Hisui Nagare x Wishing! Reader

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Request by NIKKI_1889

Warning! More feels!


Three wishes. That is all I will get in life, just three. Ever since I was young, I had a tattoo on my wrist showing me how many wishes I had left. When I used a wish the tattoo would subtract the previous number on it. I am a strain that is kinda like a genie, but I am the one granting my own wish and I only get three wishes.

My first wish was to gain great friends. I was bullied as a kid and no one really liked me, but my wish had came true and I had created a great bond with the green clan. We are all like family.

My second wish was to become one of the most powerful strains out there. I have advanced in all my fighting and magic skills, that is also how I became a j-rank so fast.

       But I have not used my last wish yet. And a feeling inside of me that I need to use it for something great. Something important.

"Y/n, are you ready?" Asks my king as we stand before the Dresden slates. "Yes." Is all I say. "No!" I look behind me to see the Silver king and his clansmen, Neko.

"Damnit, they got here quick." I say mostly to myself. If I could, I'd wish that all the clans would stay out of our business but apparently I can't control the actions of other people.

"Give up now Silver king." Nagare says. The two of them get into an argument as Iwa and I try to find a way to beat them.

But then, the silver king had a great idea to raise his Weissman level beyond its limit to destroy the slates. Shit! Nagare and I think fast and try to attack the silver king.

But, we had done all of this, for nothing. The silver king has successfully destroyed the slates and evacuated. "No! If there's no more power, then that means..." I look over at my king resting in Iwa's arms, slowly dying.

And after all he's done for me...


I sit alone in the streets, feeling the cold rain drip rom the sky and onto me. I had just gotten done with a mission from jungle. At the time I did not realize that I had ranked up to a J-rank.

I just look down at the streets and put my hood up. "Are you Ms. Y/n Silver?" I hear a man ask. I look up and see an old man dressed up like a priest. "Um, yes." I respond.

"Great, and I presume that you know that you have moved up to J-rank." He states. "Wait what?" I say. "Hm, you didn't know?" He questions.

"No, I just kinda played this app for fun I guess." I respond. "Well then follow me, I'll take you to Jungle's HQ." he says and starts to walk off.

Oh well, I've got nothing better to do. I get up and follow him to the Jungle HQ. As we walk in through the door, I can see you two boys sitting on the couch.

"Sukuna, Yukari, id like to introduce you to the newest j-rank member." He claims. The boys look up at me and introduced themselves. I found out that there names were Yukari Mishakuji and Sukuna Gojo.

       After I had introduced myself to them, a man in a wheelchair had rolled up to me. "Hello Y/n, my name is Hisui Nagare, welcome to j-rank." He greets me. I smile at him. I guess my first wish came true...

~Flashback over~

       He had taken me in, treated me like family, and I have to sit here and watch him die... no, I'm not letting him die. Now I know what my last wish needs to be.

      "I wish Nagare and I can switch hearts." I say. Iwa looks at me In fear, because he knows that he's going to loose one of his friends that he's seen as his child,

      A sharp pain strikes my chest and I prop myself up against some debris. Nagare then gets up on his own two feet. "I-I can walk... Y/n..." he runs over to me and grabs my shoulders.

      "Why, why did you do that?" He asks me. "Think of it, as my repayment to you..." I say.

       "Thank you Y/n, for everything." Iwa smiles at me. Nagare has a few tears welled up in his eyes, but right before he leaves, I grabs his hand.

       "Wait, I need to do something before you go." I cups his cheeks and bring him into a long a passionate kiss. After I pull away, I smile at him. "Goodbye Nagare... now go, get out of here, live the rest of your lives..." I tell them.

       "Goodbye Y/n..." Nagare says as him and Iwa escape. I lay down on the floor, seeing the debris falling down. "My debt has been repaid..." and that is the last thing I say before I am buried by the rocks.

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