Fushimi Saruhiko x Body swap reader/ Yata

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Ok, I know the title sounds weird but bear with me! (Also, the bold text is an author's note) enjoy

??? POV

     Now how should i mess with Homra? Kill one of there clansmen? No too risky. Blow up there bar? No, I don't have the incurrence. Wait a minute, I know what to do! But who should I do it to? The king? No I don't have the power to corrupt his mind. The little Loli? Nope. I got it! There van guard! Now let's swap him with... HER!


     Ah, why does my head hurt? I'm laying face first on the ground, then I get up. I was walking down the streets then, nothing. "Hey, did you hear me?" I look up and see a man with dirty blonde hair and purple shades.

     "Uh, what?" I ask. "You spilled your drink, help me clean it up!" He says. "I don't know what... wait a minute, why do I feel different? And why is my voice different?!

     I look in the mirror and see... IM A GUY?! "Uh Yata? You ok?" Purple shades asks. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I scream as I run out of the bar.

     Oh my god oh my god oh my god! I run though the street and then go into an alley. "What is going on?" I go deeper and deeper into the alley contemplating what the hell is going on. "How is this happening? The last thing I expected today was to turn into a guy!"

     "Oi, Misaki!" Huh? Before I can move, a knife is thrown at me and sticks into the wall. "Ah!" I shreak as I fall down. "What's the matter, are you actually scared? Mi~sa~ki?" A man with black hair and blue eyes walks up to me. "W-wait! I'm not Misaki! Or what ever this guys name is!"

     The man looks at me like I was a toddler that said they saw a pink fluffy unicorn dancing on rainbows.

     "You must have hit an all time low to think that I would believe a story like that, Misaki." He says as he pushing his glasses up. "I know it sounds crazy but, I've heard rumors before that there are these things called stranges..." "Strains." He corrects me.

     "Thank you. I heard that they have weird powers but... I didn't think that I would end up like this!" The man takes a closer look at me then (sassily) pushes his glasses up. "Boss told me about a strain that can swap people's bodies, follow me, I can help you out." He starts to walk off and I follow.

     "So how do you know this Misaki person? And how did you believe me so easily?" I ask. "A rival of mine. And I could tell that you weren't him. He's a wimp but not that much of a wimp." "HEY! I'm just scared and confused, have you ever had your body swapped?!" He just tsks.

     We finally make our way to a, fancy looking place. It looks like a mansion! "This is Scepter 4's headquarters." The man says as if he read my mind.

     "By the way, I never got your name." He looks down at me, then looks forward again as we make our way inside. "Saruhiko Fushimi." He says all nonchalant. "Oh, my name's Y/n L/n. But I guess in this body I'm Misaki."

     We walk though the building and lots of people give us weird looks. "Why are they starring at us, me in particular?" "Long story short, Misaki has caused some... trouble for us, let's put it that way."

     As we continue walking, a tall woman with blonde hair and blue eyes walks up to us. "Fushimi, why did you bring a red here?" She asks. "Don't worry, it's not really him. Remember that strain that was causing trouble in the city?" He asks her.

     "Yes I do, wait, does this mean?!" Before she can finish her sentence I step in between them. "Listen, I may have this guys body, but I'm not him. I just need help getting back into my own body."

     The woman nods. "Just go to the captain, he'll know what to do. She then walks away. Is it just me, or are her boobs unnaturally HUGE? Saruhiko takes my hand and lightly pulls me with him.

     We soon get to a door and Saruhiko knocks on it. "Boss, I have new information on that strain we're having problems with." He says. "Come in." A voice says from the other side.

     We walk in and immediately Saru says. "This is one of the victims from that strain, they seemed to have swapped her body with Misaki's." The man in the chair nods then stands up. "What is your name?" He asks. "Y/n L/n." He nods. "Do you have a picture of yourself or any way of identifying what you look like?"  He asks. "Um, I do on my phone, but that's on my body and I don't have it with me."

     Just my luck, now I don't know how to identify myself. Wait a minute. "I can describe what I look like and all." The man nods and gets out a notepad and pen. "I have h/c hair and e/c eyes with s/c skin, I'm about (height) tall and (insert additional info about your look, I'm lazy)."  

     The man finishes writing and puts his pen down. "Thank you miss L/n. I believe we can find your body soon. In the meantime, Fushimi, I'll need you to look after hi... her." Fushimi sighs but then nods his head. "Good."

~Le time skips~

     I'm just sitting here in Fushimi's office, bored as ever. "So uh, what do you wanna do?" I ask. "I don't know, I'm stuck watching you so." I take off the jacket that was tied around my or, Misaki's waist and put it on myself cause it's really cold in here.

     "Are you cold? You're shivering." Saru implies. "Yeah, I just, huh?" A red aura starts to surround me. "What to hell?!" Before the aura gets any bigger, Saru pulls me into an embrace. "Calm down, we don't need you destroying the entire building.

     I take a few deep breaths and then the aura goes away. "W-what was that?" I ask. "Well, Misaki has a certain power, he can kinda control fire." "Huh?" We both stand in silence for a moment.

     "Um, why are you hugging me?" Saru then jumps back into reality and lets go of me. "I was trying to keep you under control for the moment."

     Before we can say anything else someone walks through the door. It's the woman from earlier. "We found your body."

     We all walk to the captain's office and I see my body. It's weird seeing yourself while someone else is behind the controls. I bet this guy feels the same. "So you must be Misaki." I say.

     I/he blushes but then uses my/his hair to hide my/his face. (What?) "Let's just get this over with." He says. "Well we also managed to find the strain who attacked you so we'll make him get yourselves back into your bodies." The woman says.

     A few other people bring in a man and they push him to his knees. "Alright you bastard, give us our bodies back!" Misaki yells. The strain sighs. "Well, I guess my plan failed, here, you may have your bodies back.

     I feel a small pain in my head then I pass out. Soon enough I open my eyes. "Uh, am I normal again?" Huh? My voice is back to normal! And my body's back to normal! "HOORAY! IM ME AGAIN!" Someone then clamps there hand over my mouth.

     "Quite down will you?" I look up and see that Saru had me in his arms and also covering my mouth.

     "Finally, I'm a man again." Misaki looks at himself and grins. I remove Saru's hand from my mouth. "Glad we're back to normal."

Le time skips

      It's been about a month since that whole incident and Saru and I became close friends. We're currently walking through the streets and I'm ranting about my favorite show.

     "...but I can't believe they killed him off, he was such a good character..." I'm cut off by Saru covering my mouth and pulling me into an alley. He then pushes me against the building. "S-Saru? What are you..."

.    He puts his finger up to my lips to shut me up again. "Listen, I don't know how to do this but... oh forget it." He takes my head in his hands and locks his lips with mine.

     After a long, but enjoyable, make out cession. He pulls away. "Y/n..." now it's my turn to cut him off. "If you're asking me to be your girlfriend then yes, I accept."

     He smirks then pulls me with him out of the alley. "Did you fall in love with me because I was in Misaki's body before?" I tease.

     He stops and throws me over his shoulder. "H-hey! Put me down, people are staring!" I start thrashing around like a little toddler.

     "This is your punishment."

~Extended ending~

     Misaki and I have also become close friends.

"Hey Yata?"


"How was it like being in my body?"

"Ah!" Flashback

"Ah, why does my chest feel so heavy... wait a minute. IM A GIRL!!!

Now... this is kinda an example of what you can request, sky's the limit I guess. But don't go too crazy! Anyways I hope you enjoyed the first one shot and see you in the next one... probably.

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