Chapter 29: Patience Makes The Fruit Sweet

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Namjoon is getting ready with the help of his maid in the room opposite to Y/n room..... He knew whatever is happening right now in her room..... He has planned everything out...... Beside him, Seokjin who was already dressed up looking at Namjoon to getting dressed..... Just then the door opened reavealing Jung Hoseok as he came in and saw Namjoon getting ready for his wedding ceremony..... Basically, a classy show-off of his powers...... He had the the daughter of the president of South Korea who's reputation is quite unknown to whole Korea just by her name......

The dress up is done as Namjoon took his Rolex watch from his collection of watches and wear it as he is looking at himself in the mirror.....

A handsome hunk for whom girls would die for...... A perfect man of every girls desire..... Eyes won't stop checking out on him..... That much of visual he has that would go anyone to go on their knees...Yet, his handsome and Greek God like face will make people fall on his trap..... He is a Mafia Lord.... A successful Businessman and have a property of Trillion dollars......He is someone who is unreachable.... He is Kim Namjoon.....

Namjoon: The security management is going well, right??? I don't want any kind of disturbance when the vows starts..... Hoseok, you know for what you're here for.... The security of this venue of my wedding in your hands.... Anything goes wrong, You will face the concequnces of it..... Mark. My. Words.

Hoseok nodded his head as he took out a thing from his pocket that was small size of cube and placed it in front of the mirror..... He tap the center part of it and a light appears as the whole 3d structure of the wedding venue of Namjoon was shown..... And the amount of people who are guarding where everything was seeing from there.....  They secretly develops technology equipments as this is their own creation that they're now using for their own benefit...... Namjoon is satisfied seeing it......

Seokjin: All the guests are invited.... Politicians to businessman to Models and also the elites are going to be here.... I bet no one will miss the wedding.... After all, it's the wedding of the President Min Yami's daughter and the Son of the most influential businessman Kim Jae sub..... And I bet Hyunsik and Jennie will be here too.....

He said the last words looking at hoseok who heard everything but didn't react to anything.....  Namjoon rolled his eyes as he said," And about Yoongi??? He is the one who we have to watch out for.... He looks like he is weak but partially speaking he is not..... He is someone who needed to keep on guard.....

Hoseok : Don't worry about that.... Jungkook is going to be the one who is going to handle him and that Yuna.... Since Jimin decided to have a full day off because he wants to enjoy the wedding with his so called fiancee..... Everything is under control, Namjoon..... Just you need to step into the wedding venue.....

Namjoon hummed as this is the time he was waiting for..... Having her, then the real game will start.....


On the other side, In Y/n room the door of her room opened reavealing Yoongi who was getting dragged by Jeon Jungkook..... Yoongi's both hands are cuffed as y/n eyes immediately widened seeing her brother..... She and Yuna immediately went towards him as both of them hugged him...... They pulled himself away as y/n saw the handcuff on yoongi's hand making her gritting her teeth in anger.....

Y/n: Get that thing off from my brother!!!!!

Hearing that, Jungkook scoffed and opened the cuffs with keys ...... Y/n can see few cuts on yoongi's face as it's makes her feel like crying.....

Yoongi: Dongseng, Yuna are you okay??? You are not hurt anywhere else right?!!!

Concern can be seen in Yoongi's face as y/n shooked her head in denial and asked," you have so many cuts on your face, Yoongi oppa.... They must be hurted you really bad.... "

Yoongi put his hand on her face and said," why did you agreed??? Why?!!! I know with what that bastard has threatened you.... But why?!!! "

Y/n weakly smiled at him and said," I will die for you oppa... But won't let anyone to hurt you.... You are my everything, oppa...As long as I am still alive, no will ever hurt you....."

Jungkook on the other side, is getting irritated seeing this thing as he heard his phone buzzed means he needed to get Y/n on the aisle..... He pulled out his gun from his hostler and pointed it at Yuna and said," Enough of this chit chat!!!! Let's get the things done for what everyone is waiting for..... Take the bride walk on the aisle, Yoongi ..... Or I will blew off her head!!!!"


