Chapter 25: Scars Of Past Memories

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Little namjoon is crying on the other side of room where his mother was being f**ked by the other men as a pleasure thing in the prostitution club...... He has closed his eyes and put his hands on his ear not to hear those sounds..... His mother wasn't making the sound of pain.... His mother is making the sound of pleasure..... She is enjoying it because that's her livelihood and that's how she lives.... Selling her body exchange of money...... Namjoon is just a unwanted nusiance to her...... If namjoon was a girl, she would be make her like her and make a lot of money.... This room was alloted for them .... Two rooms.... One is the playroom and another where they lives..... Namjoon is on the other room Locked by her mother as she doesn't want anyone to know she has a child..... Or people won't come up to her thinking as a old woman.... The morning came as her work as a prostitute has done...... His mother opened the door of the other room and saw Namjoon sleeping holding his hands on his ear and dried tears on his chubby Cheek..... The whole night namjoon wasn't able to sleep..... These sinful moans and sound of skin slapping has already effected his mind....His mental condition is worsening but his mother doesn't care......9 years old Namjoon slowly opened his eyes and saw his mother's condition.... The marks of Hickeys and the beating of the flock and whips are visible on his body.... His mother just rolled her eyes on namjoon as slowly slowly went towards the washroom as she wasn't be able to walk properly...... But she didn't notice, her customer from previous night didn't leave instead he came inside the other room and saw Namjoon.... That man slowly approached towards him as he bend down on his level......

"", The little namjoon said as his voice is sluttering in fear seeing this man who has hurted his mother...... Hearing that that man Chuckled as he said," I didn't hurt your mommy... I give pleasure to your mommy.... Your mommy loves this..... Women love this..... They're always born to pleasure us, Men and boys like you..... You are not hurting them.... You are making them feel pleasure that doesn't come around freely....."

The words of that man has did a great effect on Namjoon's mind..... He is little boy trapped inside a four walls.... No connection from the outside world....So, what he heard, he believed and applied it on his life..... The words craved into his heart that deeply that he did what he feels like to do ...... Thinking this is right.... When it's so wrong......


Namjoon's pov

He opened his eyes as sweats are formed all over his body as after a very long time, he have those dreams...... More than a dream it's nightmare..... A nightmare of his own disfigured childhood.....He is wearing a simple shirt and shorts as he looked around his bed and found Y/n who is sleeping naked..... He remembers how the encounter with Min Yoongi went that made her unconscious in his arms.....

[ Flashback]

Namjoon dragged Y/n with her eyes blindfolded as he doesn't want her to know about the special torture room as she feels Namjoon stopped as from her eyes blindfold are opened as she found herself in a confined room.... The blood smell and the screams coming from other rooms are terrifying her..... Her brother.... Her brother is captured..... She was well aware of Namjoon's brutality.... She, herself, is a living example of it.... As she was in her thoughts, the door of the other side brust opened reavealing park Jimin and two guards who is holding her brother, Min Yoongi with his eyes blindfolded....... She can see the blood that poured from the corner of yoongi's head making her shout at her brother.....

" Yoongi oppa!!!!", She screamed loudly as she tried to go towards him but Namjoon has firmly hold her hand not to let her go......

Hearing Y/n voice, his head immediately rose up..... His dongseng.... Her desperate voice.... The same desperate voice he has heard when their father was in coma.....

Yoongi: Dongseng!!!! Leave her!!!! Park Jimin, I am going to kill you all if anything happens to my sister!!!!!! F**king Butcher you all in my own hands!!!!!!

Hearing that Jimin chuckled as he signalled his men as they made yoongi bent down on his knees as they opened his blindfold..... After sometime, yoongi's eyes adjusted with the light first thing he saw his dongseng is struggling to get out of someone's grip just to come towards him.... And then his eyes went on that man as his blood boiled seeing that person.....

Yoongi: Kim Namjoon.....

He should've thought about it.... When Yuna's company was inherited by Kim Company, he should've known it's none other than them...... Namjoon smiled wickedly as he said," I am so glad you didn't forget my name, Mr. Min Yoongi......I am very sorry that I had to greet you like that... But what can I do??? You decided to found your sister on your own when your mother knows everything about it..... "

He put his long slender fingers on his mouth while looking at Yoongi with his dangerous dragon eyes......Yoongi looked confused hearing his mother's part.... Their mother knew that Y/n is in Namjoon's grasp.... If she did then why she didn't do anything..... Why Y/n is still here.....

