Saruhiko Fushimi x Sick! Reader

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Request by shadow_the_queen


Why? Why did this have to happen to me? I know this isn't as bad as cancer or any super bad disease but... this still sucks.

     My boyfriend, Saru, usually takes care of me, I don't like to go outside much but when I do I panic a lot. Before I tell you everything else, I have alopecia. Again it's not as bad as cancer or something but it's still bad.

I've already started to loose som hair and I've been trying to get that treated. Saru and I had only started a relationship a few weeks before I got this disease and he's always been there.

Right now he's at work and I'm just sitting on my bed watching YouTube. It's pretty much all I can do... just then, I hear the door open, I jump a little bit at that.

     "Y/n, I'm back." I hear the voice of Saru. He walks into our room and sees me. "Oh Y/n..." he walks over and sits on the bed. I adjust the beanie on my head so that Saru can't see the missing patches of hair.

     "I'm sorry," I mumble. "Huh? What are you sorry for?" He questions. "You're always taking care of me, I'm just a leach clinging onto you, I don't wanna burden you." I tell him.

"Y/n don't talk like that, if I didn't want you in my life I would have left you already, I don't wanna loose you." He says.

     "But, if I loose any more hair, I don't think you'll like me anymore... and you'll get annoyed that I'll get scared at the littlest things..." I grab on my beanie and tug it down so I'm covering my entire face.

     "I don't give a sh!t." He says. "Huh?" He crawls closer to me and pulls off my beanie. "I don't give a sh!t that you're loosing hair, or panicking, I love you, and if I only loved you for what you looked like then I'd just be another asshole that'll go nowhere in life." I tear up a bit. "Saru..."

      "And I don't mind you having anxiety, I can help you, but only if you let me." Tears start to fall down my cheeks. He then cups my cheek, makes me look up at him. "Let me help you." I the smile a bit and nod.

He crashes his lips onto mine. I'm jumped a little but then slowly kissed back. "I love you, Saru..." I mumble. "I love you too.

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