In Wedding Venue

People who are invited into this lavish wedding of Kim Namjoon and Min Y/n are sitting on the chair ...... Yami is also present but her facial expression are netrual..... She is hating this whole thing right now that is happening in here in her mind..... But she is controlling herself because patience makes the fruit sweet.....

After sometime, Yuna entered into the venue and went towards her aunt ... By going she has looked at Seokjin who is also looking at her.... She stand behind Yami ... Yami didn't say anything because it's not the right time to talk.....

Hyunsik didn't attended instead Jennie attend, who literally ignored Min Yami... If she cross paths with her, She will bury that woman alive.....  People are gossiping about this whole thing even though the inner circle know about this relationship of yami-hyunsik more than a decades ago.....

Jimin is sitting in the chair and beside him, Hani who is looking so uncomfortable to being here..... She was never been this much crowd before.....

Namjoon is standing as he is tapping his feet as he is looking at door..... Seokjin and Taehyung both are standing a little bit far away from him..... Just then the door opened reavealing the talk of the town, The beautiful bride, Min Y/n who is walking along side with her brother, Min Yoongi and behind them, Jungkook who has put a cast on his hand where he has hide his gun and pointed at Y/n.....

She walked on the aisle as a bitter smile on her face .... She looked at her brother, Yoongi who is hating this but still he is doing it for her... To save her..... They both stand in front of Namjoon as Namjoon smirked and moved his hands on the air...... Y/n is glaring at him with utmost hatred in her eyes as Yoongi doesn't want to let her go..... So, namjoon snatched her lightly from Yoongi..... Yoongi's eyes became teary seeing her sister going to hell..... His eyes then went on his mother who is giving zero expression..... He went towards her and stand beside her and whispered" It's all because of you...."

The wedding ceremony started as the father started to reciting...... The wedding rituals are almost complete.....

"Do you take Min Y/n as your legally wedded wife till death do you apart????", Priest said as Namjoon looked at her pure determination and said ,"yes, I do....."

Namjoon said those words without hesitation......

Priest: Do you take Kim Namjoon as your legally wedded husband till death do you apart???

Hearing that her throat became dry.. she looked into her brother and then at Yuna and at the last she looked at her mother, min Yami with utmost hatred in her eyes....  She feel a slight pressure in her hands.... She looked and saw namjoon is glaring at her and indicating her to say....

Y/n: I.....I do......

And with that she finally given up everything.... A drop of tears fall down from yoongi's eyes.... Her dongseng was trapped for forever and he couldn't do anything.... What a useless brother he is!!!!

Priest: Now, you may kiss the bride.....

And with that Namjoon didn't hesitated a second to pull her in kiss.... She didn't respond his kiss so he slightly bit her lips and as a pain she opened her mouth he deepens the kiss making everyone believe that they kissed each other in love...... But what a beautiful lie it is....

Just then a blast occurred in the hall after one by one three more explosion happened...... The cateers who are doing serving on the table pull out their guns and started to shoot everyone in the hall room.... Everyone is running to save their life.... The smoke was filled out in the whole hall room not letting anyone see anything.....

Just then the door of the venue opened as so many men are coming inside with a machine guns in his hands.....A man entered into hall and looked at the scenario in front of him......

" Welcome To Hell Game of Oh Tae Soo!!! I hope you will enjoy it!!!!!", He said as he saw the massacre happen in the hall room who was conducted by none other than Min Yami, herself.....






please vote a lot and comment too because I love to read your comments it motivates me to write more and add your theories!!!! I will try to add it on the story!!!!!

And how are you all??? I am doing well... Just a little stressed 😥!!!! By the way, today, a black cat came in my apartment and constantly meowing so I give the cat food but that cat is so naughty instead of eating, he went inside our room and popped..... I am like what the hell 😦-

And a little spoiler, I might add Bangtan Universe Storyline in here..... Those who don't know Bangtan Universe, Save me webtoon and most beautiful moments of my life pt.1 and pt.2... it's related with that!!! And heartbeat MV of BTS..... You might find a little appearance of someone from there... Guess who it is!!!!!!



LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😀

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