Misaki Yata x Reader

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Request by LucilleUchiha


        "Son of a bitch!" I yell out and hold onto my knee. "F#ck! Why am I such an idiot?!" I yell to myself. Uh, long story short, I was doing tricks on my skateboard but fell and scraped my knee.

I get over myself fast, grab my board and start to head back to Homra. I've been a member for a couple weeks now, I don't know where I'd be without them.

I moved out and tried to do something with my life. But then I was pursued by some stupid drunk idiots. Homra had seen this and tight when they were about to intervene, they saw me kick the drunks asses.

They thought I was so good at fighting that they made me a Homra member I didn't have much so I joined... and i also though Anna was so adorable, she's like my only weakness.

      I walk up the steps and open the doors. "What's up! I'm back! And in need of ice because this f#cking burns!" I say as I hope up to the counter.

       "Hey Kusanagi, could you give me some ice please?" I ask. He just sighs, fills a plastic bag with ice and hands it to me. "Who'd you fight this time Y/n?" He asks.

       "Actually, no one, I... fell and scraped my knee." I say in embarrassment. Someone then chuckles. I turn around to see Yata was the one laughing. "You wanna go Yata?" I challenge him.

"What Y/n? Did the concrete rise and beat you up? I though that you were the type of person that would get there arm chopped off and be fine." He laughed out.

Why you little... I walk over, grab him by the collar and pull him towards me. "How about I throw you into the concrete, huh?" I threaten. A tint of pink appears on his face.

He turns his head away. "I-i was just kidding, take a joke L/n." He pouts. I let him go and sit back down on the stool. Yata's my friend and all but sometimes he can be down right annoying. We have a lot in common and we both hate that monkey with a burning passion but still, he's kind of an idiot, a lovable idiot though.

     After a little while, the bar starts to get a bit crowded. Ew, human interaction. Screw this. I get up and make my way to the door. "Hey Yata, wanna come to the skate park with me?" I ask.

     "Sure, lets go." He grabs his board and comes with me. We ride down to the skate park.

No one is here, great, we got the park all to ourselves. I start to do tricks in the half pipes and Yata skates inside the bowl thing.

Hold on, I've never tried to go on the metal bar things before, maybe I should try. I skate away from the half pipes and I try to kick my board onto the bars.

I fail and fall over. "Ow! Note to self, try not to take everything head on." I say to myself as I get up.

Yata then skates over to me. "You ok?" He asks. "Fine, been through worse. But I do want to learn how to do some tricks on the metal bars." I say.

"Well, let me show you." Yata then skates a bit away, gets some good speed then kicks him board up to the bars and slides along them. After he gets back on the ground, I start clapping a little.

"Bravo you little shrimp." I praise/tease him. A little pink hue appears in his cheeks again. "Thanks, I-I... wait did you just call me a shrimp?!" I giggle a bit. "Sorry, I'll try again, learn from you." I then do exactly what he did. Skate a bit away, gain some speed, jump and!

At first I start to glide along the bars, but then I start to loose balance. "Goodbye cruel world!" I fall off my board but just when I think I'll hit the ground, Yata grabs me, but then dips me, kinda like how those dancers do it.

"Woah, thanks Yata." I put my hands around his neck so I don't fall down. "N-no problem Y-y/n." He blushes even harder now.

"Yeah, um, could you help me up please?" I ask. "S-sure... but not after this." He then pulls me up a bit then gently placed his lips onto mine.

I'm shocked for a moment, but then realize, I loved him from the second I met him. He was just like me, I loved the way he skates, I love the way he blushes around me, everything. I then close my eyes and kiss back.

     After we both break away, I smile at him. "Love ya Misaki." I say. He smiles. "I-I love you to... hey you just called me Misaki!" Oh sh!t. I break away from his hold and start to run away.

     "No one calls me Misaki! You know I don't like that name and monkey always makes fun of me and..." I love you, Misaki. ;)

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