Reisi Munakata x reader (Lady in (F/C)

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Request by MusicalTune

(F/c) means favorite color btw, just in case you didn't know.

Reisi's POV

"Sir, we have another, Lady in (f/c) report." Me Awashima says to me. "This is a very odd case, I'll go out on my own to take care of this." I claim. "Won't you need someone to accompany you?" Awashima asks. "No, I'll be fine on my own, thank you ms Awashima." I then make my way out of the Scepter 4 building.

      This is a very peculiar case. About a month ago, we have been getting reports of a woman who has been spotted beating up criminals, stalking people, and may have lead to the disappearance of many criminals, most of them have shown up to Scepter 4 within the week.

      I continue down the sideway, until I hear something in the alleyway. Is she in here? You never know until you try it.

I walk into the alley and investigate the noise, I take cover behind a dumpster and look around the corner.

At the corner of the alley, there is a group of men, not Homra through, they are surrounding someone covering there face and body with a (f/c) cloak. (I don't know why I have a thing for badasses in capes, I watch too much RWBY)

Is this the Lady in (f/c)? It has to be. The men start to take out knifes and bats, I'm about to take out my sword but then, the girl jumps on top of one of the men's shoulders and climbs up onto the fire escape.

I see a smirk under her hood as she takes her sword out of her sheath, jumps down and kicks one of the men in the face. She continues to beat up the men, but only giving them little cuts.

The group then retreats out of the alley, passing me. "So are you just gonna stand there, or are you gonna do something?" A voice behind me said a. I turn my head to see the hooded girl.

"I presume that you are the Lady in (f/c), am I correct?" She smirks again. "You certainly know about me." She then takes her hood off to reveal that she has (h/l) (h/c) hair, with (e/c) eyes and (s/c) skin.

"And so I presume that you are Reisi Munakata, the fourth and blue king. In a way, we've kinda been working together." She balances her weight into one of her legs and keeps her smirk on.

"And how have we been working together?" I question her. "Simple, I've been tracking down some criminals in the area and I drop them off at Scepter 4." She explains. "In a way, I'm a mercenary, people come to me and tell me to take out a certain person and I do just that."

"So have you killed anyone yet?" I ask. She looks a little shocked. "What? No, well not yet anyways. Only in the future if someone truly needs to die, then I'll kill them." She looks away from me as she says this.

"Well then, I hope you continue to do what you do." She looks a little confused. "Huh? Why aren't you arresting me or something?" She asks while she tilts her head.

Now the tables have turned and I'm the one smirking. "Well you do what you do for good, don't you?" She sends me a small smile and puts her hood back up. "Well, thanks, see you again some other time Rei Rei!" She says as she walks off.

Why did she call me Rei Rei?

~Two weeks later~

Ever since my encounter with the Lady in (f/c), more and more criminals have been brought onto our doorstep. Most of them have a letter tied to them. The most recent one reads:

Dear Rei Rei,

Here's another mutt for you to throw in a cell, and don't worry, his leg will heal. But anyways, I need you to meet me on the rooftop of the tea shop you visited earlier, there's an important matter I need to talk with you about.
-Lady in (f/c)

Again with the nick name. I grab my sword and head out to the tea shop. How did she know that I went there? I'll ask when I get to her. Once I get on top of the roof, I wait.

"Took you long enough." I'd recognize that voice anywhere. "Lady in (f/c), what have you summoned me here?" She walks up to me. "A U-ranked Jungle member has been targeting me, and, I need your help."

"The Lady in (f/c) is asking for my help?" She looks a little mad. "Hey, I've been helping you out, now I'm not saying that you owe me, but I'm begging you, help me." I sigh and nod my head. "Ok, I'll help you find this Jungle member. "Thank you Reisi." She smiles at me and we start to jump across rooftops.


"So what now?" Reisi asks. "They can come at me at any time, so I think that if I go out alone and you watch me, they'll come after me." I then jump down into the alley way and start walking.

Any second now that "ninja" guy will try to kill me. I know for a fact that it's not if, but when. Reisi is watching me from the rooftop as I trudge my way through the alley.

Soon enough, a green portal appears in the wall and the ninja guy emerges. "Not you again!" I draw my sword and get into a fighting stance.

