Chapter 24: Each Other Weakness!!

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Y/n pov

I was thinking about my mother as how she can do this to me ..... How can she accept this proposal???How can she sell her daughter like that??? She snapped out of her thoughts when she feels a cold touch on her back making her flinch a little bit....... She looked at the mirror and saw Namjoon who is looking at her with lustful eyes as his hand are trailing on her bare back.......


Author pov

Y/n is looking at the mirror as she is so deep into her thoughts she didn't notice that Namjoon has woken up from his sleep and looked around only to find her looking at the mirror with haze eyes.... Namjoon licked his bottom lips and wrapped the blanket around his waist as he slowly walked towards her and stand behind her admiring her back figure......

Namjoon's eyes are filled with lust as his mind is how she would look like if he f**ked her on the mirror....... His eyes slowly went to her body as her body was wrapped on blanket as her full naked back side is still visible...... Namjoon's hands are trembling the touch her back as he slowly put his hand on her back and slowly started to trail all around making her flinch by this sudden touch........ He then looked at the mirror reflection as he saw Y/n who is looking at him in that mirror reflection.......

Namjoon: what are you thinking, my pet???

His words feel like to venom to her ears as she gritted her teeth in anger....... She can't accept this!!!! She won't!!!! Her mother no Mrs. Min Yami has no right to take decision about her life..... Even if I am her daughter..... I don't give her f**king permission to take my life decision...... This is my life and only I have the right to take decision.... Freaking no one!!! Not Min Yami!!! Not Kim Namjoon!!!?!No one!!!!

Y/n turned around as Namjoon suddenly feel something on his neck...... His eyes went to his neck and saw a knife that Y/n is holding on his throat.... Her eyes are red as she is looking at Namjoon dangerously...... He again understimated her...... She is a firece cat who no matter how much Namjoon tries to break, she will took a piece of her broken self and stood up in front of him again as a strong woman...... But Y/n didn't know Namjoon is also someone who won't defeat.... He never accepted failure...... He won't let her go or more worst, He will break her again and again until there's no pieces of her left to take care of......

Y/n: I am not a slave... I was born as a queen and I will remain as a queen..... I am no one puppet to play with......If you take another step I will kill you, Kim Namjoon!!!!

Namjoon's eyes are amazingly looking at her as his lips suddenly curved into a creepy smile...... Suddenly his creepy smile turned into a malicious as his eyes darkened looking at Y/n dangerously.......

In the next second, Namjoon hold her hand that are holding knife on his throat twisting it making her scream in pain as Namjoon kicked her leg making her fall down on the floor as she lose the balance of the knife.... Namjoon kicked the knife out of her reach as Namjoon hold a fistful of her hair as she is struggling to get out of his grip.......

" I WILL KILL YOU KIM NAMJOON!!!!! I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS!!!!!I AM NOT GOING TO BE YOUR PUPPET!!!! I AM NOT GOING TO MARRY YOU!!! OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!!!", Y/n shouted while saying those words that are irritating Namjoon a lot...... He was about to slap her to stop her nonsense just then a phone ringed making him stop his hand on the mid-air..... He threw her on the floor and hover over her as he blocked her hands using his knees and hold her mouth with his one hand and took the phone from the cabinet and answered it......


Jimin: Boss, Min Yoongi is on our grasp.... We are heading towards the torture room of your house through the secret tunnel.......What should we do to him?????

Namjoon: Do what was meant to do.... I am coming in 5 minutes......

Otp ends

Namjoon hang up the call as he get up and pulled her from the floor and throw her on the bed...... He went out of the room as he told his maids to dress her well and not to do any touch up on her face...... He went to his another room and dressed up as they're going to greet a special guest who is none other than Y/n brother, Min Yoongi........

He looked at himself for the last time in the mirror as he needed to look presentable in front of his soon to be Brother-in-law..... He needs to look rich enough to show that brother of her that he is no one who can help her sister from him.......he has seen the protective behavior of yoongi in that funeral..... He can see Yoongi will do his very best to make things go wrong..... And Namjoon also knows Y/n is Yoongi's weakness by that club incident.... He can't see his sister in pain..... And that's what namjoon is going to use on him.......

Namjoon went out of the room and saw the maids are dragging Y/n forcefully as she is struggling to get out of their grip..... He scoffed as he went towards them and hold Y/n hand and pulled her making her head to hit his firm Chest.... The maids to bowed to him and went away from there  leaving them alone..... Namjoon is seeing her dress that she had wore......

