoongi's merciless punches he just looked at Yami who is overly distressed by the whole situation.....

Yami: Bujin, Try to have a appointment with the C.E.O of Kim commercial and Co.

She said as she has to talk to the C.E.O about this sudden takeover of a company......

Bujin: Don't you think you shouldn't rush things -

Before he could say something else a glass was thrown near Bujin as the glass got hit in the shelf of books and shatter into pieces.... Bujin just looked at Yami with a shocked face......

Yami: Don't question my judgement, Bujin or next time that will shatter on your head..... Behave like my secretary.....

She said with a glaring red eyes as Bujin immediately left the room as after going far from her room, he kicked the wall in anger.......

Bujin: That bitch children ruined everything again.... ARGH!!!!!!!!!! It's time to get rid of this children too like their father.....

He creepily smiled thinking about all of the things he did in the past just to have Yami in his arms......



Y/n pov

Y/n slowly opened her eyes as her head is so hurting that she wants to hold her head but she couldn't..... After sometime, she was finally able to sense everything around her and that hit her quite hard.... she looked at the dark room where she is and only source of light is from the outside hallway..... The room is so dark that she can barely see anything in the room..... She was about to move her hands again but found herself being chained up to wall..... Her memories slowly started to reviving as she remembers everything......

Just then the door opened as a man slowly enter into the room but but being so dark she wasn't see him at all......

Y/n: W...W....Who are you??

She slowly asked as The Man just chuckled hearing her question as he thought of her pleading to spare her life but just like always she didn't hesitate to amuse him more......

" My name is Kim Namjoon..... CEO of Kim commercial and Co. And we have met already.... And from that time, I want you as my pet..... Because women's are good to play in bed only...... Stay here for few days to think about my suggestion..... Bye... Bye...." He said as he went near door and tilted his head as she finally able to see a glimpse of him and she widened her eyes......

She remember him... He is the person who she meet in the funeral of business man Kim Jae Sub....... She started to struggling as she screamed," LET ME GO!!!!!!"

She screamed but he just smirked and close the door as her screams went into deaf ear to him.....He looked at the guard who is in charge of here and said," Just give her water to be alive..... "

And with that he left the basement.....


Hoseok came out from the washroom as water is dripping out from his wet hair and towel are wrapped around his torso..... He looked at his bed and saw that cousin of them sleeping peacefully in his bed...... Obviously not naked..... They didn't do anything last night..... She lost her conscious and he took her to his home..... Now, she is sleeping taking over his bed which obviously irked him.... Hoseok is always possessive about his things.... What is his always remains his.... He doesn't like to share it with anybody..... He go to his closet and came back to his room after sometime only to found the princess of paradise to wake up and grinning at him.......

Jennie: So, Do I taste impacable???

She asked smirking at him as he just scoffed and said," oh!! You taste horrible....."

He put his disgusting face on her and go to the mirror to fix his hair.... After fixing his hair, he look at his bed and didn't found her.... Just then he was slammed into the wall by Jennie... She slowly pulled her hair to the other side and hold his face to her neck and said," Then taste..."

She said and in next moment, she found herself to be pinned to the wall and this time it's hoseok.....

Hoseok: If I started to taste, you won't be able to leave my house, Kim Jennie..... If I started to like something, I won't let it go.....

He said deeply looking into her eyes as she said," Then don't... Who's stoping you???"

Hoseok: my morals.....

He answered it but the defenation is completely different..... She is just a pawn one of the games of Kim's...... He took a little liking on her..... Which wasn't supposed to happen.....


KIA Headquarter, Meeting room

Agent L: So, that's the chains of prostitution Club and casinos that are happening around Daegu.. I was able to collect this information in this time.....I want to start the real operation with Prostitution businesses.... So many girls are illegally traded , forced or sold out around different country...... What do you say, Boss???

Lisa gave the research about her mission that is too save girls and stop this prostitution businesses....... That's the reason of her being with Jungkook as he was only one of the prostitution businesses shareholders.......

Boss: You can proceed.... I assign Agent J, Agent B and Agent R with you to fulfill this operation, Agent L..... Don't disappoint me...... The meeting ends here....

Lisa was so happy to fulfill this mission as she saw the vulnerability of those prostitution businesses and it sickens her....... He was also determined to put holes in JUNGKOOK'S body..... But little did she know, Someone heard every plan of her siting in the chair far from the headquarter......

Jungkook: It will be so fun to see your face when you lose, Agent L......









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