Misaki Yata x reader x Saruhiko Fushimi (Why cant we be friends?)

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Request by vladislava_iero  and SAILORoTAKU123 Hope you enjoy :)

Disclaimer! As most of you may know I have finished my No blood no bone no ash book and I'm working on the second book for it. I will release it once I'm done with the one shots I have left and the only one after this at this point in time is Munakata x Mikoto's sister. Thank you for reading and enjoy the one shot


Ok so what do I need. Food obviously, but what kind? I ask myself as I walk through the city. I've lived on my own for a while now, I like it, but it's hard making adult decisions!

I just wish that my friends were still here. "YOU DAMN MONKEY!" Spoke too soon. I run towards the red and blue flames. Oh boy.

      I turn the corner to see my two friends fighting in a court yard. It looks like they're trying to kill each other! I can't take it anymore. My feet carry me to the middle of the battle they were having.

      "Stop it!" I yell out. "Y/n?!" They say in unison. When I had stepped in the middle of them, they had stopped in there tracks.

     "Y-y/n?! What the hell?!" Yata yells at me but is glaring at Saru. "I'm done with your bull shit! Come with me!"

      Saru does his famous little tsk and starts to walk off. "I don't have time for this." Oh hell no. I grab him by the ear like what a mother would do to her disobeying child. "You too!" I go over to Yata and pull him by the ear as well.

"Ow ow! Y/n, what are you doing?!" Yata whines. I give them both a death glare. "You two are gonna make up!"

~Time skip~

"Y/n, please let me out! I can't stand being close to this Monkey!" Yata tries to struggle out of the get along shirt.

     "No! I'm tiered of you two fighting all the time! Now sort out your differences and make up!" I order them. "No thank you." Saru says all nonchalant. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M GIVING YOU A CHOICE?!" And that gets them to think.

     "I'm sorry Y/n, but things aren't like what they were in middle school. Things have changed." Yata claims. Water starts to form in my eyes.

Yata's POV

I swear it's getting hard to breath in this shirt. Wait a minute. Y/n starts to bawl like a child. Oh no, I hate it when she's sad. "Y-Y/n! Please don't cry! (Craft)" Damn it, once the tears start flowing from her eyes I know that they won't stop.

"I- I wanna stop crying. But I can't! I just want us all to be friends again." She really knows how to get to people.

Saru's POV

And Y/n is still crying, still crying, still, crying. It's cool that my head has an echo though! Hello! Anybody in here?! "H-h-hello Saru." Ah shit what the fuck?!

But I'm pretty sure everyone hates to see Y/n cry. The only time I remember her crying this hard is when she found out that my father... we don't even talk about him. Her and Yata helped me through my family issues, at least that's something I was grateful for.

     "Y/n, if you stop crying, we'll try to work things out."


"R-really."I say as I wipe the tears away from my eyes. "Fine, I'll try at least." Yata says in an annoyed tone. "T-thank you." Got you, you fuckers. Fake crying works every time. "I'll take you out of the shirt if you promise to behave." I scold. "We're not five year olds." Saru says nonchalant, then again when does he not speak in a nonchalant tone?

      "Well if you two are gonna act like five year olds then I'll treat you like five year olds!" I scold again. I then go up to them and take off the shirt. "Now make out! UP! I MEANT MAKE UP!" Way to go me. The two of them start to chuckles at what I said. "W-what?! Don't forget what you promised!"

The two of them face each other. "Saru, I'm mad at you because you left us. Y/n I understood why you didn't join Homra but, Saru left you as well." Yata claims. "It's true. But I can see both sides of the story. Saru, Horma did, in a way, take you in, and you left them. But Yata, Saru is a free man who can make his own decisions and lead his own life."

      They both have a A face mixed with anger, sadness, stress and more. "Guys, I've known you for a long time, I love you both equally and I don't want us to be in this conflict anymore." I step forward and wrap both my arms around them and bring the two into a hug.

      "Y/n, what are you doing?" Saru asks. "I'm done with you two fighting. Please, just stop." I can feel both of them start to hug me back. "I'm sorry Y/n, us fighting just makes everything worse." Yata claims. "Yeah, I never wanted to disappoint you." Saru says.

      "But hey, do you know what will really raise our friendship meter?" I ask. "Oh, you mean..." "yes, that."

Kusanagi's POV

      "Hey Y/n, have you seen Yata?" I ask as I walk into her apartment. "Is it ok to just walk in like this?" Totsuka asks. "Well we..." I'm cut off when I hear some noise from the other room. Totsuka and I put our ears to the door and listen.

Saru: This is kinda hard.
Y/n: I know, but bear with me. Yata come here.
Yata: Um, o-ok. Is it in yet?
Y/n: No, I'm over here, thats my sweater!
Saru: You suck at this Misaki.
Yata: fuck you monkey! I'll poke you with this.
Saru: Ow.
Y/n: No fighting! Here just, both of you come here. There's only one of these, so you're gonna have to share!

      "Oh my god. Are they..." Totsuka starts but doesn't continue. I'm just giggling and I tell Totsuka to pull out his camera. He gets it out and starts to film. I then open the door and turn on the lights.

      "Eating mac and cheese on the dark is harder than I thought." We then see the three of them sitting in a circle with a big bowl of mac and cheese in the middle.

      "Oh, hey Kusanagi, Totsuka. Why are you filming us?" Yata asks. "Uh, we thought, umm." I start.

      "What? What could you possibly think was happening?" Saru asks. Totsuka and I then run out, no words said.


      Jeez, what could they have thought we were doing? "Y/n, thanks for trying to bring us together again." Yata says. "No problem. You're my best friend."

     "Not for long." The two of them say in unison. "What?" "Nothing!"

      I get up and start to walk out. "Dibs." Saru says. "What? You can't call dibs on a person!" Yata complains. "Just did." "Not if o can help it!"

      Oh boy, I'm gonna be in a reverse harem now.

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