The bruises and bite marks he made on her whole body is breathtakingly visible..... She tried to move herself from him but Namjoon's words made him stop on her track .........

Namjoon: Don't you want to meet your brother, my pet?????

Y/n breathing started to get uneven hearing about his brother from Namjoon's mouth.... Fear crept on her body thinking if Namjoon has him..... Namjoon saw the tint of fear in Y/n eyes which also indicated that Yoongi is also Y/n weakness..... Each of them is each other weakness...... It will so fun to play with them......


In Serendipity Prostitution club

The door of the room opening reavealing Jungkook who fixed his clothes before getting out of the room...... He went away from there went to meet Evelyn..... On the other side, in the room Seolhyun is looking at the ceiling.... Her eyes are unfocused.... Her body is naked and destroyed completely.... No tears left to describe her pain......

Soon after that, few girls came in the room and saw Seolhyun's condition..... Even if they feel pity for her .... It's her fault that she is in this situation..... Only if she didn't escape, this won't have happened...... Everyday is hellish in here.... But for her, it's the worst......A punishment that she can't forget...... Her mind and soul is tainted for forever by this scar......

Suddenly a bitter laughing echoed on the room making those girl look at Seolhyun who is laughing while looking at the ceiling......

Seolhyun: I planted a imaginary flower that can  never bloomed..... All I wished a normal life.... Is it too much to ask????

Soon her laughing turned into a sobbing as she is crying her heart out of her fate..... Fate has bought her where she really belongs..... A prostitution club.... A prostitute... Who are always meant for giving pleasure to men.... Why they can't have a normal life?? Why they are being punished like this??? Why she is being punished like this!!!!


Jennie and hoseok both are bathing on the bathtub on hoseok house.... After having a heated argument with her father over Min Yami , Jennie came to hoseok house to spend few days with him..... Even though hoseok doesn't live in Seoul, he had several houses..... So, after hoseok came to know Jennie wants to be with him, he give address to one of those house where he rarely goes......

Hoseok and Jennie both under the water naked as bathbomb as made the water unclear...... Jennie went towards hoseok who is drinking wine...... She went to him and sit down on his lap as she put her head on his chest...... hoseok gently caress her head but his mind is in somewhere else....... He suddenly thought of asking Jennie about some Questions.....

Hoseok: Jennie, are your father is close to president Min???

He asked innocently who don't understand this.... Jennie huffed out in anger as she feels like she needed to release some stress over this situation......

Jennie: That bi**h was a vixen..... Because of her, my mother was heartbroken..... My father never loved my mother.... Because of this bi*ch my childhood was ruined..... But my father can't keep his eyes on her even after my mother's death.....

Jennie vented out her frustration on there but unknowingly she give hoseok some information..... Hoseok pulled her face closer to him and kissed her as she kissed him passionately.....  She pulled out and hugged hoseok tightly as she said," I will kill her with my own hands if I ever had a chance....."

After sometime, she went to the room leaving hoseok  who's face immediately became cold after Jennie went away..... He pulled out his phone that was recording everything..... He sent that recording to someone as he get up and wash himself and put on his clothes.......

" He is really smart indeed.... He knew she would go there ..... But how the hell he pridicted that ???", Hoseok thought for a while as he sent those recording to the person......


The person is looking at the tools that he is going to use on his slave for tonight...... Just then his phone ringed as a message came out as he played and heard the recording that Hoseok sent him..... He chose the perfect man who negotiate with both side.... The enemy of them.....  Min Yami and Kim Hyunsik.......

At the last, he read the message.....

Message: I hope this will help you, Jin.....

Min Yami is a fool..... A fool that got trap by none other than Kim Seokjin...... His eyes darkened remembering his childhood and both Min Yami and Kim Hyunsik is a part of it.... And mostly Min Yami cousin brother...... Whose daughter is now in his hands...... Min Yuna......

" After my mother, Now it's your turn, Min Yami.....", Seokjin said as his mind is filled with the thoughts of plotting of what he is going to do with Yami .......





How are you all??? It's really good to back in here!!!! I missed this book!!!!!

So many new characters will come up ... Be ready for it.... And also Y/n- Namjoon - Yoongi drama on the next chapter!!!!! And you know, hoseok won't betray them??? It's twist of events that I love to put to make things interesting!!!😉

Vote a lot and don't forget to comment!!! I Love To read your theories!!!!!

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