Mikoto x Depressed! Reader

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More of the feels will be hit! Also if you are triggered by self harm and thoughts of suicide then don't read

Request by freelittlegirl


      "Mikoto..." I walk away from where I last saw him, and... him... I follow trail I take every day back to the same old apartment I own.

It couldn't have been real, couldn't it? Well whatever I think it was, it was probably the worst thing imaginable.

        The Red King has fallen for the Blue King. I know, shocker. The two polar opposites having feelings for each other? I couldn't believe it at first too.

       I was walking around with Mikoto, Totsuka, and Anna when all of a sudden members of the blue clan started to attack us. Totsuka ran off with Anna but I kinda ran away from everybody.

       Once I knew I was safe, I ran back to find the others I saw the Blue king KISSING MIKOTO! I mean... it was kinda hot at first... but still!

       I have had feelings for him for a while now, he was the one to fix up my life... but now, I don't know what I think of him...

I trudge up the stairs and go into my apartment. I thought, that he could of had feelings for me to. We're both very comfortable around each other and we are pretty close.

I lay down on my bed and a few tears escape my eyes. No one's truly loved me. My parents basically disowned me, my siblings hate me, I never had any friends in school, and now, my heart feels like to been ripped out of my chest.

Some may call me over dramatic, or that some people have it worse, but we're all entitled to our own sorrows. I pull my sleeve down, and look at my scars, the scars that remind me that I am just another meat suit in this cruel cruel world.

I can hear a few buzzes coming from my phone but I ignore it and go to my bath room. The mirror in front of my shows a broke vessel of a small little thing in this world, just another face in the crowd, and no one would notice if they just, disappeared.

I open one of my cabinets and take out a small box of razor blades. Ever since I joined Homra I stoped doing this kind of stuff, but I know that they also just see me as another face in the crowd.

As I open the small box, and pour out the small metal objects. I pick up one of the and examine how sharp it is. Well it doesn't matter, as long as I feel the pain, that's all I need.

I position the razor by my wrist. But just as I'm about to cut into my skin, I hear a knock at the door. Shit! I throw the razor down and go to the door.

I look through the peek hole and see... M-Mikoto? If I don't answer he'll just go away, I don't want him to see me like this... no he doesn't deserve to lay his eyes on my worthless self, he's too good for me.

I put my back to the door and slide down. After a little while I hear the footsteps by my door fade away. Good, he's gone.

I then get up, open the door and run up to the roof top. I just fall to my knees and cry my eyes out.

Then as if my feet has a mind of there own, they take me to sit on the ledge of the building. I look over and examine the streets below me.

No one would even care if a body were to fall off and hit the ground, some people would see it in the newspaper and just gloss over it.

"Y/n." A familiar voice reaches my ears. My eyes widen and my jaw trembles. "M-Mikoto!" Get up and look towards him. I try to make it look like I wasn't crying but I know that he won't buy it.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask. "I needed to find you after Scepter 4 came after us, I found Totsuka and Anna but I couldn't find you." He claims.

My eyes avert to my feet. "Well, I'm here now." My small voice most likely doesn't reach his ears.

"Y/n, give me your arm." He states.
"W-why?" I stutter and grab my wrist. He then walks over to me and grabs my wrist. "Mikoto!" I trash my arm around in hopes to get out of his grin. He easily over powers me and pulls my sleeve down to see all the scars on my arm.

        He loosens his grip on my arm and I take this opportunity to pull my arm away. "Don't touch me! You didn't need to find out about this..." I trail off and stroke my wrist and feel all the bumps.

        Mikoto then walks up to me and grabs my arm again. "Let go of..." he cuts off my words by crashing his lips onto mine. My salty tears cascade down my cheeks, and I slowly kiss back.

       We both fall to our knees, after we break away, I completely fall apart. Mikoto pulls my head into his chest and strokes my hair. "B-but what about you a-and Munakata?" He just holds me tighter.

       "We were just fighting and we both slipped onto each other." He claims. My eyes tremble and I hug him back. "I'm sorry..." I cry into his chest.

        He kisses my forehead and cradled me. And for once, I feel loved

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