||#35: Cinderella

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Reviewer: @loveeboat
Genre: Romance

Summary/ Excerpt:

Taking care of her younger brother and running her florist shop are Tessa's high priorities after her parents' tragic death eight years ago.

When her best friend tries to pull her out of her "All Work-No Play" - zone, she's reluctant at first, but soon discovers that taking care of her own needs is something she should have done much sooner.

And throw in Paul - a handsome and sweet guy that sweeps her off her feet - Tessa feels happier than she has in a very long time.

It seems she finally found what she didn't know she had been looking for.

So nothing stands in her way of a Happily Ever After. Right?

Cover: 8/10
I definitely get a romance vibe from this cover, which is good because if I was searching for a romance book I'd likely choose this since it seems interesting. What I don't understand, however, is how the image you used relates to the title, Cinderella. To me, Cinderella is more magical or whimsical and the idea of a red headed woman doesn't fit my usual description of Cinderella. But, I'm guessing that the plot has some sort of connection to the fairytale, so I can't really judge your choice in image until I really read your story. Other than that, I think it satisfies your genre and definitely grabs the readers attention. It is alluring and I like how the red rose is incorporated into the image so it kind of matches her hair.  I can read everything clearly and don't have to question whether a word says something on my screen. If I saw this in store, I would check it out. 

Description: 8/10
I'm generally a fan of long descriptions that take me on a short thrill ride. I have to feel nervous, excited, and finally satisfied. I feel like your description did this and more! Your main character, Tessa, is relatable in the sense that her life is one big black hole. She's going through a difficult time, and uses her floral shop (I'm assuming) as a defense mechanism to ease some of the pain or try to take her mind off of everything. Taking care of her brother seems to be the cherry on top of a hectic life. Then, she decides to focus on herself for once and try something new to somewhat ease the pain she still feels after all of those years. Here, she meets Paul and they fall in love. But, a romance wouldn't be a romance without some juicy drama, and you tie this in well in your final sentence when you mention her not so happily ever after. This is a great description that grabs the readers attention and prepares them for the restless nights squinting at their phones because they just can't seem to stop reading your story! The only critique I have is to make it a tad bit more detailed, but that's just me personally. I enjoy longer descriptions but yours isn't too short to the point where I feel unfulfilled. Also, I don't get a Cinderella vibe from this, but I guess it's safe to just assume that the fairytale has little to do with the plot of your story so I won't even think about it while I'm reading.

Content: 8/10
I liked how you began your story. You introduced the other characters and the way you weaved them in was done well so that the reader doesn't get overwhelmed from the different changes. I love Tessa's personality! She is feisty and says things as is. Also, your other characters are relatable as well, and I enjoyed the POV switches. I always like knowing what the male character is thinking, and providing both point of views makes your story that much more enjoyable. There were a few grammatical mistakes, but not to the point where your story is unreadable or distracting. Overall, it was a good read and I'd definitely recommend it to others.

Next Steps: Go over the grammatical mistakes!

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