||#38: Loving Trouble

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Reviewer: shinrili
Genre: Romance

Summary/ Excerpt:

Ryder Lynch is Trouble, the notorious gang leader and the unbeaten street fighter, but nobody knows this. So, when Ryder lays his eyes on innocent Amelia Davis, he thinks no different. An angel wouldn't know any of the devils business, would she?

New to the foster home, Amelia Davis is determined to keep her head down, but once her gaze falls on the writing carved into the walls of the foster home, in the language she thought only she and her brother spoke, she knows she won't be able to.

Amelia tries to stay away from the world of street fighting and gangs, as well as trying to not fall for Ryder Lynch and his charm. But with the past and present pulling her into the world she despises, Amelia will have to find a way to survive.

COVER ~ 7/10
It is a nice cover. Nothing out of the ordinary. There's not much on it, which can be good, but right now there is almost nothing that draws readers in. I would advice getting a more eye-catching cover with vibrant colors (or not) and an impressive font. Your title kind of blends in with the cover and doesn't really stand out. Maybe think about adding a subtitle as well.

Really good description. There are no flashy words or complex sentences, but still, it seems like the description that would make readers want to read more. However, I am infinitely confused from the first sentence. "Ryder Lynch is Trouble, the notorious gang leader and the unbeaten street fighter, but nobody knows this." Firstly, is trouble capitalized on purpose? If not, please change that, it seems as if it's a name. Also, nobody knows what? The definition of notorious is 'famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed'. So if you mean that nobody knows he's a notorious gang leader, well, that makes no sense. I suggest you specify what in the world you are talking about here because these vaguenesses will definitely make some readers click off.
Okay, after reading the first chapter, I've realized Trouble is a title. It's not obvious at all, though, so you must find another way to state his title or simply not state it in the first place.

CONTENT ~ 6/10
I have a lot of things to say. First of all, your narration is very simple and slightly cliche. Now, that's not bad. It was very interesting reading this book, and the events (most of them, anyway) were enticing and made me want to read more.

However, I see there is a slight problem with sentence structure and sentences in general. There are some incomplete sentences, such as 'The horrible images of what would happen if I told them the truth, that I was the leader of the most feared gang in the country.' Where is the object? Or the verb that connects it with the subject? Furthermore, I saw quite a lot of bizarre sentences. For example. 'I shook my head as I reached the third floor, my floor, these situations would never happen.' Some sentences contain heavy repetition, for instance, 'Cringing in pain I looked up from my phone screen to see Simon cringing in pain,' and I know why that is. I'm almost completely sure it's due to the fact that you do not read through what you write. Please do so, and not right after you write something. Go for a walk, have a cup of coffee, and then come back to read through your draft. It helps, trust me.

On the topic of grammar; punctuation. Do something about it. Sure, though, actually, although etc. need a comma after. Commas are golden. Incorporate them into your writing, and your story will become much easier to read. If you're not sure where you are supposed to place them, look it up. Another useful tool apart from Google is Grammarly. It's free (except you want premium access) and suggests changes in your grammar, spelling etc. If you need help with your vocabulary, you can buy premium, but it's not required.

Now, for the actual text as a story. Your chapters are too small. The average chapter length among 26 famous books is 4108 words, while your average is 537 words per chapter. I understand that wattpad books differ from real books, but try to write at least 1000 words. It's much more enjoyable to most readers. Also, reading this, I had some arguments. Second chapter and there is a small problem. Everyone has realized Amelia was the girl from chapter one, probably because in our mind it only happened mere moments before. I would advise adding another chapter in between the first and the second, maybe a flashback, in order to separate the two events. The whole thing is very predictable, so try to take the readers' minds away from the arena for a moment before introducing Amelia. Make it feel like it's been two months, don't just state it. A similar problem appeared in the next chapter. 'But if this book is right, Ryder is the infamous Trouble.' Sigh. Why must you do this? The characters do not need to realize everything instantly. It kills the suspense. Here you had the chance to let her be naive for a while. 'He lives by these words, as we all do.' So if they all live by these words, that means Ryder could be any member of the Aces generally and not necessarily Trouble. Who knows, maybe he wasn't the only one carving their motto on his walls. The 'No, it can't be!' trope is a go-to and much more suspenseful than a mere 'Yep, it's him'. Furthermore, all these characters needn't be so thirsty. Instant love is something to avoid and not something to embrace. Delay the romance for a while. Don't say 'I can't get my mind off her', but rather 'Something in her seems very captivating'. Or, even better, don't mention that at all.

+This is optional, but I would suggest you get a more appealing cover.

+Get rid of vaguenesses in both the description and the chapters.

+Take it slow. Not everything needs to happen in one scene.

+Try to write a bit more. Maybe add the characters' thoughts and feelings, or some description of the place they're in.

+Download Grammarly or any other similar free program to help you with punctuation. Alternatively, you can search it up on google and learn how to use full stops and commas once and for all.

+Try to enhance tension and suspense by making the characters wonder for a while and delay romance for a similar effect.

+Show, don't tell.

+Try to avoid repetition.

+Read through your drafts before publishing them, or hire an editor who can both point out vague scenes and resolve your grammar errors.


Very engaging plot and events. Just try to fix these mistakes and I'm sure you have the ability to make this an amazing novel.

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