Chapter 4: Remaining Old Memories

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Y/n Room

Author pov

The IV drips are attached to her hands as her whole body is bandaged..... Yoongi is holding her hands as she is still unconscious....... Her face doesn't have any bruises only her body that isn't protected by those marks and cuts ....... Someone put hand on yoongi's shoulder as he turned around to see Yurin......

Yurin: You should go and fresh yourself..... You have also beaten up.... Get fresh, than I will apply ointment on your wounds......

Yoongi seems to hesitate to go away from there.... Yurin assured her she will stay beside her then Yoongi decided to leave...... Just like their childhood times but things became opposite..... In early times, she would be beaten and yoongi would save her but now she do it to save her brother......Yet, Some Wounds Never Heal.... No matter how much you try.......


In Car

Namjoon and Taehyung has set their destination to Daegu as they have some things to solve in there...... The mafia business of Kim Jae Sub that is being handled by his trusted and loyal mens...... Jae Sub has given them the brief of every single person who is involve in what ......In this business one thing is sure that Never. Trust. Anyone.

Jae Sub has given them permission to eliminate them after his death as he knew after he died they will try to claim on this..... Jae Sub has prepared their substitute for them who will be same age of them or 2-3 years old elder or Younger...... And they are all well-trained and was under high observation as he wants to give them their best........

Taehyung: Why Jin hyung didn't come with us???

Taehyung asked as he didn't find Jin in the morning as he asked the maid they said he left early.... But where they don't know....... Namjoon just looked at Taehyung and said," Important business"

And that's enough for Taehyung to not speak any further questions as that phase ' Important business ' means something really important and confidential that if he don't know it's better.......


After taking some rest and treating his wounds, Yoongi came to see Y/n as soon as he entered into the room, he discovered her mother standing in front of her bed with a unreadable expression on her face....... He immediately go towards them as he is scared if she did something again........

Yami: How is she????

She asked without looking at Yoongi as yoongi answered," How would she be after getting hit by all night????"

Yami turned around to look at Yoongi as his eyes are shown a unknown rage that is directly on her.....

Yami: Don't use that tone on me, Yoongi!!!! Or I would forgot for a second you are my son.....

Hearing that yoongi scoffed and laughed a little hearing his mother's nonsense.....

Yoongi: In case you forgot, you never considered me and Y/n as your children.... We are mistakes, didn't we???

Yami smiled at him and said," yes.... You two are mistakes...... A biggest mistake in my life.... Specially she is the most..... I should have gotten abortion when I get to know about it ...... My stupid mind decided to keep her and I am suffering the most......"

She spat those words like a venom as yoongi just looked at his mother in disbelief...... He can't understand how much their own mother hates them....... Are they really deserve this......

Y/n: Then you should have done that..... It's not you who is suffering, it's us who are suffering in your beautiful castle like prison.......You never suffered President Min..... I saw you pushing my father from the stairs and that lead him into coma....... You are stupid and blindfolded..... Blindfolded by your mistakes that you can't see the truth even if it's front of you..... Because your ego doesn't let you.....You are the most egoistic person -

Y/n words interuppted by a slap that Yami give her...... Yoongi couldn't handle it anymore and moved her mother from Y/n and said," LEAVE!!!!!"

Yami just looked at both of them with her angry eyes and leave the room as after sometime, sobbing can be heard as Y/n is crying on Yoongi's arms....... Yoongi is slowly caressing her head to calm her down, trying to soothe her but how long she will try to stay strong??? If this abuse continues, Either She will die or her mother....


Namjoon is sitting in the sofa like a king as Taehyung is beside him, looking at the tied up persons who is now kneeling in front of them........ Namjoon has prepared his mens to envade to their main base which is their mansion as the whole mansion is now a bloodbath as so many people died in there....... Three mens are looking at Namjoon with a rage and hate in their eyes........ Namjoon pulled out his guns and slowly scratching his neck with it with a very bored look on his face as Taehyung is smirking at them looking at their miserable state.....

Namjoon: So, Any last Wish???

