Chapter 27: Forced Marriage

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Y/n is sitting in the chair in front of the mirror wearing a beautiful red floral dress that goes to her thighs as the maids are doing the makeup on her and doing her hair and covering up her bite marks and bruises on her body and her face....... Y/n is just letting them do what they're told to do as her mind is kinda occupied with the thoughts of her brother..... How he should be right now... Is he alright or not..... What Namjoon must've done to him..... She is afraid of Namjoon..... He won't spare anyone and that's what afraid her the most........ As her touch up are finished, she was taken to Namjoon's house office by the Head maid..... She can't walk properly as the maid helped her to go to the office room as they reached in front of the office door as the Head maid knocked the door twice and someone told them to come in as the Head maid opened the door and take Y/n with her.......

Y/n saw the three Kim brothers are in the room as Namjoon elegantly went towards them and hold y/n hands and gesture the Head maid with his eyes to leave them alone..... The Head maid bowed to them and went out of the room as Seokjin and Taehyung is looking at namjoon for a explanation why she is here.....

Namjoon: There's a another important thing, I want to talk about and that's why I called you here.....

Namjoon put his hands on y/n wrist and pulled her closer to him..... Y/n is biting her tongue inside her mouth feeling his disgusting touch still she couldn't say anything...... Seokjin saw how  Y/n is behaving right now..... She is kinda amused seeing how obedient Y/n has became......

Seokjin: So, you finally controlled the most wild cat of Min family??? I am kinda impressed, Namjoon....... Even Yuna isn't that co-operative..... I wonder, what that would be????

He said as he licked his lips and sit on the sofa looking at Namjoon and Y/n... Namjoon chuckled hearing the words as he said," well , I have..... All I just need her brother..... That sweet big brother of her is her only weakness that made her come on my knees like a cute little pet, isn't it berry???"

This time Namjoon's hand went towards her hair slowly caressing it showing his authority on her..... Y/n closed her eyes tears are threatening to fall hearing those words that humiliating her...... Namjoon put his hand on her throat and made her look at him.....

Namjoon: open your eyes, berry.... I wanna see that beautiful eyes of yours......

She really didn't want to but she doesn't want to anger Namjoon as she slowly did...... Her eyes landed on Namjoon's dragon eyes that are looking at her like a predator....

Y/n : where's my brother????

That's the only thing she could ask...... she needed to know her brother is ok..... Namjoon who is mesmerized by Y/n beautiful hazel eyes didn't hear the question Y/n has asked instead his finger roamed around Y/n eyes......

Y/n is gritting her teeth in anger as she this time asked again but her voice desperation......

Y/n: please tell me, where's my brother???

Namjoon smiled at her and said,"He must be doing well in the basement only if Jimin mustn't have gone too far with the torture....."

The last words came from Namjoon with a smirk plastered on his face as Y/n hold his collar and screamed at him......


Namjoon smashed her head on the office table as y/n screamed loudly feeling the pain as she is struggling to get out of his grip..... Namjoon heard the door opened reavealing Jihoon, his right hand man with a file in his hands which he handed over to Namjoon......

Namjoon pulled her and made her stand as his hand on her neck.... With other hand, Namjoon put the file on the table and give a pen in y/n hand and whispered in her ear.....

Namjoon: sign it, berry..... This is our marriage papers......

Y/n tried to hurt Namjoon with the sharp side on the pen but Namjoon prevented it with his hand and twisted her hand  and growled in anger......


Namjoon said as he poked his cheek inside his mouth trying to control his anger and this time, Taehyung came towards them and hold a fistful hair of Y/n as he looked at her dangerously and said," F**king sign it, B**ch or I will personally torture your brother and trust me you won't find a limb of him if I stepped into the basement...."

Kim Taehyung, the youngest of Kim siblings, maybe look humble from the outside but he is one of the most cruelest one between his two elder brothers......His torturing skill was top notched and obviously, No one has beared it and was able to get out alive from his worth...... He is the one who collect informations from those traitors and made sure to open their mouth by hook or by crook...... His appearance are deceiving , his intentions are hideous......

Seokjin: Listen to him, Ms. Min or you might never see your brother again....

