Yukari Mishakuji x Reader

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Request by kms_zaya

F/n stands for friend's name btw


     "Ok, who the f#ck left the crawl space open?!" I scream from the closet. "Y/n?! Are you ok?" My friend, f/n, comes to my aid and pulls me out of the crawl space.

     "Ok which one of you jerks left it open?" I ask the bystanders. They all just stair at me for a moment and walk past. "You ok?" F/n asks again.

     I then get back on my feet and try to walk the pain off. "Yeah don't worry, I'll be fine." I play everything off like it's fine. "Good because I need you to get something for me." You gotta be kidding me.

      I give her the, 'I am not having it right now' look and she just pleads. "Please! I have a lot of stuff to do and you're the only person o can ten to right now!" She continues to plea.

"Fine, I'll do your dirty work." I finally give in. "Great! Now go get these things! Thank you so much! Bye!" She hands me a list and runs off.

"F/n I love you but I swear." I exit the school and start to walk through the city. "Why would you even need this! Where do I get this? The black market?! Also I'm not a perfectionist but geez, her handwriting is atrocious." I say to myself.

Just as I look up from the list F/n gave me, I see something amazing. Two men are clashing swords and a silver and pinkish light shine.

I've never seen anything like this before. It's so beautiful, more so the pink than the silver but still. I hide by one of the buildings so I don't get caught up in the fighting.

Wow, just then a girl with long pinkish white hair calls for the man with the silver aura and they run away. That was awesome! What that magic or a weird light show?

"Hello." "STRANGER DANGER!" I scream as I kick my leg behind me and round house kick the person behind me in the face. I look down and see the man with the pink aura is on the floor.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm always a little paranoid when I'm out here!" I apologize to him. He then gets up by holds onto his cheek.

"It's alright darling, now I couldn't help but see you looking at the fight." He says. Wait, did he just call me darling? Geez Metaton.

        "How did you do that?" I ask the man, or is he a woman? Let's just say he's a beautiful man, yeah I'll go with that.

       He just smirks and gets into a dramatic pose. "Oh my, this beautiful woman wants to know doesn't she?" Ok yeah this is definitely Metaton.

       "Thanks for the enthusiasm and all, but I'm less than perfect." I try to tell him off. He puts a look of confusion on his face. "Less than perfect, oh girls like you today always put yourselves down and never see the good things about themselves."

       "I'm not putting myself down, the thing is I don't want to be perfect." He looks even more confused now. "You don't want to be perfect? But why not?" He asks.

        "Cause that would be boring, what's the point in life if you don't progress? Everyone needs there imperfections, that's what makes them special. I do want to improve in life, but I always want to work for it. Oh sorry, I got a little carried away there."

        He seems a bit shocked by my statement. "What an interesting girl you are, I'll leave you be, till next time darling." He waves me off and walks away. If anyone is interesting it's that guy, I didn't even get his name.

~Two weeks later~

        "Oh Y/n~" "what do you want F/n?" I ask. She just looks at me with her begging eyes. "Could you please go out and get some stuff for me again, pwease!" She begs.

         "Fine, I'll do it." She jumps up and cheers. "Thank you Y/n, when you get back I'll get you some cookies." Ok I'm definitely in now. "I'll be back." I say as I run into town.

"Ok, why does she need all this stuff?! Is she trying to commit a murder or something?!" I ask myself, let's just hope I'm not the one she kills.

"Well I guess fate brought me back to this beautiful flower." That voice. It's sounds, familiar. My head turns to the side and my eyes spot the man I had seen about two weeks ago.

"Well well well, its you again." I smile and walk towards him. "So, how have you been." I look up to him and ask. "You're concerned for me? How sweet." He says in his dramatic voice like usual.

       "Not concerned, just wondering how you've been." I state. "Well I've been doing just fine, thank you for asking." Now I need to ask him the question that's been on my mind.

       "Hey so, what's your name?" I ask him. "Why it is Yukari Mishakuji, and may I ask your name?"

       "It's Y/n L/n." His smile grows even more. "What a lovely name for a lovely girl." Ok yeah I'm 100% sure he's hitting on me.

      "Well..." "Yukari!" I turn my head to see the black haired man. "Oh no, I've got to go now, till next we meet!" He blows me a kiss and runs off.

      You really are a strange one.

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