He said as he pointed gun at the center of the person who just shouted," do you think you will get away by killing us???? It's ours from the beginning!!!!! Now you want to claim it ....... Once my son find out about my death, he will f**king kill you....."

Hearing that, Namjoon snickered at him and said," oh!!!! I am thinking of meeting you your next successors of this mafia business who will takeover your positions....."

And with that one by one three people came from the mansion door as there old person got shocked seeing the mens........ Seeing their expression, Taehyung is so pleased.......

Taehyung: So, Mr. Jung, Mr. Park and Mr. Jeon, Meet your successors........

Taehyung smirked as their eyes got bigger seeing their own sons........

Mr. Park: Jimin!!!! What the hell are you doing?????

Jimin just looked at his father with a annoyed expression and kicked him in his stomach so hard to spilt some blood from his mouth...... Jimin hold his father's fistful of hair and said," The Thing I should have done years ago!!!!! I would love to kill you with my own hands father but slowly and steadily......

He said as he pulled out his guns and shot on his father's leg three times........ Just then Mr. Jeon shouted," Jungkook!!! I have your mother with me... If you don't want me to hurt her stop all of this !!!!!!!!"

Jungkook slowly goes towards his father and hold his throat making him fall down in the floor as he is chocking him.......

Jungkook: My mother,who you killed 9 years ago and threatened me with all of my life.... Do you think I will never find out!!!! Just die father just like you killed my mother chocking her to death!!!!!!

After sometime movements of Mr. Jeon stopped indicating he is dead....... On the other hand, Mr. Jung is slowly trying to get away from there but to his bad luck, he bumped into something and when he looked up and saw his Hoseok standing with a unreadable expression on his face....... Mr. Jung is terrified as he started to beg to hoseok to leave him alone.......

Mr. Jung: Hoseok, my son, I am your father..... You don't have to do this.... Spare me......

Hoseok just tilted his head to the other side and said," Father!!!!! What kind of father are you???? What kind of father are you who r@pes his own daughter and give his mens to enjoy her like a rag doll!!!!!!! This kind of father doesn't deserve to live!!!!!!

He said as he didn't waste anytime to put all of his bullets at him until his anger eases.......... Namjoon and Taehyung just looked at them and found their brother cells just like them...... Completely broken until they decided to rebel......

Namjoon stand up and put his gun on the table and said," If you ever found me doing anything wrong don't hesitate to pull the trigger on me....."

He said loud enough to hear them as they just looked at him for a moment and said all together," We Are In....."

Namjoon smiled as this task is completed..... Having their trust is the most important thing in here........


A person walked into the mental hospital most unpopular ward........ He looked at the patients who have lost their minds completely....... The doctor showed him the way where he is eager to go....... They both stand in front of a very specific door as the doctor indicated this is the right place....... He gesture the doctor through his eyes as the doctor went away leaving him alone with the specific person inside the room...... He opened the door and went inside as he saw that woman laying on the bed...... He knows her condition very well...... A well known stripper from red lights who once used to shine now became a very old woman in his 50thes...... She is mentally unstable and also has ovary Cancer as she don't have much time left for her........

The woman looked at the person who has entered as she didn't recognize him for a second until she saw him clearly, she gasped........ She is trying to say something but he shushed him......

???: My name is Kim Seokjin...... How are you, Mother?????

The woman eyes brimmed in tears as she wanted to say so many things but only thing came out from her mouth,""

Seokjin smiled at her and looked around to see the gasoline and lighter that is arrange by him...... He took the gasoline bottle and spread it all over the place........ The woman can't even move as her body is disabled but she just looked at his figure...... Before leaving the room, Seokjin said," But I am not sorry...... And you deserve it...."

And with that he throw the lighter into the room as the whole room started to burning along with that woman....... Seokjin looked through the glass mirror with his cold hearted eyes that is showing satisfaction and hearing her screams ...........








QUESTION OF THE DAY: So, Any thoughts about Seokjin and the other ??? Jimin, Taehyung, hoseok, yoongi and Jungkook......

ENJOY ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

SEE YOU SOON 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

SARANGHAE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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