Mikoto Suoh x Tarara's little sister

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"Oh Tatara, how can you let those boys pick on you?!" I scold my older brother. He's currently in the hospital because some jerk kids beat him, and when I say beat, I mean they destroyed him!

Not before long two high school boys walk in. One of them had blonde wavey hair and brown eyes while the other had wild red hair and amber eyes.

"Oh hey Mikoto, Izumo." My brother waves at them. "You must be his friends I suppose." I walk up to them. The one with red hair speaks first.

"So what's your name?" He asks. Miss whatever your last name is. "I'm Y/n Totsuka, this clumsy guy is my brother." I say pointing to Tatara.

The two boys go up to Tatara and ask his about what happened. Soon after the red head punches Tatara on the head. I can't help by giggle.

"Y/n! You aren't supposed to be laughing!" No regrets.

~Present day~

     As the years gone by, Mikoto became king and Tatara and I joined Homra. Other members have come and gone *cough cough Fushimi cough cough* But we all manage to be free and wild.

     Right now I'm just sitting alone in the bar. Izumo had to run an errand so I'm forever alone. That is until Tatara walked in.

"Don't worry Y/n. It's safe to say today will be completely normal." *winks*

"Tatara I can see you winking."

"Ah, there he is. Ok Y/n, you can thank me later. And remember, no hickeys."

"Huh? Tatara you little sh!t! You son of a f#cking @$@&&*+ I'm going to tear off your @&&&$&@&& and shove them right up your %*#^%%^ and then $&$& in the @"&& so then you'll have to f#ck sideways! &$@$"

Mikoto walks in.

"Huh? Hi there."

Well that was awkward. Mikoto comes up to the bar and sits beside me.

"Woopsy doopsy I remembered that I need to go to the bath room. Have fun you two!" Tatara says then runs out.

"Well that was over dramatic." I say. Mikoto just sighs. We both sit in awkward silence for a moment.

"So... How's your day been?" Nailed it. "Ok, so far." He replies. (Me trying to start conversations) Hate to admit it but I've had a crush on the king for about... I don't know, since the beginning of time.

     I get up and start to make my way to the door. "Where are you going?" Mikoto asks. "Um, I wanted to get Tatara a present. His birthday is coming up soon." I say.

     Mikoto then puts out his cigarette and walks towards me. "I'll go with you." I nod and we head out.

     As we walk though the streets the awkward silence creeps upon us once more. "So uh, the sun set looks nice." WHAT WAS THAT Y/N?!

     I hear footsteps behind us and when I turn around I see about three guys. Oh boy I can see where this is going.

     "Hey hey sweet thang." One of the men purrs.

Me: "Uh, you do realize there is a 6 foot man beside me."


"And he looks like he can break your clavicle... with his tongue."


"What I'm saying is, you're a f#cking idiot."

"That's no way a lady should talk!"

"And that's no way a man should live."

    Sick burns all around. The man walks up to me but before he can lay a finger on me, Mikoto had grabbed his arm. "Hey, let go of me you freak!" Disgrace of human life says.

I smirk then flames start to wrap around my arms. "Let me get one thing straight to you. If you play with fire, you get burned."

The men look at me in shock but still assault us. "W-what the hell kid!" I nod at Mikoto, and we both have the same thing in mind.

We both attack the men who, not after long, run away. But not before one of them takes out a knife and chucks it at us.

I didn't even notice it until the last second. But before the knife can reach me, Mikoto had pulled me into a hug to avoid it.

I felt something creeping down my cheek then I realized that the blade hit me. This sets Mikoto off as he then finds the bastards and beats them up and I'm pretty sure he would have kept going if I had not pulled him back.

We start to walk back to Homra and when we get there Mikoto gets out a first aid kit. "Hey, don't worry about me, I'm fine." I try to reassure him that I'm ok. "No you're not." He says in a nonchalant tone.

He starts to patch up my cheek and when he's done I thank him. "Ok, where is everyone today? It's like a ghost town in here!"

Mikoto walks over and towers over me, just a friendly reminder that I'm a shorty and he's as tall as the fricken Empire State Building! "Y/n, how loyal are you to Homra?" He asks.

"Well that's a weird question. I'd give my life for you guys. You're not just my clan, you're my family. Tatara and I didn't really have, anyone, just the two of us to take care of each other."

Before I can say anything else, Mikoto grabs my chin and makes me look up at him. "M-Mikoto, what are you..." he cuts me off as he presses his lips onto mine.

One word to describe my emotions right now: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!

"If you're that loyal to Homra, then prove it by staying with me." And there goes my heart beat. I nod and throw my arms around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder.

"AH! My baby sister's all grown up!" Oh no. I turn around to see that Tatara had filmed the whole thing! "TATARA! HOW DARE YOU!"

"Well..." He then looks at Mikoto who is giving him the glare of death. "I'll leave you to it then!" He says as he runs out of the bar.

After I know for sure he's gone, I hug Mikoto again. "Don't worry, I won't leave you!"

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