Y/n heart is tearing apart as thinking about this..... She can't put her brother on danger and at the same time, she can't marry him..... If she did, she will struck forever in here...... She slowly took the pen and tried to sign the papers as her hand is shaking...... She doesn't want this!!! Her brother, Yoongi would be disappointed at her but for her brother's sake, she won't hesitate to do anything even if she has to kneel down in front of Namjoon then so be it.....

She signed the papers as tears rolled down on her eyes as she has already seen Namjoon's sign on it...... Namjoon pulled her from Taehyung grip and hungrily kissed her on her lips ...... She didn't open her mouth as Namjoon bite her lower lips so hard that it started to bleed......As she opened her mouth feeling the pain , Namjoon devoured her and dominated her......  He pulled out and put her in his arms and went out of the room leaving Seokjin and Taehyung.....

Taehyung: He is in love, Jin Hyung.... That can be seen in his eyes when he kissed her like his life depended on her......

Seokjin listen taehyung words clearly as but he didn't answer..... Taehyung this time, turned around and look at Seokjin who didn't answer his question as he raised his brows trying understand and read Seokjin's expression......

Seokjin: Namjoon can never fall in love.... He doesn't know the meaning of love.... Only thing he knows, how to control people around him...... You need to experience love to make love..... He is incapable of doing that......

Taehyung listened to Seokjin's words and said," it seems like you know about love.... It seems like you have loved someone....."

Seokjin didn't say anything and get out of the room leaving Taehyung......



A beautiful girl in the age of 16 lying down on her own blood trying to keep her eyes open and in front of her, there's a man in his forties is slowly unbuckling his belt....... That man went towards her leg and pulled out her dress as the girl tried to call help but her voice didn't reach that far in the empty staircase of the basement of the strip club where a party is happening.......

" See this little boy, this happens if anyone tries to help a worthless shit like you...... F**king see how I ruined her in front of you.... After that you will think twice before running away from here, Seokjin......", That man said as 13 years old, Seokjin is putting his hands on his ear, eyes closed as he heard those painful screams and unwanted moans of his savior, who he has loved......

After one hour of that heinous torture, the girl on the spot as a woman came walking towards the dead body and said," Hyunsik, You really are something!!! You f**ked a dead body..... By the way, Her father is looking for her..... What are you going to do???"

Hyunsik: Yami, you know what I always do.....

And with that Hyunsik guards came and took the dead body as Yami slowly went towards the little Seokjin who is chained in the basement wall as she said," You shouldn't bite more than you can chew...... Always remember you are Filth.... A dirt in this society which doesn't deserve people like her..... You.... You are mine to be.... I can't wait when you will became adult....."

And with that she left leaving Seokjin trumatized.....

[ Flashback End]

Seokjin wiped the foggy mirror as he took shower and thought about that dreadful night..... No matter what happens, he can't never forgot it......  He wants to kill them.... But he won't have satisfaction if he killed them just like that......

He took his phone and called someone.....


Seokjin: hoseok, did you recover that footage????

Hoseok: yes, I did and what I saw is something that might shake the whole government.....

Seokjin: publish it on the media after all, the people of Korea should see how the kind and forgiving Min Yami, The role model of south Korea, the most loving president of Korea is who is sleeping with the famous businessman , Kim Hyunsik behind everyone's back.....

Otp ends

Seokjin ended the call and look at himself in the mirror as he said," I will pay you the way you did to me..... I am not a Filth..... I am not someone who you can deal with.... You shouldn't have killed her..... You woke my beast, that night..... You woke the worst side of me that night....."





hi!!! How are you all??? I hope you are all fine!!!!!

I did it.....I have mention this on my message board that I got chance in my favorite university, JU.... Jahangir nogor university.....One of the top 4 universities of Bangladesh!!!!! My merit position is 67.... Last year it's 323...... I hope this time I got a proper subject!!!!!  This time, I just told this to my close relatives and my bffs and you all.... Please pray for me that I got a decent subject.....  I took this photo when I went to give exam in JU.....

It's beautiful, 😍 isn't it????

And by the way, how do you like this chapter???? This time, I went deep in Seokjin's past life as it's important to show that to understand Seokjin's motive to went after min family and Kim Hyunsik..... And also there's a Namjoon's motive too to went there.... Which will reveal slowly even though I give a small hint in Namjoon's flashback part in previous chapter...... Try to guess......


LOVE YOU ALL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

BORAHE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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