Yoongi's eyes traveled on his dongseng body only to see the bite marks, hickeys and the long whip marks on her whole hands, legs, shoulder and neck......  Y/n is red and her eyes are swollen and lips are busted..... her dongseng is in miserable condition.....Yoongi gritted his teeth in anger as he tried to stand up but was strongly on hold by the men's of park Jimin.... Jimin is on the other side, enjoying the show of Namjoon ..... He is loving to see those suffering faces of Min siblings.... Especially Y/n..... After all, he had a score to settle down with her......


Namjoon saw yoongi's struggling as Namjoon was barely keeping Y/n on his grip who is trying to get out of his grip but Namjoon throw her on the floor making her hiss in pain.....

Namjoon: Both of you siblings said the same thing but couldn't able to do it....

Someone came beside Namjoon with a injection as he handed it over to Namjoon's hand as he slowly moved towards Y/n with his predatory steps.... He hovered over her and hold her neck tightly as he injected it on her neck.... After few minutes, Y/n body started to get numb as if her limbs are getting paralyzed.... She lay down on the floor with her eyes open as her eyes are on her brother who is trying to get out of their grip to save her.......

Someone give namjoon a electric Stick from where the low voltage current flows but harmful to humans and painful.....

Namjoon: Now, let's the fun begin, Yoongi.... Let's see how much she can hold your torture on her.... As she claimed earlier not to do anything to you.. She is going to take everything that was on you..... And I love to torture...

He said as he moved his head on the side as he walked towards Y/n with that electric Stick on his hands......

30 minutes!!! 30 minutes felt like a hell to Yoongi.... The agonizing screaming of his dongseng echoed to the whole torture room..... He tried to get out of their grip as that time, Jimin kicked him on his stomach making him fall down on the floor..... His men kicked on yoongi's face several times making blood come out from his mouth...... Just like always, Y/n took all of his torture on her.... Saving him from everything..... He feels so useless brother..... Who can't even protect his little sister......

Y/n couldn't handle those shocks anymore as she fainted making Namjoon chuckled seeing her pitiful figure.....

Yoongi saw his dongseng laying figure as a dread came on his mind!!! No!!! No!!! She won't die right???!!! No!!! He won't be able to forgive himself for the rest of his life....... He tried to crawl to her even though it's hurting him......

Namjoon throw the stick in frustration as he picked up on his arms as he looked at Yoongi who face is looking horrified......

Namjoon: She is not dead..... How can I kill my own would be wife, Brother-in-law......Mrs. Min Yami has approved the marriage proposal.... I will see you in wedding......

And with that Namjoon left with her.....

[ Flashback End]


[ Present]

Namjoon's eyes again went on the marks that is made by him..... He is frustrated that she didn't like those pains like his mother.... Why!!?? Why she didn't like it?!!! All of the girls he has encountered with Namjoon in Germany has loved his pains.... They loved this pain in the name of pleasure.... But why the hell she doesn't like it?!!! Why the hell she cried !!!  His brain can't function this things... Like it's against his rules.... The words he has taught, it's against it.... She doesn't like this feeling.... And this intrigued him a lot......

Namjoon: why doesn't you like those things??? Everyone loves it.... But why don't you like this pain inflicted pleasure by me.... Why??? Am I doing wrong????

For the first time in his life, he Questioned his decisions.... For the first time, he went against his known words... Thinking about his actions which he never did.... He looked at her innocent sleeping figure with his pricing dragon eyes......





hi!!! After the whole controversy, I am back in here ...... Before you judge namjoon Character in here, I just wanted to say every bad person, who became wicked, there's a story or incident or accident behind it...... So, we are no one to judge a person's behavior.... Because we don't know what is happening around them.... We just see their outer self and judge..... A villain was never born in a snap.... When he doesn't have a choice, he became the villain to survive....

That's how we survive.... Being someone hero or being someone's villain....

I hope you will like it!!!! Please share it 🙏 on your message board!!!!

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My admission exam is on 20,21 June!!! My second attempt!!!! Wish me luck!!!!! This is the last update before exam!!!! I hope you will like it!!!!


LOVE 💕💕💕💕💕 YOU A LOT!!!!!

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