      He charges towards me and we clash swords. He then kicks my feet and I fall over. "Seriously! How many points am I worth?!" He brings his sword down and it pierces my side.

      Just then, Reisi jumps from the roof top and behind the ninja guy. But besides the point, WHY AM I CALLING HIM NINJA GUY?! I mean he is in a ninja costume but still, there's gotta be a better name for this guy, ok we're going with Jungle member,

     The jungle member starts to run off because they recognized the blue king. He goes through another portal but not before I take a knife out of my boot and throw it at them.

      I stabs into there calf, and they trudge into the portal. "Damn, they got away." I get up but then I fall forwards. Reisi is about to help me out but I slightly push him away. "Don't. I'm fine. Thanks for your help though."

      I then fall to my knees clutching my side. "You're not ok, learn to rely on others." He then picks me up bridal style and walks off.

~Time skip brought to you by Munakata's glasses~

      Reisi brings me inside his house and sits me down. He then gets the first aid and patches up my side. "Don't worry about it, I'll be fine." I try to play him off.

      "What's your name?" He asks. "Huh?" "You never said your name last time we met so what is it?" He asks again.

     I look to the side. "It's Y/n, Y/n L/n"
I say blatantly.  "All done." Rei says as he finishes patching me up. "Thanks for helping, but I gotta go." I get up and start to trudge towards the door.

      Before I can reach my destination, Reisi shuts the door. (Must resist singing panic!) "Do you have somewhere to go?" He asks.

      "I could find one." I try to reach for the doorknob but he grabs me by the wrist. "Why do you mean by that?" He questions.

     "I usually sleep on rooftops, I don't actually have a roof to sleep on." I look away from him

      "Stay here tonight, then we could possibly talk about you joining Scepter 4." Huh? How can he be, so nice to me. I smirk a little. "Me? Join you? And wear that skimpy outfit you make make that Awashima lady wear."

      "You could take on some of the harder jobs. But besides the point, why did you ask me for help with the Jungle member?" He asks. My eyes widen as I remember why.

      I pull away and sit on the couch. "Let's just say that they know about my past, they known my weakness." I look down at my hands. "And what is that? Can you trust me?"

      "I just don't want you to end up like the red king." I say to myself but Reisi hears me. "What?" Said that too load. "When you asked me if I've ever killed anyone, I lied. When I was little, all I had was my brother (if you don't have a big brother then you do now) our parents had been killed when I was little, I don't want to get too much into detail but I found the man who killed them and tried to kill him, but my brother had tried to stop me, and he was the one at the end of my blade." Tears start to fall down my cheeks but I quickly wipe them away.

      "After that I become distant from people, and I turn in people who did what the man who killed my parents did." I then feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see the look of sympathy in Reisi's eyes.

      "Then continue to stop criminals by joining me." I think about this for a moment, then I give him my answer. "Ok."

~One month later~

      "Here you go." I say and throw a man towards Reisi, this guy help up the coffee shop I was at and apparently trouble finds me everywhere I go. The ninja guy comes and goes at times but I usually fight them off, even if they bring up my brother, I've become mentally stronger, all with the help of my new king.

      "Good work ms L/n." He praises me. "It's getting late so ima gonna go back to my apartment." I'm about to walk out but Reisi puts his hand on my shoulder.

     "Y/n, I need to talk with you for a moment." "Huh? Sure thing." He adjusts his glasses, not saying a word. "Uh, Rei Rei, are you just gonna stand there or..." he cuts me off by taking my hood off and slowly but passionately kisses me.

      HUH?! Ok I am slightly confused. He pulls away and smiles down on me. "Y/n, I would like to make you,
my blue queen." I smile back at him. "Sure thing Cap, I'm always loyal to you." I then grab his hand and throw him on the couch next to us.

      "Y/n..." I then lay behind him and cuddle next to him. "What are you..."
"BITCH YOU GETTIN SNUGGLES!" He then lays down with me and receives the snuggles.

      "Y/n, your brother would be proud of you."

     "I know."

The upcoming one shots:
Sukuna Gojo x Yata's sister
Misaki Yata x Reader x Saruhiko Fushimi
Reisi Munakata x Mikoto's sister

Thanks for reading 😊👍

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